High Republic Era

The High Republic Era, also referred to as the age of the High Republic, represented a time span from approximately 500 BBY to 100 BBY. During this epoch, the Galactic Republic was believed to have reached the peak of its power, as the galaxy experienced a period of stability. It was regarded as an era of expansion, exploration, and advancements in science for the Republic, with the Jedi Order having a notably wider presence throughout the galaxy.


The High Republic Era, alternatively known as the age of the High Republic, marked a temporal period considerably after the Fall of the Old Republic, during the apex of the Republic Era. This era commenced around 500 BBY and concluded in 100 BBY. It was seen as a period of growth and discovery for the Galactic Republic, but most importantly, it was perceived as a time of tranquility. The Galactic Republic was viewed as a triumphant symbol of optimism and success, aiming to extend its guarded influence beyond the Core Worlds and the Colonies region to the broader Outer Rim Territories. This previously untouched area of the Outer Rim was known as the Galactic Frontier, characterized by its difficulties and lack of resources due to the Republic's absence. The Republic established the Office of the Frontier, enabling individuals and worlds from the Frontier to seek assistance from the Republic or the Jedi.

The Jedi of the High Republic Era.

The Jedi Order flourished during this golden age, characterized by remarkable openness, diversity, and inclusivity. While maintaining its distinct identity from the Galactic Republic, the Order collaborated with and supported the Republic, persistently striving for peace. Their influence extended throughout the galaxy, with numerous outposts established across various regions. During this period, a Jedi named Barash Silvain initiated the Barash Vow, allowing Jedi to embrace isolation as hermits, dedicating themselves to reconnecting with the Force. Furthermore, the Jedi Order permitted Jedi to become Wayseekers, individuals who operated independently of the Jedi Council, guided solely by the will of the Force. In addition, hyperspace prospecting gained significant popularity due to the largely unexplored nature of the Outer Rim. The San Tekka clan and the Graf family emerged as prominent families due to their achievements and endeavors in hyperspace prospecting during the Great Hyperspace Rush.

However, communication during this era was often unreliable, particularly in the Galactic Frontier, where a structured communication system was lacking. The mysteries of the frontier fueled the creation of tales about enigmatic planets and monstrous beings. Piracy was also prevalent due to the Republic's limited reach, with numerous pirates operating in the Frontier. One notable pirate was the Pirate Queen Maz Kanata, who hosted many other famous pirates and scoundrels at her castle on the planet Takodana, along with her crew. The stories of her and the pirates of Takodana Castle were largely spread by renowned prospector Dexter Jettster. The rise of the Nihil and their conflict against the Republic and Jedi significantly undermined the High Republic's reputation as a peaceful era.



The High Republic Era, a golden age, commenced around 500 BBY. By this point, the Sith Order had been destroyed in a battle fought over 500 years prior. Although the Sith survived through Darth Bane, who reformed the Sith under the Rule of Two, dictating the existence of only a Sith Master and Sith apprentice at any given time, the Jedi learned of Bane's existence and believed they had destroyed Bane's rule, contributing to the dawn of the golden age without the Sith. In truth, the Sith Order persisted in secrecy through the Rule of Two.

A unified galaxy

As Co-Chancellors, Orlen Mollo and Kyong Greylark united much of the galaxy.

In the year 382 BBY, Kyong Greylark and Orlen Mollo served as Co-Chancellors of the Galactic Republic. Greylark was the more politically engaged of the two, primarily remaining on Coruscant to manage the daily operations and politics of the government, while Mollo traveled to the Republic's outer reaches to oversee its affairs. To unify the galaxy, they collaborated with the Jedi Order to dispatch Republic Outer Rim Exploration Teams to the distant regions of the Outer Rim. Their missions involved discovering new hyperspace routes, establishing contact with isolated planets, and creating a communications network throughout the Outer Rim. These teams typically consisted of a pilot, a Jedi Master, a Jedi Padawan, a medic, an EX droid, and a GT droid. EX comms droids aided in discoveries, transmitting messages back to the communications teams who assisted Pathfinders, often traveling through space to deliver these messages.

