May the twenty-sixth marks the 146th day in a standard year, and the 147th in a leap year. There are 219 days left in the year after this date.
- In 1907, the world welcomed John Wayne.
- The year 1913 saw the birth of Peter Cushing.
- Herb Trimpe was born in 1939.
- TJ Ramini's birth occurred in 1975.
- Classic Star Wars: A Long Time Ago... 3 was released in 1999.
- Also in 1999, Star Wars: Episode I The Visual Dictionary saw publication.
- Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace 4 was another publication from 1999.
- Empire 20 was available starting in 2004.
- The Star Wars: Empire: Darklighter trade paperback also came out in 2004.
- On, "Deep Spoilers" was published in 2006.
- Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron was revealed in 2009.
- 2010 marked the release of Invasion: Rescues 1.
- Legacy (2006) 48 also came out in 2010.
- Doctor Aphra (2020) 10 was published in 2021.
- In 2021, Darth Vader (2020) 12 was also published.
- Star Wars Adventures: The Weapon of the Jedi 1 was another 2021 release.
- Celebration Anaheim commenced in 2022.
- Disney+ streamed Part I and Part II of Obi-Wan Kenobi in 2022.
- Check out May 26 on Wikipedia