The New Republic (spanning from 4 ABY to 34 ABY), also called the New Galactic Republic or simply the Republic, represented a democratic form of republic governance. It was led by an elected Chancellor and the New Republic Senate, which consisted of senators who represented their respective member worlds throughout the galaxy under the guiding principles of the Charter of the New Republic. While Coruscant, the ecumenopolis, maintained its historic role in administration, the Senate's location rotated among different worlds. However, the Republic never managed to attain the same galactic-wide influence as its forerunners.
Following the death of Emperor Palpatine during the Battle of Endor, the Alliance to Restore the Republic established the New Republic. This fulfilled its mandate to reinstate the Galactic Republic and restore freedom. The Galactic Senate convened on Chandrila, and Mon Mothma was elected as the first Chancellor, aiming to conclude the ongoing struggle. After unsuccessful peace negotiations with Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, the Senate briefly moved to Nakadia. Meanwhile, the New Republic Defense Force pushed the Empire out of its territories, as Counselor Gallius Rax directed the Imperial fleet in a final stand against the Republic fleet on Jakku. Subsequently, the Empire began its collapse, allowing Grand Vizier Mas Amedda to surrender and sign the Galactic Concordance, formally ending the war.
After an era of Imperial rule lasting a generation, the New Republic shifted its focus to reshaping galactic politics. Member worlds developed their own planetary defense forces, while the New Republic's military underwent partial demilitarization. The Republic relied on egalitarian principles to maintain positive relationships with neutral star systems and former Imperial governors. Eventually, the New Republic relocated some government operations back to Coruscant, as the planet's infrastructure was already suited to handle the administrative and bureaucratic demands of a major galactic power.
Imperial remnants persisted, especially in the Outer Rim Territories, where their activities increased as the potential return of Grand Admiral Thrawn to the galaxy became more likely. Simultaneously, those Imperials who escaped to the Unknown Regions reorganized as the First Order and secretly initiated a military buildup against the New Republic.
Years later, the New Republic experienced significant political gridlock between the Populists, who advocated for planetary sovereignty, and the Centrists, who favored a robust central government. Following the Napkin Bombing and the Amaxine warrior crisis, the senate decided to establish the position of First Senator, which would replace the largely ceremonial role of Chancellor as the New Republic's highest office. During these proceedings, Leia Organa, the Populist candidate, suffered significant political damage after Ransolm Casterfo publicly revealed her lineage. After her political downfall, the new Populist Candidate, Tai-Lin Garr was assasinated. Despite being innocent, Casterfo was framed for the assassination by First Order operatives. In 29 ABY, the Centrists seceded from the New Republic, publicly representing the covert First Order.
During this period, Senator Leia Organa established her own private military force, the Resistance, due to the Senate's reluctance to confront the First Order and risk another war. Despite this effort, the First Order destroyed the New Republic's seat of government on Hosnian Prime, effectively causing the New Republic to cease functioning, which led to open galactic war. The Resistance ultimately delivered a decisive blow to the First Order at the Battle of Exegol after uniting a Citizens' Fleet. Subsequently, a galaxy-wide uprising against the First Order erupted, raising hopes for the New Republic's restoration.

For millennia, the galaxy had been under the governance of the Galactic Republic, a democratic alliance of independent star systems. With its center on the capital world of Coruscant, the Republic was governed by the Galactic Senate, which was headed by an elected Supreme Chancellor. Protected by the Jedi Order, a religious group of peacekeeping knights who possessed the powers of the Force, the 'old' Republic enjoyed a millennium of peace and prosperity.
However, as time passed, the Republic's government became inefficient and corrupt. The Senate, filled with selfish politicians, struggled to effectively resolve disputes among the Republic's member worlds. With increasing discontent from the outer systems regarding unfair trade agreements and centuries of economic exploitation, a conflict over plasma exports and the taxation of Free Trade Zones in the galaxy led the Trade Federation to invade the planet Naboo. Although the Jedi, aided by the Naboo people and the Gungans, managed to end the occupation, then senator of Naboo Sheev Palpatine exploited the conflict, which he had secretly orchestrated, leading to his successful election as Supreme Chancellor.

Secretly, Palpatine was Darth Sidious, a Dark Lord of the Sith, whose order, the Sith, was believed to be extinct. He aimed to restore the Sith Empire. The Sith took advantage of the Republic's corruption, fostering a Separatist movement that led thousands of dissatisfied worlds to secede from the union. These Separatists were united into the Confederacy of Independent Systems by Count Dooku, who secretly collaborated with Sidious and became his Sith apprentice, Darth Tyranus. The Sith manipulated both sides, steering galactic events to their advantage. The Jedi eventually discovered a Separatist Droid Army on Geonosis, funded by powerful corporate entities, and a clone army on Kamino for the Republic, secretly commissioned by the Sith. This triggered the first galactic war in over a thousand years, the Clone Wars. Palpatine used the conflict to expand the power of his executive office, acquiring more emergency powers from the Senate and modifying the Galactic Constitution.

As the Clone Wars neared their end, a group of two thousand concerned senators formed the Delegation of 2,000. They created the Petition of 2,000, which identified all members of the group, formally protested Palpatine's actions, and demanded he return the emergency powers he had taken from the Senate after the war's conclusion. However, when the Jedi discovered Palpatine's identity as a Sith Lord and his refusal to relinquish power, a group of Jedi attempted to arrest him. They failed due to the intervention of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, who joined Sidious and became his new apprentice, Darth Vader. Sidious then issued Order 66, which compelled the clone troopers to execute their Jedi Generals using pre-installed biochips, while Vader led the siege of the Jedi Temple. Palpatine then convened the Senate in an emergency session of Congress, where he condemned the attempt to arrest him as a Jedi rebellion. He then declared that the Republic would be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire (fall of the Old Republic), proclaiming himself Emperor for life with the support of the new Imperial Senate.

As the Empire tightened its grip on the galaxy, local resistance groups emerged on numerous worlds, leading to the outbreak of the Galactic Civil War. Over time, under the leadership of Senators Mon Mothma and Bail Organa, these local groups were organized into rebel cells that gradually merged into the Alliance to Restore the Republic. These resistance fighters were determined to overthrow the Emperor and restore the Republic.
In 0 BBY, the Emperor dissolved the Imperial Senate, the last vestige of the Old Republic, as the Empire revealed the planet-destroying Death Star. However, the Rebel Alliance destroyed the battle station at the Battle of Yavin. Despite setbacks over the next four years, in 4 ABY, the Rebel Alliance attacked the Empire again at the decisive Battle of Endor. During the battle, Darth Vader sacrificed himself to kill the Emperor to save his son, Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, rendering the Sith extinct, while the Rebel Alliance successfully destroyed the second Death Star. Retreating to the Annaj system, the Imperial fleet had suffered a major defeat as the Empire began to fall apart.

Due to their victory at the Battle of Endor, the Rebel Alliance started to reorganize into a new government, known as the New Republic. The Alliance pressed its advantage against the Empire by pursuing scattered Imperial forces throughout the galaxy, aiming to prevent them from regrouping into a stronger enemy. While many celebrated the death of the Empire's dictatorial ruler, including a riot in Monument Plaza, the Empire initially maintained military superiority over the new Rebellion. To prevent the demoralized Imperial forces from reorganizing, the Alliance launched campaigns such as the Beltire Liberation and Battle of Cawa City, both of which resulted in Alliance victories and Imperial errors. Twenty days after the Battle of Endor, Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan, sent by Mon Mothma, Chancellor of the Alliance, visited the Queen of Naboo, Sosha Soruna. In the royal palace's throne room, Organa requested Naboo's support in establishing a New Republic and restoring the senate. The queen accepted Organa's offer, stating that the Naboo felt great shame over Palpatine's actions.