That same year, the Path of the Open Hand, an extremist cult that believed the Force should not be used due to its potentially devastating consequences, gained prominence. They exploited the Eiram and E'ronoh War to recruit members and expand their influence, deliberately exacerbating the conflict. Based on Dalna, the Path expanded its reach using its flagship, the Gaze Electric, led by a woman known as the Mother. She acquired a living weapon called a Nameless that could be used against Force-sensitives, naming the creature the Leveler, thanks to hyperspace prospector Radicaz "Sunshine" Dobbs. The Path engaged in intense conflicts with the Jedi Order on both the holy moon Jedha and Dalna during this period.

The Final Protector falls during the Battle of Jedha

Jedha was regarded as a symbol of balance, cooperation, and enlightenment during the High Republic Era. It housed numerous Force sects that generally coexisted peacefully. By 382 BBY, a Convocation of the Force had been recently established on Jedha to foster greater cooperation among different sects. It comprised representatives from various groups who made decisions affecting all of them and the Force. However, their attempt to co-opt the Season of Light and transform it into the Festival of Balance inadvertently heightened tensions and eroded support. Amid these rising tensions, the planets Eiram and E'ronoh selected Jedha as the location for signing their peace treaty, owing to its reputation for peace and unity. Simultaneously, the Path of the Open Hand petitioned the Convocation to become members and to prohibit the use of the Force, based on their beliefs. Following the rejection of both requests, the Herald, a leader within the Path, incited the already strained sects and civilians into a riot. The riot eventually spread to the peace treaty signing location, disrupting the ceremony and triggering conflict between the two planets. This widespread fighting culminated in the Battle of Jedha. During the battle, the massive statue of a Jedi outside the Holy City, known as the Final Protector, collapsed.

The Path collected many more Nameless from their homeworld, Planet X. Still, one member of the Path, Bokana Koss, experienced a Force vision of the Under-Dwellers while on world and realized that they were playing into the creatures' hopes, foretelling that they would spread as a blight upon the galaxy that would destroy the Force itself. Ignoring Koss's warning, the Path team escaped with the eggs despite a being Koss identified as "the protector" trying to stop their escape. The Path and the Jedi would fight their final battle on Dalna with the Night of Sorrow. However, Marda Ro survived and killed the Mother with the Leveler, focusing her efforts on freeing the Force by founding the Nihil. As the Path was dissolved in the wake of the Night of Sorrow, its members split off into various descended groups, such as the Elders of the Path.

With their armies having joined together to help the Jedi in the fight against the Path, the peoples of Eiram and E'ronoh shifted into a cold war. The Jedi Azlin Rell was driven mad with fear after his encounter with a Nameless on Dalna and wrote about the creatures in a journal, which he left in the possession of his friend and fellow Jedi Arkoff before leaving the Order. Arkoff left the journal under the guard of his droid ZZ-10 on the planet Banchii.

Starlight Beacon was constructed in the Outer Rim during the height of the Galactic Republic.

As the High Republic Era progressed, the Core Worlds and Colonies became overcrowded, prompting many impoverished citizens to migrate to the perilous Outer Rim Territories, where the Galactic Republic aimed to expand its influence. Under the leadership of Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh, and through her initiatives known as Great Works, the Republic supported the aspirations of its citizens, even promoting the idea that every citizen represented the government. Despite its imperfections, the government enjoyed support from various species under its rule. In times of conflict or crisis, one of the earliest Great Works, the Salvation-class Republic medical frigate Panacea, was deployed to provide assistance. During this era, the galaxy was not as settled as it was by the time of the Galactic Civil War, as areas like the Outer Rim were dangerous and difficult to navigate. In response, an enormous space station called the Starlight Beacon, one of Chancellor Soh's Great Works, was constructed at a great effort and expense and placed in the center of the dark zones. The station would send out a signal that acted as a beacon, helping travelers find their way.

During this era, the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts was founded by a group of scientists and adventurers that were interested in researching and cataloguing the myriad of new species that were discovered on the Republic's frontier worlds. The group started with small dinner meetings and a monthly newsletter. Over the centuries, the group expanded to be one of the largest supporters of wilderness preservation and education. The group also produced a large variety of educational programming on the HoloNet. The Society instructed Serv-O-Droid, Inc. to build Safari droids for assignments in dangerous environments. These droids were programmed to autonomously document and interact with wild creatures and report back to the Society.

