The Skywalker family, also referenced as the Skywalker clan or the Skywalker dynasty, represented a celebrated human lineage that occupied a significant position in galactic history. Across numerous generations, its members attained distinction as generals, senators, and Jedi, spanning from the decline of the Republic and the ascension of the Empire, to the war between the First Order and the Resistance. The family's story commenced with Shmi Skywalker, who, in her youth, was seized by pirates and subjected to slavery. In 41 BBY, she gave birth to Anakin Skywalker, who was born without a father. Anakin was identified as the Chosen One, destined to restore equilibrium to the Force by eliminating the Sith. Exhibiting the highest midi-chlorians concentration in his blood, Anakin possessed the capability to evolve into the most potent Force-sensitive being within the galaxy. This Force sensitivity was inherited by his offspring, the twin siblings Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, as well as Ben Solo, Organa's son and the last direct descendant of the Skywalker line.
While enslaved to Watto, a Toydarian junk dealer, on the desert planet Tatooine, the Skywalkers encountered Qui-Gon Jinn, a Jedi Master, in 32 BBY. Intrigued by Anakin's background and inherent connection to the Force, Jinn aimed to have him instructed in the Jedi arts. After securing his freedom, Anakin departed his homeworld located in the Outer Rim Territories to embark on a new chapter at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, a Core World and the capital of the Galactic Republic, under the guidance of Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Knight. As a Jedi Knight, he earned recognition as a war hero during the Clone Wars. Despite becoming one of the most formidable members of the Jedi Order, his apprehension of loss rendered him susceptible to the dark side of the Force. Following his mother's death in 22 BBY, he vowed to never endure the loss of another loved one. In 19 BBY, Anakin foresaw that his secret wife, Senator Padmé Amidala, would perish during childbirth. Driven to acquire the power of immortality, Anakin committed himself to the teachings of Darth Sidious, a Sith Lord. The newly named Darth Vader spearheaded the Great Jedi Purge. While the majority of Jedi were eliminated under Order 66, Vader was defeated by Kenobi, then a Jedi Master, who abandoned his former Padawan to die on Mustafar. Sidious had his Sith apprentice reconstructed as a cyborg, but Amidala succumbed to a broken heart caused by her husband's actions. The New Order rose to power throughout the galaxy, and Vader embraced his position as a Sith Lord during his Sith Master's reign as Emperor of the Galactic Empire.
Unbeknownst to Vader, his children survived their mother's passing. They were concealed from their father and his master, with Luke being sent to reside with his relatives on Tatooine, while Leia was adopted by the House of Organa, thereby becoming a princess of Alderaan. During the Galactic Civil War, the Skywalker twins emerged as members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Vader attempted to sway Luke to the dark side by revealing their familial connection. Luke, however, held the conviction that his father could be redeemed to the light side of the Force. During the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Vader gave his life to protect his son from Sidious. His demise as the final Dark Lord of the Sith brought an end to the thousand year Sith tradition initiated by Darth Bane. Having fulfilled his destiny to restore balance, the Chosen One returned to the Force as Anakin Skywalker.
Leia Organa married Han Solo and had a son, Ben Solo, in 5 ABY. She underwent Jedi training with Luke for a period, until visions of her son's death led Organa to discontinue her Jedi apprenticeship. Instead, Organa resumed her involvement in politics by serving in the Galactic Senate of the New Republic. She entrusted her son to Luke's training, believing that his influence would prevent Ben from emulating Vader's path. Luke instructed Ben alongside several other apprentices at a new Jedi Temple on Ossus, but his endeavors to fully reinstate the Jedi Order concluded with his temple's destruction and his nephew's corruption to the dark side. Ben aligned himself with the Knights of Ren and the First Order as Kylo Ren, asserting leadership over the Knights while serving as the dark apprentice of Supreme Leader Snoke. In 34 ABY, Ren killed his father and usurped the First Order by assassinating Snoke. In the same year, Luke died on Ahch-To after rescuing the Resistance from his nephew's forces at the Battle of Crait. Organa passed away a year later, sacrificing her life to redeem her son to the light side. The Skywalker lineage concluded with Ben Solo, who died during the Battle of Exegol in 35 ABY.
The Skywalker name was adopted by Rey, a Jedi apprentice who shared a Force-bond with Ben Solo, thereby making them both components of a rare and potent Force dyad. Despite not being a Skywalker by blood, Rey embraced their family name to commemorate the memory of the Skywalker twins, both of whom served as Rey's mentors in the ways of the Force. The Skywalker family attained fame through their participation in numerous historical events, including the downfall of the Jedi Order, the resurgence of the Sith, and the rise and fall of the Empire. The actions of Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Leia Skywalker Organa Solo, and Ben Solo shaped their legacy as a family, and the Skywalker name became synonymous with greatness.

The Skywalker family, renowned for its pivotal role in galactic history, traces its origins to Shmi Skywalker, a human female who lived during the closing years of the Republic Era. As a child, around 66 BBY, she and her parents were captured by pirates who only saw the Skywalker family's value in the slave market. Separated from her homeworld, Shmi was sold in a marketplace similar to the Zygerrian slave market. From there, she was moved from one star system to the next, serving several masters before ending up on the barren planet of Tatooine. By then, Shmi's parents were no longer part of her life. She was alone by the time she was sold to the Hutt gangster Gardulla Besadii the Elder. Shmi never disclosed the fate of her parents to anyone, although it was also suspected that she herself was unaware of what happened to them.
Although slavery was outlawed by the Galactic Republic, Shmi observed that the Republic's laws were unenforceable in the Outer Rim Territories where people had to survive on their own. Nevertheless, Shmi possessed certain qualities such as kindness and compassion, and she believed that much of the galaxy's problems stemmed from too much self-interest at the expense of empathy. Industrious and diligent, her hard work was rewarded with a repulsor-powered generator from her owner Watto.
The Force, a mystical energy field generated by all living beings throughout the universe, served as the foundation for the Jedi Order. This religious order comprised Force-sensitive protectors who adhered to the light side of the Force, in contrast to the Sith who exploited the dark side of the Force. The Jedi and the Sith engaged in conflict for centuries, culminating in the fall of the Old Republic and the near extinction of the ancient Sith. An ancient Jedi mystic prophesied that the Sith would be defeated by the Chosen One, a being born without a father, destined to bring ultimate balance to the Force.

Anakin Skywalker, Shmi's son, was the prophesied Chosen One, a vergence in the Force. Born on Tatooine in 41 BBY, Anakin's cells contained over twenty-thousand midi-chlorians. This resulted in a higher midi-chlorian count than any other life form in the galaxy, including Grand Master Yoda. Combined with his "inexplicable birth," this led Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn to consider the possibility that Anakin was conceived by the microscopic organisms.
Shmi and Anakin were initially owned by Gardulla until the Hutt crime lord wagered them against Watto. As Gardula's slaves, they shared communal quarters with other slaves and families that Anakin regarded with compassion, treating strangers like family due to his upbringing by Shmi. By Shmi's estimation, the Skywalker family's living conditions improved significantly when Watto became their new owner. As the Skywalkers were his only slaves, the Toydarian junk dealer allowed Shmi and Anakin to live in Slave Quarters Row, a section of Mos Espa located on the city's outskirts. After enduring Gardula's communal quarters while raising a son in slavery, the Skywalker home felt like a "palace" to Shmi when it was, in fact, a "meager hovel."
Despite the impoverished conditions that came with living in a densely packed district, Shmi strived to create a good environment for her son whom she raised to be kind-hearted and helpful to others in need. One such person that he sought to help was his mother; to that end, Anakin secretly built a protocol droid, C-3PO, using scrap parts that he collected from a junkyard. The droid's purpose was to lighten Shmi's burden by performing the household chores.

Anakin was bereft of greed during his childhood due to his mother's influence, and he readily gave assistance without even considering a reward for his efforts. These qualities made Shmi proud of her son, although she worried about his fascination with podracing, which was known as a fast and dangerous sport. In addition to being a gifted engineer, Anakin's raw strength with the Force allowed him to "see things before they happened," granting him heightened reflexes despite his lack of Jedi training. As a result, he was the only human on Tatooine who was capable of competing in a podrace in which the other contestants were aliens. Recognizing Anakin's skills as a pilot, Watto would sponsor his slave in the racing contests despite Shmi's objections. However, he never gambled on Anakin due to the winning streak of the Dug racer Sebulba.
Anakin learned about the greater galaxy through stories that he overheard while working in Watto's junkshop. He once recalled hearing about the "angels" from the moons of Iego, and how they were said to be "the most beautiful creatures in the universe." He was curious about the stars, many of which he saw at night, which caused him to wonder if they each had a system of planets and if anyone had explored all of them. Despite his inability to leave Tatooine due to his status as a slave, Anakin once declared that he would be the first person to see every star system in the galaxy. Longing for freedom, he dreamed about becoming a Jedi and liberating the slaves of his homeworld. Anakin possessed very limited information about the Jedi during his early childhood, and what little he knew about them came from bedtime stories told by his mother. Her "fantastical" depiction of the Order led Anakin to believe that the lightsaber-wielding Jedi Knights were invincible, and therefore unable to be killed.

A pivotal encounter with Qui-Gon Jinn dramatically altered Anakin's destiny; during the Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY, Queen Padmé Amidala was evacuated from her world after it was occupied by the Trade Federation. Forced to hide on Tatooine while making repairs to the Naboo Royal Starship, Jinn traveled to Mos Espa where he met Watto and Anakin. Though he failed to barter Republic credits for the replacement parts that he needed from Watto's junkyard, Jinn and his companions—Amidala, Jar Jar Binks, and R2-D2—were invited by Anakin to take shelter in his mother's home during a dangerous sandstorm. Learning about Jinn's situation, Anakin vowed to help his new friends. He suggested entering his custom-built podracer in the Boonta Eve Classic, knowing that the winnings would be more than adequate to purchase the spare starship parts that Jinn's group required. While his mother initially opposed the idea out of concern for Anakin's safety, Anakin reminded her about her belief in helping others. Though she still worried about Anakin, she allowed him to pursue his plan, believing that her son was meant to help Jinn.

Jinn set the plan in motion, but he was also intrigued by Anakin's connection to the Force. He questioned Shmi about the identity of her son's father, given how powerfully attuned he was to the Force, and discovered that Anakin never had a father. An analysis of Anakin's blood sample revealed the unprecedented quantity of midi-chlorians in his DNA, leading Jinn to suspect that he had discovered the Jedi's prophesied Chosen One. Jinn did not believe in accidents or coincidence; as such, he believed that the Force meant for him to find Anakin so that he could be trained in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. He used the Boonta Eve Classic as an opportunity to free Anakin by convincing Watto to wager his slave against the podracer that Anakin would pilot in the race. Jinn tried to free Shmi as well, but Watto dismissed the Jedi's offer, refusing to bet two slaves for a single repulsorcraft.

Anakin succeeded in winning the competition, unaware that he had also gained his liberty as a result of the terms between Jinn and Watto. Shmi had been anxious during the race, but after it ended she expressed pride in her son for giving hope to others who needed his help. Anakin then sold his podracer and gave the money to Shmi, at which point he learned that he was free to leave Tatooine and become a Jedi. Anakin readily agreed, but his decision forced him to leave behind his mother whom he missed. Bearing an attachment to Shmi, Anakin vowed to return and free his mother, but Shmi encouraged him to go with Jinn and never look back. Although she loved her son, Shmi did not want to hold Anakin back from pursuing his dreams. She believed it was his destiny to become a Jedi. She remained on Tatooine as Watto's slave until she was sold to Cliegg Lars, a moisture farmer who freed and married Shmi.

