Morgan Elsbeth was a Human female (Nightsister possibly a Hybrid Dathomiri) who exhibited Force-sensitivity. She functioned as a starship designer and industrialist, playing a vital role in the Galactic Empire's Imperial Navy construction during its reign. She was also a devoted follower of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Following the Empire's collapse, Morgan endeavored to bring Thrawn back to the galaxy, leading an army with the support of Imperial sympathizers to achieve this goal.
In the era of the New Republic, she presided over a merciless regime as the magistrate of Calodan on the planet Corvus. Elsbeth possessed a spear crafted from pure beskar and offered it as payment to Din Djarin, a Mandalorian bounty hunter, to assassinate Ahsoka Tano, a former Jedi. At that time, her forces displayed stylized versions of a chimaera, the personal symbol of her benefactor, Grand Admiral Thrawn, and the symbol of the 7th Fleet. However, Tano and Djarin joined forces and ultimately triumphed over Elsbeth and her forces.
After defeating the magistrate in battle, Tano demanded Elsbeth reveal the whereabouts of her master, Thrawn. Subsequently, Elsbeth was removed from her position and taken into custody for her Imperial sympathies. Tano eventually coerced Elsbeth into revealing the location of a star map that indicated the path to Thrawn. Later, Baylan Skoll, a former Jedi turned mercenary, along with his apprentice Shin Hati, liberated her from captivity. She then resumed command of her forces within the known galaxy and renewed her efforts to reach her master.
Upon acquiring the star map from Sabine Wren, Tano's apprentice, she gathered her forces on the planet Seatos and prepared for her voyage. Despite the attempts of Tano and the New Republic, she successfully obtained the final hyperdrive core from Corellia to complete the Eye of Sion, enabling travel to extragalactic locations, specifically the far galaxy where Thrawn was exiled. Tano and Wren tried to prevent Elsbeth's departure, but she succeeded in initiating the hyperspace jump, taking the latter as a captive.
Reaching the orbit of Peridea, the homeworld of her people, she established contact with the Great Mothers Klothow, Aktropaw, and Lakesis, who were allied with Thrawn. Upon reuniting with the Grand Admiral, Morgan coordinated efforts to eliminate Jedi Ezra Bridger, who was also stranded with Thrawn. With the Great Mother's cargo secured, she was rewarded for her efforts with the Gift of Shadow and given the Blade of Talzin. Despite continuous bombardments and reanimating fallen troopers, the Jedi continued their mission to prevent Thrawn and Elsbeth's escape. At Thrawn's request, Morgan agreed to stay behind to delay the Jedi. Wielding her new weapon, she engaged Tano in a rematch. Although she managed to destroy one of her lightsabers, she was ultimately defeated by her. Nonetheless, she enabled Thrawn and the Great Mothers to escape Peridea, leaving Tano and Wren stranded.

Morgan Elsbeth was a Dathomirian born on the planet Dathomir, situated in the Outer Rim Territories. She was a member of the Nightsisters, a coven of witches native to Dathomir. During 20 BBY, during the Clone Wars fought between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, General Grievous, leading the Separatist Droid Army, massacred the Nightsisters as retribution for Mother Talzin's schemes against Count Dooku, the leader of the Separatists. During the conflict, Elsbeth and her group of Nightsisters, led by Elsbeth's mother Selena, were ambushed by B1 and B2-series super battle droids, as well as Grievous himself, who engaged Selena in a duel and killed her. Elsbeth narrowly escaped the battle after destroying a BX-series droid commando that was pursuing her, but she soon lost consciousness.
After Grievous' forces departed from the Nightsister territories, a group of Mountain Clan people came across Elsbeth in the villages and carried her back to their village to recover. Once she regained consciousness, their Matron showed her the burned remains of the Nightsister lands and told her what had happened. Devastated, Elsbeth mourned the loss of her sisters, believing she was the last of her kind; unbeknownst to her, fellow sister Merrin from Mother Talzin's clan had also survived and was hiding on Dathomir. This genocide left Elsbeth bitter, and she vowed to protect the Mountain Clan from suffering a similar fate.