Although the Empire attempted to destroy Naboo and other worlds like Burnin Konn, Candovant, Abednedo, and Commenor using climate disruption arrays during Palpatine's posthumous contingency plan, Operation: Cinder, the plan was ultimately thwarted by Alliance forces. During the subsequent Invasions of Naboo, with Imperials attempting to claim Naboo as a rallying point around their defeated leader's former homeworld, the New Republic successfully defended the planet. Their efforts were led by Thane Kyrell and Corona Squadron, along with Imperial deserters who informed the Republic of Imperial strategy. As chaos and hope spread across the galaxy, Imperial propaganda began to spread contradictory messages, with some claiming the Emperor was still alive, or that the New Republic was plundering innocent star systems for its terrorist organization, while others feared legitimizing it by referring to it as anything other than a criminal organization. Governor Ubrik Adelhard locked down all communication and travel from the Anoat sector, hunting down anyone who spoke of the Emperor's death with his Purge Troopers. Nonetheless, New Republic forces quickly grew as propaganda broadcasts showing the destruction of the second Death Star inspired thousands to take up arms against the Empire.

Officially established a year after the Battle of Endor, the New Republic soon chose Chandrila as their capital. The Galactic Senate was re-established, and its newly seated members elected Mon Mothma as the Chancellor. Mothma, former leader of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, knew that a unified message was needed to win the hearts and minds of civilians across the galaxy. Making it clear that her new position was temporary, Republic communications bureaus worked around the clock, crafting inspirational messages of hope, rebirth, empowerment, and self-determination. The Empire soon installed an actor to impersonate Palpatine, but some saw through the deception. Eventually, the truth of the Emperor's death became known to the general public, while ambitious individuals announced their ascension to the Imperial throne almost daily. In reality, Grand Vizier Mas Amedda, the Emperor's former aide since the Clone Wars, held the real power and faced the impossible task of maintaining the Empire's administrative and military functions.

While the New Republic seemed unstoppable after the destruction of the Death Star II, some Republic leaders, like newly promoted Fleet Admiral Mon Calamari Gial Ackbar, knew that the Alliance's victory at Endor was largely due to luck. Despite major victories on Sevarcos and Malastare, and thwarting an attempt to restart the droid foundries on Geonosis by SpecForces, the Republic feared the consequences of a unified attack against populated New Republic systems. Fortunately for the Republic, the Imperial leadership was too busy fighting among themselves to pose a significant external threat.
Ambitious members of the Imperial Council began dividing the Emperor's territories among themselves, while ambitious Moffs, like Valco Pandion and Randd, rapidly promoted themselves and expanded their power. While the Imperial Military maintained some unity due to loyalists and a shared fear of the Rebellion, some senior Imperials anticipated the moment when a prominent figure would break away, leading to the Empire's true collapse.

With numerous splinter fleets and factions of the Empire emerging, many retreated to worlds in the Outer Rim to avoid the New Republic's attention as it advanced into the Outer Rim, securing many victories. Strategically unimportant worlds like Naalol saw heavy fighting in the months following the Emperor's death, as the Imperials used them as fallback positions while other worlds slipped from their control. Some Republic leaders believed that the Empire's shift to worlds in the Outer Systems made sense, considering that many of the Empire's original roots were there. Meanwhile, the Iron Blockade in the Anoat sector continued into its first few months, forcing citizens of local worlds like Burnin Konn to rely on crime bosses and the black market for food and supplies, as shortages led to a high demand for smuggled goods.
Wedge Antilles, a New Republic starfighter [pilot](/article/pilot], eventually located a gathering of Imperial forces on the Outer Rim world of Akiva, but was captured by the Star Destroyer Vigilance before he could report to the New Republic, requiring a rescue mission. In reality, the military buildup was the result of Admiral Rae Sloane, who attempted to unite some of the last leaders of the Empire in the Imperial Future Council to discuss the Empire's long-term strategy and appoint a new Emperor. Before any progress could be made, the resulting Rebellion on Akiva, inspired by Norra Wexley, led to the death or capture of several key Imperial figures. The New Republic Defense Fleet disrupted the gathering due to Imperial admiral Gallius Rax, who had been providing the Republic with information under the codename "Operator."

The Operator had been providing the New Republic with sensitive Imperial information for months following Endor, intending to remove those he considered weak from leadership positions to 'cleanse' the Order from within. With the summit exposed, Admiral Sloane was forced to end the council's dealings, and the decision on a future Emperor was halted. Their escape plans were complicated by the destruction of their shuttles by Norra, and further complicated when Akivan protesters tried to storm the Satrapy of Myrra palace. Commander Kyrsta Agate then arrived, leading the Republic intervention force as the uprising against Imperial rule grew. With the eventual defeat of the Imperial fleet and garrison, the Satrapy of Myrra capitulated, and Akiva became the first Outer Rim world to join the New Republic, dealing another major blow to the Empire.

Under the direction of General Hera Syndulla, the New Republic devoted its resources to Project Starhawk. This initiative, based in the Nadiri Dockyards within the Bormea sector, involved constructing Starhawk-class battleships using captured Imperial Star Destroyers. As rumors about the project circulated throughout the fleet, Vanguard Squadron received the assignment to safeguard the construction site. The initial prototype was simply called the Starhawk. Simultaneously, Orange Squadron of the New Republic actively patrolled the Mid Rim, encouraging loyalists to turn against the dwindling Empire. Another fighter group, known as Pink Squadron, existed, but details of their operations remain either classified or have been removed from records.
One of the first actions of Vanguard Squadron in support of Project Starhawk involved aiding in the capture of the destroyer Victorum, with the intention of integrating it into the program. However, news of the project reached the Empire, prompting Admiral Sloane to dispatch Captain Terisa Kerrill—who previously knew Vanguard Squadron officer Lindon Javes before his defection—and her Star Destroyer, the Overseer, to neutralize it. The Imperial fleet fought Vanguard Squadron for control of the captured Victorum, but Kerrill's forces were ultimately repelled. Following Titan Squadron's mission to Hosnian Prime, Kerrill's forces successfully obtained the sector coordinates for Project Starhawk during a battle above Desevro.

To delay the Imperial search for the project's location, the New Republic attacked and destroyed an Imperial listening post stationed above the planet Esseles. Subsequently, the Starhawk engaged in battle against the Overseer in the perilous Zavian Abyss, where the prototype inflicted damage on the Star Destroyer. However, following multiple engagements, the Overseer attacked the Nadiri Dockyards and severely damaged the Starhawk. Ultimately, the Starhawk met its end during the battle of Galitan, but the New Republic's fleet successfully evacuated the project's engineers. As a result, Project Starhawk continued, enabling the Republic to commence the construction of a fleet of these vessels.

Months after the Battle of Naboo, General Han Solo journeyed to Takodana to locate Ralsius Paldora, an Imperial defector possessing knowledge of the location of data cubes within the nearby forest. These cubes contained information vital to both the Republic and the liberation of Kashyyyk. However, when the Imperial Military discovered his betrayal, a skirmish erupted, and the general was intercepted. The arrival of Inferno Squad enabled Solo and Paldora to escape with the crucial intelligence. New Republic forces engaged in a conflict over agriworlds, securing several supply ships and achieving victory against the Empire at Andara. In retaliation for the Andara incident, the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing attacked and destroyed the Mon Gazza planetary outpost.
Following the victory on Akiva, Princess Leia Organa persistently advocated before the new Galactic Senate for the liberation of the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk from Imperial occupation. Chewbacca, her husband Han Solo's Wookiee co-pilot, hailed from Kashyyyk, and Solo sought to repay Chewbacca for a life debt. Grand Moff Lozen Tolruck governed the planet, having transformed Kashyyyk into a planet-wide slave labor camp and fitted every Wookiee with inhibitor chips. The Empire exploited the Wookiees as expendable slave labor under harsh conditions. However, the Republic was preoccupied with its military campaign against the remaining Imperial forces.

