
The Centrists, also referred to as the centrist faction, constituted one of the two primary political factions operating within the Galactic Senate of the New Republic. In contrast to the Populists, who championed the concept of planetary sovereignty over the dominion of the central governing body, the Centrists advocated for a more robust executive branch and military, emphasizing the significance of the rule of law and order. They also supported the reinstatement of certain aspects reminiscent of the preceding Galactic Empire, such as the consolidation of political authority and galactic cohesion, while simultaneously denouncing the atrocities perpetrated by the Empire itself.

The genesis of the Centrists can be traced back to a remnant of the Galactic Empire, comprising conservative worlds that had endured relatively unscathed within the inner systems in the immediate aftermath of the Galactic Civil War following the establishment of the New Republic. Hampered by internal discord, this remnant swiftly fragmented, leading to the incorporation of several of these former Imperial worlds into the New Republic. Within the New Republic, they reorganized themselves as the Centrists, thereby establishing an informal faction within the Galactic Senate.

By the year 29 ABY, elements within the Centrist faction had cultivated connections with the First Order, a fascist military junta situated in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. Some Centrists even provided assistance to the First Order as they sought to manipulate the Galactic Senate. The resultant political deadlock ultimately led to the secession of certain Centrist worlds from the New Republic, as they opted to join forces with the First Order.


The Centrist adopted a platform emphasizing the aspects of the Old Empire that they believed worked for the greater good of the galaxy, such as strengthening the New Republic Defense Force.

Central to the Centrist ideology was the conviction that a robust government and a formidable military apparatus were indispensable for upholding peace and stability across the galaxy. Their philosophical underpinnings were significantly shaped by those aspects of the Galactic Empire that had proven effective, while simultaneously rejecting its more egregious excesses. Consequently, the Centrists actively advocated for the reinforcement of the New Republic Defense Force and the adoption of elements from the Empire that they deemed beneficial, notwithstanding its inherent flaws. A more radical segment within the Centrist faction actively lobbied for the militarization of the New Republic as a means of countering potential future threats to security. Senator Erudo Ro-Kiintor championed a comprehensive armaments bill designed to bolster individual planetary defenses, asserting that local security had been overlooked by the New Republic Senate. However, Senator Ransolm Casterfo harbored suspicions that his fellow Centrist, Ro-Kiintor, was endeavoring to earmark government funds for the benefit of Centrist worlds.

In general, the Centrists espoused more authoritarian principles, stemming from their firm belief in the centralization of executive authority. The Centrists openly proclaimed their support for enhanced law enforcement, a well-defined structural hierarchy, and a greater concentration of power within the executive branch. Although not a dominant faction, some members privately voiced pro-Imperial sentiments and a sense of nostalgia for the "Old Empire," though not all necessarily endorsed its resurgence. Many of these individuals simply admired its more authoritarian structure without necessarily condoning the Empire itself or its atrocities, and they remained committed to the ideals of the New Republic and democracy.

While most were faithful to the New Republic, some Centrists privately expressed adulation for the legacy of the Old Empire.

Certain Centrist senators, such as Ormes Apolin and Fatil, held a fondness for vintage Imperial uniforms and armor. Some Centrists maintained that planets should bear responsibility for addressing their own challenges and natural disasters, expressing dissatisfaction with what they perceived as excessive complaining within the New Republic. Others regarded the New Republic's academies as inferior to those found on Centrist worlds, which had embarked on the restoration of the old Imperial programs. Some even cast doubt on the official New Republic historical accounts of the Battle of Yavin and the Galactic Civil War. It was known that at least thirty Centrist senators were avid collectors of antique Imperial artifacts and equipment.

While the Centrists advocated for free trade, they were not as economically liberal as their Populists counterparts. Centrists exhibited a greater inclination towards central planning, protectionism, interplanetary taxation, and increased spending aimed at establishing more centralized programs. Furthermore, trade was subjected to more stringent regulation on the remote Centrist world of Daxam IV, situated in the Outer Rim Territories.



The Centrists originated from several worlds in the New Republic that had once supported the Old Empire.

