Zabraks were a carnivorous species of near-humans that originated on the planets of Iridonia and Dathomir, their homeworld. A defining feature of most Zabraks was the presence of horns on their heads, coupled with possessing two hearts. While most Zabraks made Iridonia their home, some established themselves on Dathomir. On Dathomir, the females, known as Nightsisters, held dominion over the Nightbrother males, wielding potent magick derived from the dark side of the Force. A notable difference was that female Dathomirian Zabraks had paler skin and lacked the horns common among other members of the species.
The Zabraks resisted the Galactic Empire's attempts at control and subversion, choosing instead to join the Alliance to Restore the Republic in significant numbers. They were regarded as proud, independent, and even arrogant by some, standing out as one of the most self-reliant species in the galaxy.

Due to the harsh conditions of their homeworld, Iridonia, Zabraks evolved to be a resilient species of near-humans. As a carnivorous species, they possessed two hearts, enabling them to circulate oxygenated blood more efficiently than many other species, which granted them enhanced endurance and speed. Some Zabraks exhibited a ring of rudimentary horns extending from their brow to the back of their head. The males typically had more prominent horns compared to the females, but the size, placement, and thickness of horns varied considerably among individuals. Zabraks also had the potential to be Force-sensitive.
The Zabrak species had two distinct subspecies: the Dathomirians and the Iridonians. Notably, female Dathomirians lacked horns, while the males did possess them.
Independence was highly valued among Zabraks, who often sought roles that minimized external control. This trait was sometimes misinterpreted as arrogance or aloofness by other species, although Zabraks were simply proud of their resilience. Facial tattoos were common, often signifying familial connections or reflecting personal preferences. As a colonial species, they had spread and adapted to thrive on numerous worlds. Iridonian Zabraks were frequently encountered throughout the galaxy as Jedi, bounty hunters, or in various other professions. On the planet Dathomir, a group of tribal male Zabraks lived separately from, and in servitude to, the female Nightsisters. Much of the Dathomirian Zabrak culture remained shrouded in mystery to outsiders due to their distrust of offworlders.
During the reign of the Galactic Republic, Zabraks were loyal members. However, following the creation of the Galactic Empire, they immediately opposed it, with many joining the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Similarly, many Zabraks sided with the Resistance to stand against the First Order after the fall of the New Republic.

Despite the species' general allegiance to the Republic, individual Zabraks could be found across the galaxy with diverse allegiances, typically in roles offering autonomy, such as independent traders, mercenaries, bounty hunters, or scouts. One example was Sugi, a bounty hunter during the Clone Wars who mentored her niece [Jas Emari](/article/jas_emari] in the same profession. Another Zabrak was a member of the Bounty Hunters' Guild on the planet Nevarro. Criminal activities often appealed to younger Zabraks. During the Iron Blockade of the Anoat sector, several Zabraks served on the crew of the Smuggler, who spearheaded the Uprising against the Imperial blockade. In 9 ABY, Zabraks were observed on planets like Sorgan and RTK111, where one Zabrak worked for the gangster Gor Koresh.
During the era of the Galactic Republic, several Force-sensitive Zabraks joined the Jedi Order, including Zubain Ankonori, Eeth Koth, and [Agen Kolar](/article/agen_kolar], with the latter two serving on the Jedi High Council. Conversely, the Force-sensitive brothers Maul and Savage Opress served the Sith before independently establishing the Shadow Collective criminal organization and briefly governing the planet Mandalore. Many Dathomirian Zabraks, known as Nightbrothers, resided on [Dathomir](/article/dathomir], the planet that gave their race its name, and lived under the authority of the Dathomirian Nightsister witch clan.