Shortly after arriving and settling with the Mountain Clan, Elsbeth was invited on a hunt with Mountain sister Nali. During their excursion, Elsbeth questioned Nali about their defensive capabilities, noting that their Clan was unarmed and lacked warriors like the Nightsisters. Nali feared the possibility of the droids returning and, upon returning from the hunt, questioned her mother, the Matron. Although the Matron successfully calmed her and persuaded her to trust their way of life, Elsbeth had already convinced two other Mountain Clan members to join her in retrieving a cache of Nightsister weapons for protection in case of an attack. Nali reluctantly followed them to a hidden Nightsister hideout, but the group was spotted by a Ringneck recon droid patrolling the area.
The separatist forces still present on the planet quickly dispatched an HMP droid gunship carrying a unit of B2 battle droids to the location to confront the now armed group. Lacking combat experience, the youths were quickly defeated, and Nali was fatally shot by a B2 droid while the hideout was destroyed by the gunship. Despite Elsbeth destroying many droids, the group was cornered when the Matron appeared from a portal and destroyed both the gunship and the B2 droids in a burst of energy. However, she was too late, as Nali succumbed to her wound and died in her mother's arms. Realizing what had happened, the Matron told Elsbeth that she saw the Nightsister's intentions and the dark path they led to, and she and her Mountain Clan people left her alone in the forest.

Elsbeth was determined to avenge her fallen sisters in blood and embarked on a quest for power and revenge. During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Elsbeth plundered worlds for their natural resources, which she provided to the Empire to aid in building and strengthening the Imperial Navy. Sometime before 9 BBY, Elsbeth visited the forest planet Corvus, then a poor, disheveled Outer Rim world, and managed to become the magistrate of the city of Calodan by promising its people wealth and progress. She helped them construct fortifications around the city and led the industrialization of the once agrarian world, building factories where the people worked day and night for the betterment of their planet—and Elsbeth's profit.
Among other things, Elsbeth drafted the designs for the TIE/d "Defender" Multi-Role Starfighter, which she presented to the Empire on Coruscant. Despite the promising design, the Moff in charge, Isdain, rejected the offer due to its cost and informed Elsbeth that they would be taking over Corvus' resources and factories instead. After the presentation, Gilad Pellaeon approached Elsbeth and questioned her motives for approaching the Empire with the plans, to which she simply replied "for the glory of the Empire". After the meeting, Elsbeth returned to Corvus aboard her starship and announced the news to the people of Calodan, causing them to revolt, enraged by her failure to deliver what she had promised. Disappointed, Elsbeth told her HK-87 assassin droid that she no longer felt they were her people—or that they had ever truly been.

Later that night, Elsbeth was suddenly attacked by an alien assailant who had infiltrated the city. Despite the attacker destroying her bodyguard droids, Elsbeth was able to defeat him after a brief duel. As she was questioning him about his affiliation, Pellaeon appeared behind her and explained that the alien, Rukh, was the bodyguard of his superior officer and they were merely testing her combat skills. His superior, the Chiss Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo, was also present in the city and congratulated her on her "victory" in the combat trial. He explained that he was interested in her starfighter design and that he considered Isdain's rejection shortsighted and ultimately part of a dangerous mindset that would destroy the Empire if allowed to persist. He then reiterated Pellaeon's question about Elsbeth's motives as he revealed that he knew she had lied to the Captain. Elsbeth finally admitted what she had known all along: her real motive was the power she knew the Empire would offer her and which would allow her to avenge her sisters and resurrect Dathomir. Approving, Thrawn welcomed her to his service and deployed a contingent of his 96th Task Force over Corvus as protection.
Over time, Elsbeth became known as one of Thrawn's most loyal and dedicated followers. Thanks to her newly founded mentorship, she became a powerful industrialist and starship-builder and operated several factories on the planet Corellia, including a shipyard that refurbished Imperial capital ship hyperdrives. Meanwhile, the citizens of Calodan suffered under an increasingly oppressive regime that led many, including the alien Nadura, to leave the planet to escape the borderline slaving conditions of work.