The Centrists emerged during the New Republic Era from the ranks of former members of the inner systems' Imperial remnant of the Galactic Empire, after their failed attempts to forge a consensus following the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War. While some forces persisted in their resistance on Jakku, and other Imperials sought refuge in the Unknown Regions, the collapsing Galactic Empire officially surrendered when Grand Vizier Mas Amedda ratified the Imperial Instruments of Surrender, thereby bringing an end to the civil war in 5 ABY.

The remaining vessels of the former Imperial Navy were confined within the newly defined boundaries of space. The inner systems' Imperial remnant temporarily maintained a presence in the Core Worlds, the Colonies, and the Inner Rim Territories on planets characterized by significant wealth and prestige. However, its leaders failed to reach a consensus regarding its future direction, a situation further complicated by war reparations and disarmament treaties imposed by the New Republic. Unable to achieve any semblance of cohesion, the remnant soon dissolved, and its constituent worlds were integrated into the New Republic. Over time, its representatives within the Senate coalesced to form the Centrist faction.

Senate partisanship

Centrists called for a more centralized New Republic without repeating mistakes of the past, coming into disagreement with their Populist counterparts.

The Centrists adopted a platform that emphasized certain aspects of the former Galactic Empire, which they believed would benefit the galaxy as a whole. These aspects included a strong central government and military, the pursuit of maximum efficiency, and the promotion of galactic unity. Senator Ransolm Casterfo openly celebrated the Imperial heritage by adorning his office on Hosnian Prime with relics and imagery associated with the Imperial Military, despite his condemnation of Galactic Emperor Darth Sidious.

By 28 ABY, the Centrists had risen to become a prominent political faction within the New Republic's Galactic Senate. Centrist senators typically favored opulent and extravagant clothing, which contrasted sharply with the simpler and more practical attire worn by their Populist counterparts, in an apparent effort to showcase the affluence of their respective homeworlds. As a party that placed a high value on law and order, the Centrists viewed the Senate as ineffectual and indecisive. Their perspectives and objectives stood in stark opposition to those of the Populists, resulting in a gridlocked Senate as neither party demonstrated a willingness to collaborate with the opposition. The partisan atmosphere within the Senate disillusioned Princess Leia Organa; as a senator, Organa aligned herself with the Populist faction and publicly rebuked Ransolm Casterfo's Centrist views, which were heavily influenced by the Imperial legacy.

The Centrists proposed replacing the chancellorship with the office of First Senator.

Following Organa and Casterfo's mission to Bastatha, the Centrists accused Organa of withholding information from the Senate. During the same session, one of the Centrist senators, Lady Carise Sindian, introduced a motion calling for the Senate to abolish the chancellorship in favor of establishing the office of First Senator, a new position endowed with greater executive authority over the New Republic's economic and military resources. While the Senate remained unconvinced by Sindian's arguments, Casterfo successfully swayed many independent senators by highlighting the prevailing deadlock within the New Republic. Consequently, Casterfo's motion was adopted by a narrow majority, prompting the Populists to reassess their strategic approach.

When Organa accepted the Populist nomination for First Senator, Sindian manipulated Casterfo into revealing her true parentage as the daughter of the universally reviled Darth Vader. The public disclosure of Organa's secret lineage effectively destroyed her political career and weakened the Populists. Sindian, Erudo Ro-Kiintor, and several other Centrists accused Organa of being a warmonger due to her stance on groups that she perceived as threats to the New Republic, such as the Amaxine warriors and Rinnrivin Di's cartel. Unbeknownst to many, Sindian was operating as an agent for the First Order, which was secretly providing funding to the Amaxines and Rinnrivin Di in order to channel revenue into rebuilding the old Imperial Navy.

After Casterfo defended Organa's report, Sindian hired the former TIE fighter pilot Arliz Hadrassian to assassinate Senator Tai-Lin Garr, whom the Populists had nominated for the post of First Senator in the aftermath of Organa's scandal. She then fabricated evidence to implicate Casterfo in the crime. Following his arrest, the Centrists officially disavowed Casterfo. They also agreed to postpone the upcoming elections for First Senator in the interest of maintaining peace and stability. In secret, Sindian was plotting to present a motion calling for Centrist worlds to secede from the New Republic and align themselves with the First Order.

