In the standard year of 35 ABY, corresponding to 3312 LY in accordance with the Lothal Calendar and 8012 as per the C.R.C. calendar, the following significant occurrences unfolded.
- It was in this year that Kylo Ren made the discovery that Darth Sidious was, in fact, still alive and residing on Exegol. [2]
- The celebration known as the Festival of the Ancestors took place on the planet Pasaana during this period. [2]
- The majority of the Spice Runners of Kijimi were eliminated by the Knights of Ren, an event which resulted in the group's disbandment. [7]
- Rey learned the truth about her heritage, specifically that she was the granddaughter of Sheev Palpatine. [2]
- Leia Organa's life came to an end on Ajan Kloss during this year. [2]
- Kylo Ren experienced a transformation, finding redemption and reverting to his identity as Ben Solo. [2]
- Enric Pryde, the Allegiant General of the First Order, assumed control of the Sith Eternal's fleet, known as the Final Order, after pledging his allegiance to Darth Sidious. [2]
- Kijimi suffered destruction at the hands of the Sith Eternal. [2]
- Poe Dameron received a promotion to acting General and was appointed as the leader of the Resistance. [2]
- The Battle of Exegol transpired, culminating in the demise of Darth Sidious, the annihilation of the Sith Eternal and its military forces [2], and the conclusion of the First Order-Resistance War. [8]
- Across the galaxy, the inhabitants initiated a series of revolts targeting the remaining First Order forces. [2] The First Order soon crumbled. [9]
- Rey met her end while defeating Darth Sidious. [2]
- Ben Solo gave his life to bring Rey back from the dead, subsequently disappearing into the Force. [2]
- In tribute to the Skywalker legacy, Rey adopted "Skywalker" as her last name and interred Anakin and Leia's lightsabers on Tatooine in close proximity to the Lars moisture farm. [2]
- Beaumont Kin published the historical work, The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire. [10]
- Search for Exegol [2]
- Mission to Mustafar[2]
- Mission to Sinta Glacier Colony [2]
- Mission to Pasanna [2]
- Mission to Kijimi [2]
- Mission to Kef Bir [2]
- Destruction of Kijimi [2]
- Battle of Exegol [2]
- Uprising against the First Order [2]
- Uprising on Cloud City[2]
- Uprising on Corellia[11]
- Uprising on Coruscant[11]
- Uprising on Endor[2]
- Uprising on Lothal[11]
- Uprising on Jakku[2]
- Uprising on Naboo[11]
- Uprising on Thyferra[11]
- Onboard the Steadfast [2]
- Boolio[7]
- Domaric Quinn[7]
- Armitage Hux[2]
- During the mission to Pasaana [2]
- FN-2802[2]
- CS-9147[2]
- Leia Organa on Ajan Kloss [2]
- On Kijimi [2]
- Most of the Spice Runners of Kijimi, including;[7]
- Jarraban[7]
- A Battle Droid[7]
- During the Battle of Exegol [2]
- Seftin Vanik[2]
- Kuruk[2]
- Cardo[2]
- Ap'lek[2]
- Vicrul[2]
- Trudgen[2]
- Ushar[2]
- A fleet technician[7]
- Milon Lenwith[7]
- Chesille Sabrond[7]
- Temmin Wexley[2]
- R6-D8[2]
- "Alpha Three"[2]
- "Delta Leader"[2]
- Kallie Lintra[11]
- Urcos Furdam[12]
- Nien Nunb[7]
- Darth Sidious[2]
- Rey (later resurrected)[2]
- A First Order Officer[2]
- Frantis Griss[2]
- Enric Pryde[2]
- Ben Solo[2]