Klias Teradine existed during the High Republic Era as a male Zeltron Padawan within the ranks of the Jedi Order. This apprentice, known for his pride and arrogance, trained on Alaris Prime with fellow Padawan Tylera Yorrick under the tutelage of Jedi Master Cibaba. Sometime during his training, Teradine came across the Archive of Forbidden Artifacts, a Bogan Collection containing relics of the dark side. He later located the Yallow Shrine on Mount Bikja and convinced Yorrick to join him in exploring it, defying their Masters' wishes. It was there that Teradine met his death at Yorrick's hand in a lightsaber duel, succumbing to the influence of a Yellow vitalicron. While Yorrick abandoned the Jedi, the circumstances surrounding Teradine's demise were concealed, leading to his erasure from Jedi records, with later generations speculating that he might have been expelled from the Order.

During the High Republic Era, Klias Teradine, a male Zeltron, served as a Padawan within the Jedi Order. He received instruction at a Jedi temple located on Alaris Prime, where he developed a friendship with Tylera Yorrick, a Tholothian Padawan. Both were students of Cibaba, an Azumel Jedi Master, who often cautioned Teradine about his lack of humility. Teradine, conversely, believed that the timid Yorrick could benefit from adopting some of his qualities. At one point during his training, Teradine stumbled upon the Archive of Forbidden Artifacts, a Bogan Collection filled with dark side artifacts.
In 241 BBY, Teradine, while sparring with Yorrick, remarked on her unchanging nature and suggested she emulate him more. After she swept his leg, defeating him in the duel, he congratulated her and told her his brilliance appeared to be wearing off on her. Cibaba approached and pointedly asked Teradine if he remembered what he had been taught about Jedi humility, but Teradine responded with a quip that he was extremely good at it. Yorrick, helping Teradine to his feet, said that he was joking, before quietly asking Teradine to tell Cibaba he was joking. Cibaba told Yorrick not to worry as he was well aware of what Teradine thought of himself, before reminding her that she needed to follow her own path rather than emulating someone she was not.
Later on, Teradine discovered the location of a sanctum belonging to the Yallow Fellowship, a group of long-deceased practitioners of the dark side of the Force, situated on Mount Bikja. Sneaking away from evening meditation with Yorrick, Teradine presented her with a hologram of the mountain, claiming it was what they had been searching for. Yorrick expressed concern that venturing to Mount Bikja could result in their expulsion from the Jedi Order, a possibility Teradine dismissed, stating he had never heard of such an occurrence. He told her about the sanctum, and when Yorrick expressed concern about the Fellowship's Force allegiance, Teradine glibly responded that that had been a long time ago, the Fellowship was all dead, and the shrine would be full of interesting stuff which it was their duty as Jedi to know about.
Yorrick remained hesitant, pointing out that Master Cibaba would disapprove, but Teradine countered that Cibaba did not need to be informed, and that he would have to go alone since Yorrick was scared. This finally led Yorrick to agree to come along, and she told Teradine he was a pain in the backside. He quipped that they both were before expressing the opinion that their expedition was going to be great. Yorrick stopped Teradine from running into a passing Jedi in the corridor, and he commented that the encounter was close. His friend reminded him that that had been too close, becoming worried about what the Masters would do if the two Padawans were discovered to have snuck out of evening meditation. Teradine said they would not be caught, and pulled Yorrick along, reminding her they had a mountain to climb.

Upon reaching Mount Bikja, Teradine and Yorrick began their ascent. When Yorrick nearly lost her footing and fell, Teradine saved her, showcasing his ability to walk on vertical surfaces. He revealed to Yorrick that he had learned the Force power from the teachings of the Sabracci Sages, a group of Zeffonian. The pair eventually arrived at the sanctum at the mountain's peak, gaining entry after Teradine used his lightsaber to create an opening.
Following Teradine's death, Yorrick abandoned the Jedi Order and became a mercenary and monster hunter known as Ty Yorrick. The truth of Teradine's fate was hidden, and he was erased from Jedi history.
A decade after leaving the Jedi, Yorrick remembered her training with Teradine when her admin unit KL-03 remarked that she never changed, something Teradine had told her. When the droid commented on Yorrick's reaction to the phrase, she merely said that Kayel had reminded her of someone. Yorrick was shortly reminded of her and Teradine's expedition to the Yallow Shrine when she went on a job to Loreth to kill a Gretalax that had been terrorizing local colonists, finding the shape of a local mountain to be similar to that of Mount Bikja.
Several months later, during the Nihil attack on the Republic Fair at Valo, Yorrick made a reluctant team-up with Jedi Master Elzar Mann. The two shared some memories during a Force vision, and Mann saw both Teradine and Cibaba. Yorrick later remembered what had happened with Teradine at the Yallow Shrine sadly, before agreeing to work with the Jedi against Klerin Chekkat, a former client of hers.
After the High Republic Era concluded, Teradine was remembered for his discovery, but it was believed he had been expelled from the Order, possibly for either stealing records from the Jedi Archives or having an affair with the Chancellor's aide. Regardless of the actual events, Teradine subsequently disappeared from Jedi records, though he was not entirely forgotten, as the Padawan Dooku later learned of his existence.
During his time as a member of the Jedi Order, Teradine gained a reputation for being difficult. He consistently pushed the limits set by his Masters and, on multiple occasions, brought the Jedi Order into disrepute. When Master Cibaba reprimanded him for his lack of humility, Teradine sarcastically claimed to be extremely good at it, which only served to irritate the Master further.
Teradine was a Zeltron male characterized by pink skin, brown [hair](/article/hair], and slightly pointed ears. He also had jagged black markings on his forehead above his eyes.
Teradine possessed considerable skill in lightsaber combat, often defeating Tylera Yorrick in their sparring matches. His study of obscure Force sects granted him knowledge of unusual Force powers, such as the Sabracci Sages' ability to walk on vertical surfaces.
Teradine typically wore brown and cream-colored Jedi robes and wielded a lightsaber with a green blade and a physical crossguard on its hilt.
Klias Teradine was first mentioned in the 2019 canon audio drama Dooku: Jedi Lost, authored by Cavan Scott. The precise spelling of his name was revealed in the script book associated with the audio drama.