Blade of Ochi of Bestoon

The Blade of Ochi of Bestoon, often called Ochi's blade or Ochi's dagger, was a dagger, an elaborate knife, and a Sith dagger wielded by the Sith cultist and assassin, Ochi of Bestoon. This [Sith assassin](/article/sith_assassin] and collector of relics, Ochi, utilized the melee weapon to perpetrate numerous kills. The blade possessed the capability to withstand strikes from a lightsaber, rendering it a highly dangerous weapon. Concealed within the dagger's crossguards were measurement arcs, designed for precisely locating the missing wayfinder. Furthermore, it bore inscriptions in the Sith language, detailing coordinates that pinpointed the location of Darth Sidious's wayfinder.


Ochi has an almost psychic connection with his blade.

The Sith Eternal gifted the blade to Ochi for use during the quest for Exegol. Throughout this quest, Ochi sensed the blade communicating with him mentally, expressing a yearning for fresh killings. Ochi experienced a pleasant, static-like sensation in his mind from the dagger each time he used it to kill. He initially discovered this phenomenon when he murdered Zargo Anaximander, during which the blade drained Anaximander's blood and infused it into its own runes. The same occurred when he killed Stiper. The artifact appeared to have its own desires, specifically a craving for blood, a bloodlust that would transfer to anyone who held it.

Using the blade, he murdered Rey's Force-sensitive father, Dathan, and mother, Miramir, while in orbit above the planet Jakku, before heading to Pasaana based on the false assumption that Rey was hidden there. When Ochi was swallowed by the quicksand of the Forbidden Valley, the dagger sank with him. It was later discovered lying near his eventual resting place, where he would eventually die and become skeletal. Because of the murders committed with it, the Sith dagger resonated with the evil it contained within the Force, causing Rey to experience a shock upon touching it. The human Jedi aspirant could perceive the dark deeds performed by the dagger.

C-3PO, a droid, had his systems modified to enable him to decipher the inscription after a programming block had originally prevented him from translating the forbidden language. After arriving at Kef Bir, Rey employed the dagger to pinpoint the wayfinder's location by aligning a plate hidden within the hilt with a specific section of the Death Star's wreckage, revealing a perfect match between the two shapes.

Behind the scenes

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary provided an example of the Sith language inscription. Using the Jedi Journal product from Dok-Ondar's Den of Antiquities at Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge (whose canonicity is unconfirmed), which translates between the High Galactic alphabet and the Sith alphabet, the lines quoted earlier could be transliterated. However, this translation does not visibly align with the inscription found on Ochi's dagger.

Crimson Reign 1, which takes place in 3 ABY, depicts Ochi in possession of the blade while serving the Crimson Dawn syndicate. However, Shadow of the Sith clarified that he did not acquire the blade until the quest for Exegol in 21 ABY. The book describes the dagger as "freshly machined," and Adam Christopher, the author, confirmed that the intention was to portray the dagger as new, created shortly before the events of the book. Furthermore, Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker established that the blade was inscribed with information about the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station's wreckage, implying that the blade must have been created after the Battle of Endor.