Disaster in hyperspace

The Great Disaster occurred when giant pieces of debris were shot out of hyperspace at near lightspeed.

A significant transportation catastrophe, known as the Great Hyperspace Disaster, occurred during the High Republic Era. It began when the Freighter Legacy Run disintegrated in hyperspace, causing massive debris to be ejected from hyperspace at near lightspeed. This resulted in numerous starships across the galaxy being abruptly forced out of hyperspace. The debris primarily threatened the Hetzal system, a major provider of foodstuff in the Outer Rim, and the lives of billions of inhabitants. Many Jedi, largely aboard the starship Ataraxia, arrived to provide assistance and save lives.

Avar Kriss, a prominent Jedi Master of the time, earned the title "Hero of Hetzal" for her leadership in guiding a group of Jedi to rescue civilians during the Great Hyperspace Disaster. Kriss prevented a massive tank of liquid tibanna from colliding with the Hetzal system's largest star by utilizing her unique ability to create a network through the Force, connecting Jedi across the system and the galaxy to collectively move the tank. By altering the tank's trajectory, they averted the potential destruction of the entire system that the collision could have caused. Nevertheless, the Great Disaster led to the Emergences, a series of calamities in which fragments of the Legacy Run's wreckage continued to emerge from hyperspace throughout the Outer Rim Territories, colliding with planets and other celestial objects, resulting in billions of fatalities. The danger of the Emergences forced Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh to close off several regions of the Outer Rim from hyperspace travel.

The marauder group known as the Nihil were soon discovered to be responsible for the tragedy. Using their powerful Path engines, which allowed them to travel through hyperspace in unorthodox and inexplicable ways, one of their Stormships ended up in the Legacy Run's path in hyperspace, as had been orchestrated by Marda's descendant, the Eye of the Nihil Marchion Ro. The culmination of the Ro family's plot for revenge against the Jedi and Republic, Ro had his personal, family history with the Jedi and thus wanted to destroy them. He also hated the Republic, believing it did not offer true freedom, which was a common sentiment among the Nihil. Deep down, Ro fought only for himself, believing that no government had a right to command him. Being able to know when the next emergences would appear, several groups of Nihil attempted to extort planets that they knew would be hit by offering to stop the debris in exchange for money. Marchion Ro and the Nihil also staged a raid on the planet Elphrona, kidnapping the Blythe family in order to lure the Jedi stationed on the planet to the planet's outpost in order to capture at least one of them. Ro successfully captured Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm, though the other Jedi, including his Padawan Bell Zettifar, believed him to be dead.

In response to the disaster, the Republic and the Jedi worked together to confront the Nihil at the Kur Nebula, marking the first time the Jedi had performed a military action in generations. Joined by forces from the planet Eriadu, the Republic and the Jedi defeated the Nihil in what would be known as the Battle of Kur. However, Marchion Ro had secretly deliberately only sent one section of the Nihil, known as a Tempest, to the Nebula, that being Tempest Runner Kassav Milliko's Tempest. As Ro had planned, this convinced the Jedi that the Nihil had been defeated, when in reality just a third of them had been sacrificed. After the battle, the hyperspace lanes in the Outer Rim were then reopened. The Dedication of Starlight Beacon then occurred, and the station was opened to the galaxy.

Infestation on the frontier

The Drengir were unleashed upon the Outer Rim during the High Republic Era.

As a result of the Great Disaster, an ancient species of amorphous sentient carnivorous plant-like creatures known as the Drengir were accidentally awakened aboard the Amaxine space station on the Galactic Frontier when travelers forced out of hyperspace were forced to stop at the station. Both the Jedi and the Nihil fought the Drengir aboard the station, with the Jedi even decompressing the entire station to suck the Drengir out into space. While the Jedi believed they had seen the last of the Drengir, the events on the Amaxine station awakened many sleeping Drengir across the Outer Rim and Hutt Space, causing a crisis. The Jedi of Starlight Beacon were sent to confront the Drengir on many planets and save lives. The Jedi even joined forces with the Hutt Cartel to fight against the Drengir after the Jedi conducted a mission to a Hutt world called Sedri Minor to investigate the Drengir and came face to face with Hutt leader Myarga Anjiliac Atirue. The Hutts agreed to the alliance because their homeworld of Nal Hutta had been devastated by the Drengir as well as many planets of theirs in Hutt Space.

