
Viceprex was a designation employed inside of Sienar Fleet Systems. The development executive Melanah Sal Graeff possessed the Viceprex title by 13 BBY. As part of her duties, she often made trips to Sienar Fleet Systems production facilities located on the planet Corellia and engaged in talks with governmental representatives there regarding the potential lowering of export taxation levels. Additionally, Viceprex was a high-level position in the Corporate Sector Authority, which served as the governing organization for the Corporate Sector found in the Outer Rim. An individual holding the viceprex position had control over a particular division, which could encompass anything from territorial supervisors to legal, research, and security divisions.

Behind the scenes

The term Viceprex initially appeared in the new Star Wars canon in the 2018 reference publication Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, authored by Pablo Hidalgo. This title had earlier usage within the Star Wars Legends continuity, initially surfacing in the 1979 novel Han Solo at Stars' End, penned by Brian Daley.