Frustrated, Solo resigned his commission as a general and hastily organized a campaign with Chewbacca to liberate the Wookiee homeworld. Despite gathering Wookiee smugglers and refugees at Warrin Station, the initial campaign failed due to an Imperial trap. Solo managed to escape, but the Empire captured Chewbacca and imprisoned him at the grim automated prison of Ashmead's Lock on Kashyyyk. After losing contact with her husband, Organa sought assistance from New Republic officer Norra Wexley and her team to rescue him. Norra and her team, including her son Temmin Wexley, his B1-series battle droid Mister Bones, former Imperial loyalty officer Sinjir Rath Velus, Zabrak bounty hunter Jas Emari, and Republic soldier Jom Barell, had been engaged in a campaign to hunt down Imperial war criminals, including Vice Admiral Perwin Gedde.

Concurrently, New Republic forces seized more former Imperial worlds, including Arkanis and Kuat, and clashed with Imperial forces on Nag Ubdur. With the easing of censorship, HoloNet networks, such as the Queen of the Core Network, freely reported on the New Republic's war efforts, Imperial atrocities, and suicide attacks. While the Imperial capital, Coruscant, descended into a state of civil war, some sectors remained beyond Imperial control, and Rebel resistance fighters established strongholds.
Conversely, other loyal sectors actively resisted the rebels. Grand Vizier Mas Amedda assumed control of Imperial forces on Coruscant, with the Imperial Security Bureau coordinating planetary forces. Faced with the Republic's military advances and growing internal unrest, Vizier Amedda secretly met with Chancellor Mothma and Senator Organa of the Alderaan sector on the aquatic planet of Velusia to offer his surrender. However, the Republic leadership rejected his offer and instructed him to find a way for the Empire to surrender unconditionally.

In response, Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax formed a Shadow Council comprising Grand Admiral Sloane, former Commandant Brendol Hux, Grand Moff Randd, General Hodnar Borrum, and Imperial propagandist Ferric Obdur to manage the dwindling Imperial remnants. Rax amassed substantial Imperial fleets in the Vulpinus Nebula, the Almagest, the Recluse's Nebula, the Queluhan Nebula, the Ro-Loo Triangle, and the Inamorata. His plan involved launching a coordinated assault against the New Republic from the Imperial holdout worlds of Zhadalene, Korrus, and Belladoon in the Outer Rim. Amidst the conflict, criminal elements, such as the pirate Eleodie Maracavanya, exploited the lawlessness to expand their criminal empires. Answering Organa's call, Norra Wexley and her commander Wedge Antilles traced Solo's last known coordinates to the edge of Wild Space.
After being rescued from Imperial forces, Wexley resigned from the New Republic Starfleet after Admiral Ackbar refused to authorize her mission to rescue Solo and ordered her to resume her pursuit of Imperial war criminals. Following Sinjir's acquisition of information about Ashmead's Lock from the captive Yupe Tashu, Wexley and her team journeyed to the Siniteen prison builder Golas Aram's stronghold on the planet Irudiru. After reuniting with Solo, the rebels joined forces to storm Aram's compound, compelling Aram to reveal information about Ashmead's Lock. Utilizing this information, Wexley's team and Solo traveled to Kashyyyk, where they successfully infiltrated the automated prison. After disabling the computer system SOL-GDA, the Rebels freed Chewbacca and hundreds of other prisoners, including Norra's husband and Temmin's father, Brentin Lore Wexley.

The Republic also launched an assault on the Kuat shipyards operated by Kuat Drive Yards, where, after weeks of combat, the guild head and the sector governor, Moff Pollus Maksim, surrendered to the Republic. Shortly thereafter, Grand Admiral Sloane initiated peace talks to end the war, with Mothma agreeing to convene an emergency session of the Senate to discuss the Imperial offer. While Norra and Temmin transported the prisoners back to Chandrila aboard the Millennium Falcon, Solo, Chewbacca, Sinjir, Jas Emari, and Jom remained behind to organize a campaign to end Imperial domination over the Wookiees of Kashyyyk. Over the following month, Jas recruited numerous smugglers and Wookiee refugees, including former slave Greybok.
Solo and his team also searched for Grand Moff Tolruck's concealed island fortress, from which he oversaw his slave empire. Meanwhile, Grand Admiral Sloane became disillusioned with Fleet Admiral Rax's leadership and agenda. After uncovering information about his connection to the late Emperor and the planet Jakku, Sloane learned of Rax's plan to launch an attack on Chandrila, the New Republic capital. To create a false sense of security within the New Republic, Sloane had already posed as the Operator and offered to engage in peace talks with Chancellor Mothma and Admiral Ackbar following the Empire's defeat over Kuat. Believing that the Empire was on the verge of collapse, the Senate had agreed to the peace talks.

On Kashyyyk, Solo and Chewbacca's team successfully infiltrated Grand Moff Tolruck's island fortress and disabled his inhibitor chips. This triggered a widespread planet-wide uprising, leading to the swift overthrow of the Imperial garrison on Kashyyyk. In desperation, Tolruck ordered the orbiting Imperial Star Destroyers to initiate orbital bombardment of Kashyyyk. However, a New Republic probe droid intercepted Tolruck's order and transmitted the footage to Leia, who alerted Wedge Antilles, Chancellor Mothma, and Admiral Ackbar. Han and his team also managed to hijack the Star Destroyer Dominion and destroy one of the other Destroyers. When Leia, Antilles, and Ackbar arrived with reinforcements, the remaining Imperial forces on Kashyyyk surrendered. The Wookiees regained control of their homeworld and began clearing out the remaining Imperial holdouts on the planet.
The liberation of Kashyyyk coincided with the Empire's abandonment of its remaining garrisons on the Twi'lek homeworld of Ryloth, which was subsequently liberated by the Free Ryloth Movement. In Chandrila's capital, Hanna City, Chancellor Mothma organized a celebration called Liberation Day to honor the prisoners freed from Ashmead Lock. This celebration coincided with Grand Admiral Sloane's arrival on Chandrila for the peace talks. Unbeknownst to the New Republic, Fleet Admiral Rax had implanted the prisoners with inorganic biochips. After Imperial agent Windom Traducier activated a transponder atop the Hanna City opera house, the liberated prisoners, including Brentin, involuntarily attacked numerous New Republic officials. Mon Mothma narrowly escaped assassination, but many officials were either maimed or killed.

Disgusted by Rax's tactics, Sloane turned against him and narrowly avoided death at the hands of her aide, Adea Rite, who was secretly an agent of Rax. The attack on Chandrila severely damaged the New Republic's public image, as the violence was broadcast live on HoloNet. Several systems that had been considering joining the Republic withdrew their applications. Some advocated for relocating the Republic's capital from Chandrila to a more secure system, while others proposed forming an alternate Independent Systems Alliance.
The New Republic also suspended the hiring of bounty hunters, as soliciting their services made the Republic's security and military forces appear weak. Following the Liberation Day attacks, Fleet Admiral Rax assumed control of the Shadow Council, citing Sloane's alleged death. Appointing himself as Counselor to the Empire, Rax marshaled the Imperial armadas for a decisive battle against the New Republic on the desolate Inner Rim world of Jakku. Meanwhile, the fugitive Sloane joined forces with Brentin to hunt down and eliminate Rax. As the New Republic prepared for a final showdown with the remnants of the Empire, Norra, her son, and their team resolved to hunt down Sloane, believing her to be responsible for the attack on Chandrila.