After the Empire fell, and the New Republic had replaced it, Nadura, now an ambassador of the new government, returned to her homeworld accompanied by several New Republic soldiers to bring Elsbeth to trial for her crimes and have Corvus become a member of the new government. By then, Elsbeth's army had grown in strength including scout guards, in addition to the already existing HK-87 assassin droids of the Empire, and the magistrate was rarely leaving her palace, instead having her troopers torture any dissident villagers in shock cages outside her walls and was occasionally visited by mysterious individuals that her subjects believed were mercenaries. Despite the grueling conditions Nadura was determined to bring change to Corvus and demanded a meeting with Elsbeth, begging her not to resort to a fight but instead follow her peacefully. Elsbeth was unrelenting, and coldly ordered her guards to slaughter Nadura's entourage, personally killing two of her guards with her spear. As Nadura ran through the village to her ship to send a distress signal to the New Republic, Elsbeth had her guards blow it up, killing the ambassador and the ship's crew. She then ordered her guards set the forests surrounding Calodan on fire, burning most of Corvus' forests in lieu of her previous statement.

By 9 ABY, Elsbeth was in control of a local regime, and employed the ex-military mercenary Lang, to act as both her personal enforcer and the leader of her army. During that year, ABY, former Jedi Ahsoka Tano journeyed to Corvus following a lead on Thrawn's whereabouts. Tano had initiated a search for Thrawn and Jedi Padawan Ezra Bridger after they were driven from the planet Lothal to an unknown location while aboard the Star Destroyer Chimaera, by Purrgil space whales whom were capable of jumping into hyperspace by natural means. On her way to Calodan, Elsbeth sent out a legion of her army's scout guards.
After Tano defeated all of the Calodan guards, Elsbeth stood atop one of the city wall's sentry points and asked that Tano show herself, to which the Togruta obliged. The witch stated that she was expecting Tano, with the former Jedi replying that Elsbeth must then know what she sought. Elsbeth asked Tano how many lives the knowledge she possessed was worth, and stated that the people of the city would suffer because of Tano's intrusion. Elsbeth refused to provide Tano with the information she pleased and called one of her HK-87 assassin droids to bring forward one of Calodan's citizens who she planned to use as a hostage against Tano. Before leaving, Tano explained that Elsbeth wouldn't be given the choice to decline and provided the witch with one day to decide whether to give her the location of Thrawn. Afterwards, Elsbeth requested her guards to cage her hostage.

The following day, Din Djarin, a Mandalorian bounty hunter, arrived at Corvus in search of Tano, after Bo-Katan Kryze, a fellow Mandalorian and ally of Tano's, had previously informed him that she was in Calodan. The Mandalorian approached Elsbeth's villa—after Lang interrogated him at the city's gate—where she offered Djarin a contract to eliminate Tano. After initial hesitation, Elsbeth reminded Djarin that the Mandalorians and Jedi were ancient enemies and offered him her beskar spear as a reward. Djarin inquired about her location as he was actually searching for Tano so she could train his youngling Grogu as a Jedi, though this was unknown to Elsbeth. The magistrate provided the Mandalorian with the coordinates of her location. When Din located Tano, they joined forces with the goal of overthrowing Elsbeth and obtaining what each of them sought: the pure beskar spear and the location of Thrawn.

