"Part I," the initial episode of the series Obi-Wan Kenobi, premiered on May 26, 2022.
During a training session for several younglings at the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant, under the tutelage of Jedi Master Minas Velti, clone troopers suddenly breach the room and begin firing upon them. Velti eliminates some of the attackers and guides the younglings down a hallway, battling additional clones. Ultimately, she succumbs to a blaster injury, leading the younglings to decide to escape.
A decade later, specifically in 9 BBY, the residents of Mos Eisley on the desert planet Tatooine are alerted by the arrival of an ominous Imperial shuttle, black in color. Inquisitors, including the Grand Inquisitor, Fifth Brother, and Third Sister, emerge from the shuttle. Entering a saloon, they approach the manager, questioning if he recognizes them as Jedi hunters. The Grand Inquisitor informs the manager about investigating rumors of a Jedi concealed within the saloon, pondering if the Jedi fugitive is a benevolent wanderer or someone who would hide instead of helping. The Third Sister throws a knife at the manager, but a young man intercepts it using the Force. The Inquisitorius prevent the man from escaping, and The Grand Inquisitor instructs his subordinates to prepare the prisoner for interrogation.
When the man boldly asserts that the Inquisitors are wasting their efforts and will never locate all the Jedi, the Third Sister attempts to use her lightsaber to kill him, but the Grand Inquisitor intervenes. Consequently, the strike only burns part of his left shoulder. Employing the Force to repel the Third Sister, the man flees the saloon, and the Grand Inquisitor reprimands the Third Sister for her impulsiveness. The Third Sister suggests that they should be pursuing more significant targets. The Grand Inquisitor cautions the Third Sister to control her obsession with Obi-Wan Kenobi or face removal from her position.
In another location, several workers, including the fugitive Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, are concluding their workday carving meat from the remains of a sand whale. A worker, Padu Cherd, voices his dissatisfaction with his low pay to the foreman, Groff Ditcher, but is assaulted by the foreman. Kenobi accepts his payment and travels via hovertrain with the other workers to Anchorhead. He reunites with his eopie and rides into the Jundland Wastes to his cave, where he prepares a stew. The Jawa, Teeka, visits Kenobi in his cave, offering him a toy T-16 skyhopper, for which Kenobi offers 50 credits. After discussing his malfunctioning moisture vaporator, Kenobi realizes that Teeka is attempting to sell him stolen parts. The Jawa then presents salvaged components from a Jedi starship that crashed in the Dune Sea, to which Kenobi responds that the Jedi are believed to be extinct.
Later that night, Kenobi is troubled by visions of his former apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, Skywalker's wife, Padmé Amidala, his former Master, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Grand Master Yoda. Kenobi awakens from his dream and reflects on his promise to Master Qui-Gon to train Skywalker as a Jedi. The next day, Kenobi rides his eopie to a rocky hill, observing Luke Skywalker and his uncle, Owen Lars, at the Lars homestead through macrobinoculars. He witnesses Luke running away from farm work to play. That night, Kenobi encounters Nari, the young man who escaped the Inquisitors, in the desert. Nari seeks Kenobi's help, but the Jedi Master urges him to leave and hide his lightsaber to avoid detection. When Nari asks about those in need, Kenobi replies that the fight is lost and the Jedi era is over.
On Alderaan, handmaidens are dressing a young Princess Leia Organa. Queen Breha Organa enters, informing her adopted daughter that they are running late. She inquires about the servants' progress and tells Leia that her sister's family requires their support, instructing Leia to behave and promising sweetmallows at the reception if she does.
Breha discovers that the figure is actually an alien friend of Leia, who says Leia told her she would find it amusing. Breha guesses Leia is in the cellar, kitchen, or woods. Leia is running through the woods with a flying droid L0-LA59. She climbs a tree, followed by the droid. Leia identifies several ships, including a medical freighter, pleasure barge, and casino ship. The droid agrees. Leia also spots a Tri-Wing S-91x Pegasus Starfighter, believing it to be used by an Aquillian Ranger scouting for Merson pirates.
Breha finds Leia and tells her to climb down. She orders Leia to shut down Lola as punishment. Leia complies. Breha remarks that if Leia behaved as well as she climbed, she would already be a senator. Breha says she will have to change in the speeder. Leia complains about attending the gathering, but Breha says she would miss her. Leia complains about only waving, prompting Breha to tell her to do more. Leia apologizes and hugs Breha, taking the opportunity to snatch back Lola. Unbeknownst to them, they are being watched.
