Corporate Sector Authority

The Corporate Sector Authority, often shortened to CSA or CorpSec, functioned as a corporate authority overseeing the Corporate Sector located within the galaxy's Outer Rim territories.

To bolster the Corporate Sector Authority Security Police, the CSA utilized militarized forces to uphold its authority throughout the New Republic Era. The CSA, along with its military, formed an alliance with the First Order and suppressed a revolt that occurred on Basta Core. During the Cold War period, the Corporate Sector Authority provided monetary backing to the First Order.


Early foundations

Before the Imperial Era, the Corporate Sector consisted of a collection of independently operating star systems. Functioning separately from the Galactic Republic, the Corporate Sector attracted numerous corporations, as well as individuals seeking to avoid taxes, arms merchants, and pirates. During the Clone Wars, a significant portion of the sector sided with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. These star systems were gradually merging into a unified entity, prompting the Galactic Empire to demonstrate its power by occupying the Salient system situated on the edge of the sector. Despite this initial show of force, these systems ultimately united to establish the Corporate Sector Authority.

Despite the Corporate Sector's support for the CIS during the Clone Wars, Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine opted not to integrate its territory into his Empire. Instead, CorpSec was permitted to expand its influence over tens of thousands of systems, placing them under the CSA's dominion. The CSA and the Empire established a collaborative relationship, with the authority offering services and goods to the Imperials, while the Empire assisted with maintaining security within the Corporate Sector when necessary; for example, when pirates became active in the sector and initiated raids, Admiral Wullf Yularen was dispatched to address the issue through a campaign.

Age of the Empire

The criminal figure Big Bunji at one point collaborated with smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca in a scheme involving the distribution of counterfeit Authority cash vouchers to impoverished individuals located on the far side of the Cron Drift. Similar to its dealings with the Empire, the CSA also provided goods and services to the Rebel Alliance.

New Republic Era

Enric Pryde used the code name Steadfast to conceal the First Order partnership with the CSA.

During the New Republic Era, the Corporate Sector Authority Security Police expanded, and a clandestine alliance formed between the CSA and the emerging First Order in the Unknown Regions. By 21 ABY, the CSA commanded an army of Espos that possessed superior armor and equipment compared to their security police predecessors. Simultaneously, the CSA secretly provided funding to the Imperial remnant. An officer from the remnant, High Colonel Enric Pryde, served as a supervisor for the CSA and was granted authority over its forces. Viceprex [Coromun](/article/coromun], a CSA official, acted as Pryde's second-in-command. To maintain the secrecy of the remnant's connection to the CSA, Pryde was assigned the code name Steadfast.

During a CSA mission on Basta Core, Steadfast was approached by the Jedi hunter Ochi of Bestoon. Ochi, an operative of the Sith Eternal cult based on Exegol, sought Steadfast's assistance in locating Dathan, Miramir, and their daughter Rey. Steadfast reassigned a company of CSA troopers to Ochi's command, disregarding Coromun's objections. Despite the CSA's support, Ochi initially failed to capture Rey and her family and returned to Steadfast requesting additional detachments of CSA troops. However, Steadfast denied the hunter's request, terminating their arrangement and warning Ochi to stay away from the Corporate Sector.

During the Cold War, Resistance leader General Leia Organa received intelligence indicating that the Corporate Sector Authority was providing monetary support to the First Order, who were funneling substantial amounts of money into Senator Erudo Ro-Kiintor's accounts through shell corporations and third-party entities utilizing the CSA.

A former Councillor, Sturg Ganna, was beyond the reach of both the Canto Bight Police Department and the Corporate Sector Authority Security Police.



The Corporate Sector Authority exercised tyrannical control over the Corporate Sector. The CSA maintained a force of capital ships organized into a fleet, and its Security Police served as the primary law enforcement agency within the Sector. This police force comprised at least three branches: the Ground Forces, Locational Enforcement, and Situational Enforcement. The Picket Fleet functioned as the Corporate Sector Authority's naval force. Viceprex was a rank or position within the CSA's hierarchy.

Outside affairs

The Corporate Sector Authority prioritized its own interests and profitability. Consequently, the CSA established economic ties with both the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The CSA and the Empire maintained a cooperative relationship, with the CSA providing services and goods to the Empire, which in turn offered security assistance within the sector.

Later, the CSA extended its support to the First Order, a successor to the Galactic Empire, amidst escalating tensions with the New Republic, the then-recognized galactic government. This support involved funneling significant sums of money through shell corporations and third-party entities via the Corporate Sector Authority into the personal accounts of a Republic senator on behalf of the Order.

