Sugi was a bounty hunter of the Zabrak female persuasion, active during the era of the Clone Wars. While defending a farming village located on Felucia from Hondo Ohnaka alongside his pirate gang, she became friends with the Jedi trio of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Ahsoka Tano.
The mother of Jas Emari, who herself became a bounty hunter around the time of the Galactic Civil War, was her sister.
Born on [Iridonia](/article/iridonia], Sugi was a female Zabrak who would born become a bounty hunter during the Clone Wars.

Felucian elder Casiss Midagatis hired Sugi, along with fellow bounty hunters Embo, Rumi Paramita, and Seripas, to protect his village. The Ohnaka Gang was extorting the farmers for a portion of their nysillin crops, barely enough for food and [fuel]. Simultaneously, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano arrived on the planet to investigate the destruction of a medical station. After their shuttle was shot down by vulture droids, they sought assistance from the village to leave the planet. The villagers went into hiding, and the bounty hunters confronted the Jedi at gunpoint. Midagatis intervened upon realizing they were Jedi who could offer aid.

Later that night, Sugi faced off against the Weequay pirates at the village. Hondo Ohnaka, their leader, offered her double the Felucians' payment, but she declined. Kenobi attempted to bribe Hondo, who refused and threatened to return after the harvest. In a subsequent discussion, Skywalker suggested training the farmers to defend themselves against the impending attack. Sugi supervised the nysillin's transport into the barn, advising the villagers to hide there for easier defense. When a pirate scout was spotted, Embo captured and eliminated him, prompting Ohnaka to launch an offensive. Embo sustained injuries from tankfire, and Sugi carried him into the barn before rejoining the fight alongside Kenobi. Skywalker confronted Hondo on his tank, nearly killing him, which led the pirate captain to deem the operation unprofitable and retreat. As the Felucians rebuilt, Sugi offered the Jedi a ride home.
Sugi was hired in 20 BBY by Wookiee General Tarfful to transport him and his soldiers to Wasskah, a Trandoshan moon, for the purpose of rescuing Chewbacca. Jedi younglings Jinx and O-Mer, as well as Ahsoka, were among the other Trandoshan prisoners they rescued. Sugi spoke with Grand Master Yoda and Master Mace Windu after dropping them off at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and then departed. Sugi and Embo spent time on Tatooine in between these missions. During Baron Notluwiski Papanoida's visit, she was present in Jabba the Hutt's palace. She was also at Mos Eisley's cantina when Asajj Ventress accepted the bounty on Savage Opress.

Sugi and Embo, along with Latts Razzi and Dengar, were hired to guard Gardulla Besadii the Elder's palace on Nal Hutta, the meeting place of the Grand Hutt Council. When Opress, his brother Maul, and Death Watch leader Pre Vizsla, the commanders of the Shadow Collective, demanded the Hutt Clan's submission, Jabba, attending via hologram, instructed the bounty hunters to eliminate them. Sugi threw a knife at Maul, which Opress stopped with the Force and handed to Maul, who threw it back at Embo's anooba Marrok. A fight broke out, with Sugi opening fire. She dodged Vizla's flamethrower and pursued the crime lords, only to be pushed back by Bo-Katan Kryze's Nite Owls. She ambushed Maul and Vizsla, engaging the Sith Lord in hand-to-hand combat after Marrok knocked him away from his lightsaber. After Maul threw her aside, Razzi and Dengar threw smoke bombs at the Sith, prompting her to follow Razzi's suggestion that she and Embo flee. Maul allowed her to leave, stating they were merely bounty hunters.

Sugi encouraged her niece Jas Emari, who had a tough upbringing on Iridonia, to leave home. She inspired her to become a bounty hunter as well. Sugi and Emari collaborated with Embo and Dengar during the Imperial Era. While Sugi and Emari got along with Embo and Marrok, they clashed with Dengar. Despite their differences, the bounty hunters maintained a sense of mutual respect.
Emari was forced to work off Sugi's debts at some point. During the Battle of Jakku, Emari appealed to Embo and Dengar's partnership with Sugi to prevent the bounty hunter Mercurial Swift from turning her over to Black Sun.

Sugi was a Iridonian Zabrak female, standing at 1.82 meter (6 feet) tall. She had light skin, brown eyes, and purple hair.
Sugi was a respectable mercenary who accepted jobs based on her beliefs, not just for monetary gain. She valued her companions and would pause during battles to check on their well-being. She disliked the Jedi, remarking that they were peacekeepers who failed to maintain peace during the Clone Wars. She was initially antagonistic toward Kenobi for suggesting she was only on Felucia for the credits, even though he had initially refused to aid the locals. However, after fighting alongside him against the pirates, they developed a mutual respect. Sugi demonstrated her hand-to-hand combat skills on Nal Hutta, briefly holding off the rogue Sith Lord Maul before being overwhelmed.
Sugi primarily used a sawed-off EE-3 carbine rifle but was also proficient with a knife, capable of using it in close combat and throwing it with precision. She owned the SS-54 assault ship Halo, which featured a tooka doll holding a knife and the phrase "Nice playing with ya." Her niece inherited the ship.
Sugi was a versatile hunter, skilled in both armed and unarmed combat, proficient with her EE-3 carbine rifle and a vibroblade, as well as in hand-to-hand combat. She was also a skilled leader, commanding a group of bounty hunters as they defended the Felucian farms from Hondo Ohnaka and his pirates, and later another group of bounty hunters when Maul, Savage Opress, and Death Watch attempted to persuade the Hutt Council to join their cause. Sugi was also an experienced starfighter pilot, flying the Halo to Felucia, and later transporting Chieftain Tarfful and several other Wookiees to the Trandoshan moon of Wasskah, rescuing Chewbacca, Ahsoka Tano, Jinx, and O'mer from Trandoshan hunters.
Anna Graves provided the voice for Sugi in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV series episodes "Bounty Hunters" and "Wookiee Hunt." She studied Russian in college and aimed to give Sugi that accent, also incorporating Middle Eastern accents for the alien character. Her character is one of the few known creatures in the Star Wars canon to speak with a Slavonic accent. Graves recorded some additional appearances for the character before the show's cancellation.
Prior to the cancellation of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV series, two members of Sugi's bounty hunters were planned to appear in a four-episode arc featuring Boba Fett and Cad Bane. A clip shown during the "Animated Origins and Unexpected Fates" panel at Celebration Orlando in 2017 revealed Embo throwing an EE-3 carbine rifle to the ground, and his anooba Marrok was also going to drop her knife.