Jinn presented Anakin to the Jedi High Council who examined his connection to the Force as well as his state of mind. While they recognized his inherent potential, the Jedi elders sensed Anakin's connection to his mother and found his emotional attachments concerning. Ultimately, the High Council denied Jinn's request to train Anakin, deeming him too old and emotionally compromised to commit to a life of adhering to the Jedi Code, but Jinn continued to believe that Anakin would become a Jedi nonetheless. Mortally wounded in a lightsaber duel against the Sith Lord Darth Maul during the Battle of Naboo, Jinn's dying wish was for Anakin to be trained so that he could fulfill his destiny as the Chosen One. Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi vowed to fulfill his master's final request and, having gained the rank of Jedi Knight, he took Anakin as his apprentice with the approval of the High Council. Although Jinn was not a Skywalker by blood, it was noted by Anakin's son, Luke Skywalker, that he shared a deep connection with the family's history through the Order.
Queen Amidala, having learned that slavery was still practiced in the galaxy despite its prohibition by the Republic, sought to liberate Shmi along with any other person who was enslaved on Tatooine. After completing her second and final term as the elected ruler of the Naboo, she intended to establish a humanitarian program on Tatooine with the goal of liberating slaves. She was prevented from personally overseeing this project when the opportunity to represent the Royal House of Naboo in the Galactic Senate offered her the chance to further her political career. Faced with new responsibilities as a senator, Amidala chose to send Sabé, a member of the Naboo Royal Handmaidens, to Tatooine in her place, entrusting her former bodyguard with the task of freeing Shmi as well as other slaves.

During his time within the Jedi Order, Anakin would eventually become one of the most skilled Jedi. However, Kenobi was concerned that his student had become arrogant due to his command of the Force. Furthermore, the High Council remained troubled by his fear of loss and his inclination to form intense emotional bonds. Despite not seeing his mother for a decade, Anakin began experiencing vivid dreams about Shmi during the Separatist Crisis. He was increasingly worn out, unsure of the dreams' origin or significance. He confided in Kenobi about these dreams, who assured him that they would eventually fade. Around this time, the High Council assigned them to safeguard Senator Amidala following an assassination attempt that occurred in 22 BBY. Serving as the senator's bodyguard allowed Anakin to shift his focus away from his dreams and reconnect with Amidala, whom he had met shortly before joining the Jedi Order.
Following the High Council's instructions, Anakin accompanied Amidala back to Naboo, while Kenobi was given the task of investigating the assassin who had targeted the senator. Despite his reservations about Anakin's ability to handle a mission without his guidance, Kenobi complied with the High Council's decision. He also implicitly instructed his apprentice to remain with the senator on her homeworld until the investigation concluded. However, Anakin's dreams about his mother persisted. Interpreting them as premonitions and sensing Shmi's pain, he felt compelled to return to Tatooine, disregarding his orders. Accompanied by Amidala, Anakin encountered Watto in Mos Espa and learned about Shmi's liberation and subsequent marriage to Cliegg Lars.

Anakin and Amidala journeyed to the Lars Homestead, a moisture farm located in the Tatooine desert. There, he encountered the Lars family, including his mother's stepson, Owen Lars, who had wondered if he would ever meet his stepbrother. They informed Anakin that Shmi had been kidnapped by Tusken Raiders. Despite their belief that she was deceased, the Jedi Padawan, determined to rescue his mother, used their Zephyr-G swoop to search for their village alone. By the time Anakin located Shmi, her captors had subjected her to torture that nearly killed her. She passed away in her son's arms, causing Anakin to succumb to his anger. Consequently, the young Jedi massacred the village, killing women and children in addition to the adult male inhabitants.
Anakin returned to the Lars farm and buried his mother's body. The loss of Shmi fueled his desire for the power to overcome death. Standing at Shmi's grave, Anakin pledged to save those he loved by becoming stronger in the Force, determined to become the most powerful Jedi in the galaxy. By making this vow to his deceased mother, Anakin made himself more vulnerable to the dark side of the Force.

During their time together, Anakin and Amidala grew closer, sharing a kiss on Naboo. However, Amidala recognized the potential consequences of pursuing a relationship. It would require her to resign from the Senate, and personal attachment was forbidden by the Jedi Code, punishable by exile from the Jedi Order. Although she advised Anakin to control his emotions and protect his future as a Jedi, she ultimately changed her mind during the First Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY. After recovering from his lightsaber duel with Count Dooku, Anakin escorted Amidala back to Naboo, where they were married in a secret ceremony.
For Anakin, this marked the culmination of a relationship that began with adolescent infatuation and evolved into admiration for Amidala's nobility and compassion for the galaxy's oppressed. Despite her initial determination to maintain a professional relationship, the outbreak of war led Amidala to seek solace in her connection with Anakin. Like Anakin, she remained cautious about revealing their relationship to the public, aware of the potential repercussions for their respective careers within the Jedi Order and the Senate.

Throughout the Clone Wars, Anakin and Amidala concealed their marriage from both the Jedi and the Senate while serving the Republic. On Coruscant, the Naboo senator strongly advocated for diplomacy, seeking a peaceful resolution to the galaxy-wide conflict between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Anakin was promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight and Jedi General, making him a high-ranking officer in the newly established Grand Army of the Republic. He served on the front lines, leading the clone troopers of the elite 501st Legion, often alongside his former master, General Kenobi, who commanded the 212th Attack Battalion. Despite Anakin's concerns about his wife's safety, Amidala played a crucial role in forging an alliance between the Hutt Clan and the Republic.
Whenever possible, Anakin would visit Amidala on Coruscant. He attempted to assist Amidala, who was organizing a banquet for Senator Aang, a member of the Military Oversight Committee, by dispatching C-3PO and R2-D2 to acquire jogan fruit for the dessert cake. Unbeknownst to Anakin and Amidala, their droids were kidnapped by the bounty hunter Cad Bane. As the astromech droid of a Republic senator, R2-D2 possessed knowledge of the Senate Building's layout, which was essential to Bane's plan to break the Hutt gangster Ziro Desilijic Tiure out of prison. To avoid suspicion, Bane erased the incident from the droids' memories before releasing them. With no recollection of their ordeal, R2-D2 and C-3PO returned to their owners with the fruit that Amidala needed.

Anakin was with Amidala when the Senate hostage crisis unfolded. Wishing to spend more time together, he gifted his lightsaber to her as a symbol of their commitment. Consequently, he was unarmed when a group of mercenaries infiltrated the Senate Building, carrying out Bane's plan to liberate Ziro. Bane took Amidala and several other politicians hostage to pressure Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine into releasing the Hutt prisoner. Amidala eventually managed to return the lightsaber to Anakin, who used it to rescue his wife and the other senators from the bombs that Bane had planted in the Senate Building.
Following the Battle of Malastare, Amidala pleaded with Anakin to protect the captured Zillo Beast from an experiment that would result in its death and the potential extinction of its species. However, the Zillo Beast escaped its containment and went on a rampage through Coruscant's Senate District. Anakin successfully saved both Amidala and Chancellor Palpatine, while the Republic Military deployed gunships that ultimately killed the creature.
The High Council, suspecting that the InterGalactic Banking Clan was secretly collaborating with the Separatists, enlisted Amidala to investigate her colleague, Senator Rush Clovis of Scipio. Despite Anakin's objections, which she countered by referencing his views on the importance of their duties to the Republic, she agreed to the task. Anakin volunteered to accompany her on the mission to Cato Neimoidia, feeling uncomfortable knowing that Amidala had once shared a close relationship with Clovis. Their investigation revealed that the Separatists were secretly constructing more battle droids on Geonosis in an attempt to reclaim their former stronghold.

While stranded in the ethereal realm of Mortis, Anakin experienced a vision of Shmi. The memory of her death continued to haunt him, driving him to protect his wife, Amidala, at all costs, making him susceptible to Sidious's manipulation. Although Anakin sensed that the apparition was not truly his deceased mother, he momentarily allowed himself to believe that he was speaking to Shmi's spirit, expressing his insecurities and self-doubt as both a son and a Jedi. He also confessed to having a secret wife. The vision then transformed into the Son, a Force wielder who embodied the dark side of the Force. In his efforts to escape Mortis, the Son turned Anakin to the dark side by revealing the Jedi Knight's future through a series of visions, including his attack on Amidala and his eventual fate as Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith. The Father, another Force wielder who sought to prevent the Son from interfering with the Chosen One's destiny, erased this knowledge from Anakin's mind. In a spiritual sense, the dark and light aspects of Anakin's nature were represented by the Son and his sister, the Daughter, respectively, while the Father embodied the wisdom Anakin needed to balance the opposing forces within him.
The death of his mother and his marriage to Amidala made Anakin increasingly unwilling to let go of those he feared losing. Throughout the Clone Wars, he frequently bent and broke the Jedi Code, whether to save the life of someone close to him, such as his apprentice, Ahsoka Tano, or to maintain his secret marriage in defiance of the Code. Like Anakin, Amidala also found herself in a situation where she felt compelled to compromise her principles due to a personal attachment. Following the capture of General Grievous by the Gungan Grand Army of Naboo, Count Dooku captured Anakin. Torn between keeping the Supreme Martial Commander of the Separatist Droid Armies in Republic custody and releasing Grievous to the Separatists in exchange for Anakin, Amidala chose to save her secret husband, sacrificing her belief in serving the greater good.

Anakin and Amidala's marriage faced a crisis when Clovis reappeared, seeking his former colleague's help to reform the Banking Clan. As they collaborated, Clovis attempted to rekindle their relationship. Anakin witnessed Clovis's attempt to kiss Amidala and confronted the former senator. Their fight culminated in Anakin nearly killing Clovis, despite Amidala's pleas for him to stop. This incident led Amidala to re-evaluate her decision to marry Anakin. She cautioned him that their marriage was already difficult due to its secrecy and that it would not endure without trust, a quality she found lacking in Anakin. She also considered that they may have erred in judgment by starting a relationship built on deception. Acknowledging her fear and unhappiness, they decided to separate temporarily. They later reconciled during the Battle of Scipio, where Anakin rescued Amidala while also attempting to save Clovis's life.

The Outer Rim Sieges, a prolonged campaign, separated Anakin and Amidala during the final months of the Clone Wars. As a general, Anakin continued to lead the 501st Legion on the battlefront, while his wife remained on Coruscant as a member of the Senate. Nevertheless, they maintained regular contact, secretly communicating through holographic transmissions. Before the mission to Skako Minor, Anakin contacted Amidala in the privacy of an empty clone barracks while his subordinate, Clone Captain CT-7567 "Rex," stood guard to prevent the general's secret meeting from being discovered. Rex was determined to locate one of his clone troopers, CT-1409 "Echo," who was believed to have been killed in action on Lola Sayu. This concerned Anakin about his first officer, but Amidala advised him to trust Rex. They were forced to end their conversation when Rex signaled that Kenobi was searching for Anakin. Despite Anakin's efforts to maintain the secrecy of his relationship with Amidala, Kenobi told his former Padawan that he hoped Anakin said hello to the senator for him.

Anakin's prowess as a general and his ever-growing abilities were overshadowed by his fear of loss, which ultimately led to his seduction by the dark side. Following the Battle of Coruscant, Anakin reunited with Amidala, who revealed that she was pregnant. While Amidala worried about the potential impact on their careers in the Senate and the Jedi Order, Anakin celebrated the news, declaring it the "happiest day of his life." Amidala hoped to raise their child on her homeworld of Naboo, but Anakin foresaw her death during childbirth in a Force vision. Recalling the dreams that had forewarned him of his mother's death, Anakin became desperate to save his wife and their unborn child.

Anakin sought guidance from Yoda but was careful to conceal Amidala's identity and their relationship. The Grand Master cautioned Anakin about premonitions, warning that the fear of loss led to the dark side of the Force. Aware of Anakin's tendency to form emotional attachments, Yoda had attempted to teach Anakin to overcome these attachments, which he viewed as the root of jealousy and, consequently, greed. He also advised Anakin to accept death as a natural part of life and to rejoice when others became one with the Force instead of mourning them. Ultimately, Yoda's advice to the young Jedi was to learn to release everything he feared losing. However, Anakin was unable to sever his attachment to Amidala, and in his heightened state of anxiety and confusion, he became more vulnerable to Chancellor Palpatine's influence.

