The Azumels were a sentient species that possessed six eyes and were native to the world of Azum. One notable member of this species was Argus Panox.
During the era known as the High Republic Era, an Azumel named Cibaba held the rank of Jedi Master within the Jedi Order. He served at the Jedi temple located on Alaris Prime, where he mentored his Padawan, Tylera. On the planet Telerath, an Azumel was present in a local bar when Jango Fett and Boba Fett had a meeting with several bounty hunters. Furthermore, during the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], an Azumel worked as a stagehand on board Risha Synata's ship.
A male Azumel named Argus Panox participated in the initial sabacc game between Lando Calrissian and Han Solo on the world of Vandor. Another Azumel, Makkeer, successfully located a hidden treasure that belonged to the pirate queen Rane Mahal.