In the months following the Imperial resurgence on Chandrila, the New Republic had to grapple with emerging factions, including the New Separatist Union, the Confederacy of Corporate Systems, and the pirate state known as the Sovereign Latitudes of Maracavanya. Chancellor Mon Mothma also faced a political challenge from Senator Tolwar Wartol, who accused her of weakness and advocated for a stronger, more centralized, and militarized New Republic. These challenges coincided with the New Republic's efforts to relocate its capital to the Mid Rim agrarian world of Nakadia. During a meeting of the Committee for Imperial Reallocation, formed to redistribute the Empire's resources, Chancellor Mothma allocated resources and infrastructure for worlds devastated by the Empire.
Feeling weary, Mothma proposed adjourning the meeting early and postponing it until the following month. Despite maintaining a robust military, Mothma ensured that it was not excessively powerful, aiming to distinguish her government from the Empire. During a clandestine gathering, Mothma highlighted the fact that Senator Organa's authorization of Norra Wexley's team to hunt for Rae Sloane fell under the Senate's jurisdiction. She emphasized the need for caution before proceeding to Jakku and explained her inability to authorize the deployment of military forces without consulting the Senate. However, Wartol discovered the meeting and leaked the information to HoloNet News, seizing the opportunity to criticize the Chancellor for being secretive and indecisive.
Meanwhile, Wexley's team, including her son Temmin, successfully tracked Sloane to Jakku. However, they discovered that the remnants of the Imperial military had fled there. While Norra and the bounty hunter Jas Emari went to Jakku to search for Sloane, Temmin and Sinjir returned to Chandrila to warn the New Republic. Chancellor Mothma urged the Galactic Senate to vote for military intervention on Jakku, but the bill fell five votes short of a majority. Before a re-vote could occur, the New Republic initiated the process of relocating to Nakadia.

Despite the instability, the war continued, with Inferno Squad heading to Chinook Station on Bespin to locate and capture Agent Gideon Hask. This mission was prompted by Ralsius Paldora's revelation that Admiral Garrick Versio's fleet had been refueling at Chinook for several months. Although they failed to capture Hask, they successfully shut down the operation. Concurrently, General Lando Calrissian and Shriv Suurgav traveled to Sullust to secure the weapons in the depot for the Republic before the Empire could. However, the Empire had secretly reactivated the weapons factory, leading Calrissian to conclude that it was better to destroy the depot to prevent the Empire from producing more weapons.
Meanwhile, Mon Mothma delayed the re-vote by stalling Senator Tolwar Wartol with an impromptu biosecurity inspection above Nakadia. Han Solo, along with Sinjir, Temmin, Jom Barell, and Conder Kyl, discovered that the Black Sun and Red Key crime syndicates had coerced five senators into derailing the bill to prolong the Galactic Civil War. The chancellor narrowly escaped an assassination attempt by Senator Wartol. After rescuing Senator Nim Tar's child, Sinjir managed to resolve the situation by offering to pardon the senators if they supported Mothma's bill during the re-vote. As a result, Chancellor Mothma successfully passed a bill sending the New Republic military to Jakku. Following the death of her adviser Auxi Kray Korbin, Sinjir and Sondiv Sella were appointed as Mothma's new advisers.

On Bespin, Adelhard escaped as his forces largely collapsed under General Calrissian's campaign, who had led a joint task force of both Bespin Wing Guards and New Republic soldiers in clearing out the remaining Imperial holdouts in Cloud City following the Liberation of Cloud City. Wing Guard Captain Gladstone informed him that the Imperials were holed up inside the Casino level. Calrissian managed to persuade a dozen Imperials to surrender by revealing that Adelhard's claims about Palpatine were false and offering to spare their lives, provide them with food, and allow them to leave Cloud City. However, a sergeant attempted to kill Calrissian, but Calrissian killed the sergeant, effectively ending the war on Bespin.

Following the vote, the Battle of Jakku began. Leading the New Republic fleet was Admiral Ackbar, who directed them toward the desolate stronghold that the Empire held. Lieutenant General Brockway commanded ground troops that were also sent to assault Rax's primary Imperial base, as well as a weapons manufacturing site. Despite having a larger force than the Empire, the New Republic fleet could not penetrate the Imperial defense perimeter. The Republic, suspecting Jakku might be a diversion, opted to maintain a force on Chandrila and the new galactic capital, Nakadia, under the command of General Tyben. This force would receive updates on the battle's progress from Admiral Ackbar via hologram.
Unbeknownst to the New Republic, Counselor Rax had orchestrated the battle to eliminate both the Galactic Empire and the New Republic forces. This was part of the Emperor's Contingency plan and Rax's personal vision for a revitalized Empire. Palpatine, before his death, entrusted Rax with the execution of his plan, as he did not wish for the Empire to endure beyond his demise. As part of the Contingency, Rax intended to detonate Jakku, destroying the planet and all combatants involved.
Iden Versio, leading Inferno Squad, provided assistance to the ground operations. Iden, spotting an opportunity to rescue her father, deliberately crashed her X-Wing into the Eviscerator, narrowly avoiding a fatal fall. She implored her father, Garrick, to leave with her, but he declined, instead urging her to survive. After a heartfelt farewell, Iden managed to escape in a pod just before the ship plummeted to the planet's surface.

Initially, the Battle of Jakku favored the Imperial remnants due to Rax's aggressive and unconventional strategies. The Imperial fleet established a defensive line around the Super Star Destroyer Ravager, effectively slowing down the New Republic's advance. However, the Imperial formation was disrupted when the Star Destroyer Punishment collided with the New Republic Starhawk-class battleship Amity. This created an opening, allowing Commodore Kyrsta Agate's warship Concord to target the Ravager. Despite sustaining heavy damage, the Concord successfully pulled the Ravager down to Jakku's surface, shifting the momentum of the battle.
Subsequently, New Republic forces launched attacks against the Imperial remnants on multiple fronts, both in space and on the ground. New Republic boarding parties, including former TIE fighter pilot Thane Kyrell, attempted to seize control of several Star Destroyers, including the Inflictor. The intense fighting resulted in Jakku's surface becoming covered with the wreckage of starships and vehicles, including the Inflictor itself, for many years to come. Meanwhile, Sloane joined forces with Norra and Brentin Lore Wexley in an effort to eliminate Rax and thwart his plan to destroy Jakku. Following this, Sloane, along with former Commandant Brendol Hux and his son, Armitage, escaped into the Unknown Regions.

As the Battle of Jakku neared its end, Grand Vizier Amedda emerged from hiding and announced his intention to negotiate a cease-fire between the Galactic Empire and the New Republic. Chancellor Mothma and Grand Vizier Amedda formally signed the Imperial Instruments of Surrender and the Galactic Concordance on Chandrila, the official Republic capital. Mothma, accompanied by Princess Leia Organa and her advisors, Sinjir and Sondiv Sella, issued the order for the Empire to surrender. The concordance imposed strict regulations on the remaining Imperial forces, including harsh reparations and conditions such as the closure of Imperial Academies and the transfer of Coruscant to the New Republic.
Mothma also issued a declaration classifying any surviving Imperial officers who did not comply with the surrender terms as war criminals. However, non-combatant officials, including Amedda, were granted conditional pardons. The Imperial remnants were required to accept the terms of the concordance and cede Coruscant to the New Republic. Despite the concordance, fighting persisted on Jakku's surface for several months. Furthermore, some Imperial remnants dissented from or refused to acknowledge the former Empire's decision to end the war, continuing to resist the New Republic. Consequently, the New Republic Starfleet remained on a war footing for a period, with the Empire expected to formally surrender eventually.

One of the initial actions taken by the Senate following the signing of the Galactic Concordance was the enactment of the Military Disarmament Act. This act significantly reduced the New Republic's military to a large but operationally-limited peacekeeping force, which was a primary objective of Mon Mothma. While most people welcomed the move, believing that the remaining Imperial hardliners posed no threat, Leia Organa disagreed and was subsequently marginalized from the New Republic's political processes. The act also formalized the mandated disarmament of the Imperial Military, as stipulated in the Concordance, further promoting the goal of peaceful coexistence between the two demilitarized powers. This would also support the training and funding for local planetary defense forces, preventing the Empire's abuses and the Old Republic's failings.

