L0-LA59, known as "Lola," was a toy droid of feminine design. This droid belonged to the House of Organa and was specifically the possession of the young Princess Leia of Alderaan during the Imperial Era. Her construction featured white and red panels on her upper body, complemented by silver plating on her lower half. Lola also had small wings, legs, photoreceptors, and a small antenna located near her back. A compartment inside allowed for the storage of miniature tools.
In the year 9 BBY, Lola accompanied Organa when she was kidnapped. This abduction was orchestrated by Vect Nokru's crew, dispatched by the Third Sister with the intention of drawing out the reclusive Obi-Wan Kenobi. As her master was moved from planet to planet, Lola defended her alongside the aged Jedi. However, Reva placed a restraining bolt on her, temporarily hindering their escape. After the bolt's removal, Lola became an ally of the Hidden Path, bringing hope to those who traveled it. Ultimately, she and her companions succeeded in returning Organa home, safely away from the Galactic Empire, Inquisitorius, and Darth Vader.
Years following their shared adventure, in 0 BBY, the Galactic Empire completed the construction of their superweapon, the Death Star. When Grand Moff Tarkin interrogated Organa about the location of the Alliance to Restore the Republic's hidden base, he commanded the test-firing of the weapon on Alderaan. Lola was destroyed during the Disaster, along with millions of other Alderaanians, including the remainder of Organa's family and friends.

During the Imperial Era, Lola, the property of the young Princess Leia Organa, frequently joined her owner during play within the royal courts of the Palace on Alderaan. On one day in 9 BBY, the mercenary Vect Nokru infiltrated the palace grounds. He and his crew managed to kidnap the princess, acting under the orders of the Third Sister. Aboard their starship, Lola attempted to sever the ropes binding Organa using her buzz saw, but Nokru detected their plan and temporarily disabled Lola. Simultaneously, Organa's father, Bail Prestor Organa, requested that the secluded Jedi Master [Obi-Wan Kenobi](/article/obi-wan_kenobi] undertake a rescue mission. After some persuasion, he accepted and retrieved his lightsaber, which he had buried in the desert years before.
On the planet Daiyu, Organa retrieved Lola from her pocket when she and Kenobi found a moment to rest in an alley. Kenobi demanded that the droid remain silent, but Organa assured him that the broken machine would not make any noise. Upon reaching their destination, supposedly leading to safety and arranged by Haja Estree, they encountered a skirmish with the Third Sister. The Grand Inquisitor intervened, indirectly allowing them to escape via a TR-286 automated transport, which took them to the planet Mapuzo.
During the transport, Kenobi managed to regain his composure despite the perilous situation and repaired Lola. He returned the toy to Organa, who kept it with her until they arrived at a Mapuzo mining village. There, she introduced Lola to the loader droid NED-B, instructing her to greet him.
Within the Fortress Inquisitorius on the ocean moon of Nur, Organa attempted to use Lola to aid in escape from an interrogation by the Third Sister. However, the Inquisitor noticed the droid and used the Force to pull her away. Unbeknownst to Organa, Lola was fitted with a tracker and subsequently developed [red](/article/color] sensors and an unpleasant attitude. After Organa's escape, the Third Sister shared this information with Darth Vader, and they used Lola to track the fugitives of the Hidden Path to their base on Jabiim.
Upon arriving on Jabiim, the reprogrammed Lola flew into the base's power plant and hacked into the electrical systems, sealing the hangar roof. Organa joined in the effort to repair the systems so the trapped innocents could escape. Inside the vents, she encountered Lola, who attacked her with the same arc welder used to sabotage the systems. Organa managed to restrain Lola and remove the restraining bolt from her back. Lola's photoreceptors then turned blue again, her malicious programming was gone, and she assisted Organa in fixing the hangar doors before their escape.
In space above Jabiim, the transport carrying the innocents came under attack by Darth Vader's Imperial Star Destroyer, the Devastator. As the Path's ship was under fire, the people inside grew anxious about their own survival. Organa brought out Lola to distract the people from the dire situation, focusing particularly on the Force-sensitive boy Corran and his mother, Nyche. As Organa described to Kenobi the hope the two were spreading, Kenobi remarked that he could use a friend like Lola and gave Organa the holster of Tala Durith. This inspired Organa to stow Lola on the dropship Kenobi would later say he had to take, for the survival of everyone onboard. Darth Vader focused all of the Devastator's attention on the ship, which made its way to a barren moon. After the Jedi Master landed he noticed the symbol Organa left behind for him, and Lola cheered Kenobi on as he dueled his former Padawan. Organa eventually returned to Alderaan, where she waited for her friend to return. Eventually he did return, and gave Lola back to Organa, who stored her in Tala's holster. Organa and Lola then bid farewell to their new friend.
In 0 BBY, Lola was destroyed during the Disaster along with everyone else on Alderaan. Years later, after becoming engaged to Corellian [Han Solo](/article/han_solo], the now-adult Leia recalled Lola when reflecting on the small things she had lost due to Alderaan's destruction.
As a toy droid, Lola was notably small in height, depth, and width. Her diminutive size allowed her to fit into a pocket, holster, or even the palm of a child's hand. This size enabled her to fly into confined spaces and repair – or sabotage – cables and similar devices. The plating on the upper half of her shell was a combination of red and white, and on the front she had two blue sensors with a pupil in the middle of the biggest. Lola also had two small wings on the sides that served no actual purpose in flying. But in the center of this half was an off button, and near the end an antenna. The lower half of Lola was plated [silver](/article/silver], featuring two small, retractable legs used for perching. Lola could also float in the air and move quickly enough to keep pace with a running child.
Within Lola's lower half was a small compartment containing various tools, including a buzz saw, glowrod, and an arc welder. These tools were used to assist Organa during her journey with the Path and her escape from the Empire in 9 BBY. However, the arc welder was used as a weapon against Organa while Lola was reprogrammed.
Lola was initially featured in a Volkswagen commercial showcasing the ID. Buzz, a car created in collaboration with Lucasfilm to promote the Obi-Wan Kenobi television series. She made her first appearance in the first episode of the series, released on May 26, 2022. She was first identified as L0-LA59 in a StarWars.com article announcing Lola products that were revealed at Celebation Anaheim, 2022.
The sounds of Lola were crafted by sound designer and editor Jon Borland. Early in his work on the series, director Deborah Chow consulted with him about the concept of a little girl having a droid companion that would be the baby version of R2-D2. The final sound for Lola included pieces of Borland's voice and his daughter saying "May the Force be with you." He manipulated the voices to sound like beeps and boops. Borland was inspired by how sound designer Ben Burtt used his own voice for R2-D2. The propmakers were assigned with designing a holster that could fit young Leia Organa and the adult Tala Durith. Propmaster Brad Elliott found this to be challenging because of the actors' height differences and it had to hold Lola and Durith's blaster. To fill the space needed to accommodate Lola, a Han Solo-style scope was added to Durith's blaster. Doug Chiang described Lola as "Leia's Jiminy Cricket."