Unbeknownst to Anakin, Palpatine was the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious, who had manipulated the Clone Wars to secure his rise to power. Having long groomed Anakin for his future role as a Sith Lord, Sidious exploited Anakin's fear to draw him closer to the dark side. By recounting the history of his Sith Master, Darth Plagueis, he led Anakin to believe that the Sith could prevent death by manipulating the midi-chlorians. He forced Anakin to choose between his commitment to the Jedi and his attachment to Amidala by revealing his true identity as a Sith.
Convinced that the dark side held the key to saving Amidala, Anakin prevented the Jedi from destroying Sidious and became Darth Vader, the Dark Lord's Sith apprentice. Vader obeyed his new master's orders to oversee the execution of Order 66 on Coruscant, believing that he needed to strengthen his connection to the dark side to save Amidala, and led the siege of the Jedi Temple. With the Clone Wars concluded and the Great Jedi Purge underway, Sidious issued a decree declaring himself Galactic Emperor. The widespread support for the Emperor's New Order troubled Amidala, who mourned the Republic's transformation into the Galactic Empire.

At the time, she was unaware of her husband's new allegiance and his actions during the siege of the Jedi Temple, where he had murdered many Jedi, including Jedi younglings. However, while Vader was away from Coruscant, Obi-Wan Kenobi informed Amidala that Anakin had turned to the dark side. This revelation prompted her to travel to Mustafar, where she confronted Vader, who, after killing the members of the Separatist Council, proposed that they rule the galaxy together by overthrowing the Emperor. Repulsed by his actions and future plans, Amidala pleaded with him to turn away from the dark side before it was too late, professing her love for him. Vader accused her of lying when he realized that Kenobi was with her and, convinced that they intended to kill him, he used the Force to attack Amidala, gravely injuring her.

After defeating his former apprentice in a battle to the death, Kenobi left Vader to burn on the bank of a lava river. Kenobi attempted to save Amidala, but Anakin's actions as a Sith Lord had broken his wife's will to live. Consequently, Amidala died during childbirth, giving birth to the twins Luke Skywalker and Leia Amidala Skywalker in 19 BBY. Her final thoughts were of Anakin and her belief that there was still good within him. Her body was returned to Naboo for burial, while on Coruscant, Vader was rebuilt as a cyborg to survive. Upon his reconstruction, the Emperor informed Vader that he had killed Amidala in his anger. This news drove Anakin to despair; combined with the trauma of his surgery, he renounced the name of Skywalker and fully embraced the persona of Vader.
Vader reacted to Amidala's death by attacking his master with the Force, reminding Sidious of his promise to save her. Despite his anger, Vader was overpowered by the Emperor, who instructed him to accept his fate or die, as not even the dark side could resurrect Amidala. Vader chose to live, and the Emperor advised him to channel the pain of his wife's death to strengthen his connection to the dark side. However, the Emperor also warned Vader to control future outbursts, threatening to kill his apprentice if he ever attacked his master with the Force again.

During his early trials as a Sith Lord, Vader underwent the dark side ritual of bleeding a kyber crystal. He claimed the lightsaber that belonged to Jedi Master Kirak Infil'a, then returned to Mustafar, where he harnessed the world's connection to the dark side to make the crystal bleed. His efforts proved successful, changing the crystal's color from green to red, thus completing the creation of Darth Vader's lightsaber.

Around 17 BBY, the remains of the Venator-class Star Destroyer Tribunal were found by Vader on a frigid moon. This was the site where Ahsoka Tano and Rex staged their demise to evade Order 66. The vessel had crashed during their escape, resulting in the deaths of all clone troopers on board. Rex was incorrectly believed to be dead by the Empire, and Tano intentionally left her lightsabers behind to feign her execution. At this location, Vader discovered one of Tano's lightsabers. Although he subconsciously knew Tano was still alive, Vader chose to believe his former apprentice had perished because he couldn't sense her. For Vader, the thought of Tano being dead was preferable to facing her again.
Having supported the Emperor's efforts in solidifying the Empire and eliminating the remaining Jedi, Vader was rewarded with a planet of his choice to govern. He rejected his own homeworld, Tatooine, and his master's, Naboo, opting for Mustafar due to the planet's strong connection to the dark side. Guided by the essence of Darth Momin, the Dark Lord constructed an obsidian castle—Fortress Vader—above the Sith cave, where he used the dark side to corrupt his kyber crystal. Following the Battle of Fortress Vader and Momin's betrayal, Vader stepped into a portal, but only his spirit went through, leaving his cybernetic body behind.
After traversing the portal, Vader was subjected to a Force vision depicting Shmi standing in the shadow of Darth Sidious, his Sith Master, during her pregnancy with Anakin. He also heard his master's voice, describing the dark side as a pathway to unnatural Force powers.

Once he had crossed into the other side of the portal, Vader's mind was overwhelmed with memories of his life. He was shown visions of his mother, his Sith Master, and a younger version of himself. His journey led him to a projected image of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where he was confronted by apparitions of the Jedi he had once served with, including Yoda, Mace Windu, and other members of the Jedi High Council. After defeating the Jedi specters, Vader entered the Temple and encountered Obi-Wan Kenobi and Sheev Palpatine, both of whom had significantly influenced Anakin Skywalker. Sidious struck down Kenobi, and Vader retaliated with a barrage of Force lightning. He then discovered his wife, Amidala, and approached her disguised as Anakin. He implored her to join him, but the vision of Amidala rejected the Sith Lord and committed suicide, declaring that her husband was already dead. The vision concluded with Vader returning to his body after briefly glimpsing a Jedi in the distance, wielding a blue-bladed lightsaber and shrouded in light.
Vader became obsessed with finding a way to resurrect his deceased wife. He formulated a plan to bring Amidala back to life, intending to use the power of the Bright Star to achieve this. He acquired the artifact with the assistance of a Force-sensitive smuggler whose ancestor, Lady Corvax, had previously attempted to revive her husband, Dorwin Corvax. However, the smuggler betrayed Vader by destroying the Bright Star along with the Aeon Engine, which, in turn, initiated the gradual healing of the desolate world of Mustafar. Vader blamed the smuggler for thwarting his efforts to reunite with Amidala.

Following Amidala's passing, her children were separated and hidden to shield them from the Sith. Leia was adopted into the House of Organa by Senator Bail Prestor Organa and his wife, Queen Breha Organa, becoming known as "Leia Organa," Princess of Alderaan. Her brother, Luke, was entrusted to his relatives, Owen Lars and Beru Whitesun Lars, who raised him as a moisture farmer on Tatooine. While Owen disapproved of his nephew's desire to explore the galaxy beyond Tatooine, Beru recognized that Luke was too much like his father to be content with a farmer's life. While Luke desired a life of adventure and excitement, Leia succeeded her adoptive father as the senator of Alderaan.
Despite being a member of the Imperial Senate, Organa secretly undermined the Empire by supporting the Alliance to Restore the Republic, a rebellion aimed at overthrowing the Empire and restoring democracy. After Organa was captured by Darth Vader, Luke's aunt and uncle were killed by Imperial stormtroopers searching for the stolen Death Star plans. With the loss of his guardians, Luke decided to join the Alliance and learn the ways of the Force from Obi-Wan Kenobi, who revealed that his father had once been a Jedi Knight.

The Skywalker twins were reunited when Luke and his new allies, Han Solo and Chewbacca, rescued Princess Leia after she was captured by the Empire while attempting to recruit Kenobi to the Rebel cause. During her imprisonment, Vader forced the princess to witness Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin testing the full power of the DS-1 Death Star Mobile Battle Station on Organa's homeworld of Alderaan, destroying the entire planet to deter other worlds from opposing the Empire. Although Organa escaped from the battle station with Luke's help, Luke witnessed Kenobi's death at Vader's hand. Tracking the princess to Yavin 4, the Empire planned to use its superweapon to destroy the Alliance headquarters along with the entire jungle-covered moon of Yavin Prime. However, in the Battle of Yavin, Luke successfully destroyed the Death Star after Solo's intervention saved him from Vader. Organa later honored Luke and Solo for their bravery.

Vader survived the Battle of Yavin and sought to discover the identity of the Rebel pilot who had destroyed the Death Star. He confronted Luke on Cymoon 1, unaware of the boy's true identity, only knowing that he had been Kenobi's Jedi apprentice. Unimpressed with Luke's skills, Vader prepared to kill him with Luke's own lightsaber until he recognized it as the weapon he had once wielded as Anakin Skywalker. Luke ultimately escaped from Vader, who dispatched the bounty hunter Boba Fett to capture him. Although Fett failed to capture Luke, he discovered his surname, Skywalker, and reported it to Vader. The revelation of Luke's identity led Vader to realize that he had a son, and he vowed to turn Luke to the dark side.

Guided by the Force spirit of Kenobi, Luke traveled to Dagobah shortly after the Battle of Hoth to complete his Jedi training under Grand Master Yoda. However, the ancient Jedi Master was hesitant to accept Anakin's son as an apprentice. Yoda sensed Luke's anger and impatience, which reminded him of Anakin. This, combined with Luke's advanced age, reinforced his belief that Luke was unsuitable to be a Jedi. Furthermore, having observed Luke from afar for a long time, Yoda concluded that Luke was reckless and driven by a desire for excitement and adventure, qualities that a Jedi did not possess. However, Kenobi communicated with Yoda through the Force and urged his old mentor to teach Luke, assuring him that their student would learn to control his anger through patience.
Following the battle, the Emperor contacted Vader, knowing the identity of the Rebel pilot who destroyed the Death Star. Sidious knew that Luke was Anakin's son and recognized his potential to destroy the Sith and all they had built if he became a Jedi. At Vader's suggestion, Sidious approved his apprentice's plan to turn Luke to the dark side, knowing that, as a Skywalker, he would become a powerful asset to the Sith.

Meanwhile, Organa was forced to evacuate Hoth with the crew of the Millennium Falcon, which kept her and Solo together despite the latter's intention to leave the Alliance. They eventually fell in love, but were captured by Vader while seeking refuge on Bespin with Solo's friend, Landonis Balthazar Calrissian, the administrator of Cloud City. Organa managed to escape with Calrissian's help and was determined to rescue Solo, who had been frozen in carbonite for transportation to Tatooine.
During Luke's training, he discovered a cave where the dark side was strong and was confronted by Vader in a Force vision. They dueled until Luke decapitated the Sith Lord. Before the vision ended, Vader's mask shattered, revealing Luke's own face. Under Yoda's guidance, Luke refined his skills in meditation, which allowed him to see visions of the future. One such vision revealed that his friends were in danger. He was determined to save them, even if it meant leaving Dagobah without completing his training. Neither Yoda nor Kenobi supported his decision, knowing that it would bring Luke into direct contact with Vader. They both urged Luke to stay and become a fully trained Jedi, warning him that he was not ready to face a Sith Lord.

Luke's departure against his mentors' warnings reinforced Yoda's belief that Luke was too reckless, jeopardizing the Jedi's plans to overthrow the Sith. When Kenobi referred to Luke as their last hope, Yoda disagreed and reminded him that there was another who could take his place. By the time Luke arrived, Cloud City had been occupied by an Imperial garrison. Knowing that the Jedi apprentice would risk everything to save his friends, Vader lured Luke into a confrontation with the intention of bringing him to Sidious. Although Vader was impressed by Luke's progress, the Sith Lord ultimately defeated him, disarming him of his father's lightsaber and the hand that wielded it. It was at this moment that Vader revealed his true identity as Luke's father. The revelation that Vader and Anakin were the same person shocked and disoriented Luke. Vader revealed the truth to Luke because he wanted to overthrow the Emperor and rule the galaxy with his son at his side, but Luke rejected his father's offer and returned to the Rebellion.
The people of Naboo, both humans and Gungans, mourned Amidala. Following the Emperor's rise to power, a group of the late senator's closest allies secretly gathered in Padmé's Apartment and formed a pact to find and punish Amidala's killer. They called themselves the "Amidalans." Captain Gregar Typho, Amidala's personal bodyguard, was an Amidalan. He had attempted to accompany her to Mustafar, but the senator refused an escort. In the years after her death, the Amidalans learned that Mustafar was Darth Vader's domain and concluded that the Dark Lord of the Sith had killed the late senator. Furthermore, Typho revealed that Amidala had traveled to Mustafar to find Anakin, leading the Amidalans to believe that Vader had also killed him.
In 3 ABY, Vader launched an independent investigation into his son's past, intending to hunt down and eliminate everyone involved in hiding Luke from him. The Dark Lord believed that those who hid his son were responsible for making Luke too weak to accept his offer to rule the galaxy as father and son. With the help of an Imperial forensics droid, ZED-6-7, Vader tracked his son's childhood home to his family's moisture farm. There, he discovered that Luke had been adopted by Owen and Beru, Anakin's stepbrother and Owen's wife, respectively. He also learned that his son shared his father's talent for piloting starships.