After the Jedi fought alongside the Hutts against the Drengir on many planets across the Outer Rim, Jedi Knight Keeve Trennis was able to discover the location of the Drengir leader, the Great Progenitor, on the Wild Space planet Mulita after reaching into the Drengir's hive mind. This led to the Assault on Mulita, where the Jedi of Starlight Beacon, many from the postings across the Outer Rim, and the forces of the Hutt Clan engaged in an all out assault against the Progenitor, until she was finally captured and put in stasis. However the alliance between the Jedi and the Hutts was broken over a moral quarrel over whether or not to kill the Progenitor.

Crisis amid peace

The Jedi and Republic fight back against the Nihil attack at the Valo Republic Fair.

Concurrently with the Drengir crisis, the Nihil resurfaced, revealing that they had not been defeated as the Jedi and Republic had believed. The marauders had assisted in spreading the Drengir across the Outer Rim to divert the Jedi's attention from their next target: the Valo Republic Fair. The Republic Fair was another one of Chancellor Soh's Great Works meant to unite the galaxy and show that they had recovered from the Great Hyperspace Disaster and the Emergences. Representatives and showpieces from all over the galaxy were present at the fair, including the Togruta government, who the Republic wished to recruit into the Republic. However, the Nihil destroyed and devastated the fair, killing hundreds of thousands. The marauders had also disabled communications on the planet so that they could not call for help. The Nihil also targeted a research vessel that was a showpiece at the fair called the Innovator. Which was created by the Cyclorrians for the Republic as a symbol of progress. However, the vessel sank in Lake Lonisa during the Nihil attack. The Nihil also spread a giant War cloud of toxic gas across the entire fair and destroy sky islands known as the World Pavilions that represented the different planets of the Republic.

After communications were restored by Jedi Padawan Ram Jomaram, the Nihil were eventually stopped by the Jedi, Republic, and Trogruta forces, but were not defeated, as many escaped. This included the Tempest of Pan Eyta, who would later attacked the Cyclor shipyards with the intention to further damage the power and the respect of the Republic. But the Galactic Republic and the Jedi helping them were prepared and retaliated against the Nihil, completely decimating and defeating Pan Eyta's Tempest. The Jedi were able to locate the Nihil's base on Grizal after placing Jedi stowaways aboard a Nihil ship, allowing them to activate a homing beacon upon their arrival on the planet. Once the signal was received, Jedi Master Stellan Gios and his Red Group departed the ongoing Second Battle of Cyclor, arriving at Grizal and assaulting the base. During the attack, Jedi Padawan Bell Zettifar was briefly reunited with his thought-dead Master, Loden Greatstorm, who had been a prisoner of the Nihil. However, Marchion Ro unleashed a living weapon called the Great Leveler against the Jedi, killing Greatstorm and traumatizing Zettifar. In the aftermath, the Jedi assumed that the Twi'lek Tempest Runner Lourna Dee, who had escaped the battle, was the true leader of the Nihil. As a response to the attack on the fair, the Republic launched a campaign called Operation: Counterstrike to wipe out the Nihil.

During Operation: Counterstrike, the prestigious Graf family partnered with the Nihil, specifically Tempest Runner Lourna Dee, to develop hyperspace technology. To pursue their efforts, the Nihil offered to give scientist Chancey Yarrow access to the hyperspace 'oracle' Mari San Tekka so that she could develop the gravity well projector that she had always wanted to develop. Yarrow successfully developed her gravity well projector in the form of a space station known as the Gravity's Heart in the Berenge sector. The station had the ability to pull starships out of hyperspace from all over the galaxy and bring them to the Berenge sector, and did so on a few occasions. After the station was discovered by a group of Jedi and destroyed by the Republic Defense Coalition, Yarrow took up work for the Grafs, who still wished to experiment with hyperspace.

