A series of six game scenario episodes, named The Dark Forces Saga, was originally made available on the Wizards of the Coast website. These episodes, penned by Abel G. Peña in conjunction with Jason Fry, drew their inspiration from characters featured in the well-known Dark Forces narrative, with the intention that they be utilized as scenarios within a tabletop role-playing game (RPG) context. Within these episodes, one can find plot ideas, weapon specifications, character statistics and biographical details for the main characters, alongside historical context pertaining to the planets central to the Dark Forces storyline.
Subsequently, Peña and Fry collaborated on Kyle Katarn's Tale, a supplementary work for Star Wars Miniatures.
This installment, released on April 7, 2005, delivers an in-depth account of Kyle Katarn's life, starting from his early days as a farmboy on Sulon and extending to his disappearance during the Yuuzhan Vong War, encompassing all significant events in between. It also includes RPG statistics for Kyle during the Yuuzhan Vong conflict, along with details about his reliable, modified Bryar pistol.
Furthermore, the episode delves into Rom Mohc, presenting his background information and RPG stats from the era of A New Hope. The narrative explores his history during the Clone Wars and his particular interest in battle droids.
Also launched on April 7, 2005, this section offers substantial new information regarding Jan Ors and Qu Rahn, in addition to RPG stats for both individuals. It also presents a suggested adventure scenario centered around Jan Ors and Mara Jade Skywalker's search for Kyle following the New Jedi Order series. The history and statistical data of Kyle's ship, the Moldy Crow, are also provided.
Debuted on May 12, 2005, this episode furnishes comprehensive details and statistics pertaining to Yun and Sariss. An adventure seed is included, outlining a scenario where Yun travels to Bunduki and encounters the Followers of Palawa, and unexpectedly, Arden Lyn.
Notably, a previous Decipher SWCCG card titled Prophetess is retconned to represent Sariss.
This episode, which came out on June 9, 2005, establishes detailed origin stories for the Sithspawn characters Gorc and Pic, including their creation by Agent Blackhole. It also offers extensive information and statistics concerning Dromund Kaas.
Two adventure seeds are presented. The first involves a mission where Kyle Katarn is tasked with recovering Yoda's lightsaber, which was once in Pic's possession. The second, titled "Kyle Katarn, Meet Mara Jade," requires Kyle Katarn to rescue Mara Jade from Agent Blackhole.
Published on June 15, 2005, this installment concentrates on the detailed history of Jerec. Significantly, it reveals that Jerec was once the Padawan of Jocasta Nu. Furthermore, Desann, the antagonist from Jedi Outcast, is explored extensively.
Finally, the Valley of the Jedi located on Ruusan is also given its own focus.
Several instances of retroactive continuity (retcons) within The Dark Force Saga are at odds with established Legends material. Some notable instances include:
- The killing of Boc: The Dark Force Saga depicts Kyle Katarn defeating Boc with Yun's lightsaber, whereas the Dark Forces: Jedi Knight novella portrays Katarn killing Boc using a dark-side technique referred to as a spear of midnight black (which itself contradicts the game, as the player cannot use that power).
- Jerec as Miraluka: The Dark Forces Saga identifies Jerec as belonging to the Miraluka species, while The New Essential Guide to Characters classifies him as a Human. Canon later established him as Miraluka.
- Sariss and Yun: The relationship between Sariss and Yun is depicted in The Dark Forces Saga as one where she views him as a son, contrasting with the Dark Forces: Jedi Knight novella, where she lacks maternal feelings for him and instead considers him her closest friend.
- Gorc and Pic: Despite appearing as the same species visually in both concept art and the game, their updated backstory specifies that they are from different species and possess a mutation.