Returning to his mother's home triggered memories of Anakin's life in Vader's mind. He recalled the grief he had experienced after Shmi's death and how Amidala had tried to comfort him. Thinking about his late wife reminded Vader of their final conversation on Mustafar. When he thought back to his encounter with Luke in Cloud City, Vader's imagination caused him to see his mother and his pregnant wife along with Luke falling into an abyss. The memories of his past filled the Dark Lord with anger that was apparent to ZED-6-7, manifesting through the Force when the droid found the gravesite of Shmi and her husband Cliegg. Shmi's burial site reminded Vader of Anakin's vow not to lose another loved one as he had lost his mother.
Accompanied by a squad of death troopers, Vader returned to Coruscant and unsealed Amidala's former apartment. Like the Lars moisture farm, his wife's chambers brought back moments of intimacy between Anakin and Amidala. ZED-6-7 learned about their relationship during the Clone Wars, having accessed Anakin's record in his databank after Vader revealed that Amidala was Luke's mother. The droid deduced that the relationship between Anakin and Amidala had been more intimate than publicly known.
Vader's next destination was Vendaxa, where he encountered Sabé, whom he initially mistook for Amidala due to their striking physical resemblance. Recalling the handmaidens who served Amidala during the Invasion of Naboo, Vader realized that the woman was not Amidala but one of her decoys. ZED-6-7 noted the similar features of Sabé and Amidala, as well as the subtle differences that allowed the forensics droid to distinguish them. Sabé was initially uncooperative with Vader, who demanded to know her identity. The Dark Lord began to strangle Sabé with the Force after she claimed to be the resurrected Amidala, but he stopped himself upon remembering how he had attacked his wife in anger.

Vader recruited Sabé after his forensics droid confirmed her identity as a former handmaiden of the late queen. He used Sabé's loyalty to Amidala to persuade her to join him, arguing that the former Naboo queen would have supported the Galactic Empire if she had lived to see its reign. During their discussion about Amidala, Sabé's appearance and personality constantly reminded the Dark Lord of his deceased wife. After fighting alongside each other to defeat the local Vendaxan land squids, Vader and Sabé traveled to Naboo to retrieve the data that she had taken from Amidala's apartment on Coruscant. The Dark Lord's investigation of his son's childhood evolved into a "hunt for the truth" about Amidala's death.
More of Vader's memories resurfaced as a result of his return to Naboo, where he remembered the time that Anakin and Amidala had spent together in the final days before the Clone Wars. Their destination was Varykino, a villa that belonged to Amidala's family, the Naberrie family. The lake retreat was abandoned; nevertheless, Vader remembered the time that Anakin had spent there with Amidala. While Vader was reminiscing, he was attacked by Gregar Typho and Tonra, who assumed that Sabé was the Sith Lord's captive. Vader subdued them both, forcing Sabé to intercede for their lives. The handmaiden convinced Vader to spare her allies' lives, revealing that they had hidden the security recording on Naboo.
The Sith Lord's forensics and analysis droid inquired about the relationship between Amidala and the former officers of the Royal Naboo Security Forces. Vader listened as Typho revealed that Amidala had chosen to travel to Mustafar alone despite his protests as her bodyguard. Additionally, he discovered that Amidala had sent Tonra and Sabé to Tatooine to free Shmi Skywalker, remembering Anakin's mother, who remained enslaved after her son's emancipation.

Ultimately, Sabé deceived Vader to lure him to Naboo, where the Amidalans intended to execute the Sith, believing that he had murdered Amidala and Anakin. Vader did not deny the Amidalans' accusations, but rather claimed responsibility for the deaths of the senator and her Jedi protector. Sabé, Tonra, and Typho attempted to kill Vader using a rare sando aqua monster, risking their lives in the process. After killing the creature, Vader and his death troopers proceeded to the Tomb of Padmé Amidala, where they were ambushed by the Amidalans. However, their attack did not succeed. Vader killed the insurgents, including Ric Olié, whom Anakin had met during his first voyage to Coruscant.
Amidala's tomb contained not only her remains, but also a japor snippet that Anakin had given her when he was a child. As Vader approached the tomb, he was confronted by Amidala's handmaidens—Dormé, Eirtaé, Rabé, Sabé, and Saché—who vowed not to allow the desecration of the queen's grave. Vader recognized the women from their past association with his wife and implored them to leave if they wished to live. The handmaidens rejected his advice and attacked the Sith Lord in unison. Despite their efforts to kill him, Vader fought defensively, using his lightsaber skills to deflect their attacks and his Force abilities to incapacitate the handmaidens. He then entered the tomb and unsealed Amidala's sarcophagus despite Sabé's pleas to leave the grave in peace. ZED-6-7 scanned Amidala's corpse and discovered that Polis Massa was her last location before her death. Vader chose to spare the lives of Sabé and her followers, allowing them to regroup at the next destination in Vader's journey.

The Polis Massa Base had been reduced to ruins years before Vader's arrival, the Empire having bombarded the facility after it became a center for Rebel activity. Following another battle with the Amidalans, Vader directed his droid to analyze the base's mainframe. Despite the damage to the facility and its technology, ZED-6-7 discovered a few holographic recordings about Amidala's final moments, from her arrival on Polis Massa to her last words to Obi-Wan Kenobi, professing her faith in Anakin with her last breath. Vader watched the footage in silence until ZED-6-7 began to speculate on the connection between Kenobi and Amidala. The forensics droid suggested that Amidala had cared a great deal for Kenobi, causing Vader to bisect the droid.
Vader returned to Coruscant by the end of his search, reporting directly to the Emperor at the Imperial Palace. What had begun as a hunt for the people who had hidden Vader's son had become an investigation of his wife's death, causing Vader to experience memories and emotions that he had not felt in years. Before leaving Polis Massa, he thought back to his duel with Luke in Cloud City and imagined several versions of himself—the Sith Lord, the Jedi Padawan, and the slave child from Tatooine—falling into the darkness instead of Luke. Darth Sidious sensed the conflict within his apprentice; despite the Sith teachings that Vader had come to embody, turning his fear into anger, hate, and power, confronting his past had left him "wallowing in grief." As a result, the Emperor decided to take Vader back to the beginning of his Sith trials by teaching him a lesson in fear.

Displeased by Vader's insubordination, the Emperor unleashed a barrage of Force lightning at his apprentice, who deflected it with his lightsaber. While Sidious commended Vader's defense, he rebuked him for his recent behavior during the investigation into his son's origins. Acting as the Emperor's spokesperson, Grand Vizier Mas Amedda accused Vader of multiple acts bordering on treason, including allowing Luke's escape from Bespin and ignoring his master's summons. Furthermore, Amedda criticized Vader for permitting Sabé's escape, despite her connection to a Rebel cell.
Ordered to assault Vader, the Emperor's Royal Guards moved in, but Sidious disarmed Vader, leaving the Sith apprentice defenseless against the Emperor's elite protectors. Vader continued his resistance, resorting to his Force abilities, using them to choke both the Royal Guards and Amedda. After observing the conflict for a short period, the Emperor overwhelmed Vader with his own mastery of the Force, employing the same choking technique his apprentice frequently used as punishment. Vader's futile struggle against the Emperor's power, brought to mind the individuals he had attacked with the dark side, including Amidala, Sabé, Orson Callan Krennic, Conan Antonio Motti, Lorth Needa, and Kendal Ozzel.
Vader accused Sidious of deceit regarding his wife's demise, to which the Emperor countered that Vader's fear of Amidala's death had driven him to the dark side. He viewed Vader's attachment to the late senator as a weakness, albeit one he had exploited to create a Sith apprentice of immense power. Concerned that Vader might revert to weakness, Sidious instructed him to disregard Amidala, his past as Anakin Skywalker, and everything except his loyalty to the Emperor. Simultaneously, Sidious used the Force to incapacitate Vader, destroying the Sith Lord's cybernetic legs and left arm.
Sidious desired Vader to relearn the "primacy of power." Consequently, he returned Vader to Mustafar, the location where the Emperor had once saved him; however, this time, Vader was required to save himself, but without relying on the Force.

Without using the Force, Vader survived his trials on Mustafar. He replaced his destroyed cybernetic limbs with battle droid parts, defeated the Droid Crush Pirates of Bestoon, and captured the Emperor's Sith assassin, Ochi of Bestoon. Holding Ochi captive, Vader aimed to uncover his master's secrets. After acquiring a Sith wayfinder from the Eye of Webbish Bog, Vader salvaged his old Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor and departed Mustafar to locate the hidden Sith world of Exegol.
The wayfinder guided Vader to the Galactic Barrier, where he encountered a subspecies of the summa-verminoth residing in the Red Honeycomb Zone. Despite being related to "the galaxy's greatest predator," as described by Umbaran official Sly Moore, the creature's presence did not deter Vader from pursuing the sole path to Exegol. Unlike other members of its species, this creature had evolved to attack the minds of its prey. It forced Vader to relive his duels with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker, on Mustafar and Bespin, respectively. The creature's influence distorted these memories, making Vader see his younger self at the mercy of his son, instead of Kenobi, who defeated Vader on Mustafar. The Bespin duel was altered to depict Vader disarmed by Luke; as before, he pleaded with Luke to join him in ruling the galaxy. Instead, Luke killed Vader with Anakin's lightsaber before walking away as Darth Sidious' new apprentice.

Vader withstood the visions long enough to emerge from the Red Honeycomb Zone, arriving in the Unknown Regions. The creature followed them to Exegol, but Vader subdued it with the Force, disregarding his master's threats. By the time Vader arrived, the Emperor was already on Exegol. Vader declared that he was no longer Sidious' apprentice. The two Sith Lords engaged in a Force battle, but Sidious ultimately influenced the summa-verminoth variant to commit suicide, overcoming Vader's attempts to control it. Vader pursued the Emperor into the Sith Citadel, where he discovered several of his master's secrets, including the construction of a fleet of Xyston-class Star Destroyers, genetically engineered Tanker specimens, and Sith cultists. He also discovered that the citadel was built on a mountain of kyber crystals, which Sidious intended to use as the power source for the axial superlaser on every Star Destroyer in his Sith fleet. While sensing the crystals' pain through the Force, Vader experienced another vision of his son telling him that it was his destiny to destroy the Emperor.

Vader reaffirmed his loyalty to Sidious, having realized the extent of his master's power during his mission to Exegol. Accompanied by Mas Amedda, Sly Moore, and Ochi, the Sith Lords returned to Coruscant, the Imperial capital, where the Emperor had Vader reconstructed at the medcenter formerly known as the Grand Republic Medical Facility during the Clone Wars. Vader instructed the medical droids to keep him awake during his surgery, causing him intense pain. The pain of his reconstruction reminded Vader of the pain he had inflicted on his son during their duel on Bespin. Luke's refusal to join his father led Vader to believe that his son was weak despite his potential power. Determined to maintain his position by the Emperor's side, Vader resolved that his son had to die, as there was no room for a third ruler in the Sith ranks. Nevertheless, Vader still wished, deep down, that his son had accepted his offer on Cloud City.

Luke Skywalker's journey to the Gazian system resulted in his entrapment within the Living Sea of Gazian, one of the galaxy's several Force vergences. The Living Sea's mushrooms had hallucinogenic effects, leading to an encounter between Luke and the imprint of Jedi Master Elzar Mann, who had visited Gazian during the High Republic Era. Noticing the Skywalker lightsaber, Mann remarked on its design, noting its similarity to his own. When Luke shared his efforts to learn about the Force and the Jedi Order, the High Republic Jedi shared his knowledge, including the nature of Gazian as a "living vergence." During their interaction, their surroundings shifted between various locations, from the tree library and Jedi village on Ahch-To, to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
As they discussed the state of the Jedi Order in Luke's time, Luke described his father as a fallen Jedi named "Anakin" who had abandoned the Order after turning to the dark side. Mann acknowledged that some Jedi had strayed from the light and shared a memory of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, showing Luke the golden age the Jedi had overseen during Mann's time. Before Luke left Gazian, he was confronted by his own imprint, a consequence of his time in the Living Sea.
Vader and Skywalker met again after the Auction for Han Solo, hosted by the resurgent Crimson Dawn syndicate, which sought to wage a clandestine war against the Sith to liberate the galaxy. Vader and Skywalker engaged in a dogfight above Jekara before Vader was summoned by the Emperor to suppress the rebelling Grand Hutt Council. Vader considered his mission complete, believing he had instilled great fear in Skywalker by his arrival, but the young Jedi vowed to be ready for their next encounter. Returning to the Exeuctor after his mission, Vader learned from Sub-Administrator Sly Moore, who was arrested for attempting to help Skywalker escape, that Palpatine wanted Skywalker to survive. Vader dismissed Skywalker as too weak and fearful to warrant Sidious' attention before kneeling before his master, agreeing to hunt down Crimson Dawn.

