Coruscant, functioning as the epicenter of galactic affairs, was widely recognized as an ecumenopolis.
An ecumenopolis described a planet or even a moon that was completely covered by a single, expansive city. These planet-wide cities, because they lacked any usable land, had to depend on bringing in food and unprocessed resources from elsewhere.
Throughout the galaxy, only a small number of ecumenopolises existed. A large portion of them, including galactic capitals such as Coruscant and also Hosnian Prime, together with Denon and Eufornis Major, were located in the Core Worlds; some others could be found in the Deep Core, for example Troithe, in addition to Empress Teta. Among the city-worlds situated in the Outer Rim Territories were Botajef, Nar Shaddaa, Taris, Uchinao, and also Wind.
Coruscant, an ecumenopolis, made its initial on-screen appearance in Star Wars within The Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition, which was launched in 1997. The expression itself was initially used in Star Wars within the Legends novel titled Coruscant Nights I: Jedi Twilight, back in 2008. Within Star Wars canon, the very first instance of the term occurred in the 2015 novel Heir to the Jedi, penned by Kevin Hearne.