As part of the plan, Ahsoka returned to the town, presenting one of Djarin's pauldrons as proof of having seemingly killed him, and once again asked Elsbeth to reveal the whereabouts of her hidden master, Thrawn. The magistrate simply dispatched her enforcer and forces to deal with the Togruta before instructing the guards to execute the tortured civilians and then do the same from door to door. After dealing with the thugs, Ahsoka dueled with Elsbeth herself, who brandished the beskar spear in combat. The magistrate disarmed the former Jedi of one of her lightsabers. However, Tano succeeded in overpowering Elsbeth and asked her once more about the location of Thrawn.
Meanwhile, Djarin convinced Lang to surrender his weapon, until the mercenary attempted to shoot the Mandalorian with his blaster pistol, which was unsuccessful and resulted in his death by Djarin. He eliminated Elsbeth's army and rescued the citizens who were being tortured, while Tano had defeated Elsbeth herself, ending her despotic rule over Calodan and liberating the citizens from her yoke. For the final time, with one of her lightsabers to Elsbeth's throat, Tano demanded the location of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Elsbeth stated that Tano could find the map to Thrawn's location hidden in a Nightsister stronghold on the planet Arcana. Afterwards, the citizen, Wing, received Elsbeth's cape and became the Governor of Calodan while the citizens celebrated their new ruler and their newfound freedom. Djarin took Elsbeth's spear, which he added to his arsenal.
Elsbeth was arrested by the New Republic for acting as an Imperial sympathizer. Sometime later, Morgan Elsbeth was imprisoned in a cell on the New Republic cruiser Vesper while en-route to the New Republic for trial. However, the ship was attacked by Elsbeth's hired mercenaries Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati, who made their way to Elsbeth's cell. Skoll used the Force to remove the witch's stuncuffs, and Elsbeth explained to Skoll that Ahsoka Tano had knowledge of Thrawn. Meanwhile, Tano had retrieved the map to Thrawn from Arcana, but was ambushed by some of Elsbeth's HK-87 assassin droids.

Arriving on Arcana, Elsbeth, Hati, Skoll, and another mercenary, former Inquisitor Marrok, travelled to the stronghold. Elsbeth watched the destruction Tano had caused, and after Hati questioned what the stronghold was, she established that it was built by her Nightsister ancestors. Hati then disjunctively questioned if Morgan was a witch, to which the Nightsister explained that she was a survivor. Shortly afterwards, Skoll and Marrok returned to Elsbeth, establishing that either Tano had the map, or that it was destroyed. Elsbeth stated that the former Jedi must have retrieved it. She had Hati dispatched to Lothal to track down Tano's former apprentice Sabine Wren, before she began walking in the direction of the destroyed stronghold.

After Hati successfully secured the map from Wren, Elsbeth's forces journeyed to the world of Seatos. On this planet, Baylan made a discovery of a nexus point. The witch revealed that this structure was created by an ancient civilization originating from a far-off galaxy. Offering Hati and Skoll a chance to view the map, she used sorcery, a facet of the Force practiced by the Dathomir witch clans, to activate it.
Skoll observed that the map charted a course leading to the intergalactic destination of Peridea. He recounted only hearing tales of it from the Jedi Order during his time as a Padawan. Elsbeth stated that in a time "before time was counted," the Dathomirians founded a witch realm on Peridea, their original world. Elsbeth verified that the Jedi legends held some truth. While Skoll expressed uncertainty about their future path, Elsbeth claimed to sense Thrawn's call across time and space. In reality, it was the three Nightsister Matriarchs—Aktropaw, Lakesis, and Klothow—who had formed an alliance with Thrawn after he awakened them during his exile on Peridea. Elsbeth subsequently deactivated the map and instructed Skoll and Hati to prepare for the arrival of the Eye of Sion, a colossal hyperspace ring commissioned by Elsbeth for the journey to Peridea. Elsbeth also disrupted all communications within Seatos' Denab system.

On Corellia, Elsbeth's shipyards were upgrading Super Star Destroyer hyperdrive cores for the Eye of Sion. However, Ahsoka Tano and the New Republic, facing opposition from Elsbeth's mercenaries and the shipyard's Overseer Myn Weaver, exposed and terminated Elsbeth's operations there.
From the command deck of the Eye of Sion, Elsbeth informed her three mercenaries via hologram that the final hyperdrive installation was underway. She inquired whether Ahsoka Tano's presence on Corellia concerned Skoll, who confirmed it did. Hati replied that Tano couldn't possibly track them, as they had made a clean getaway. When Elsbeth asked for his foresight, Skoll said that Tano's presence in the Force had become elusive, but her determination remained strong, leading him to believe she was coming to stop them. Morgan assured Skoll that nothing would hinder their journey, to which Skoll responded that he would have to eliminate one of the last Jedi, before the holograms were cut off.
Shortly after, Tano, Wren, and the Jedi construction droid Huyang entered Seatos' Denab system in the T-6 One-Nine-Seven-Four vessel, seeking to uncover Elsbeth's hidden activities above the planet. Tracking Transport CT-O5, one of Elsbeth's carriers originating from her Corellian facilities, Huyang's scans revealed a much larger vessel within the Denab system. As they approached Seatos, they were ambushed by Elsbeth's naval fighters, led by Shin Hati and Marrok. After eliminating several ships, they finally discovered the existence of the Eye of Sion as they approached it.