In the days preceding the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Luke returned to Dagobah after rescuing Solo with his companions' assistance. Yoda was gravely ill upon Luke's return, weakened by age and sickness. He assured Luke that he needed no further training but could not yet call himself a Jedi until he faced Vader again. When Luke asked if Vader was truly his father, Yoda confirmed it. Yoda spoke his last words before passing into the Force, revealing the existence of another Skywalker, whom Kenobi later identified as Leia, Luke's twin sister. Luke confronted his first Jedi Master about his account of his father's fate, recalling Kenobi's statement that Vader had betrayed and murdered Anakin. Kenobi clarified that Anakin had been seduced by the dark side and ceased to exist when he became Vader.
Luke joined General Solo's strike team after returning to the Alliance, which was planning to destroy Sidious' new battle station, the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station. However, he soon left the group, sensing Vader's presence, believing there was still good within his father. After revealing to Leia their sibling relationship as Vader's offspring, Luke confronted his father in person, intending to talk rather than fight, hoping that Anakin Skywalker would return to the light with his son's help. Vader rejected his son's plea, deeming it too late for him. Realizing Vader's determination to take him to the Emperor, Luke declared that his father was truly dead.

Luke accompanied his father to the Emperor's Throne Room on the new battle station, while Solo and Organa proceeded with their plan to destroy the Death Star's shield generator. Sidious provoked Luke into a duel with Vader, but the would-be Jedi refused to turn to the dark side. Sensing his son's thoughts, Vader realized he had a daughter in addition to a son, Luke's twin sister. He threatened to turn his attentions to Leia, converting her to the dark side if Luke would not, causing his son to embrace his rage as he relentlessly beat Vader into submission. It was exactly what the Emperor wanted, and as such, Sidious urged Luke to kill Vader and become his new apprentice. However, Luke restrained himself from delivering the killing blow, remembering his teachings under Kenobi and Yoda. Casting his lightsaber aside, he declared that the Emperor had failed, as he had become a Jedi, like his father before him.

Sidious, frustrated by Luke's actions, unleashed the power of the dark side against the young Jedi, torturing him with Force lightning. As Luke writhed in agony, Vader seized his Sith Master and threw him down a deep shaft, his former self awakened by his son's love. Though his actions killed Sidious, they ultimately proved fatal, as Vader absorbed the brunt of the lightning to save Luke. Knowing his end was near, Anakin shared a vital moment with Luke, who removed his father's mask so he could look upon his son with his own eyes. Anakin assured Luke that he had been saved by him and wanted Leia to know that Luke had been right about him as well. He slipped peacefully into the Force and was reunited in death with his old Jedi mentors, Kenobi and Yoda.
The deaths of Sidious and Vader ended the Sith Lord lineage, fulfilling Anakin Skywalker's destiny as the prophesied Chosen One. The three deceased Jedi watched over Luke and his friends as they celebrated their victory on Endor. After the party, Luke tried to tell Organa about their father's redemption, but she refused to forgive the man she had only known as Darth Vader. Skywalker also spoke to her about training her in the Jedi arts, promising she would not have to give up her future with Han Solo if she agreed. Skywalker officiated Solo and Organa's wedding. During the subsequent skirmish on Madurs, Organa admitted a fear to Solo that she did not share in her brother's talent in the Force, but Solo alleviated her concerns by reminding her she did not have to be a copy of her sibling. After using the Force to summon an edont, Organa experienced a hunger for more power in the Force that concerned her, so she resolved to speak to her brother about what to do with her abilities.

Following the Battle of Endor, Leia Organa married Han Solo and gave birth to their son, Ben Solo, on the day the Empire capitulated to the New Republic in 5 ABY, marking the end of the Galactic Civil War. As a descendant of the Skywalker lineage, Ben possessed an innate strength in the Force, exhibiting raw, untamed power that drew the attention of his uncle Luke, as well as Supreme Leader Snoke of the First Order. Unbeknownst to Ben, he had a twin in the Force—the Force-sensitive scavenger Rey, who was the daughter of Darth Sidious' cloned son. Unlike his mother and uncle, Solo's relationship with Rey was not based on blood, but rather their bond as a rare and powerful dyad in the Force.
With the war concluded and the New Republic striving to restore peace to the galaxy, Ben's parents aimed to provide him with a stable upbringing. However, the Force manifested within Ben, awakening his dormant abilities inherited from Organa's bloodline. As a toddler, Ben was prone to emotional outbursts. His mother witnessed his first instinctive use of telekinesis, throwing a toy across the room, making it clear that Ben needed guidance to control his Force abilities.
Organa and Han were also aware that Ben's nature resembled his grandfather's; thus, they were concerned about their son's potential to turn to the dark side that had transformed Anakin Skywalker into Darth Vader. Organa ultimately decided that Ben would be trained as a Jedi, despite Han's reaction to her decision. Having briefly trained in the Jedi arts before returning to politics, Organa believed that the Jedi path would keep Ben grounded in the light. Consequently, she entrusted her brother Luke to teach Ben the ways of the Force while he rebuilt the Jedi Order. However, she later regretted her decision to send Ben away from her and Han, believing it was the catalyst that caused her to lose their son to the dark side, consequently breaking the family apart.

Adhering to the monastic principles of the Jedi Knight, Luke Skywalker refrained from romantic pursuits, dedicating most of his remaining years to rediscovering the lost knowledge of the Jedi Order. As a result, Luke did not continue the Skywalker family bloodline, as he never fathered any children. However, Luke once dreamed of an alternate life where he never learned the ways of the Force. Instead, he remained on his homeworld of Tatooine, marrying his childhood friend Camie Marstrap. He also remained in the moisture farming business, supporting his uncle and aunt as a farmer. In this version of his life, Luke dreamed of a more exciting life for himself, causing Camie to suspect that her husband regretted their marriage, despite Luke's assurances to the contrary.

As a young man, Luke was fascinated by several women he encountered as an aspiring Jedi, including his twin sister Leia Organa. The Skywalker twins developed a bond without knowing their biological connection. Luke and Organa had both lost their adoptive families, becoming orphans in the civil war between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. In addition to their personal losses, the Skywalkers found themselves devoted to the same cause, fighting for the galaxy's freedom, which strengthened their connection.
Another woman Luke was interested in was Warba Calip; an orphan from [Jedha](/article/jedha], Calip was Force-sensitive like Luke, but her connection to the Force was never honed through formal training. While Luke's enlightenment came from the Jedi perspective, Calip gained her understanding of the Force from the Guardians of the Whills, another monastic order devoted to the all-encompassing energy field. Calip was a thief and a gambler who used her natural talent for profit. However, she also taught Luke the mantra of the Jedha priests, whose faith in the Force influenced Luke's spirituality and tempered his youthful impatience.
Luke briefly experienced a romantic relationship with Tula Markona, a member of the self-sufficient Clan Markona. Tula's clan was similar to both the Rebel Alliance and the Jedi Order in that its members were "united by their shared beliefs" instead of a genealogical connection. As with Luke, Tula and her father, Thane Markona, traced their lineage to a former Jedi who chose personal attachment over the Order. During Luke's courtship of Tula, Markona became a mentor to the young Jedi apprentice. His death left Tula grief-stricken, ending her relationship with Luke, whom she considered indirectly responsible for her father's demise.

As Luke approached his ascension to Jedi Knighthood, Yoda implored him to preserve the ways of the Jedi Order, its Grand Master entering the last minutes of his centuries-long life. Aware that the Force flowed strongly within the Skywalker family bloodline, Yoda revealed the existence of another Skywalker before passing from the Living Force to the Cosmic Force. The spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi confirmed the Grand Master's final words; realizing his familial connection to Organa, Luke believed that his sister would eventually follow her brother and father on the Jedi path. But unlike Luke, Organa was never preoccupied with the ways of the Force. Although her adoptive father praised the Jedi Knights who served the Galactic Republic, their defeat in the Clone Wars undermined Organa's belief in the Force, leading the princess to place her faith in more tangible weapons, such as a blaster.
Organa ultimately explored her connection to the Force with Luke as her mentor. She developed her Force abilities and lightsaber skills while training on Ajan Kloss. At one point, she bested her fully trained brother in a lightsaber duel; however, Organa experienced a premonition warning her that the Jedi path would lead to the death of her unborn son. Although Organa did not share Luke's forgiveness of their father, Darth Vader, the love she felt for her child was unconditional. She chose to resume her political career, surrendering her blue-bladed lightsaber to Luke, ending her stint as a Jedi apprentice.
The Jedi Temple of Luke Skywalker was constructed on Ossus, where Luke sought to pass on his masters' teachings to a new generation of Jedi. Although he intended to make Grogu the first student at his academy, the foundling chose to return to the former Mandalorian Din Djarin after relearning the basic skills of the Force.

Ben Solo's journey in Jedi training commenced in 15 ABY, coinciding with Rey's birth as the other half of their Force dyad. He was Luke's initial student following Leia's brief introduction to the Jedi arts. Despite the Jedi Code's restriction on training multiple apprentices simultaneously, Luke's training facility expanded to include a small group of students, positioning his nephew as the prototype for a new generation of Jedi. Although Luke managed to instruct several students by dividing his time among them, he couldn't dedicate his complete focus to any single apprentice, including Solo. Consequently, Solo sought guidance from external sources, rendering him more vulnerable to Snoke's influence and the allure of the dark side.
Snoke, captivated by the inherent power within the Skywalker lineage, fostered a connection with Solo, viewing him as a potential successor to Darth Vader. Their telepathic exchanges allowed Snoke to sow seeds of doubt within the conflicted apprentice concerning his master and the Jedi legacy. Despite the burgeoning dark side within Solo, he remained an exceptional student with a promising future in the revitalized Jedi Order. He had constructed his own lightsaber by the time he accompanied Luke and Lor San Tekka on a mission to Elphrona; he delved into the Jedi teachings, documenting his insights on parchment scrolls within his calligraphy set; and his attunement to the Force surpassed that of his peers. While Solo dismissed the other students as inconsequential, confident in his superior abilities, he experienced insecurity when compared to the Jedi Knights of previous eras. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda, who both mentored Solo's uncle, had passed away as the last representatives of the Jedi Order's "old guard" before Solo's birth. Nevertheless, striving to emulate the legacy of the most revered and knowledgeable Jedi Masters felt, from Solo's perspective, like engaging in a game of sabacc with "ghosts."

Being the sole Skywalker besides Luke in the reformed Jedi Order, Solo felt isolated from the other Padawans during his training. He was the only apprentice related to the Jedi Master responsible for training an entire class of Force-sensitive individuals. As a result, Solo couldn't shake the feeling that his classmates perceived him as a product of nepotism, benefiting from his Skywalker heritage rather than his inherent Force abilities. As a Jedi, Solo felt his only competition came from the Jedi of the past, not his fellow trainees. He felt particularly scrutinized in comparison to Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda, who had died as the last of the Jedi Order's "old guard," yet their legacy continued to exert a strong influence on the Skywalker family and Solo's life. Solo revered the Jedi of the past as "legendary warriors" and Force wielders whom he aspired to emulate and, as his ambition grew, surpass by becoming a fully-trained Jedi in his own right.
Despite feeling more like an "outsider" than a member of a new Jedi generation, Solo befriended fellow apprentices, particularly Hennix, Tai, and Voe. He valued Hennix's scholarly approach to the Force and his humor, as Hennix was one of the few who could make Solo laugh. Tai possessed unusual wisdom for a young Padawan, offering insights into Solo's conflicted mind and encouraging him to embrace all facets of his nature, which Solo tended to suppress. In Voe, Solo found an opponent he could consistently defeat in lightsaber sparring or Force techniques like levitation.
While Luke believed concentration enabled all Jedi to achieve their Force potential, Solo surpassed all other apprentices in both Force abilities and lightsaber combat. His power fueled his desire to prove himself, but the weight of his heritage—son of legends, nephew of the last Jedi, and grandson of the prophesied Chosen One—burdened Solo as he tried to meet the expectations of being a Skywalker. Luke recognized his nephew's prodigious Force strength and tried to moderate Solo's progress by instilling restraint.