Undercover Jedi defend against the Nihil on Xais.

As part of Operation: Counterstrike, the Republic and Jedi forces fought the Nihil across numerous locations, notably on the planets of Carlac and Magaveene, as well as within the Dreighton Nebula. In the Galov system, the Republic and Jedi also engaged in combat with the Nihil, who were attempting to seize control of the Relay Post Epsilon One space station. Although the Republic and Jedi were victorious and mistakenly believed they had eliminated Nihil leader Lourna Dee, the Nihil still succeeded in destroying the station. Defying the wishes of the Jedi Council, the Jedi of Starlight Beacon initiated an infiltration operation of the Nihil, sending Jedi Knights Keeve Trennis and Terec undercover. However, their cover was blown on the planet Xais when their former ally, Myarga the Hutt, revealed their identities after being captured. The Jedi attempted to flee, but were confronted by a still-living Lourna Dee, who unleashed the Great Leveler, a living weapon, against them. Fortunately, Jedi aboard the Ataraxia arrived on Xais to rescue Trennis and Terec, but they failed to capture Dee, who escaped. The Jedi also mounted a defense against a Nihil attack, defeating the Nihil forces, but not before they detonated the Jedi Temple on Takodana. This assault was executed by a specific Nihil cell led by Krix Kamerat, whom several Jedi from Starlight Beacon had been pursuing for some time. Eventually, the Jedi of Starlight Beacon tracked the headquarters of Krix Kamerat's Nihil cell to the planet Dol'Har Hyde. The Republic and Jedi fought the cell in aerial combat over Dol'Har Hyde, followed by a ground assault led by a group of Jedi, resulting in the capture of Krix Kamerat.

Operation: Counterstrike proved to be a success. Following numerous engagements and skirmishes, the Jedi and the Republic managed to largely break apart and defeat the Nihil, causing them to scatter in fear. An example of this was the Nihil Tempest Runner Kara Xoo, whose entire tempest was reduced to only those aboard her vessel, the Poisoned Barb. Kara Xoo began abducting children from the planet Dalna with the intention of bolstering the Nihil's ranks and cultivating loyal Nihil who were devoted to their cause. However, her endeavors were uncovered and thwarted by Jedi stationed on Dalna and Jedi Knight Vernestra Rwoh. Meanwhile, a Nihil scientist named Zadina Mkampa activated a crystalline power matrix she had constructed, which was connected to Dalna's crust, triggering the planet's volcanic systems and causing a series of groundquakes and volcanic eruptions that threatened to devastate the planet. In response to both this and Xoo's attack on the Dalnan Capital city of Saludad, the Dalnan evacuation was initiated. The Dalnan evacuation involved towing Starlight Beacon to Dalna, primarily by the MPO-1400 Purgill-class star cruiser Halcyon, with assistance from other vessels, to evacuate all of Dalna's citizens to the station before they were killed by the disasters caused by the Nihil. Jedi Padawan Imri Cantaros organized the evacuation. The evacuation was successful, and the majority of the population was rescued. Around this time, the planet Eiram was struck by a devastating cyclone natural disaster that caused widespread damage. Starlight Beacon was subsequently towed to the planet again to aid in the recovery and rebuilding efforts.

The Jedi of Starlight Beacon attack the Great Hall of the Nihil in No-Space.

With the Nihil largely dispersed, Master Avar Kriss assembled a team of Jedi to pursue the Nihil Tempest Runner Lourna Dee, whom they still mistakenly believed to be the Eye of the Nihil. Utilizing a Nihil path engine recovered from the Battle of Grizal, the Jedi team journeyed aboard the Jedi starcruiser Ataraxia to the Great Hall of the Nihil in No-Space, which served as the Nihil's primary headquarters. Without warning, they opened fire on the Hall, an action uncharacteristic of the Jedi, catching the Nihil off guard. They then boarded the Hall and engaged in combat with the numerous Nihil stationed there, including Tempest Runner Zeetar, whom Kriss killed by reflecting his flamethrower fire back at him. The Jedi spread throughout the Hall to secure various areas, while Kriss sought out Dee. A desperate Lourna Dee ordered the Nihil stormships to fire on the Hall, forcing the Jedi to rescue themselves and many Nihil from being sucked into space. Master Kriss confronted Lourna Dee, attacking her in a fit of rage and engaging in lightsaber combat before ultimately defeating her. Jedi Keeve Trennis intervened to prevent Kriss from killing the defenseless and defeated Dee in anger. Kriss successfully captured Dee and detained her aboard the Ataraxia, intending to bring her back to Starlight Beacon. The Jedi departed from this crucial battle with numerous Nihil prisoners onboard, mistakenly believing they had vanquished the organization.

