Pic, originally named Picaroon C. Boodle, was a Kowakian monkey-lizard whose genetic structure had been altered. He and his so-called "brother" Gorc were among the seven Dark Jedi under the command of Jerec. The Galactic Empire captured Pic and Gorc for experimentation; subsequently, Lord Cronal took custody of them. Cronal subjected them to training and further mutations before compelling them to serve Jerec. These two Dark Jedi shared genetic material and characteristics, creating a symbiotic bond through the Force that allowed them to perceive each other's presence, emotions, and thoughts. As a duo, Pic and Gorc were lethal; Pic's swiftness and intellect, combined with Gorc's raw power, resulted in the deaths of many adversaries during their time serving Jerec.
During the 5 ABY quest to locate the legendary Valley of the Jedi, Pic and Gorc were dispatched to eliminate the droid 8t88 and assassinate Kyle Katarn aboard the Sulon Star. They swiftly disabled the droid, but Katarn managed to slay Gorc, who had underestimated the Rebel operative. Gorc's demise triggered a violent outburst from Pic, who ferociously attacked Katarn. Ultimately, the Rebel killed the monkey-lizard by instinctively striking him with the heavy, detached head of 8t88.
Boodle, a Force-sensitive Kowakian monkey-lizard, departed his home planet early in life and became the first mate and companion of Az-Iban, an eccentric and secretive smuggler. They journeyed together in the YT-2400 light freighter Rampaging Ranat along various hyperspace runs until Imperial authorities on the planet Eriadu quarantined Picaroon due to suspicions of carrying Cyborrean rabies.
Pic and Gorc, a massive Gamorrean betrayed to the Empire by his brother, were eventually subjected to Project Chubar, an Imperial experiment led by Tuzin Gast, a Human scientist. The project aimed to create highly intelligent, loyal, and Force-sensitive nonhumans to serve as spies for the Empire.

Cronal, also known as Blackhole, was a master of [Intelligence](/article/intelligence-legends], Sith alchemy, and genetic engineering who served the Imperial Inquisitor Jerec. Cronal, nicknamed "monster maker" for his ability to transform living beings into Sithspawn, required Force-sensitive "animals" for his experiments. Pic and Gorc were selected and transferred to Cronal, who subjected them to intense Sith alchemy, resulting in mutations that rendered them almost unrecognizable. They shared genes, abilities, and characteristics, forming a symbiotic link through the Force as if they were genetic siblings.
After their mutations and experimentation, Pic and his "twin" were given to Jerec. Alongside Sariss, Jerec's fellow Dark Jedi, he trained the two Sithspawn in the ways of the dark side of the Force. Pic's appearance changed drastically; his brownish skin turned dark brown-green, and his head became hairless, unlike most monkey-lizards. Their bond allowed them to fight in unison, making them nearly invincible together. Pic was one of Jerec's favored minions; the Miraluka encouraged Pic's brutality and criticized him less than the other Dark Jedi. Jerec spoke of Gorc and Pic with a hint of affection, as if they were cherished pets, describing them as "quite an interesting pair."
In the year following the death of Emperor Palpatine over Endor, the "twins" aided Jerec in his quest for the legendary Lost Valley of the Jedi. Jerec aimed to exploit its power to restore the Empire, but the Valley's location remained elusive. In 5 ABY, Pic and Gorc were stationed aboard Jerec's Super Star Destroyer Vengeance above Dorlo, where Jerec sought out Qu Rahn, an old Jedi Master believed to possess information about the Valley. Rahn evaded Yun, Sariss, and Maw, escaping on a CR90 corvette. The Vengeance ensnared the corvette in its tractor beam. Boc Aseca and soldiers boarded the corvette via an assault shuttle, deploying sleeping gas and transferring the unconscious Rahn and his companions to the Vengeance. The two Sithspawn discovered Rahn on the ship's deck. Pic then pilfered the old Jedi's lightsaber, a silver-hilted shoto_lightsaber that once belonged to Yoda, which he placed on his belt, though he may never have used it. Rahn and others were escorted to the Vengeance's bridge.
While guarding the recovering Jedi, Pic impatiently demanded Rahn stand to meet the others, threatening Gorc's intervention. Rahn mocked them, calling Gorc Pic's pack animal or Pic his trained monkey-lizard. Pic had Gorc demonstrate their symbiotic relationship, warning Rahn against any Jedi trick before leading him to Jerec.

On the bridge, Jerec interrogated the captives. Rolanda Gron, a Klatooinian technologist, defied Jerec, who signaled for his Dark Jedi to execute the alien. As Gorc prepared to strike with his lightclub, Pic unexpectedly stabbed Gron in the throat with his Sith dagger, earning Jerec's approval. Pic cleaned his weapon and returned to Gorc's shoulders, leaving bloody trails. Jerec had his underlings kill the remaining Rebels, leaving only Rahn. Maw and Jerec's other minions beat Rahn, but he refused to reveal his knowledge. Jerec then used the Force to drain_knowledge from Rahn's mind. With the information secured, Jerec prepared to eliminate Rahn, but the old Jedi grabbed Yun's lightsaber and began dueling. Boc, Maw, and Sariss were wounded or blocked, before Gorc confronted Rahn. The old Jedi disarmed Gorc, and as Pic prepared to strike, Jerec intervened. Though Rahn proved strong, Jerec used the Force to force_destruction and decapitate him.
Jerec then acquired a coded map from Morgan Katarn's house on Sulon and hired 8t88 to decipher it. After decoding the map, 8t88 sent it to Jerec, who dispatched Pic and Gorc, along with an Imperial officer and two stormtroopers, to meet the droid on the Sulon Star. Expecting payment, 8t88 was instead deactivated and destroyed by Pic, who sarcastically told him they had his payment before decapitating him.

