
Troithe, nestled within the Deep Core region of the galaxy, was a planet belonging to the Cerberon system. Functioning as a complete ecumenopolis, it once stood as a rival to Coruscant, the galactic capital, in terms of splendor during the era of the Old Republic, many centuries prior to the Galactic Civil War.


Located at coordinates L-10 on the Standard Galactic Grid, Troithe was a planet-wide city, or ecumenopolis, positioned at the edge of the [Deep Core](/article/deep_core]. Alongside other worlds in the Cerberon system, it revolved around a black hole called the Cerberon singularity, described as both the brightest and darkest presence in the planet's skies. A planetary shield protected Troithe.

The urban landscape of Troithe, populated by billions of humans and various aliens, stretched across the largest continent, covering half the planet. Historically, the Gloried Chalice District served as the center of governance for this massive city, until the Galactic Empire relocated the planetary administration to the Troithe Planetary Defense Center. Other notable districts included the industrial Cybersynth District, the Web, and the primarily residential zones of Highgarden, Nine Boats, Old Skybottom, and the Thannerhouse Districts.

Troithe also possessed a sizable ocean and several smaller landmasses, notably the Scar of Troithe, a ravine continent heavily exploited for its mineral resources.


Rise to Prominence and Subsequent Decline

Troithe, a hub of innovation and production, underwent significant transformation through millennia of industrial and cultural advancement. In the centuries leading up to the Galactic Civil War, it even presented a challenge to Coruscant as the cosmopolitan heart of the Galactic Republic, boasting a population that included some of the Republic's most esteemed aristo-mercantile families.

However, Coruscant eventually surpassed Troithe in industrial capacity, benefiting from its status as the Republic's political center and attracting migrants from numerous member worlds. The depletion of Troithe's mineral wealth, combined with its diminishing accessibility and relevance as the Republic expanding into the Colonies and the Inner Rim, contributed to its economic decline. The gradual degradation of its planetary orbit further accelerated this decline. The planet also experienced a brief civil war between the human majority and the alien underclass.

During the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems launched attacks on Troithe, which were countered by private military forces. By the time of the Clone Wars, the world was in a state of slow decay, experiencing population loss, factory closures, and the abandonment of residential areas. Consequently, many residents of Troithe welcomed the transitioning of the Republic into the Galactic Empire, which promised revitalization and renewed importance for the planet. To some degree, the Empire fulfilled these promises, leading to significant Imperial sympathies among the population that persisted well into the Galactic Civil War.

Invasion by the New Republic

During the Troithe operation, the New Republic, including pilots from Alphabet Squadron, launched an attempt to seize control of the planet. Following the New Republic's victory, Troithe, along with Metalorn, became a production site for probe droids as part of an effort to locate the remaining loyalist forces of the Empire throughout the galaxy.

Behind the scenes

Troithe was initially introduced in the 2020 novel Shadow Fall, penned by Alexander Freed.