Fall of Starlight Beacon

A falling star

Ro acquired more Nameless from Planet X. A pivotal series of events during the High Republic Era commenced when Ro launched a sequence of aerial assaults on the planets Aleen, Yeksom, Japeal, and Tais Brabbo. These attacks triggered a refugee crisis, as many fled those planets seeking refuge at Starlight Beacon and various Jedi Temples, precisely the outcome Marchion Ro had intended. The Nihil targeted numerous Jedi temples that housed refugees, including the Chespea Temple, to send a message. Subsequently, Ro dispatched a team of three Nihil zealots on a mission to Starlight Beacon with the objective of sabotaging the station and releasing powerful creatures known as the Nameless, which were of the same species as the Great Leveler. These creatures acted as living weapons by disrupting the Jedi's connection to the Force. The presence of the Nameless on the station successfully disrupted the Jedi's connection to the Force, significantly weakening them and preventing them from detecting the impending danger.

The plan succeeded, and the infiltrators successfully triggered an explosion on Starlight Beacon, which shook its engineering station and released a massive amount of radiation, effectively dividing the station into two halves: upper and lower. Those on the lower half managed to establish communication with the outside world with the assistance of the small starship called the Vessel and its crew. However, the explosion caused Starlight Beacon to begin drifting toward the surface of Eiram, the planet it was orbiting, which was still recovering from a devastating natural disaster. Following the explosion, the Nameless were released onto the station, generally weakening all of the Jedi and limiting their ability to help. Many Jedi were attacked and killed by the Nameless, transforming into calcified husks, as had happened to Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm. However, Jedi Master and Starlight Head of Operations Estala Maru managed to singlehandedly hold the two halves of the station together with the Force, until Master Avar Kriss arrived and activated her network, connecting the Jedi on the station to assist Maru. Meanwhile, Kriss's team of Jedi, having just returned from the Battle for No-Space, helped rescue people on the top half of the station by guiding them to the cruiser Ataraxia or to escape pods. However, the Jedi eventually lost control of the Ataraxia when it was seized by an escaped and rogue Lourna Dee.

Jedi on the planet Eiram watch on as Starlight Beacon falls.

Shortly thereafter, despite valiant efforts, the top half of the station inevitably separated from the lower half and quickly plunged into the atmosphere of Eiram, burning up and killing all those who remained on board. On the lower half of the station, disputes and conflicts erupted among the various groups of people, each with differing ideas on how to escape, leading to violent situations and exacerbating the chaos. However, Padawan Bell Zettifar managed to rig an explosion to detach the medical tower from the rest of the station, enabling all of the patients within to be transported to an Eiram medical vessel. Meanwhile, two former Nihil prisoners on the station, Chauncey Yarrow, an engineering and technological genius, and Nan, a talented spy and informant who previously worked for Marchion Ro, discovered that they could prevent the station from crashing on Eiram by activating its thrusters. The two accessed the controls, and Yarrow managed to initiate the activation sequence. However, Jedi Master Elzar Mann killed Chauncey Yarrow, mistakenly believing him to be a Nihil saboteur. This eliminated any hope of preventing the station from crashing on Eiram, forcing Jedi Master Stellan Gios to manually control the thrusters to ensure that Starlight Beacon would crash into the ocean rather than the city. Many had received word of the disaster through communications from the Vessel and had arrived to assist, but were left helpless to witness the destruction of the station. Although Master Gios sacrificed himself to crash the station into the ocean of Eiram, enormous waves still battered the coastal areas, and the water purification plant was destroyed again, but the complete destruction of the city was averted. The surviving Jedi who had reached the surface assisted with the rebuilding efforts in the coastal areas of Eiram and its cities.