Kyle Katarn, Morgan Katarn's son, stood in Jerec's way to the Valley of the Jedi. Kyle tracked 8t88 to the Sulon Star seeking information to defeat Jerec. Guided by Qu Rahn's spirit, Kyle arrived at the corridor where Pic, tasked with killing the Rebel, hid on Gorc's shoulders. As Kyle approached the droid, its head fell to the floor, where 8t88's Hornagaunt devoured it. Gorc attempted to crush Katarn with his weapon, but his lack of intelligence led him to stand in the path of Kyle's Bryar pistol. The Rebel shot Gorc in the face, killing him.
Grief-stricken, Pic attacked Katarn, stabbing him with his Sith dagger and clawing at his back, neck, and eyes. Kyle grabbed Pic's arm, violently slamming him against the bulkhead and breaking his bones. Pic, in pain, unleashed a blast of Force energy before falling unconscious. Awakening, Pic saw Katarn searching the dead Hornagaunt for 8t88's head. He attacked the Rebel, who instinctively used 8t88's head to bash Pic, crushing his skull and killing him.
Kyle Katarn thwarted Jerec and defeated the other Dark Jedi. Katarn left Pic's and Gorc's bodies on the Sulon Star, unaware that the tiny darksider carried Yoda's lightsaber. Later, realizing the lightsaber's importance, Luke Skywalker sent Jedi to retrieve it, but their success is unknown. The weapon and Pic's body may have remained on the ship or been taken by someone else.
Pic was a small creature, less than a meter tall, weighing twenty kilograms.
After his mutation, Pic became unpleasant, lively, and evil. He enjoyed killing and mocking captives. He seemed to care only for Gorc. Their proximity and shared mind created a bond beyond the dark side, almost a friendship. Gorc's dim-wittedness led Pic to protect him, acting as an "older brother." He became angry at Gorc's abuse and often perched on Gorc's shoulders. Pic did the talking, as Gorc was mostly silent. In return, Gorc crafted a miniature set of his M'uhk'gfa armor for Pic, without the helmet.
Jerec and Sariss taught their followers, including Pic and Gorc, the teachings of the Dark Force. Despite their comical appearance, the Brothers of the Sith were deadly. Pic was agile, quick, and intelligent, while Gorc was strong. Gorc rarely spoke, but when Pic roused him, they worked as a team, covering each other's weaknesses. Pic became skilled with a Sith dagger and, after capturing Qu Rahn, took Yoda's orange-bladed lightsaber shoto. He adapted his combat style to compensate for his height, jumping to stab enemies' faces and throats, and swinging his lightsaber wildly.
The force-bond between Pic and Gorc allowed them to work together seamlessly, aware of each other's location, senses, and feelings, and sharing basic telepathy. Their powers were amplified within meters of each other, but their closeness also meant shared pain. Each dark side use corrupted the other. As a Sith abomination, Pic emanated the dark side, intimidating others.
Pic could use Force powers to heal himself or Gorc, enhance abilities, and instill fear. He could use force_speed and sense his surroundings, as well as mind_trick enemies. He wielded his Sith dagger or lightsaber, but was also capable with blaster pistols, blaster rifles, primitive weapons, and vibroblades.

Justin Chin created Picaroon C. Boodle for the 1997 PC game Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II. He was a CGI character voiced by Denny Delk and drawn by Ezra Tucker in Dark Forces: Rebel Agent.
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II did not state Pic's species or full name. He was later called a banshee in Dark Forces: Rebel Agent and a monkey-lizard named Picaroon C. Boodle in The Dark Forces Saga.
Pic's death in Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II differs from Dark Forces: Rebel Agent and The Dark Forces Saga. In the game, the player fights Pic and Gorc simultaneously, and either can be killed first. 8t88's Hornagaunt was absent.
Abel G. Peña suggested Pic and Gorc were inspired by Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1988 comedy Twins, with one villain being tiny and the other huge.
When writing Pic's backstory for the Dark Forces Saga, Abel Peña reused the term Sithspawn, originally a curse word by Corran Horn in X-Wing: Rogue Squadron, revealed to mean a dark side monstrosity in Tales of the Jedi Companion. Peña brought back the concept of Sithspawn, coupling two aliens from Jabba's Palace to create the "Brothers of the Sith."
The Building a Better Jedi article in Star Wars Insider 31 listed Pic's height as 4 feet (1.2 meters), but The Dark Forces Saga later contradicted this, stating he was less than a meter tall. This article uses the more recent height from The Dark Forces Saga.