Leia Organa as a child is seen with Tala Durith's blaster in its holster
Holsters functioned as a way to carry armaments, most often blaster pistols. The Jedi Order utilized holsters to carry their lightsaber during the age of the High Republic Era.
The first appearance of holsters was in the 1977 motion picture Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope (Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope), which was the first film released in the Star Wars original trilogy.
For the television show Obi-Wan Kenobi, the prop department was tasked with the creation of a holster that would accommodate both young Leia Organa and the adult Tala Durith. Brad Elliott, the propmaster, considered this a difficult task because of the difference in height between the actors and also because it needed to carry Lola, Organa's droid, along with Durith's SE-14r blaster. The design for Durith's holster was a drop holster. The drop component was removed from the gun belt for Organa, which made it fit perfectly. A Han Solo-esque scope was added to Durith's blaster to occupy the space required for Lola.