Even after the collapse of the Empire, remnants persisted in the form of Imperial holdouts, which were fragments of the former regime that established bases on remote planets. Former Imperials transformed into warlords, while remnant stormtroopers fragmented into mercenary groups serving these ex-Imperial warlords. One such Imperial remnant was led by Moff Gideon, a former officer in the Imperial Security Bureau during the Great Purge of Mandalore. He formed his faction from the remains of the Imperial Army and Imperial Navy to achieve his goals.
By 9 ABY, the New Republic's control over the galaxy was incomplete, particularly in the Outer Rim. Economic stability and the rule of law were lacking, especially on less-developed planets. Additionally, the New Republic was engaged in a losing conflict against the Pirate Nation in the Mid Rim. Despite the efforts of New Republic pilots like Captain Carson Teva and Trapper Wolf to patrol the Outer Rim in search of Imperial holdouts, Gideon's remnant activity went unchallenged by the New Republic. During one patrol, Teva and Wolf pursued the Mandalorian Din Djarin.
After an incident involving Gideon's remnant on Nevarro, Teva grew suspicious about the remnants' activities, but the leadership on the Core Worlds dismissed his concerns. Teva recruited Carasynthia Dune, believing that local support was necessary for the New Republic to effectively combat the remnants. Valin Hess, an officer who served in the remnants on Morak, claimed that the Imperial remnant was gaining strength due to the New Republic's "complete disarray." Following a battle on Tython, Djarin sought Dune's assistance in locating Grogu. Dune used her authority to release Migs Mayfeld from prison to aid in the search for Gideon. Gideon was later apprehended and scheduled to be sent to the New Republic Tribunal, but he was extracted during transport.

The New Republic Amnesty Program was established to allow former Imperials to join the New Republic in exchange for amnesty. Doctor Penn Pershing and Elia Kane were among those who joined the program. Pershing and Kane resided in the Amnesty Housing complex on Coruscant, along with other participants in the program. The Coruscant Accords prohibited Pershing from continuing his research on cloning and genetic engineering. A parole droid supervised him during the program and inquired about his thoughts.

For three decades following the Battle of Endor, the New Republic was the primary galactic government. A whole generation grew up in a time of peace, unaware of the Old Empire and the Galactic Civil War. There was still some military activity, such as when the Republic authorized a peacekeeping operation by sending a fleet to Kaddak in the Outer Rim to bring the lawless world under control, but all the ships sent were lost. Decades later, Poe Dameron recalled the failed operation and described Kaddak as a dangerous place.
The chancellors who succeeded Mon Mothma lacked her charisma and ability to build consensus within the Senate. Old Imperial sympathizers in the Galactic Senate would inevitably depart from it once tensions flared, having briefly existed as part of the Republic political process. While many praised the concept, others realized that without Republic oversight, a new and even greater threat could emerge on the galactic stage. During this period, the Core World of Hosnian Prime served as the Republic's capital and housed the Senate. By that time, the Senate was deadlocked and plagued by internal conflicts.

The Centrists, who favored a stronger galactic government and military, and the Populists, who believed that individual worlds should retain most authority, were two powerful, unofficial factions that fought for control of the Senate and the New Republic. The Republic's constant infighting made it impossible to enforce financial regulations and conduct regular patrols of the galaxy's shipping lanes. This lack of decisiveness facilitated the resurgence of several criminal cartels, including the Nikto crime lord Rinnrivin Di's cartel, which was considered a rival to even the greatest Hutt crime organizations at their peak. They targeted Twi'lek shipments in the Gaulus sector, which included the planet Ryloth. Although Ryloth was not a member of the New Republic, it still traded with the new galactic government. Rinnrivin's criminal activities forced Ryloth's Emissary Yendor to request assistance from the Galactic Senate. The First Order, a mysterious Imperial remnant, secretly funneled funds into Rinnrivin Di's cartel through a paramilitary faction called the Amaxine warriors. The Amaxine warriors were based on a supposedly warrior culture that dated back to the dawn of the Galactic Republic who were believed to have left the galaxy, in search of another. By the time of the New Republic, they were believed to be extinct. Some senators dismissed Rinnrivin's activities as an "intrasystem matter." However, the Populist Senator Leia Organa and her Centrist colleague Ransolm Casterfo volunteered to investigate the Nikto criminal cartel further.
The two senators traveled to Bastatha, an Outer Rim planet outside New Republic control and known as a haven for criminals, where Rinnrivin's cartel was known to operate. There, Rinnrivin kidnapped Senator Organa in an attempt to bribe her into relaxing Republic restrictions on the spice trade. However, Casterfo rescued Organa, and Rinnrivin was forced to flee his hideout. Analysis of data recovered from Rinnrivin's headquarters revealed that Bastatha's gambling revenue was being channeled into a network of shadowy corporations based in the Outer Rim.

Following the mission to Bastatha, Lady Carise Sindian, a Centrist senator and a secret agent of the First Order working to destabilize the Republic, introduced a motion calling for the Senate to abolish the chancellorship and create a new, more powerful position called First Senator. This new position would have significant control over the military and the economy. Senator Casterfo persuaded the neutral senators to vote in favor of the resolution. As a result, the Senate passed the motion, and the Populists were forced to change their strategy by endorsing one of their own for the position. Due to her influence as the daughter of the late Bail Organa and a leader in the Rebel Alliance, Senator Organa decided to run as the Populist candidate for First Senator. Later, Organa's starfighter pilots Greer Sonnel and Joph Seastriker discovered that Rinnrivin was hiring members of the Amaxine warriors as pilots for his smuggling and raiding operations. During their investigation, Leia and her team uncovered circumstantial evidence that several Centrist senators were collaborating with Rinnrivin's cartel and the Amaxine warriors. In an attempt to create chaos, Arliz Hadrassian, a former TIE fighter pilot and the fanatical leader of the Amaxine warriors, bombed the Senate's conference hall. Although no senators were killed due to Organa's quick actions, the "Napkin Bombing" was reported in the media as the most serious security incident since the end of the Civil War. Centrists and Populists soon began accusing each other of orchestrating the bombing for political gain.
Ignoring the ongoing political gridlock, Organa and Casterfo continued their investigation into Rinnrivin's syndicate. On Leia's behalf, Ransolm traveled to Daxam IV to investigate the Amaxine warriors. Posing as an Imperial sympathizer and collector of rare Imperial artifacts, Casterfo met Hadrassian and learned that the Amaxine warriors were a large, well-armed militia group that admired the "Old Empire." Meanwhile, Organa and the rest of her team, including C-3PO and Korr Sella, visited the Ryloth archives and uncovered evidence about Rinnrivin's "sudden" rise to power as a major crime figure. Organa's team also discovered that Rinnrivin maintained spy satellites linked to the Expansion Region world of Sibensko. After a secret meeting with Rinnrivin on Harloff Minor, Organa learned that Rinnrivin disagreed with the Amaxines' actions during the Napkin Bombing.