As the group advanced, Hati warned Elsbeth of the approaching threat through communications. From the Eye of Sion's bridge, Elsbeth mocked Hati, expressing surprise that Tano had gotten so close. The witch ordered Hati to stay clear and instructed a nearby navigation droid to prepare the ring's heavy cannons. While Elsbeth ordered her droids to open fire, Huyang began scanning the Eye of Sion. The architect droid managed to complete his scan as Tano evaded the turbolaser fire. However, their T-6 vessel was struck, and Elsbeth received confirmation that the shuttle was no longer within the hyperspace ring's range.
Hati sarcastically congratulated Elsbeth on her near-success in eliminating the group, confirming that she still had visual contact with their shuttle. After some quick repairs, Tano, Wren, and Huyang entered Seatos' atmosphere and landed in the planet's jungles. Shortly after, Baylan Skoll, positioned near the mapping mechanism, ordered Elsbeth's HK-87 droids to search for the three.

One of Elsbeth's HK droids located Tano's crew near their ship and notified Shin and Marrok of their location. Now on Seatos and alongside Skoll, Elsbeth received confirmation from the two mercenaries, with Skoll instructing Shin and Marrok to confront the Jedi. After Skoll commented that the group should be on their way soon, Elsbeth remarked that she detected a hint of fear in his voice, to which Baylan responded that it was experience, not fear.
Elsbeth explained to Skoll that once they established a guideline using the map, they could calculate the hyperspace coordinates to Thrawn's location. Skoll warned that if Elsbeth's calculations were even slightly off, the Eye of Sion could be lost in the void of space. Elsbeth told Skoll to have faith, to which Skoll countered by saying he had lost his faith long ago. Elsbeth activated the map, initiating the calculation of hyperspace coordinates, and boarded the Eye of Sion.

Meanwhile, Shin and Marrok engaged Tano and Wren. Shin escaped, but Marrok disintegrated into green dust after being killed by Tano. When Tano reached the mapping mechanism, she removed the map, which burned her hand, causing her to throw it into nearby vegetation. Skoll confronted Tano, but Wren appeared and threatened to destroy the map. Baylan persuaded Wren to join them and placed the map back into the mechanism, completing the calculation.
Morgan ordered her crew to board the Eye of Sion, joining her on the bridge alongside a now-handcuffed Sabine Wren. The witch commanded the hyperspace ring to initiate its lightspeed jump. The craft was intercepted by New Republic commander Hera Syndulla and the Adelphi Squadron, but not before the ship successfully jumped, creating a powerful energy wake that destroyed several Republic craft.
Aboard the Eye of Sion, Skoll arrived on the bridge after a brief conversation with Wren, who was imprisoned in one of the ring's cells. He noted Wren's impatience, prompting Elsbeth to ask if Skoll intended to keep his promise to her. Baylan explained that the prisoner could still be useful, given her determination to find Ezra, who was stranded with Thrawn. Shortly after, the Eye of Sion arrived at Peridea in another galaxy from their own and exited hyperspace. Elsbeth revealed that the planet was once the Dathomiri's homeworld and that her ancestors were the first to tame the purrgil there, with Skoll again drawing parallels to stories from the Jedi Archives.
Traveling to Peridea's surface and reaching the summit of a Dathomiri stronghold, Elsbeth, Skoll, and Hati, along with the captive Wren, arrived at a monument similar to the one on Seatos. There, they were greeted by the Great Mothers. The three witches praised Elsbeth, saying she honored their ancestors, and Elsbeth confirmed that the Nightsisters' visions guided her to Peridea. Elsbeth inquired about Thrawn's whereabouts, and the Great Mothers replied that he would arrive soon. Elsbeth had Wren imprisoned in the fortress's dungeon and spent time in the fortress's catacombs.

