
Miramir, a female human, made her living as a junk trader during the age of the New Republic Era. She was married to Dathan, who was a cloned being, specifically an artificial Strand-Cast and considered the "son" of Darth Sidious, the infamous Dark Lord of the Sith who also served as Galactic Emperor. Miramir and Dathan had a Force-sensitive child, a daughter named Rey, who was born in 15 ABY. Although Dathan was unable to wield the Force, Rey possessed Force-sensitive abilities, a trait inherited through her father's genetic link to the Palpatine bloodline.

Despite the ominous connection to the Dark Lord of the Sith, Miramir and Dathan opted for a life of anonymity as junk traders on the desolate desert planet of Jakku. They successfully concealed Rey from Sidious, who sought to exploit her as a vessel for his essence, by entrusting her to Unkar Plutt on Jakku. Tragically, Miramir and her husband were later captured and killed by Sith assassin Ochi, dispatched by the Emperor to retrieve his granddaughter.


Early life

Miramir's birth occurred on the planet of Hyperkarn in 6 BBY. She shared a close bond with her grandmother, residing with her.

The birth of Rey

During the rise of the New Republic, Miramir entered into marriage with Dathan, the cloned "son"—a genetic strandcast—of Galactic Emperor Darth Sidious. The relationship between Sidious' clone and Miramir was unexpected by the Emperor, yet he saw it as a means to perpetuate his bloodline through natural means, after genetic experimentation on his template failed to produce a suitable host for his spirit. When their daughter, Rey, was born in 15 ABY, she inherited a connection to the Force from her grandfather's lineage, a trait absent in her father.

After Rey's birth on Miramir's homeworld, she and Dathan relocated to Jakku. For six years, they lived a life of obscurity, struggling to make ends meet as junk traders and moisture farmers.

Exile and death

Rey's parents left her on Jakku to prevent Darth Sidious from finding her.

The Emperor's intention was to transfer his spirit into his granddaughter's body, abandoning the unstable clone body that couldn't contain his power in the dark side of the Force. However, Rey's parents thwarted this plan by going into hiding with their daughter. Sidious dispatched his loyal assassin, Ochi, to find them, determined to reclaim his granddaughter and "punish" her parents for their perceived betrayal. They ultimately chose to live in obscurity on the desert planet of Jakku to ensure their daughter's safety.

Life proved challenging for Rey's family on Jakku, with her parents struggling to survive as junk traders. Their efforts to conceal Rey were almost undone as Ochi closed in on their location. In a desperate move, they left Jakku aboard Ochi's ship, the Bestoon Legacy, leaving their daughter in the care of Unkar Plutt. They paid Plutt with Dathan's songsteel Sith amulet. Miramir embraced her daughter for the final time, her face partially hidden by a blue shawl. Miramir also took some Aki-Aki beads from Plutt, hoping to mislead Ochi if he caught them. Rey watched as the Bestoon Legacy departed from Jakku, desperately trying to free herself from Plutt's grasp and crying out for her parents not to leave her.

Sidious had Miramir and Dathan killed for refusing to reveal their daughter's location.

Subsequently, Miramir and Dathan were captured and held as prisoners by Ochi. During interrogation about their daughter's whereabouts, Miramir attempted to mislead Ochi by falsely claiming Rey was not on Jakku and had simply disappeared. This deception was unacceptable to Sidious' follower, who, acting on his master's orders, used his dagger to fatally stab Dathan and then Miramir, resulting in their death. As she had anticipated, Ochi was deceived by the Aki-Aki beads and traveled to the planet Pasaana. Ochi's subsequent demise on Pasaana ensured Rey remained hidden from her grandfather and the Sith Eternal cult that supported him.


Rey grew up as a scavenger on Jakku, hoping to be reunited with her mother and father one day.

The bodies of Rey's parents were discovered adrift in space inside a crate by Lando Calrissian and R2-D2. They recovered the bodies and, with assistance from Luke Skywalker and Komat, buried them on the frozen world of Neftali. Miramir's act of holding the Aki-Aki beads obtained from Plutt in death successfully misled Ochi, leading him to the mistaken belief that they had abandoned Rey on Pasaana. Upon landing there, Ochi experienced hallucinations of Miramir and Dathan. His search for Rey on the world was short-lived, as he soon sank into the planet's quicksand shortly after leaving his ship, where he remained until his death.