Back on Tatooine, Kenobi smuggles more neebray meat and rides the hovertrain to Anchorhead. He goes to the stable where his eopie is. Owen Lars confronts Kenobi, throwing the skyhopper toy parts on the ground. He tells Ben to stay away from his family. Kenobi says it's just a toy. Owen says it's more than that, and Kenobi replies that there's more to life than his farm. Kenobi says Luke needs to see the galaxy, but Owen demands he leave them alone.
When Kenobi asks if Luke is okay, Owen assumes he's interested in his Force-sensitivity. Kenobi says it's his responsibility. Owen reminds Kenobi that he is Luke's uncle. Kenobi says that when the time comes, he must be trained. Owen asks if he means to train Luke like Anakin, whom he believes to be dead. Owen refuses to let Kenobi make the same mistake twice and warns him to leave Luke on the farm with his family. He leaves.
The Fifth Brother addresses the locals, saying there's a Jedi fugitive on the planet and they need to know where he is, promising a reward. The Third Sister threatens punishment, threatening to cut off hands. The Fifth Brother rebukes her, calling her Reva. Ignoring him, the Third Sister adds that chopping hands off would remind them of the Empire's authority. When a woman protests that the Empire has no right over the Outer Rim, the Third Sister cuts off her hand.
The Third Sister explains they are looking for information about a Jedi and takes an interest in Owen Lars and his family, asking if he has a Jedi on his farm. Owen replies that he hates the Jedi, regarding them as vermin, and says he kills vermin on his farm. Reva compliments him for loving his family before asking if he thinks he can protect them from her. The Third Sister demands the crowd reveal the Jedi fugitive or she will kill Lars and his family.
As the crowd watches in fear, Reva denounces the Jedi as cowards. Kenobi hides in the stable. The Third Sister tells the crowd that the Jedi failed them and abandoned them, saying there's no point in protecting them since they wouldn't do the same for you. She urges the town inhabitants to save this men and his family before threatening Lars with her lightsaber.
The Fifth Brother tells Reva to stop and produces a hologram of Nari, saying they would be rewarded if they cooperate. He orders the Third Sister to stand down. She complies but warns Lars that he won't be so lucky next time. In private, the Fifth Brother chastises the Third Inquisitor for her impulsiveness. Reva is defiant, saying Tatooine is beneath them. The Fifth Brother replies that the Grand Inquisitor was right about her obsession with Kenobi.
The Fifth Brother believes Kenobi is gone since they have spent ten years looking for him. Reva replies that they have been looking in the wrong places. The Fifth Brother asks what she will gain by capturing him. Reva replies what she is owed before walking away. The Fifth Brother warns the Third Sister about going too far. She counters that he doesn't go far enough before walking away. The Inquisitors' shuttle departs. Kenobi thanks Owen for not revealing his presence. Owen replies that he did not do it for him.
On Alderaan, a blue and white shuttle arrives. Senator Bail Prestor Organa is joined by his wife Breha and adoptive daughter Leia. When he asks Leia how her day went, she tells him that she saw a trading ship and an Aquillian Ranger. Breha tells her husband not to encourage Leia too much. The Organas greet their relatives including Leia's aunt Celly Organa, her uncle Kayo Organa and her cousin Niano Organa. They drive in a speeder, greeted by crowds of people.
At a function, Kayo praises the Galactic Empire for lining some pockets after the disaster of the Galactic Republic. Bail expresses concerns about slavery and taxation of the Outer Rim. Kayo says that he didn't come to end slavery, but to eat Bail's food and tells him to save his bleeding heart for the Imperial Senate. Breha offers to serve drinks. While C-3PO is translating for some alien guests, the protocol droid Y-O serves Leia and the children some drinks. Leia thanks the droid, which elicits bemusement from Niano, who regards droids as lower life forms.
Leia retorts that she doesn't need manners when engaging with her cousin Niano. Niano tells Leia that he knows some things about her including why her parents do not allow her to leave Alderaan. He dismisses Leia as not being a real Organa, prompting Leia to tell him that he is scared of his father. Since Niano wants his father to like him, she reasons that he repeats what he says even though he doesn't really know what it means. Leia tells Niano that he is scared of his father and that he has never made one decision for himself in his entire life. She says she can see that even though she doesn't know much about him. Bail and Breha take notice of their adoptive daughter's behavior.
