The Amaxine warriors, a paramilitary group during the New Republic Era, operated under the command of Arliz Hadrassian. They derived their name from an ancient warrior culture. Their initial act of notoriety involved the bombing of the New Republic's Senate building. Consequently, Senators Leia Organa and Ransolm Casterfo launched an investigation into the Amaxines and their connections to Rinnrivin Di's criminal enterprise. Unbeknownst to many, the Amaxine warriors were merely a facade for the First Order, a clandestine military regime situated in the Unknown Regions.
During the New Republic Era, the Amaxine warriors were recognized by their black jumpsuits. They were equipped with various armaments, notably blasters and force pikes, reminiscent of the Emperor's Royal Guard. A significant proportion of the Amaxine warriors comprised young individuals in their mid-teens. The warriors dedicated much of their time to weapons training and piloting their starfighters. The Amaxine warriors possessed at least six bases located in Centrist territory. Their primary headquarters was an undersea facility on the Expansion Region planet Sibensko. This Sibensko base housed a substantial ammunition depot and accommodated various starfighters, including X-wings, Y-wings, B-wings, and TIE/ln space superiority starfighters. Furthermore, the Amaxines operated a smaller base on the arid planet of Daxam IV. The Daxam encampment accommodated at least a thousand warriors and maintained at least five squadrons of starfighters. While the Amaxines' resources and personnel were dwarfed by those of the "Old Empire," some contemporary observers, such as Senators Leia Organa and Ransolm Casterfo, considered them a considerable threat to the New Republic.
In 28 ABY, the name "Amaxine warriors" was adopted by a local paramilitary organization managing smuggling activities around Daxam IV. This group had no actual connection to the original Amaxines. Instead, it was a faction of disgruntled individuals who had established a burgeoning paramilitary force with the encouragement of Lady Carise Sindian, a prominent Centrist Senator secretly working for the First Order, a remnant of the Old Empire residing in the Unknown Regions. From her position within the Galactic Senate, Sindian sought out former Imperial officers who had gathered within various subcultures of sympathizers of the New Order since the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War. She facilitated connections between these individuals and the remaining elements of the Imperial Starfleet. Funds were secretly channeled through the Amaxines to finance its rebuilding. With covert support from Lady Carise, who envisioned the militants as shock troops for the First Order, these supporters transformed from simple dissidents into the Amaxine warriors. This militant organization adopted the martial traditions and culture of their historic namesake to promote the hateful ideology of the First Order among those susceptible to its allure. After funding the Nikto crime boss Rinnrivin Di's criminal syndicate, Lady Carise and her Centrist collaborators diverted funds to procure weapons and training for the Amaxine warriors.
According to Joph Seastriker, no record of the Amaxines was present on any New Republic public information network. However, there were reports of Amaxine activity on several Centrist worlds clustered in one area of the galaxy. They generated substantial income from smuggling operations carried out by Rinnrivin Di's cartel, whose activities were harming the offworld trade of the planet Ryloth. Rinnrivin employed the Amaxine warriors as pilots for his smuggling operations and raids on Ryloth's commercial shipping. Ostensibly, the Amaxines appeared to be the financiers and partners of Rinnrivin's cartel, but in reality, they were primarily proxies for the undercover Centrist agents of the First Order.
The Amaxines maintained five to six bases, including an encampment on the subarctic desert world of Daxam IV in the Outer Rim Territories and a larger base on the watery planet of Sibensko in the Expansion Region. Their leader was Arliz Hadrassian, a former TIE fighter pilot with ties to Lady Carise. While Hadrassian intended for the Amaxines to serve as the vanguard of the First Order's attack on the New Republic, Lady Carise viewed them as a distraction to sow chaos in order to prepare the galaxy for the return of "meaningful authority" through the First Order.
New Republic starfighter pilots Joph and Greer Sonnel learned about the paramilitary organization during a visit to Sonnel's homeworld of Pamarthe. Joph and Greer shared their findings with Senator Organa, who was leading an investigation into Rinnrivin's cartel. Recognizing the connection between the two organizations, Leia sent her colleague Senator Ransolm Casterfo and Greer to investigate the militia's base on Daxam IV. Shortly thereafter, Hadrassian bombed the Galactic Senate's conference facility to create confusion. This only drew Leia's attention to the Amaxines, prompting Casterfo to travel to Sibensko for further investigation. After befriending Hadrassian and gaining her trust, they discovered that the Amaxine warriors were training a large fleet of starfighters and had thousands of personnel. Most of the Amaxines were adolescent youths wearing black jumpsuits. Casterfo also discovered their main base was on Sibensko.
Later, Senator Organa and her entourage, including C-3PO, traveled to Sibensko. There, Threepio successfully downloaded banking records revealing that the Amaxines were funneling billions of credits into Rinnrivin's cartel. Rinnrivin's cartel was then channeling these funds to unknown sources on Centrist worlds. Leia and her team also uncovered evidence that the Amaxines were marshalling starfighters and personnel for a war against the New Republic. Despite escaping the Amaxines, the underwater base was destroyed when a downed Amaxine starfighter collided with the ammunition store, causing an explosion that killed many Amaxines and destroyed much of the evidence.
The skirmish on Sibensko inflicted a significant blow on the Amaxine warriors, eliminating most of their manpower and starships. Hadrassian was enraged by the destruction of much of her organization and verbally attacked Lady Carise and her Centrist counterparts for refusing to secede from the Republic, pleading that she be allowed to take revenge on Leia Organa. Lady Carise retorted that Hadrassian's "Napkin Bombing" only drew attention to the Amaxines. Since the Amaxines had, in her view, outlived their usefulness, Carise withdrew her support from them. Lady Carise hoped that the events on Sibensko would cause the New Republic to cease investigating the Amaxines' links to the First Order. Despite this setback, C-3PO was unable to access data layers that linked the Amaxines directly to the First Order. As a result, most people in the New Republic Senate and media wrongly believed that the Amaxines had been the primary financiers and partners behind Rinnrivin's cartel.
After Ransolm spoke out in support of Leia's testimony on the Amaxines' activities, Lady Carise decided to discredit the dissident Centrist senator by arranging for Hadrassian to assassinate the Populist politician Tai-Lin Garr. Hadrassian then killed herself before she could be taken into custody. Lady Carise's slicers then produced faux footage linking Casterfo to Hadrassian, who had taken the fall as the instigator behind the Napkin bombing and the Amaxine warriors. Consequently, Casterfo was deported to his homeworld of Riosa for trial, sentencing, and imprisonment. In retaliation, Leia convinced the Elder Houses to strip Lady Carise of her royal titles. With the Senate unwilling to take action against the Amaxines and their true masters, Leia formed the Resistance to defend the New Republic.
The Amaxine warriors made their debut as minor antagonists in Claudia Gray's 2016 novel Bloodline.