Solo admired his uncle as a teacher and idolized him as a legend. However, he questioned the purpose of his power under Luke's restrictions. Snoke exploited Solo's insecurities, fostering doubt about his master. Despite Luke's concerns about his nephew's raw power, Solo's potential gave him hope for the Jedi's resurgence as Luke passed his strengths to his prized student. Skywalker also believed Solo would likely lead the restored Jedi Order, given his Force abilities, near-knighthood, and Skywalker lineage.
By 21 ABY, Solo supervised younglings' lightsaber training sessions, as Luke delegated teaching duties to senior pupils. Luke approved of his nephew and Padawan's progress, believing Solo could one day match his power. He entrusted temple responsibilities to Solo during his absence, which Lor San Tekka saw as preparation for Solo's future as a full Jedi. San Tekka shared Luke's optimism about Solo, believing he would make a fine Jedi.
Solo remained ignorant of his grandfather's Sith identity, his mother deliberately concealing Anakin Skywalker's transformation into Darth Vader. However, the information Solo possessed about his lineage fueled his desire to prove himself as a Skywalker, while also heightening his anxiety and fear of failing to meet his legacy's expectations. Besides his Skywalker heritage, the Jedi Order's legacy motivated Solo to grow stronger with the Force and prove himself worthy of inheriting the Jedi mantle.

Solo's parents' absence created a sense of loneliness. Despite their busy schedules—Han traveling and Organa fulfilling her senatorial duties—they protected Ben by keeping his grandfather's Sith legacy a secret. Solo was unaware of being Vader's grandson for most of his life. Luke only referred to Solo's grandfather as Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker; Organa hoped to eventually reveal Vader's truth, unknown to the galaxy until the New Republic's final years. While Solo trained with Luke, his mother thrived as a senator and leading member of the Populists, a New Republic Senate faction advocating planetary independence. She politically opposed the Centrists, including Ransolm Casterfo and Lady Carise Sindian, who admired aspects of the former Galactic Empire.
Organa prioritized Senate politics over her aristocratic duties as an Elder Houses member. Upon her relative Lord Mellowyn's death without issue, his ceremonial governorship of the Inner Rim world Birren would have passed to Organa and her son as his closest kin. By then, Organa disregarded hereditary rights, largely outdated in the modern galaxy. However, Sindian highly valued nobility and its traditions. Organa declined Mellowyn's title, believing Solo also lacked interest, and allowed it to pass to Sindian.

By claiming Mellowyn's title, Sindian acquired items intended for Organa, including a keepsake chest containing a music box. The music box held a secret recording by Bail Organa, Leia's adoptive father, revealing her biological parents, Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker. Furthermore, Bail revealed Anakin's transformation into Darth Vader. This discovery allowed Sindian to ruin her political rival's career and Organa's chances of winning the election for the proposed office of First Senator. She shared the message with Casterfo who, in turn, played it before the members of the Senate. Though Organa confirmed the recording's authenticity, the other senators rebuked her for hiding her heritage as Vader's daughter.
The revelation of the Skywalker family's darkest secret irrevocably damaged Organa's Senate standing. Her closest allies, including Tai-Lin Garr, soon disavowed her, and Organa ultimately canceled her First Senator campaign. Sindian tried to further tarnish the Skywalker name by questioning Organa and Luke's character, but Organa worried about her son's reaction to the news that his grandfather was the Sith Lord feared and despised throughout the galaxy.

By 28 ABY, Luke Skywalker sensed the dark side's presence within his nephew, Ben Solo. Having observed its influence during training, Luke sought to fully understand its hold. He entered Ben Solo's hut and used the Force to probe Solo's mind while he slept. Through the Force, Luke saw visions of Solo heralding "death, destruction, and the end" of everything Luke cherished. Convinced Snoke had corrupted Solo, Luke believed his nephew was already lost.
Luke knew Solo's potential danger due to their shared bloodline; Solo was already powerful as a Skywalker and growing stronger through Jedi training. Overcome by instinct, Luke ignited his lightsaber, disturbed by how far he was willing to go to prevent his premonitions. He resisted acting on his instinct to protect his loved ones, realizing he couldn't kill his sister's son, but felt ashamed for considering it. However, the lightsaber's ignition awoke Solo, who saw his master standing over him with his weapon drawn. Despite seeing his uncle's hesitation, Solo concluded that Luke intended to kill him, having crossed the line by drawing his lightsaber.
Using the Force, Solo summoned his lightsaber to defend himself. In contrast to the combined power of Luke's other students, Solo considered his strength with the Force less than that of his master and therefore tried to end the confontation before Luke had time to overpower him. Using the Force, Solo caused the roof of his hut to fall on Luke, burying both of them. The temple was subsequently destroyed shortly after Solo emerged from the rubble of his hut. Convinced his master was dead, Solo fled to Snoke, who encouraged the disillusioned apprentice to seek a new path by joining the Knights of Ren.

Contrary to Solo's belief, Luke survived. By the time he recovered from his nephew's attack, the temple was in flames and his students were dead. He vanished from the known galaxy after the temple's destruction, abandoning his efforts to restore the Jedi Order. He settled on Ahch-To, where the first Jedi Temple was built. Although he knew his sister blamed Snoke for turning her son to the dark side, Luke felt he had failed his nephew and, by extension, the Skywalker family. He also became disillusioned with the Jedi Order, holding it responsible for failing to prevent Darth Sidious's rise as Emperor. In addition, he held Obi-Wan Kenobi personally responsible for the "training and creation" of Darth Vader. As a result, Luke decided to spend his remaining years as a hermit living in a state of self-imposed exile, intending to die as the last Jedi.
With Snoke's recommendation and Solo's Skywalker potential, the Knights of Ren allowed the fallen Jedi to join their ranks on a trial basis. To permanently join, Solo had to make a sacrifice by killing someone. Although he claimed personal responsibility for the death of Hennix, one of Luke's surviving students who tracked Solo to the Elphrona Outpost, he had not intended for it to happen. Solo had also saved the life of another Jedi, the apprentice Voe, after almost killing her in anger. As the Knights raided the Minemoon, their leader "Ren" sensed that Solo was resisting the pressure to kill the Mimbanese miners and, therefore, the pull to the dark side.

Solo dropped his restraint upon the arrival of the Jedi Voe and Tai. Although Tai was defeated by Solo in single combat, it was Ren who killed him. The Padawan had been a friend to Solo; following Tai's death, Solo turned against Ren. No longer resisting the dark side, he claimed to be the dark side. Fueled by Solo's anger, the power of the dark side coursed through him. The transition in his alignment from light to darkness reverberated through the Force, creating shockwaves sensed by Leia Organa, Snoke, and a resurrected Darth Sidious. Rey, who was living on Jakku as a scavenger by the time Solo turned to the dark side, could also feel its presence through her dyad with Solo. It made her feel cold, though at the time she was unaware of her connection to the Force.
Solo killed Voe soon after killing Ren. With their leader's death, the Knights submitted to Solo whom they acknowledged as Ren's successor. Aboard the Knights' personal transport, the Night Buzzard, Solo adapted the lightsaber that he forged as a Jedi to reflect his alignment with the dark side. He turned his attachment to his family and friends—his parents, his uncle, Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, and Tai—into a source of pain and anger, resulting in dark side energy that he poured into his kyber crystal. The bleeding of Solo's kyber crystal changed its blue color to a crimson shade of red; however, it was damaged in the process, making his lightsaber unstable. As a result, Solo modified his new Sith lightsaber by adding quillons on either side of the hilt, creating a crossguard lightsaber that could contain the unstable energy of his cracked crystal. A voice in his mind encouraged Solo to discard his old identity by adopting a new name to reflect his true self in the dark side. Ultimately, Ben Solo became Kylo Ren and, with his new identity, he claimed the title of master of the Knights of Ren.
Ren also began his formal instruction in the ways of the dark side as Snoke's apprentice, unaware that his new teacher was a proxy for Sidious, who was the true dark side master of Ren. As the Supreme Leader's apprentice and enforcer, Ren held the status of warlord in the First Order. The marriage between Han Solo and Leia Organa broke down as a result of their son turning to the dark side. Ren's mother was distraught to hear of it, and his father—seeing himself as a reminder of the son they lost—returned to a life of smuggling. By then, the secret of Organa's parentage had been made public to the galaxy at large. As the daughter of Darth Vader, her political career was over; however, she was still committed to protecting the New Republic as the First Order rose to power. Therefore, Organa assumed the rank of general in the Resistance, a small private military that she formed to monitor the First Order.

Disdaining the memory of Anakin Skywalker, Ren considered Darth Vader the true persona of his legendary grandfather. He was also convinced that he was no longer Ben Solo, and insisted that his former self was dead. The light side of the Force remained within him, however, creating an inner conflict that unbalanced the dark side warrior. Ren struggled to overcome the light's influence through Snoke's training; while the anger he felt towards his uncle fueled his desire to kill Luke, Ren found himself unwilling to harm his parents. During a trial in the Cave of Evil on Dagobah, he was confronted by the apparitions of his mother and father who implored their son to return to them. Ren lashed out at Snoke's urging, succumbing to his rage yet the vision of his parents remained intact; he did not cut them down, and his connection to the light remained.
During the final days of the Cold War, Kylo Ren spearheaded the hunt for Lor San Tekka as part of his overall mission to find and kill Luke, the last Jedi. His stormtroopers captured the old traveler while raiding a village on the desert planet of Jakku. Rather than cooperate with the fallen Jedi, whom he once knew when Ben Solo was Luke's apprentice, San Tekka reminded Ren of his origins and how he was unable to escape it. He was then executed by the dark side warrior, who ordered Captain Phasma's troops to kill all of the remaining villagers.

Determined to grow stronger with the dark side, Ren found inspiration in the legacy of Darth Vader whose mask—a relic of the Sith Order—he kept as a trophy and a reminder of the power of the dark side. As the search for the last Jedi continued, Snoke informed Ren that the map to Skywalker had fallen into the possession of Han Solo. Estranged from his family, Ren denied feeling any sentiment toward Solo, but he also struggled to resist the light within him. Attempting to focus on his connection to the dark side through meditation, Ren vowed to fulfill his destiny by destroying the last remnant of the Jedi Order in his grandfather's name.
In the aftermath of the Battle of Takodana, Han Solo infiltrated Starkiller Base to save the Resistance from the destruction that befell the New Republic capital of Hosnian Prime. He would also attempt to reconcile with his son; despite his belief that Ben was lost within the persona of Kylo Ren, and was too much like Vader to be saved, his wife Organa remained adamant in her faith that there was still a remnant of the light within Ren. Ren was conflicted when Solo confronted him. Though he found Solo to be a disappointment as a father, Ren nonetheless felt an emotional attachment to him.

Deciding to commit himself fully to the dark side, Ren killed his father. At the time, he was convinced that Solo's death was the key to freeing himself from the past, which he regarded as an obstacle to completing his destiny. His dark side training involved a Sith trial in which he was required to sacrifice the life of someone that he loved. Instead of making him more powerful, though, the act of patricide weakened Ren on a spiritual level, and he became haunted by what he had done. Snoke summoned Ren after the Battle of Starkiller Base and proceeded to chastise him, calling his apprentice a "child in a mask" and an unworthy heir to Vader's legacy. Ren initially led the Battle of Oetchi as a way to regain his lost status, but was unwilling to kill his mother in spite of his continued efforts to destroy his past as Ben Solo.
As the galaxy became engulfed in the First Order-Resistance War, Ren discovered a mysterious connection between him and the scavenger Rey, whose raw strength in the Force rivaled his own. Intrigued by their Force-bond which connected their minds across a distance of light-years, Ren sought to understand its nature, despite how Rey abhorred him as a monster after killing his father, and ultimately discovered that they were a rare and powerful dyad in the Force. Although Rey considered Ren her enemy, she grew to feel sympathy for him as a result of being bonded with each other. Their connection gave Rey insight in Ren's mind, which was in turmoil due to the conflict of the dark side and the light within him, but it convinced her that the former Ben Solo could be redeemed like his grandfather before him.

Luke contemplated burning the library, a uneti tree, that contained the sacred Jedi texts by the time Rey found him on Ahch-To. She had returned his father's lightsaber to him as a gesture imploring Luke to return to the greater galaxy as the First Order rose to dominance, but the Jedi Master threw the weapon away. He rejected the scavenger's entreaty, and remained emotionally weighed down by Ben's fall to the dark side, believing he failed his nephew as a mentor. Rey's determination eventually wore Luke down and he agreed to teach her the Jedi ways, though only to highlight his reasons for wanting to end the Order.
Rey's progress only reminded Luke of the potential that he saw in Ben; as Luke retreated deeper into his isolation, Rey turned to Ren through their bond. Luke tried unsuccessfully to dissuade Rey from confronting Ben, but the scavenger believed that she could guide him back to the light as Luke did for Anakin. Once again Luke considered destroying the sacred Jedi texts, burning away the last relics of the ancient Jedi religion, but the spirit of Yoda convinced him to let go of his guilt over Ben's fate and that he had to pass on the lesson of failing to Rey.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Luke channeled the Force to project an image of himself onto Crait. There, the surviving members of the Resistance were seeking refuge from the First Order Army, now under the command of Ren, who had seized the title of Supreme Leader by killing his master. Luke and Leia shared a brief moment together as the First Order prepared to bring the Battle of Crait to a devastating end for the Resistance. Luke then confronted his nephew, admitting to Leia that he couldn't save Ben from the dark side. However, he apologized to his former Padawan for failing as a Jedi Master. Luke's projection gave the Resistance the time they needed to escape the First Order, but the effort of maintaining the illusion that distracted Ren proved to be too much. Having accomplished his final goal, Luke passed away peacefully on Ahch-To, becoming one with the Force.
After the Battle of Crait concluded, Kylo Ren made his way back to the Finalizer, where he publicly announced the commencement of his rule as the new Supreme Leader of the First Order. The stormtroopers who witnessed Ren's address raised their arms in salute to their new leader, recognizing the young dark-side user as Snoke's replacement. General Hux also showed respect to his former adversary after witnessing his soldiers accept Ren as their new master. Ren also declared his intention to guide the First Order to greatness; however, instead of heeding Hux's advice, such as securing vital systems through military force or replenishing their dwindling resources, Ren forbade the general from taking any action without his explicit consent. In the end, Ren tasked Hux with constructing a throne befitting the new Supreme Leader.
Despite securing the allegiance of the First Order military and Hux's obedience, Ren continued to grapple with his internal conflict. He still felt as though he hadn't truly escaped his past, even though he claimed to have finally destroyed it. Dissatisfied with his newfound authority, Ren questioned how his grandfather seemed content to rule over weaklings for so long. This led Ren to contemplate his initial aspiration to emulate Vader, which in turn, caused him to re-evaluate how he once viewed himself as the Sith Lord's heir. Realizing that he still clung to the memory of Vader despite his determination to "let the past die," Ren ultimately confessed that he was neither Vader nor any member of his family. Disenchanted with his heritage and clinging to his belief that the past had to be eradicated to achieve freedom, Ren proclaimed that his grandfather's legacy was the next target for destruction.
Driven to free himself from Vader's heavy legacy, Ren journeyed alone to Mustafar, his grandfather's former throneworld. While en route to Fortress Vader, he was intercepted by the Alazmec of Winsit, Sith cultists who had colonized Mustafar and venerated Vader's memory. Ren suffered a minor injury during his battle with the Alazmec warriors, all of whom were killed by the Supreme Leader. The Fortress's main entrance opened for Ren, recognizing the blood in his veins as Vader's own. Vaneé, a lifelong servant to the late Dark Lord of the Sith, personally greeted Ren, who identified himself as Vader's grandson. Having dedicated his life to serving Vader's bloodline, Vaneé offered his services to Ren, only to be threatened with a lightsaber. Vaneé noted approvingly how similar Ren was to his grandfather, but scoffed at the young Skywalker's desire to be free of his past. He called Ren a "foolish, ignorant child," but ultimately persuaded his master's grandson to spare him so that he could serve as his guide into Vader's past, stating that the Dark Lord had learned to channel the pain of his past into power with the dark side of the Force. Intrigued by his grandfather's former servant's claims, Ren reconsidered his decision and accepted Vaneé's offer.
Ren and Vaneé traveled to the city of Mos Espa on Tatooine, the planet where Ren's grandfather spent his childhood. During his time in Mos Espa, Ren battled rancors owned by the Hutt gangster Gardulla Besadii the Elder, who eventually took Ren captive.

As the conflict between the First Order and the Resistance, now led by the last two members of the Skywalker family, Supreme Leader Ren and General Organa respectively, continued, a mysterious message echoed throughout the galaxy, declaring the return of Darth Sidious in 35 ABY. Unwilling to tolerate any threat to his authority, Ren traced the message's origin to the hidden Sith world of Exegol, where he confronted the spectral Emperor. Despite Ren's resolve to destroy Sidious, the Sith Lord offered to assist him in seizing control of the entire galaxy and becoming the new Emperor, a title Ren's grandfather never achieved. He then offered Ren command of the Final Order, the fleet of Xyston-class Star Destroyers equipped with cannons capable of obliterating planets. However, Sidious informed Ren that to gain control of the fleet, he had to end the Jedi Order's legacy by killing Rey.
Ren accepted the mandate, recognizing that he was heir to a new Sith Empire secretly developed by the Sith Eternal cult. However, he did not pledge his allegiance to the Sith Eternal despite their involvement in his dark side ascension, having gone to great lengths to escape a life of servitude. He also had no desire to harm Rey, whom he discovered was the Emperor's granddaughter. Before this revelation, he had believed that the scavenger lacked a notable lineage, unlike Ren's pedigree as the Skywalker heir. He had learned that Rey's parents were junk traders, and therefore dismissed them as insignificant. As Darth Vader's grandson, Ren believed he had the hereditary right to rule the galaxy.

Although he maintained that Rey's parents were still insignificant, her blood connection to Darth Sidious convinced Ren that Rey also had a dynastic claim to the galaxy. He had once believed that she needed him, a Skywalker by blood, to validate her existence, and as such he proposed that they rule together. Although she rejected his offer, Ren was convinced that they were destined to rule the new Sith Empire due to their similar ancestries and the dark side within their nature. By then, Ren was also aware that his bond with Rey was the result of their shared existence as a dyad in the Force. With their combined power, Ren believed that they could destroy Sidious and assume the Throne of the Sith together.
Ren revealed the full truth of Rey's heritage to her, again seeking to turn the young Jedi to the dark side which, in his mind, was part of their nature as a Skywalker and a Palpatine, respectively. He succeeded in pushing Rey to embrace her feelings of rage and anger, resulting in a duel between the dyad amidst the Death Star ruins on Kef Bir. Rey's powers increased in strength due to her heightened emotions, but Ren held the advantage in strength and experience. He was prevented from killing her upon sensing his mother's impending demise, which broke his concentration as Organa reached out through the Force, sacrificing her life in a final attempt to bring her son back from the dark side.

As Organa lay dying in the Resistance base on Ajan Kloss, her thoughts drifted to her father, Anakin, whom she still remembered as Darth Vader. Organa never forgave Anakin for the deeds he committed as Vader, regardless of Luke's faith in him. Nevertheless, Anakin came to her during Organa's final moments, apologizing and asking for her pardon. Organa accepted Anakin's apology and, for the first time, acknowledged his love for her. Having made peace with her father, Organa took a moment to remember her late husband, Han, before becoming one with the Force, her final thoughts centering on their son, Ben, whom she missed and loved.
Rey capitalized on Ren's hesitation, unaware of the cause of his distraction, and gravely wounded him with his own lightsaber. By then, Rey felt Organa pass into the Force and realized that she had tried to kill her mentor's son in an act of rage. Regretting her actions, Rey used the Force to repair the damage she had inflicted on Ren, healing his injuries as well as the facial scar that she had given him in their first duel. Ren, who was plagued by self-doubt throughout his life, wondered if the Palpatine bloodline was stronger than the Skywalker bloodline, given that Rey had struck down Ren while he was distracted by his mother's death. However, she had also saved his life by transferring some of her Force energy to Ren, which, in turn, rendered her vulnerable. Her actions confounded Ren, and he sought to make sense of Rey's compassion for him.

Ren also thought about his grandfather, Vader, whom he had admired but had never been able to contact. As he dwelled on the emptiness of his existence, Ren experienced a vision of his dead father, his last memory of Han Solo brought to life through the Force. Ultimately, his connection with Rey, his parents' forgiveness, and the light within him caused Ben Solo to return to the light side of the Force, destroying the persona of Kylo Ren.
Rey felt as though she had, by attacking Ren in anger, betrayed the Jedi teachings and personally failed as Organa's apprentice. She returned to Ahch-To as a result, following Luke's example of self-exile. Luke's stance on the fate of the Jedi Order had changed, however, and he regained his faith in the Jedi way. As a spirit, he contacted Rey to advise her against giving into her despair as he did. Rey also learned that both of the Skywalker twins had been aware of Rey's Palpatine lineage; nevertheless, they knew that her heart mattered more than her bloodline. With Luke's support, Rey overcame her fear of confronting Sidious. In order for Rey to reach Exegol, Luke provided her with his old X-wing starfighter as well as Leia's lightsaber.

Solo returned to Sidious' sanctuary in time for the Battle of Exegol, determined to save Rey from her grandfather. Rey arrived on Exegol ahead of Solo, leading a fleet of Resistance vessels to the location of the Sith fleet. As the battle ensued in the planet's atmosphere, Solo ran into the Sith Citadel alone, armed with a blaster and his strength in the Force. His arrival prevented Rey from succumbing to her grandfather's temptations. Sensing Solo's presence nearby, Rey passed the Skywalker lightsaber to her counterpart through their bond. Unlike Ren who despised the lightsaber, viewing it as a relic of his hated past, Solo welcomed the chance to use the weapon that belonged, in turn, to Anakin and Luke. Claiming the lightsaber as his own, Solo swiftly defeated the Knights of Ren before joining Rey in the Sith Citadel throne room.

Their combined presence revealed the true nature of their bond to Sidious, who realized that his granddaughter and Vader's grandson formed a dyad in the Force. He drained the dyad of their combined energy, using the life force of their bond to rejuvenate the cloned vessel that his spirit inhabited. His return to full power left both Solo and Rey severely weakened. Remembering his first demise, the Emperor attempted to end the Skywalker lineage by casting Anakin's last descendant into the abyss of a chasm. Although Solo survived the fall, Rey died after destroying the Sith Lord with the help of Jedi spirits including Ben's uncle and grandfather. Solo, in turn, transferred his remaining energy to Rey, reviving her at the cost of his own life. Solo's death marked the end of the Skywalker bloodline; during his final moments, he shared a kiss with Rey, who acknowledged their bond as a dyad for the first time. Solo then joined his mother in death, their corporeal forms vanishing as they passed into the Force.

A defining characteristic of the Skywalker lineage was its profound and powerful connection to the Force. On his deathbed, Grand Master Yoda observed that the Force flowed strongly within the Skywalker family. According to Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Sidious believed that any offspring of his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker, would pose a threat to the Sith and the Galactic Empire they controlled. In addition to Force users who recognized the Skywalkers for their strength with the Force, the family's history was well known to Inspector Thanoth, a member of the Empire's Inspectorate. Recognizing the name "Skywalker," Thanoth deduced Luke Skywalker's identity as the secret son of Darth Vader, whom he knew to be the former Jedi Anakin Skywalker.