Despite largely forgetting her past, Rey remained on Jakku for years, clinging to the hope of reuniting with her parents. During this time, she was haunted by nightmares of Miramir and Dathan abandoning her as a child. This memory resurfaced on several occasions, including during her visit to Takodana, shortly after her escape from the Supremacy, and during her Jedi training on Ajan Kloss. Following the third occurrence, she recalled another forgotten moment from her childhood, where she was embraced by a woman she recognized as her mother.

Rey's capture on Takodana by First Order warlord Kylo Ren led to his discovery of the scavenger's parentage through the Force-bond connecting their minds. Based on his visions, Ren concluded that Rey was the offspring of insignificant junk traders. The harshness of their lives convinced Ren that they had abandoned Rey, selling her for drinking money, and that they were now dead and buried in a pauper's grave on the desert planet of Jakku.

As a Jedi, Rey journeyed to Exegol to destroy Sidious, her paternal grandfather who had her parents killed.

Sidious remembered Rey's mother as the wife of his clone, a "useless creature" he despised due to its lack of Force abilities. The Emperor revealed Rey's lineage as his granddaughter to Ren, but this revelation did not alter Ren's perception of Rey's parents, whom he continued to view as insignificant. Nevertheless, he attempted to sway Rey to the dark side by revealing that Sidious had ordered her parents' execution. Ren's actions triggered Rey to rediscover forgotten memories of her childhood, including her final encounter with her parents. Despite possessing Jedi qualities, Rey struggled against the allure of the dark side. The knowledge that her parents were murdered on her grandfather's orders fueled a desire for revenge. Ultimately, however, the memory of her parents kept Rey grounded in the light side of the Force. During the Battle of Exegol, Rey successfully destroyed her grandfather, preventing the resurgence of the Sith.

Personality and traits

Rey was loved by her mother, who endured a life of hardship and sacrifice for her daughter's sake.

Miramir was a young human female with blonde hair, brown eyes, and fair skin. Like her husband, she deeply loved Rey and was prepared to risk her life to protect her from Darth Sidious. She chose a life of obscurity to ensure Rey's safety, enduring the daily struggles and desperation that came with it. With Ochi in pursuit, she made the heartbreaking choice to leave her daughter behind, but not before embracing her one last time and urging her to be brave.

The act of giving away her daughter, even for her safety, brought Rey's mother to tears during their final embrace, neither wanting to let go. She remained defiant in her final moments, refusing to divulge her daughter's location to the Emperor's hunter, even when her life and her husband's were at stake. Despite being dismissed as unimportant and weak by Ren and Sidious, Rey remembered Miramir as a strong woman who kept her safe from her grandfather.

Behind the scenes

Miramir made her initial appearance, though unseen, in the novelization of the 2015 film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. During Rey's Force vision on Takodana, a voice is heard saying, "Stay here. I'll come back for you," and "I'll come back, sweetheart, I promise." The junior novelization for the subsequent film, Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, included a scene where Rey dreams of the same voice repeating the same lines. Miramir was later portrayed in live-action in a flashback sequence in the 2019 film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, played by Jodie Comer. Her identity was finally revealed in the 2022 novel Shadow of the Sith by Adam Christopher.

Shadow of the Sith confirmed that the words Rey heard in the vision in The Force Awakens novelization were from her last meeting with Miramir, during the farewell scene with Dathan and Miramir. The Rise of Skywalker depicts Kylo Ren claiming Miramir and Dathan sold Rey off to keep her safe, but Shadow of the Sith revealed that they paid to keep Rey safe. Christopher named the character after Miramar, a suburb of Wellington, New Zealand. He wanted a fantasy name to match Miramir's homeworld Hyperkarn, a mysterious place with a twilight forest. He typed in the name, rearranged some letters, and found Miramir had a magical, almost Elven quality. According to the author, Miramir is pronounced "Mirr - Ah - Meer." Christopher has said he is emotionally affected by Miramir and Dathan's brief appearances in The Rise of Skywalker every time he watches the film.

