Rumi Paramita

Rumi Paramita was a Frenk female who operated as a bounty hunter throughout the Clone Wars period. As part of a cadre of bounty hunters under the leadership of Sugi, the Zabrak mercenary, she was contracted to protect a Felucian village of farmers against the Ohnaka Gang on the planet of Felucia. Her weapon of choice was the IQA-11 sniper rifle. During a skirmish between the bounty hunters and the Ohnaka Gang, she met her death at the hands of Pikk Mukmuk.

Behind the scenes

Rumi Paramita's debut occurred in "Bounty Hunters," which is the seventeenth episode from Star Wars: The Clone Wars' second season, and is part of the canon animated series. Anna Graves provided her voice in this single appearance; Graves also voiced Sugi in the same episode.

Although her final destiny remained unclear in "Bounty Hunters," Dave Filoni, the series director, verified that Paramita was killed in a video on This information was also included in Ultimate Star Wars, a 2015 reference guide co-authored by Patricia Barr, Adam Bray, Daniel Wallace, and Ryder Windham.