Return to legitimate rule

The public outcry resulting from Organa's biological connection to Darth Vader led to the secession of worlds aligned with the Centrist party. Disillusioned by the government's lack of cohesion and the subsequent collapse of essential services, Centrist worlds began to question the value of their membership in the New Republic, which in turn paved the way for a new Separatist movement to take root on the Centrists' platform. Unlike the Galactic Republic, which had opposed the Separatist Crisis, the New Republic chose not to prevent the star systems that advocated for a centralized system of government from establishing a separate coalition.

The Centrists seceded from the New Republic and formed the political branch of the First Order.

While a minority within the Senate opposed the fragmentation of the New Republic, fearing that the Centrists would adopt the authoritarian policies that had defined the Old Empire, their departure was welcomed by a majority on the galactic capital. Consequently, the Centrists gained the authority to reshape their portion of the New Republic in accordance with the principles of Centrist philosophy. They successfully consolidated their territory under a new political structure distinct from the Republic proper and ultimately became known as the First Order in 29 ABY. The First Order presented itself as a legitimate power and the rightful heir to the legacy of the Galactic Empire, contrasting itself with the New Republic, which the Order denounced as an illegitimate regime prone to corruption and chaos. Kylo Ren, the son of Leia Organa and apprentice of Supreme Leader Snoke, expressed his belief in the First Order's mission to restore stability to galactic civilization.

The successful secession of the Centrist systems marked the public formation of the First Order. Unbeknownst to its members, the First Order was structured into separate branches originating from various aspects of the New Order. The Centrists constituted the political bloc of the First Order, serving as its public face, while the First Order military emerged from remnants of the Imperial Military that had retreated to the Unknown Regions. In addition to the political and military components of the First Order, the Sith Eternal served as its spiritual branch.

Embracing the tenets of Neo-Imperialism, the First Order set out to conquer the galaxy through military might.

The First Order, driven by a political ideology known as Neo-Imperialism, signaled the return of fascism and militarism to the galaxy. Following the era known as the Cold War, the First Order launched a campaign of galactic conquest, destroying Hosnian Prime and overthrowing the New Republic in 34 ABY. Its forces subsequently conquered much of the known galaxy, despite continued opposition from the Resistance. In the final days of the First Order-Resistance War, the First Order and the Sith Eternal solidified their alliance under the guidance of the resurrected Darth Sidious. Despite this alliance, however, the Sith Lord and his Sith cultists were ultimately destroyed during the Battle of Exegol in 35 ABY, leading to the fall of the First Order throughout the galaxy.

Centrist worlds

During the New Republic Era, the Centrist party drew its support from several former Imperial worlds. By 28 ABY, Centrist senators Carise Sindian, Arbo and Orris Madmund, Mortan, Erudo Ro-Kiintor, Ormes Apolin, Fatil, and Ransolm Casterfo represented Arkanis, Coruscant, Comra, Hevurion, Kuat, Orinda, and Riosa, respectively. Additionally, the Centrist bloc extended to the Outer Rim world of Daxam IV. When the First Order emerged to assert control over numerous star systems once represented among the Centrists, Arkanis, Orinda, and Kuat were among the planets that chose to align themselves with it.

Coruscant, the former capital of the galaxy, was represented by Centrist senators during the New Republic Era.

The Centrist planet Coruscant held the unique distinction of serving as the traditional center of galactic politics and culture, owing to its historical role as the capital of both the Galactic Republic and the subsequent Galactic Empire. Furthermore, Coruscant was widely recognized as the ancestral homeworld of the human species. The New Republic's decision to relocate the galactic capital away from Coruscant marked the end of millennia of tradition, undertaken in an effort to appease the disaffected systems that had attempted to secede from the Galactic Republic in the lead-up to the Clone Wars. The once vibrant ecumenopolis descended into chaos and gang violence. After aligning itself with the Centrist faction within New Republic politics, Coruscant fell under the control of the First Order, but later rebelled against the Order's authority.

Behind the scenes

In real-world political discourse, the term "centrist" generally denotes an individual who holds politically moderate views. However, the Star Wars usage of the term more closely aligns with the concept of "centralism," which refers to the concentration of power and control within the central authority of an organization.