After returning to Hosnian Prime, Organa and Ransolm exchanged notes and prepared to travel to Sibensko. Before they could depart, Organa formally prepared to announce her candidacy for First Senator at the Galactic Senate. However, Sindian, who had become the Supreme governor of Birren with Organa's help, discovered sensitive information about Leia's true parentage as the daughter of Darth Vader, who was universally despised. Unhappy that her Centrist colleague Casterfo was friendly with Organa, Sindian revealed Organa's secret to him. Feeling betrayed by his friend, Casterfo informed the Senate about Organa's true parentage. The ensuing political fallout destroyed Organa's reputation overnight, and she was forced to withdraw her nomination for First Senator.
Despite this major setback, Organa remained determined to continue her investigation into Rinnrivin's cartel and the Amaxine warriors. With the help of Seastriker and Sonnel, Organa and C-3PO managed to infiltrate Sibensko. There, C-3PO discovered banking records proving that the Amaxines and another mysterious entity were funneling funds into Rinnrivin's cartel, which then channeled the money into Centrist worlds. Organa and her team were pursued by Rinnrivin and the Amaxine warriors, who maintained a large base on Sibensko that included several starfighters. However, they managed to escape with the help of Han Solo shortly before a downed Amaxine B-wing starfighter collided with the Amaxines' ammunition depot, triggering an explosion that destroyed the underwater city. This crippled the Amaxines but destroyed much of the evidence linking the militia and Rinnrivin to the First Order and Sindian.

Following the events on Sibensko, Organa addressed the Galactic Senate about her investigation into Rinnrivin's cartel and the Amaxines. She concluded her speech by urging the Galactic Senate to set aside their differences and be vigilant for any future threats to the New Republic. Although many distrusted her because she was Vader's daughter, Senator Casterfo, who felt guilty about his role in Organa's political downfall, spoke in her defense. He presented evidence about the Amaxines' arms buildup and their admiration for the "Old Empire." Casterfo's actions angered Sindian, who wanted to use the Centrists to undermine the New Republic. Sindian hired Arliz Hadrassian to assassinate the Populist Senator Tai-Lin Garr, Organa's friend and the new Populist candidate for First Senator. Hadrassian then killed herself before she could be taken into custody. The New Republic media and public believed that Hadrassian was the sole mastermind behind the Amaxine warriors, the Napkin bombing, and Rinnrivin's syndicate. Sindian then fabricated evidence linking Casterfo to Hadrassian. Accused of sponsoring and financing Hadrassian, Casterfo was deported to his homeworld of Riosa to face imprisonment, trial, and sentencing. Realizing that Sindian was responsible for leaking information about her parentage and framing Casterfo, Organa convinced the Elder Houses to strip Sindian of all her titles and powers. Disillusioned with the infighting in the Senate, Organa resigned as senator and founded the Resistance to safeguard the Republic from all threats.
Under Organa's leadership, the Resistance became a private military force that monitored the First Order's movements. Although she requested assistance from the New Republic, the Senate was too preoccupied with its own issues to pay much attention, and its slow political processes frustrated the former princess.

The New Republic entered a Cold War with the First Order, which had emerged from the Unknown Regions. Defying the Galactic Concordance, the First Order mobilized and developed its military might, acquiring advanced weapons and starships. First Order forces frequently crossed the Trans-Hydian Borderlands and launched raids and incursions into the New Republic, exemplified by the engagement over Suraz 4. However, Chancellor Lanever Villecham adopted a policy of non-aggression, refusing to consider the First Order a serious threat despite their aggressive actions. He limited any response to mere formal diplomatic protests, prioritizing trade with neutral star systems over confronting the First Order. The chancellor focused on establishing favorable trade relations with these systems, favoring this policy.
In contrast to the Galactic Senate, New Republic Command recognized the First Order as a legitimate and significant threat. However, the senate intervened, ordering them not to engage the First Order's forces with the Defense Fleet and to only patrol within Republic space to avoid a new galactic war at all costs. Despite this, Republic Command secretly provided the Resistance with intelligence reports.

Some members of the senate, such as the Centrist senator Erudo Ro-Kiintor, even secretly colluded with the Order by obstructing or blocking motions that would have increased funding for the Republic Navy. In practice, military contracts were generally limited due to the disarmament policy and growing corruption in the Galactic Senate. However, one such contract was awarded to Incom-FreiTek Corporation, which developed new X-wing starfighters like the T-85 X-wing. Military officers such as Major Lonno Deso generally viewed the First Order as a poorly equipped and funded terrorist group with effective propaganda. He even regarded Organa and her allies as scaremongering troublemakers trying to relive their past glory, believing that the First Order was staying within its assigned borders, adhering to the terms of the concordance, and posing little cause for concern.
In an effort to persuade the Senate of her perspective, Organa dispatched Resistance commander Korr Sella to the galactic capital of Hosnian Prime as an envoy to advocate for action by the New Republic.

The policies of Villecham ultimately proved disastrous when the First Order initiated its campaign of war. After Supreme Leader Snoke gave the go-ahead for the firing of the Starkiller Base superweapon, General Armitage Hux declared the end was near for the Republic. He gave the order to fire the weapon, and enormous beams composed of phantom energy raced across the galaxy, targeting the Hosnian system and annihilating multiple planets, including the galactic capital, Hosnian Prime, resulting in the deaths of billions. The weapon's activation also unleashed enough energy to create a temporary tear in sub-hyperspace; this catastrophic event sparked a new galactic war. The blast was visible throughout the galaxy, and with the Republic's leadership and the Home Fleet completely wiped out, widespread terror and shock gripped countless worlds, who were totally unaware of the impending doom.
Subsequently, the Resistance attacked and destroyed Starkiller Base, thwarting the First Order's plans to use it against their headquarters on D'Qar. Nevertheless, the First Order gained the upper hand and was on the verge of seizing military control of the galaxy. With the New Republic rendered incapable of functioning, it effectively collapsed, as the First Order successfully coerced numerous worlds into surrender, while others willingly sided with the First Order, seeking security. Surviving senators and commanders disbanded their task forces, sending these forces back to their respective homeworlds for defense.

Following General Organa's incapacitation during the First Order's Battle of Oetchi, Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo took charge of the Resistance. She firmly believed that the Resistance was vital for restoring the Republic, Holdo asserted that the organization needed to survive to inspire widespread opposition to the First Order throughout the galaxy.
Following the downfall of the Republic, the First Order was on the brink of dominating the major systems, ready to become the galaxy's next leading power. General Hux hoped the First Order's innovations would crush what remained of the New Republic and the Resistance. Deprived of the Republic's backing, General Organa dispatched agents across the galaxy in an attempt to gather support for the Resistance's cause. Despite their pleas, the Resistance stood alone in their fight to defeat the First Order and reinstate the New Republic until, one year later, a combined Citizens' Fleet came to their aid at the Battle of Exegol. Together, they defeated the Sith Eternal and its forces, which triggered uprisings against the First Order across the galaxy. After their victory, General Lando Calrissian reflected on the vast possibilities now open, including the potential resurgence of the New Republic in some form. However, even months after the victory, what kind of galactic government would emerge from the ashes of war remained uncertain.

The chancellor's office was designed with limited central authority, not an executive position, and was subject to restrictions intended to prevent the head of state from accumulating significant power. Instead, the Galactic Senate held executive powers, with representatives chosen by popular vote, giving member worlds greater influence over galactic state affairs. The New Republic government was deliberately structured with a decentralized framework.
While the chancellor's formal title was Supreme Chancellor, it was rarely used due to the Mothma reforms outlined in the charter of Chancellor, a document that empowered the chancellor to lead the new Galactic Senate. To prevent future office abuses, Mothma relinquished these emergency powers and proposed a plan to assist war-torn worlds and enhance the training of their planetary defense forces, enabling them to defend themselves. The chancellor was also subordinate to the Senate's will, even in military matters like the disarmament of the New Republic Defense Fleet.

The New Republic opted not to locate its legislative branch on Coruscant. Instead, member worlds would host the Galactic Senate headquarters on a rotating basis through elections. Nevertheless, it was decided that Coruscant would maintain some government operations since it was already equipped to manage the galaxy's infrastructure. Consequently, Coruscant served as a crucial administrative center for the New Republic government.