Operation on Corellia

The Jedi investigate the Nihil presence on the Core World of Corellia.

Concurrently, Marchion Ro tasked Krix Kamerat, and subsequently one of Kamerat's collaborators, Sabata Krill, with a long-term scheme that commenced with leading a group of Nihil to the core world of Corellia. The Nihil gradually expanded their influence on Corellia, bringing more and more Nihil to the planet and disseminating their ideology among the population with the assistance of Corellian elites such as Nomar Tralmat. Sabata Krill and the cell deliberately instigated a union dispute on Corellia's moon, Gus Talon, by fabricating attacks by protestors, successfully diverting the Corellian Jedi and Corellian Security Forces away from Corellia. The ultimate objective was to await the destruction of Starlight Beacon and then seize a fleet of MPO-1400 Purgill-class star cruisers and Republic Longbeam cruisers being constructed in the shipyards of Coronet City. Their plan was to then travel in them to Starlight Beacon, posing as Republic reinforcements, but instead bomb the station further.

However, a team of Jedi who traveled to Corellia to investigate the Nihil presence on the planet uncovered this plot through undercover operations and espionage, and joined forces with some Corellian citizens to combat the Nihil and prevent their plan from succeeding. When the Nihil unexpectedly encountered this resistance, their plan shifted from bombing the Beacon before it crashed to bombing the wreckage and surrounding areas of the Beacon's crash. Nevertheless, the Jedi and the contingent of Corellian citizens they had gathered engaged the Nihil in a prolonged battle. The Jedi and Corellians eventually managed to defeat the horde of Nihil that had been secretly brought to and infiltrated Corellia, and disabled or destroyed the star cruisers and Longbeams that the Nihil intended to steal. With the leaders of the Nihil on Corellia either dead or captured in the aftermath of the battle, and a significant number of Nihil fighters killed, the Nihil cell on Corellia disintegrated and dispersed.

Reign of the Nihil

Following the destruction of the beacon, Marchion Ro revealed himself to the galaxy in a broadcast in which he declared himself the leader of the Nihil and outlined his objectives. Chancellor Lina Soh sought to retaliate against the Nihil following the destruction of the beacon and requested assistance from the Jedi Council. However, the Jedi refused, as in response to the Nihil's weaponization of the Nameless aboard Starlight Beacon, the Jedi issued a recall beacon, urging all Jedi to evacuate the Outer Rim and return to Coruscant to protect them from the uniquely targeting threat. Despite the Jedi's inability to assist, Soh and the Republic dispatched the Republic Defense Coalition Outreach Fleet to retaliate against the Nihil and diminish their power and influence in the Outer Rim. However, unbeknownst to the Republic, Marchion Ro had developed technology known as stormseeds. These devices had the capacity to obliterate starships traveling in hyperspace through designated areas of the galaxy where they were activated. Ro successfully deployed them against the Republic Defense Coalition Outreach Fleet and destroyed it. Ro utilized the stormseeds to isolate ten Outer Rim sectors from the rest of the Republic. This fundamentally altered the galactic landscape, restricting Republic interference and presence in the Outer Rim and establishing the Nihil as the dominant power in the region during this period.

In pursuit of the journal Anzlin Rell had written about the Nameless, Ro allied with former Path-hired mercenary Vol Garat and ordered the Nihil to attack Banchii. Searching the ruins of the Banchii Jedi temple, the Nihil and Garat found the journal after Ro departed, but the still-active ZZ-10 sent a distress call to the now-Jedi Master Arkoff while distracting Garat with the story of how they had found the journal. Arkoff arrived with Savina Besatrix Malagán and recovered the journal and ZZ-10. The blight foretold by Bokana Koss was spreading randomly across galactic planets by 228 BBY.

Late High Republic Era

In the late High Republic Era, Count Dooku was born and taken in by the Jedi Order. Near the end of the High Republic Era, Dooku passed his Initiate Trials and was taken in by Yoda as his Padawan. At this time, stories were told among Jedi Initiates about Klias Teradine, who was a Padawan who lived during the High Republic Era and also discovered the Archive of Forbidden Artifacts.


