Sith assassin denoted a rank given to certain assassins in service to the Sith Order. Certain individuals holding the title of Sith assassin were simultaneously Sith cultists.

During the High Republic Era, Mae-ho Aniseya functioned as a Sith assassin, having been trained as the Sith acolyte of a figure she only knew by the name of "Qimir". Darth Maul, who was the Sith apprentice of the Sith Master Darth Sidious, operated as both a Sith assassin and a Sith warrior. During the Clone Wars, Asajj Ventress, the disciple and unofficial apprentice of Darth Tyranus, performed the role of a Sith assassin. Ochi of Bestoon, who served the Sith Eternal cult, held the dual roles of Sith assassin and cultist. The cultist adorned himself with the traditional hex charm typically linked to Sith assassins; this symbol was later adopted by the Sith Eternal as their official crest.