The signing of the Galactic Concordance on Chandrila marked both victory and peace for the New Republic. Several changes were implemented in the political process to avoid repeating the mistakes of the Old Republic. In line with its humanitarian principles, the New Republic prohibited torture as part of the Concordance. However, the divisive issue of how to treat former Imperials became a subject of intense debate. Some advocated for executing and punishing those responsible for war crimes, while others were appalled by the idea of stooping to the barbarities of the former regime and emulating what they had fought against.
Ultimately, the fact that billions had participated in the Empire—many unwillingly—led to cooler heads prevailing, resulting in lenient sentences and invitations for former Imperial governors to join the New Republic. Similarly, civilian and military personnel were offered a fresh start within the nascent Republic. Despite its idealism, the New Republic never gained traction on a scale comparable to the Old Republic. Furthermore, the Senate passed the Military Disarmament Act, which significantly reduced the size and capabilities of the New Republic Starfleet, although it was still maintained.

To secure the support of alienated worlds and prevent the conflicts that had plagued the Old Republic and later the Empire, the New Republic government chose not to permanently settle on Coruscant. Instead, member worlds would host the galactic capital on a rotating basis, with elections determining the Senate's location. Despite its apparent unity, the Senate was divided into two opposing factions: the Populists, who believed that individual member worlds should hold nearly all authority, and the Centrists, who favored a stronger central government. These factions frequently clashed over policies and government spending, creating an atmosphere of political gridlock and distrust within the Senate. As a result, the Republic struggled to perform several essential functions, including preventing the resurgence of organized crime, enforcing financial regulations, and patrolling shipping lanes.
In response to the political stalemate, Centrists Lady Carise Sindian and Ransolm Casterfo proposed creating the office of First Senator, which would wield considerable power over the galactic economy and military. Populist Senators Leia Organa and Tai-Lin Garr were considered strong candidates for this office until revelations about Organa's parentage and Garr's assassination. In response to the political turmoil caused by Garr's death and Casterfo's arrest, the Senate passed a motion to postpone elections indefinitely. This was supported by Sindian and her Centrist allies, who planned to secede from the New Republic and align with the growing First Order.
Prior to Poe Dameron's search for Lor San Tekka, several members of the Galactic Senate, including the Centrist Erudo Ro-Kiintor, were secretly collaborating with the First Order, which had previously broken away from Republic politics. In exchange for substantial credits transferred through the Corporate Sector Authority and other corporations, Ro-Kiintor and like-minded senators consistently delayed, obstructed, and rejected motions concerning sanctions against the First Order and increased support for the Republic Navy.

The New Republic evolved from the Alliance to Restore the Republic, becoming the new galactic government. During the final stages of the Galactic Civil War, numerous worlds and systems defected to the New Republic, bolstering its ranks. Faced with the Republic's relentless military advances against the Galactic Empire, Grand Admiral Sloane proposed peace talks with Chancellor Mon Mothma and Fleet Admiral Ackbar on Chandrila. Following the Battle of Jakku, the Republic and the Galactic Empire signed the Galactic Concordance, which imposed strict disarmament treaties and punitive reparations, limiting the Empire's ability to wage war and ordering its dissolution. A provisional government, led by Grand Vizier Mas Amedda after the Empire ceded its capital to the Republic, was established on Coruscant but placed under the supervision of New Republic overseers during that time.
After the Galactic Civil War concluded, GR-75 medium transports were employed by the New Republic for aid and supply missions. Approximately thirty years after the Battle of Endor, the New Republic was under the impression that neither the First Order nor other remnants of the "Old Empire" posed a significant threat, and therefore shifted its focus to reshaping galactic politics. Chancellor Lanever Villecham prioritized developing closer trade relations with the Trans-Hydian Borderlands rather than taking military action against the First Order.

The New Republic tolerated the Resistance, a private military force established by General Leia Organa to monitor the First Order's activities. While the New Republic officially condoned the Resistance, it was hesitant to provide assistance, wary of provoking a war with the First Order. Conversely, the Resistance's leadership considered the Galactic Senate too slow and self-absorbed to be of any help. The First Order, on the other hand, despised the New Republic as an illegitimate regime that fostered disorder and supported the Resistance. In an attempt to destroy the Republic, the First Order launched a preemptive strike on the Hosnian system, which at the time housed the Senate and the New Republic Starfleet.
Furthermore, the New Republic maintained political and trade relations with independent, non-member worlds, such as Ryloth. The New Republic was also known to place troubled non-member worlds, like Bastatha, under conditional probational advice, enabling the Republic to monitor and track activity around the planet for a specific period. The New Republic also had to contend with other powers, including the New Separatist Union, the Confederacy of Corporate Systems, and the pirate state known as the Sovereign Latitudes of Maracavanya.

The New Republic Defense Force served as the peacekeeping force responsible for defending the New Republic. It comprised three branches: the New Republic Defense Fleet, the land-based New Republic army, and the New Republic Special Forces. The Defense Fleet was stationed on Chandrila. The Defense Force originated from the military formations of the Rebel Alliance that fought against the Galactic Empire, with the newly formed New Republic Defense Force engaging extensively against the remnants of the Empire after the Battle of Endor. Following the Galactic Concordance, the Galactic Senate enacted the Military Disarmament Act, drastically reducing the New Republic military to a smaller peacetime force. This act was initially proposed by Chancellor Mon Mothma, who believed that a demilitarized galaxy would foster lasting peace and freedom.
In the years following the Battle of Endor, the New Republic established a network of academies on various worlds, including Chandrila, to replace the former Imperial Academies. One notable graduate was the starfighter pilot Joph Seastriker. Approximately twenty-four years after the events on Endor, at least one Centrist senator viewed the New Republic academies as inferior copies of their Imperial counterparts. Consequently, the study programs of the Old Empire's academies were reintroduced into the curriculum of academies located on Centrist worlds. Reflecting the New Republic's anti-militaristic ideals, its soldiers wore simple jackets, trousers, and minimal armor, designed not to evoke terror or awe. The New Republic Starfleet maintained a Digital Warfare Department, and a Pilots Commission, led by Han Solo, existed two years after Jakku.

The peacetime duties of the New Republic Starfleet included enforcing financial regulations, conducting extensive patrols of galactic shipping lanes to safeguard the galaxy from large-scale organized crime syndicates, and escorting senators on government business. The Republic Starfleet was the largest defense force in the galaxy, but its size and capabilities were significantly reduced by the Military Disarmament Act. Instead, the Republic encouraged increased training and funding for local planetary defense forces. Although it possessed sufficient resources to defend the entire galaxy during peacetime, several Centrist senators, such as Erudo Ro-Kiintor, frequently advocated for diverting more government funding to planetary defenses, a pretext for earmarking funds to Centrist worlds.
The Defense Force was commanded by a Fleet Admiral and New Republic High Command. Before the destruction of the Hosnian system, Republic Command directed its military personnel and units not to engage in hostilities with the First Order, adhering to the Galactic Senate's desire to avoid another war.
The judiciary included the New Republic Tribunal, which possessed various powers, such as commissioning hunters to bring Imperials like Vice Admiral Perwin Gedde to justice. With freedom restored, some sought to resolve their issues in New Republic courts. For example, the Narquois of Narq, capitalizing on the new era, decided to sue the Neimoidians in court, seeking unprecedented compensation for the treatment their species had endured for centuries.