The First Battle of Geonosis represented the most significant deployment of Jedi since the High Republic Era. During the subsequent Clone Wars, General Grievous attempted to steal High Republic artifacts from the Stellar Rise light cruiser.

During the Imperial Era, Jedi Knight Cal Kestis discovered remnants of a High Republic Era Jedi presence on the planet Koboh. This included the droid ZN-A4 and High Republic Jedi Knight Dagan Gera, whom Kestis freed from being held in stasis in a bacta tank. He learned of Master Santari Khri and Gera's attempts to navigate the Koboh Abyss during the era from ZN-A4 and discovered that they were successful and had established a temple on a planet called Tanalorr within the Abyss that was attacked by the Nihil. After Kestis freed him and learned of the Order's fall, Gera turned to the dark side and began a quest for power, forcing Kestis and his crew to stop both him and fallen Jedi Bode Akuna. Afterward, Kestis and his friends decided to use the temple on Tanalorr for the Hidden Path, an organization that protected and smuggled Force-sensitives and Jedi.

In 3 ABY, during the Galactic Civil War, aspiring Jedi Luke Skywalker discovered a damaged lightsaber pike from the High Republic Era in an outpost on Tempes. When searching for more history and relics of the Jedi, Skywalker visited the Living Sea of Gazian, a vergence in the Force that contained the consciousnesses of many Jedi including High Republic Jedi Elzar Mann, who spoke to and advised Luke. Archaeologist Doctor Chelli Aphra and Sana Starros also explored the wreckage on Dol'har Hyde left by the battle fought there during the High Republic Era between the Jedi and Nihil in search of a Nihil Path engine.

While on the search for the legendary Kezerat convoy, Skywalker and his compatriots attempted to use an old Path engine from the High Republic era Nihil marauders to find it, but ultimately ended up briefly stranded in the Nihil's old headquarters in No-space, the Great Hall of the Nihil. Much later in his life, Skywalker and the galactic explorer Lor San Tekka traveled to a Jedi outpost on the Outer Rim planet Elphrona, located on the edge of the Unknown Regions. Given its distance from the Core, San Tekka speculated that the outpost could have been built during the High Republic Era.

In the aftermath of the Battle of Exegol, the Resistance historian and academic Beaumont Kin wrote in the in-universe history book The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire that the High Republic era was remembered by later generations as a period in galactic history when the Galactic Republic aimed to be a unifying force. He wrote that slogans such as "We are all the Republic" and "For Light and Life" were used to motivate ordinary citizens and the Jedi to move the galaxy forward. Kin criticized some historical studies on that period for focusing too much on idealism and overlooking the erosive agendas of certain senators and the Republic's initially lackluster response to the Nihil pirate groups, who caused significant civilian casualties before they were defeated. Despite these shortcomings, Kin argued that the High Republic era showed that the galaxy and its various institutions could be rallied against "emerging menaces." The idealism and unifying elements of the High Republic were used to inspire efforts to reform the Galactic Republic and the galaxy in successive centuries.

Behind the scenes

The High Republic Era received its initial mention within the 2019 audio drama titled Dooku: Jedi Lost, though its formal identification occurred in the 2020 comic series The Rise of Kylo Ren (The Rise of Kylo Ren). The era's debut appearance took place in a flashback featured in the comic "The Lost Stories, Part 1," published in Star Wars Adventures (2017) 30. This period in time was conceptualized for the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project, which was launched in 2021 with the release of the novel The High Republic: Light of the Jedi. The era's first on-screen portrayal was in the animated television show Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. The live-action television series The Acolyte, scheduled for 2024, is set within this era, as is the forthcoming video game Star Wars Eclipse. The era played a significant part in the 2023 game Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, a narrative unfolding during the Imperial Era that includes characters and ruins from the High Republic Era, alongside flashbacks set during that time.

A Jedi of the High Republic Era, named Maya Ranna, was presented through a hologram in the non-canon LEGO comic "The Battle Against Grievous," which was included in LEGO Star Wars 109 on May 17, 2024, in Germany. Within, the future Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker presents Ranna's hologram after finding it in the Jedi Archives, seeking to learn a spinning move from her recording.

