Billy Buehler

Through the Hyperspace: The Official Star Wars Fan Club feature titled What's The Story?, Billy Buehler is credited with the naming and writing of the backstory for Corla Metonae within the Databank. Additionally, he is also credited with naming and co-authoring the backstory for the Unstable Terrain Artillery Transport. Furthermore, he contributed to the final touches on the entry for Olana Chion. Buehler holds partial responsibility for the cult following surrounding the Whiphid Jedi K'Kruhk and his iconic hat, and he also suggested the popular, yet unofficial, nickname Vongerella for the female Yuuzhan Vong character in the Dark Forces Saga. He serves as a Literature moderator on the Jedi Council Forums, using the username The2ndQuest. On, his alias is The2ndquest, and on the Dark Horse Comics website, it's "the2ndquest". Furthermore, he designed the logo and penned the battle cry for Fleet Junkies.



  • Unstable Terrain Artillery Transport (UT-AT) in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link) (co-written by The Dark Moose ) - August 2005
  • Chion, Olana in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link) (co-written by the fragrant wookiee and Master Starkeiller ) - February 2006
  • Metonae, Corla in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link) - April 2006