In addition to its standing military, the New Republic established a security agency known as the New Republic Security Bureau to protect the Republic from internal security threats. Unlike the Old Republic and the Old Empire, the New Republic ceased hiring bounty hunters for a period after the attack on Chandrila, as soliciting their services made the New Republic's military and security apparatus appear weak. By the time of the Battle of Jakku, the New Republic law enforcement database was linked to the Coronet City Peace and Security's records. This allowed Norra Wexley's team to identify the location of the bounty hunter Mercurial Swift's mother, Tabba Teldar. Following the signing of the Galactic Concordance, Chancellor Mothma designated all Imperial officers as war criminals. However, civilian functionaries were granted conditional pardons, provided they adhered to the terms of the Galactic Concordance.
The Department of Prisons was responsible for matters concerning prisons under New Republic jurisdiction. The Republic initiated a privatization of the prison system, outsourcing the management of some prisons, such as Megalox, to private individuals like Warden Luta by 34 ABY. Megalox was considered to house some of the galaxy's most notorious criminals. Situated on the high-gravity world of Megalox Beta and protected by a gravity shield, prisoners were left to fend for themselves, subsisting on supplies transported from an orbiting space station. Notable inmates included Grakkus the Hutt, Papa Toren, Kan Be, and Isin. Visitors could bribe their way into the prison.
Besides the prison on Megalox, the New Republic operated prisons on Clak'dor V, the Delrian Prison Planet, Garen IV, Jubilar, Karthon Chop Fields, Oovo 4, Lola Sayu, Selnesh, Sunspot Prison, Tamazall, Wobani, and Virujansi around 9 ABY.

The New Republic Correctional Corps oversaw the prisoners of the New Republic. The Corps consisted of New Republic corrections officers, such as Lieutenant Lant Davan, and was augmented by N5 sentry droids and R1 Security Droids. The Corps utilized New Republic Correctional Transports as prison ships. Additionally, prisoners of the Correctional Corps were sent to the Karthon Chop Fields, where they served their sentences as prison labor, recycling derelict Imperial vessels and equipment.

Unlike the xenophobia prevalent in the Empire, humans and aliens enjoyed equal representation in New Republic government institutions, such as the Galactic Senate. Approximately six years before the destruction of the Hosnian system, a divide existed between Populist and Centrist worlds, mirroring the two primary political factions within the Senate. Populist worlds favored greater planetary autonomy, with some Populist senators advocating for citizen voting on Senate legislation and others calling for the Senate's abolition. Conversely, Centrist worlds promoted a stronger central government and military, adopting a strict stance on law and order. Some Centrists, like Lady Carise Sindian, harbored nostalgia for the Old Empire and supported the idea of Centrist worlds seceding from the New Republic to join the First Order.

As the successor to the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the New Republic considered itself a democracy that actively encouraged and protected the free exchange of ideas and opinions. Government debates on proposals and policies were broadcast on the HoloNet to promote transparency and accountability. Following the Battle of Endor, the New Republic enacted legislation that allocated government expenditure for non-military purposes, cleaned up polluted worlds, and compensated alien species enslaved by the Empire. Rejecting the totalitarianism and censorship of the Galactic Empire, the New Republic eased restrictions on the media. After the liberation of Akiva, the newly unrestricted HoloNet reported on Imperial atrocities, such as the massacres of native populations by Imperial commanders and Imperial suicide attacks on entrenched New Republic positions. The media were permitted to debate current events, such as the aftermath of the Battle of Jakku.
The official language of the New Republic was Galactic Basic Standard, the most widely spoken language in the galaxy. However, numerous other languages, including Shyriiwook, Rodian, and Sullustese, were freely spoken throughout the Republic.

In contrast to the Empire, the New Republic encouraged public celebrations, including carnivals, festivals, official revels, and pageants. One notable holiday was Liberation Day, organized to commemorate the liberation of former Rebel prisoners from Ashmead's Lock prison on Kashyyyk. Following the Battle of Jakku, Liberation Day was transformed into the seven-day Festival of Liberation. Hosnian Prime, the capital of the New Republic, marked the beginning of the autumn season with Equinox Day.
In the realm of sports, one popular piloting championship was the Five Sabers, a five-stage race held on the planet Theron. Rebel Alliance veteran and former smuggler Han Solo helped manage the championship. A junior version, called the Junior Sabers, was also held for younger pilots like Greer Sonnel. Ubardian oil wrestling was a popular form of entertainment on some seedy worlds like Sibensko. The Republic lifted the Empire's restrictions and censorship on the HoloNet and encouraged the creation of various channels, including the Queen of the Core Network, to appeal to the galactic public. The New Republic assumed full control of the HoloNet by 5 ABY.

The galactic economy of the New Republic was structured around its extensive network of interstellar shipping routes. While the foundation of its economy rested on principles of free trade and the pursuit of widespread prosperity, the New Republic maintained strict regulations against the unrestricted commerce of most varieties of spice. However, the New Republic did permit the trade and sale of less potent spices, which could be cultivated and extracted from numerous planets. This ban on the more potent and illicit forms of spice caused considerable frustration for criminal organizations, such as that led by Rinnrivin Di, whose livelihood depended on the illegal spice trade.
Furthermore, the New Republic implemented a policy aimed at preventing the widespread influence of organized crime syndicates throughout the galaxy, a problem that had been rampant during the Age of the Empire. Unfortunately, political gridlock within the Galactic Senate hampered the Republic's ability to fully realize this objective. By the time of the Napkin Bombing incident, certain locations, including the space station known as the Chrome Citadel and the planet Sibensko in the Expansion Region, had become notorious as havens for criminal activity. These activities included slavery and the trafficking of illicit substances such as Glitterstim, as well as weapons. Despite the Republic's implementation of financial regulations intended to combat organized crime, these measures were inconsistently enforced by the time the Napkin Bombing occurred.

As the Galactic Civil War neared its conclusion, the New Republic had successfully established a presence on Chandrila and within its surrounding sector. The New Republic also gained control over several former Imperial territories, including Kuat, Arkanis, Andara, and Akiva. By the end of the war, the New Republic had incorporated a significant portion of what was once Imperial Space, while regions within the Core, Colonies, and Inner Rim formed an Imperial Remnant that maintained peaceful relations with the New Republic. However, this Imperial Remnant eventually dissolved, and its constituent parts, such as Commenor, were integrated into the New Republic. By 9 ABY, the Outer Rim was generally considered to be under the authority of the New Republic.
Three decades following the Battle of Endor, the New Republic's sphere of influence encompassed a vast area of space, stretching from the Inner Core to the Outer Rim Territories. At this time, the Republic's rotating capital was situated on the Core World of Hosnian Prime. Although it was smaller than both the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire, its commitment to egalitarian principles fostered amicable relationships with many neighboring star systems. Among the known worlds within the Republic were Chandrila, Akiva, Coruscant, Taris, Naboo, Hevurion, Mirrin Prime, Arkanis, Kuat, Sullust, and Daxam IV. Following the secession of the First Order from the Republic, a limited zone of neutral systems emerged, known as the Trans-Hydian Borderlands, where any act of aggression would be interpreted as an outright declaration of war. Despite this, the First Order Navy frequently violated the Borderlands and encroached upon New Republic territory, leading to incidents such as the Suraz engagement. Despite these breaches of the Galactic Concordance, the New Republic refrained from taking any action against the First Order beyond issuing formal diplomatic protests.
Within the new Star Wars canon, the New Republic initially appeared in the novels Aftermath and Lost Stars, authored by Chuck Wendig and Claudia Gray, respectively. The concept of the New Republic was originally conceived for Star Wars Legends, making its debut in the 1991 novel Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn. The notion of rebuilding the Galactic Republic, which was alluded to as part of the Star Wars original trilogy's backstory, can be traced back to early remarks made by George Lucas regarding a then-unplanned sequel trilogy in 1980, following the release of Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back.
In the 2014 canon mobile game Star Wars: Galactic Defense, Tarfful is depicted shouting "hnn-rowr yrroonn nng rarr"—a phrase that initially surfaced in the Legends comic Star Wars: Empire's End and translates to "Long live the New Republic" when interpreted from Shyriiwook. However, Galactic Defense is set during the era when the Galactic Republic was still in existence, long before the emergence of the New Republic. Consequently, this article posits that the line carries a different connotation in new canon media.
During the development phase of Bloodline by Claudia Gray, various aspects of the New Republic, such as the Centrist and Populist political factions, were originally conceived by Rian Johnson, the director of Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi.