
A male Weequay pirate named Gwarm served as the second-in-command within the Ohnaka Gang during the Clone Wars. This group was under the leadership of Hondo Ohnaka. Later, during the time of the Galactic Empire, Gwarm established and commanded his own gang.


Gwarm was a lieutenant and member of Captain Hondo Ohnaka's pirate gang in 21 BBY. He accompanied Captain Ohnaka and their fellow pirates on a trip to Felucia. Their objective was to demand a share of nysillin from the Felucian farmers residing in Akira. Upon their arrival at the village, Gwarm and the pirates encountered several bounty hunters led by Sugi and three Jedi under Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. When Ohnaka's attempt to bribe the bounty hunters failed, Gwarm and the pirates launched an attack on the village, facing strong resistance from the Jedi, bounty hunters, and the farmers. During the conflict, Gwarm witnessed Captain Ohnaka hanging from a cliff, at the mercy of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. Gwarm then ordered a retreat, rescued Ohnaka, and they departed Felucia without obtaining anything.

Gwarm and his gang

In 20 BBY, Gwarm and the pirates raided the Crucible, which was carrying Jedi younglings, with the intention of stealing their kyber crystals. After Padawan Ahsoka Tano was captured, and subsequently rescued by the younglings, Gwarm went after them. After Gwarm captured Tano and the younglings, he discovered that Hondo's complex had been seized by the Separatist Droid Army under the command of General Grievous. Tano and the younglings persuaded Gwarm to collaborate in rescuing Ohnaka and escaping Florrum. Together, they located a ship within Ohnaka's hidden vault and escaped aboard Slave I. Afterwards, they rendezvoused with General Kenobi aboard a Venator-class Star Destroyer.

During the Imperial Era, Gwarm initiated his own gang, which included R5-P8, a droid that had previously belonged to the Ohnaka Gang.

Personality and traits

Standing at 1.92 meters (6 feet, 4 inches) tall, Gwarm was a Weequay male. His eyes were [gold](/article/color] colored, and his skin displayed a combination of red and yellow hues. As one of Hondo's lieutenants, he operated without principles, adhering only to the belief that might makes right.

Skills and abilities

Gwarm possessed proficiency in combat, sharpshooting, and the use of intimidation tactics.


Gwarm demonstrated skill in utilizing blasters, notably the E-5C heavy blaster rifle, from which he had removed the stock.

