Makkeer was a pirate of the Azumel species, serving as a part of the gang commanded by Captain Gwarm. In order to seek out the rumored hidden riches of Rane Mahal, the pirate queen, Gwarm's crew feigned a pursuit of Makkeer, leading him into The Labyrinth on the planet Kelada. Han Solo, a smuggler, was convinced by Makkeer's narrative and aided the Azumel in locating the three NP-unit droids that possessed the coordinates to Mahal's treasure. After Solo reached the designated location on Sakreen, Makkeer used an ion scrambler to damage his starship, the Millennium Falcon. Nevertheless, when Gwarm tried to seize the treasure, he discovered it was nonexistent; the tales were fabricated by Mahal to lure starships to Sakreen, allowing her and her crew to flee the rocky planet. Mahal's crew apprehended Gwarm's gang and commandeered their vessel, the Hand of Am-Shak. During Mahal's escape, planning to sell Gwarm's gang to an enslaver, Solo employed Makkeer's ion scrambler to immobilize the Hand of Am-Shak, abandoning the pirates.