The actor Peter Cushing, was born in the year of 1913. Below is a catalog of Star Wars-related happenings during the 1910s.
- Eddie Byrne was born on January 31.
- Alex McCrindle was born on August 3.
- Ronnie Phillips's birthdate is unknown.
- Francis Batsoni's birthdate is April 27.
- Peter Cushing was born on May 26.
- Alec Guinness was born on April 2.
- Gilbert Taylor's birthdate is April 12.
- Stuart Freeborn was born on September 5.
- Pat Welsh was born on February 11.
- George Roussos was born on August 20.
- Leigh Brackett was born on December 7.
- Lucille Bliss was born on March 31.
- Phil Brown was born on April 30.
- Tom Chantrell was born on December 20.
- Art Carney was born on November 4.
- Reginald Thomason was born on November 29.
- Rose Gilbert's birthdate is unknown.
- Gilda Cohen's birthdate is unknown.
- Star Wars Year by Year: A Visual Chronicle
- Star Wars Year by Year: A Visual Chronicle (updated edition)
- Star Wars Year By Year: A Visual History, Updated and Expanded Edition
- Star Wars Year By Year: A Visual History, New Edition