Although Sidious considered himself the most formidable wielder of the dark side, he acknowledged the undeniable power inherent in Anakin's bloodline. He described Vader as "his most powerful apprentice," and their respective families—the Palpatines and the Skywalkers—as the two most potent lineages in galactic history. The strength of the Skywalker bloodline motivated him to attempt to establish a Force connection between himself and Vader, hoping to acquire unique abilities foretold in the Doctrine of the Dyad and ancient legends. Just as he had failed to form a dyad with his master, Darth Plagueis, his attempts to create a bond with Vader were unsuccessful, leading Sidious to conclude that it was impossible to forge a dyad through force of will. The combined strength of Sidious and Vader was deficient next to the Doctrine of the Dyad, which Sidious referred to as "perfection." The failure to produce a dyad between the two strongest Force bloodlines led Sidious to doubt whether it was possible for a dyad to exist.

Sidious ultimately deemed Vader a failed apprentice due to his betrayal and return to the light side of the Force. Nevertheless, his interest in the Skywalker family persisted, and he made it a point to observe the progress of those who followed in Anakin's lineage. He believed that Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa had squandered their potential as Anakin's children by opposing him; in both of them, he saw missed opportunities and lives wasted on the Rebellion and rebuilding the Jedi Order. With Ben Solo, however, Sidious saw a new ally who could replace Vader as a powerful dark side apprentice. Like Supreme Leader Snoke, who mentored Solo in Sidious' place, Sidious took notice of Solo's potential in the Force, referring to it as "raw, untamed power that all masters lived to see."
As Kylo Ren, the former Ben Solo had become as strong in the dark side as a true Sith without actually being one. Despite this, Sidious doubted that Ren would succeed where his grandfather Vader had failed, given that he remained conflicted over his choices as a dark side warrior. Believing the last Skywalker would fail to overcome his inner conflict, Sidious deemed the Skywalker bloodline no longer a threat to his plans.

During its reign, the Galactic Empire nearly erased every trace of the Jedi Order's existence. The histories of many Jedi Knights were all but forgotten, including Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker. As a result, Anakin's children knew little about his past. Records of his life as Darth Vader were better preserved, although the stories about him essentially portrayed the Sith Lord as a subject of folklore. With the exception of Ben Solo, only the members of the Skywalker family were aware that Anakin and Vader were the same person until the truth was revealed to the galaxy. The revelation that Vader was a father gave rise to speculation about his relationship with the mother of Luke and Organa. Joph Seastriker even wondered if Amidala had been assaulted by Vader, however he revised his views upon learning that there was no recorded mention of Vader until after Amidala's death. Regardless, Seastriker did not understand how Anakin could have become Vader despite achieving the rank of Jedi Knight, winning the love of a former queen-turned-senator, and becoming a father to twins.

Luke chose to remember Anakin not as a Sith Lord but as the Jedi Knight who inspired him to become a Jedi as well. Unlike her brother, Organa remembered their father for his deeds as Vader. Luke refused to use Vader's name when recalling his redemption, preferring to think of him as Anakin, but Organa never forgot that Vader tortured her during an interrogation. She especially remembered him for forcing her to watch as the Death Star destroyed Alderaan, killing her adoptive parents. She also resented Vader for freezing Solo in carbonite and selling him to Jabba the Hutt, and for nearly killing Luke when he tried to rescue her on Bespin. Ultimately, Organa's memories of Vader prevented her from reconciling with her father or accepting the side of him that was Anakin until her deathbed. Though she now knew her true parentage, Leia continued to think of Bail Organa as her "true father," whereas Anakin or Vader was only a "birth father" to her. Although when Leia used the last of her strength to reach out with the Force and call out Kylo's birth name to him. Before doing so, she let the voices and faces of her family surround her, even seeing the face of Anakin Skywalker. In that moment, she accepted her father's apology and returned his love, finally reconciling with him for the first time.
Vader was reviled throughout the galaxy during the New Republic Era; by Rey's estimation, the Sith Lord was "the most hated man in the galaxy." On Mustafar, however, Vader was worshiped as the "father and true ruler" of the galaxy by a Sith cult known as the Alazmec of Winsit. After Vader's death, the Alazmec colonized the Gahenn Plains where they guarded the ruins of his citadel.

Luke Skywalker attained legendary status throughout the galaxy because of his actions as a Rebel freedom fighter and a Jedi. The tales that formed his legend began with the Battle of Yavin where Luke, the last of his X-wing squadron, launched the proton torpedos that destroyed the first Death Star. United with his sister Leia Organa, the Skywalker twins became a symbol of hope to the downtrodden and the oppressed, inspiring many beings to support the Rebel Alliance against the Galactic Empire. As a legend, Luke became even more famous when it was learned that he had set out to redeem Darth Vader, the Sith Lord who was considered the most hated man across the galaxy.
During the restoration of the Jedi Order, Ben Solo recognized his uncle Luke as a wise and powerful Jedi Master. When the Knights of Ren confronted Luke in a High Republic Jedi outpost on Elphrona, Solo introduced his famous master to the dark marauders, proclaiming that they were standing in the presence of a "legend." While Solo held Luke in high esteem, he was also driven to prove himself worthy of being the nephew of the last Jedi as well as the grandson of the prophesied Chosen One. By the time he was twenty-three, however, Solo felt that he had achieved comparatively little whereas Luke had already destroyed a Death Star when he was that age.
Luke became disillusioned with himself as a result of his role in Solo's turn to the dark side. He saw his efforts to pass the Jedi ways to the next generation of the Skywalker family as an act of hubris, and as such rejected his status as a legend in favor of returning to his humble origins. In exile, Luke embraced the lifestyle that, as an adolescent, he longed to escape from while living in the care of his uncle and aunt on Tatooine. Nevertheless, the galaxy remained fixated on Luke because of the hope that his legend inspired. During the last days of the New Republic, the Resistance and the First Order raced to find the missing Jedi Master. Organa was determined to bring her brother back from exile, knowing that Luke could rally support for the Resistance as a symbol of hope, whereas the First Order sought to destroy that symbol along with any possibility of the Jedi Orders' revival.

As time passed, Luke made peace with himself after accepting that his failure did not have to define his legacy. It was defined by his final act instead; using the Force to project his appearance across the galaxy, Luke sacrificed his life in order to save his sister and the Resistance. Following the Battle of Crait, Luke's legend grew as word spread that the Jedi Master stood alone against the First Order army led by Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. His final act of defiance and self-sacrifice inspired a new generation of freedom fighters to rise against the First Order even as large sections of the galaxy were conquered by Ren's forces.

The redemption of Ben Solo came at the cost of his life and, by extension, the Skywalker bloodline. With his mother's death, Solo became the last Skywalker by blood. His lineage as a Skywalker was a burden that Solo carried throughout his life. Though his blood flowed with the raw power of the Skywalkers, he struggled to find his own place in a family of legends, and became resentful of the heritage that had been thrust upon him at birth, believing that fate had taken away his choice. Solo acknowledged his mentors for their power and knowledge, but was also aware of their fascination with his potential for limitless power and as such he believed that neither Luke Skywalker nor Snoke saw him as anything more than a set of expectations due to his legacy.
Ren had tried to emulate Vader by following the path of the dark side; but in the end, Solo returned to the light side and died like Anakin, a redeemed Jedi who sacrificed himself for "the love of another," and became one with the Force.

The lightsaber, famously known as the Skywalker lightsaber, was Anakin's creation to replace his initial lightsaber that met its end on Geonosis. In line with all lightsabers, a kyber crystal fueled it, establishing a connection to the Force. Anakin wielded this "blue-bladed Jedi weapon" throughout the Clone Wars; after Anakin's transformation into Vader, it temporarily became the weapon of a Sith Lord. Before his duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi, he used the Skywalker lightsaber to eliminate both Jedi and Separatists. After defeating Vader on Mustafar, Kenobi claimed Anakin's lightsaber. For two decades, it remained with Kenobi—hidden within Ben Kenobi's home on Tatooine. When Kenobi revealed Luke's Jedi lineage, Luke inherited his father's lightsaber. However, after losing a battle against Vader in Cloud City, Luke lost both his hand and the Skywalker lightsaber.
Luke's attempts to recover the Skywalker lightsaber were unsuccessful, leading him to construct his own green-bladed lightsaber before his return to Tatooine. Maz Kanata acquired Luke's former lightsaber, storing it within her castle on Takodana. Despite Kanata's encouragement, Rey sensed the lightsaber's call through the Force but chose not to claim it. Consequently, Finn, a defected stormtrooper, carried the Jedi weapon into battle, employing it against First Order troopers. On Starkiller Base, Kylo Ren attempted to seize the Skywalker lightsaber, asserting his ownership. Despite disavowing his ties to the Skywalker family, with the exception of Vader, Ren viewed the Skywalker lightsaber as his birthright, given its creation by his grandfather. Although he defeated Finn in combat, Rey ultimately gained possession of the lightsaber.
Rey's scavenging instincts prompted her to retain the Skywalker lightsaber after Luke discarded it on Ahch-To. Following Snoke's demise, she struggled to reclaim it from Ren, who continued to assert his rightful claim to his family's lightsaber. Due to the intense strain of opposing Force users pulling on it, the lightsaber was severed in two. Nevertheless, Rey, having mastered rare healing techniques through the study of Jedi texts, successfully repaired both the hilt and its kyber crystal. She later attempted to destroy it again after succumbing to her anger towards Ren, but the spirit of its former owner intervened to save the lightsaber. Luke, having revised his views on the Jedi, declared that a Jedi's weapon "deserved more respect."

During the Battle of Exegol, Solo came to possess the Skywalker lightsaber. Until that point, Rey had been wielding the Jedi weapon, originally crafted by Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars, although she never felt worthy of claiming it as her own, a feeling she shared with Organa. While Ren sought to claim Anakin's lightsaber as his birthright, it was ultimately Solo who wielded it as the last of the Skywalkers. Following the extinction of the Skywalker lineage, Rey journeyed to the abandoned Lars moisture farm, where she buried both the Skywalker lightsaber and Leia Organa's lightsaber in the sand.

After the Resistance's victory on Exegol and the subsequent celebration on Ajan Kloss, Rey and BB-8 traveled to the Skywalker's home planet of Tatooine. By that time, a yellow-bladed lightsaber had become her Jedi weapon, replacing the lightsabers of her masters. Despite her connection to Darth Sidious, Rey chose the Skywalkers over her Palpatine heritage. Although the Skywalker bloodline ended with Ben Solo, Rey considered them her chosen family. In honor of the Skywalker twins who mentored her in the ways of the Force, she renamed herself "Rey Skywalker." Having found peace through her new purpose, Rey continued as a Jedi Master, striving to restore peace to the galaxy. Luke and Organa's spirits were pleased that their memory lived on through Rey, who embraced her future as the guardian of the Skywalker legacy.

Due to their involvement in numerous significant events concerning the Jedi Order, the Sith's resurgence, and galactic governments, the Skywalker family was arguably the most influential in galactic history. Although Anakin became one of the most powerful Jedi, his fear of loss had consequences for both the Jedi Order and the galaxy. Vader's obsession with Luke, his son with Amidala, whom he wanted to rule the galaxy with before her death, stemmed from a lifelong desire for acceptance and a feeling of rejection by those he loved. He believed that their combined power could defeat Darth Sidious, whom he wished to replace with a dynasty of Skywalkers from the Chosen One's bloodline, naturally strong in the Force. Although Vader never achieved this, Kylo Ren shared his grandfather's ambition of ruling the galaxy as the head of an Empire.
The Skywalker name was seen as a symbol of prestige, great power, and respect, but it also represented chaos, as family members held leadership positions on opposing sides of multiple galactic wars. Ultimately, the Skywalkers were credited with restoring peace to the galaxy. They became legendary figures, leaving behind a legacy of strength, sacrifice, and valor, as well as hope, tragedy, and renewal. After the Battle of Exegol, biographer Kitrin Braves began writing a comprehensive biography about the Skywalkers and shared her work with fellow author Beaumont Kin—who considered her the most qualified author to cover the Skywalkers' history—for use in his own book, The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire.
The Skywalker family made their debut in the 1977 film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope and has since appeared in every installment of the Star Wars saga.