The Aki-Aki were an elephantine species with sentience that originated on the desert planet of Pasaana, their homeworld. They possessed a temperament that was typically peaceful and welcoming, leading them to be hospitable toward visitors from other worlds who landed on their world. Unkar Plutt stated that they had a tendency to interpret things in a very literal way. The Aki-Aki retained a level of civilization that predated interstellar travel, although they did incorporate several sophisticated technologies to improve their existence on Pasaana. The history of the Aki-Aki was not always tranquil; the species experienced conflict among dispersed clans, but they ultimately collaborated to endure the severe conditions of Pasaana. A defining characteristic of the Aki-Aki was their bifurcated trunks, which continued to develop throughout their lives. At birth, they had only one short trunk that split into two as they reached adulthood.
The movie Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker marked the initial appearance of the Aki-Aki species. The species' name is incorrectly spelled "Acky Acky" in the movie's English subtitles.