Later, Leia defends her actions towards her cousin Niano, saying that he was being mean to everyone including droids. Breha counsels her adopted daughter to rise above the situation and tells her to apologize. Leia replies that she would rather be devoured by a Jakobeast. After Breha leaves, Bail speaks to his daughter, telling her that he wanted to live way past Kathou when he was her age. Bail says that he wanted to chase purrgil but that when he got older, he had to chase other adventures including Leia's adoptive mother.
Bail tells Leia that her future is in politics, beginning with university and then Junior Senate. Leia says that the Senate is boring and that she doesn't want to be a senator. Bail reassures her that is why she would probably be one of the best senators. Leia says that she is not a real Organa. Bail tells her not to say that and reassures her that she is their child and an Organa in every way. He says that many will look to her for leadership and asks her to imagine the look on her cousin's face when she bosses him around. Bail tells Leia to apologize to Niano before heading downstairs.
Instead of apologizing, Leia heads into the forest. Realizing that Leia has not rejoined them, her adoptive parents send a unit after her. In the forest, Leia encounters a man named Vect Nokru, whom she asks what he is doing here. He replies that he is waiting. When she asks for what, he says for her. Two of Nokru's associates, including a green-skinned alien, corner Leia and she flees into the forest. As Alderaanian guards head into the forest, Leia flees through the forests with her pursuers hot on her trail. Leia approaches one of the Alderaanian guards and asks for help. However, he is shot by Nokru. Leia is then surrounded by her kidnappers, one of whom covers her head with a sack.
On Tatooine, Kenobi receives a distress call from Senator Organa and Queen Breha, who contact him using a portable holoprojector. Bail says that they don't know who the kidnappers are and that they have no leads. Bail says that the kidnappers were lying in wait for their daughter. Breha adds that Leia needs him and that they can't trust anyone else. When Kenobi asks what about the Imperial Senate, Bail says that they can't risk drawing too much attention to their daughter. Kenobi is still reluctant to intervene and suggests that the Organas send a member of their guard or a bounty hunter. Bail reminds her that only Kenobi understands how important Leia is.
Kenobi is reluctant to abandon Luke but Bail reminds him about Leia, stating that she is important as he is. Kenobi says that it has been ten years and that he is not whom he used to be. He asks the Organas to find someone else. Meanwhile, Nokru and his associates lock Leia into a holding cell aboard their starship.
Later, Kenobi continues his work at the meatworks. He travels on a hovertrain to Anchorhead where the Inquisitors have killed the Jedi Nari and hung his body as a warning to the townsfolk. Kenobi is saddened by the death of the Jedi and returns to his cave. The vaporator droid buzzes red. Inside the cave, Kenobi is greeted by a cloaked figure who reveals himself as Bail Organa. Bail tells Kenobi that Leia is headed to Daiyu.
Kenobi tells Bail that he should not have come. Bail says that the kidnappers hid their signature behind a freight transport and the ship is on its way to Daiyu. Kenobi is still unwilling to get involved. Bail says that Leia is his daughter. Kenobi says that he is not the man he used to be and refuses to abandon Luke. Bail says he knows that this is not about Luke. He understands that they have all made mistakes and that it is all in the past. He implores Kenobi to move on from his mistakes, saying that he couldn't save Anakin but that he can save her.
Kenobi is pessimistic but Bail reassures him that there is no one else that he would trust more with his child than Kenobi. He begs his old friend Kenobi to do it for her, describing it as his one last fight.
Aboard the kidnappers' ship, Leia activates her droid companion Lola and gets the hover droid to untie her. Just then, Nokru enters the room. Leia states that she is not afraid of him but he replies give it time. He grabs Lola and hurls her to the ground, shattering the droid. Leia tells Nokru that her father Bail is coming with an army. Nokru replies that nobody is coming for her before leaving the room.
Back on Tatooine, Kenobi dismounts from his eopie and begins digging. Meanwhile, one of Nokru's Nikto associates confides that this might be a bad idea. Nokru tells him to get it over with. Elsewhere, Kenobi continues digging and finds a chest. Inside, he retrieves two lightsabers, which have been wrapped in a linen cloth. Back aboard the starship, Nokru asks Reva if she is sure that Kenobi will come. She replies that Kenobi fought alongside her father during the Clone Wars and believes that he will come because he won't be able to help it. She believes that the Jedi will help hunt himself. On Tatooine, Kenobi heads to a spaceport. A dark-skinned human woman asks if he is coming and he pays the fare. Kenobi walks towards a freighter.