The year 21 ABY, which corresponds to 3298 LY according to the Lothal Calendar and 7998 in the C.R.C. calendar, saw the following significant occurrences.
- A decline in the influence of the Hutt Clan was observed [9]
- A mission to Pasaana, undertaken by Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and Landonis Balthazar Calrissian, aimed to locate Sith assassin Ochi . [3]
- Rey was abandoned on Jakku . [4]
- The establishment of the First Order took place. [4]
- The First Order initiated the acquisition of funding for the construction of its naval warfare force through the utilization of the Rinnrivin Di's cartel and the Amaxine warriors. [1]
- Attack in Wild Space [9]
- Attack on Halo Squadron [9]
- Quest for Exegol [10]
- Raid on Nightside[9]
- Skirmish on Torrenoteer Minor[9]
- Skirmish on Polaar[9]
- Skirmish on Taw Provode[9]
- Duel on Kiza's world[9]
- Mission to Pasaana[10]
- Lula Sooger [11]
- Shari [2]