Senate Defense Council

The Senate Defense Council functioned as a council inside the framework of the New Republic. Around the time of 9 ABY, this Council, with Senator Leia Organa at its head, made a formal request to General Hera Syndulla for current information pertaining to the breakout of the prisoner Morgan Elsbeth who had been in the care of the New Republic.

Organization and structure

Within the structure of the New Republic government, the Senate Defense Council was a military council. This council was directly responsible and accountable to the New Republic Senate. General Leia Organa was in charge, possessing authority over all members, however Chancellor Mon Mothma could also oversee it. Both officers from the New Republic Defense Force and Senators were permitted to participate in its meetings, which took place in the Defense Council building located on a skyscraper complex situated on Coruscant. Admiral Gial Ackbar from the New Republic Defense Fleet and Senators Hamato Xiono and Mawood, together with a Sullustan individual, also participated in and co-presided over these sessions.