From atop the fortress, Elsbeth watched as the Chimaera approached and Thrawn disembarked, accompanied by Captain Enoch and his Night Trooper battalion. Thrawn congratulated his apprentice, stating that soon the Great Mothers and his forces would escape their isolation thanks to her. Morgan declared that she would always be the commander's servant.
Thrawn formally introduced Elsbeth to Enoch and explained that Enoch would begin transferring cargo onto Thrawn's ship as part of his agreement with the three witches. Elsbeth remarked that she had explored the catacombs, predicting that the transfer would take at least three rotations. After Great Mother Klothow mentioned that Morgan had brought a prisoner, and Thrawn questioned why the witches hadn't foreseen it, Baylan suggested that Wren could be useful. Elsbeth then introduced Thrawn to Skoll and Hati.
Inside the fortress, Elsbeth watched as Wren and Thrawn met face-to-face, with Thrawn offering Wren freedom. As Wren rode off on a native beast, Elsbeth and the others watched, with Thrawn allowing Baylan to follow her at his own pace. Back inside, Elsbeth and Thrawn examined a map of their galaxy. Enoch arrived and informed Thrawn that mercenaries were pursuing Sabine. Thrawn ordered Enoch to prepare two attack teams to assist Baylan upon his signal. When questioned about not sending more troops, Thrawn explained to Morgan that his forces had dwindled during his exile. He reiterated that their only goal was to return to their galaxy, even at the expense of Morgan's mercenaries, Wren, and Bridger.

As Thrawn prepared to escape Peridea with Enoch and the Great Mothers, Elsbeth volunteered to stay and hold off Tano, Bridger, and Wren with a group of Night Troopers. The Great Mothers thanked Elsbeth and asked her to pledge herself to the sisterhood, the magicks, and the "old ways," vowing her life and loyalty. Elsbeth agreed and was rewarded with the "gift of shadows," which altered her face. They then summoned the Talzin's Blade and gave it to her.
While Elsbeth's troops battled Wren and Bridger, she personally fought Tano with the Blade of Talzin for revenge but was ultimately killed by her. However, her allies successfully escaped Peridea on the Chimaera.
Though Elsbeth was defeated by Tano, Thrawn and the Great Mothers escaped Peridea thanks to her sacrifice. The Great Mothers sensed Morgan's defeat instantly and informed Thrawn, who replied that Elsbeth had fulfilled her purpose. Additionally, Morgan delayed Tano long enough to prevent her from escaping with Thrawn, leaving her and Wren stranded far from the known galaxy, and away from Thrawn and the Witches. Elsbeth's hopes to aid Dathomir were realized when Thrawn delivered the Great Mothers to Dathomir with their caskets to revive the Dathomiri people.

Morgan Elsbeth had brownish-grey hair, green eyes, and tan skin. She stood 1.65 meters, or 5 feet and 5 inches tall, and had black face markings. She believed in destiny rather than luck. The witch was a vengeful and ruthless individual, a personality shaped by the loss of her people during Grievous's massacre of the Nightsisters. Her vengeance and anger led her to a life dedicated to conquering worlds for the Imperial Navy and her own gain. She was deeply affected by her experiences, later correcting Shin Hati that she was not a witch but a 'survivor'. Often standing with her hands clasped behind her back, Morgan typically carried herself with grace and composure.
The bitter magistrate was willing to sacrifice innocent civilians, torturing them and using them as leverage, openly stating that their lives meant nothing to her, as she did on Calodan. Elsbeth was also opportunistic, quickly concluding that she could hire Din Djarin, a Mandalorian bounty hunter, to eliminate Ahsoka Tano. Elsbeth also seemed to have genuine loyalty to her hidden master, Thrawn, being very protective of her knowledge of the Grand Admiral's location. When Morgan reunited with the Chiss Admiral on Peridea, she proclaimed herself his forever loyal servant.
Elsbeth was determined and focused, becoming an Imperial sympathizer who wanted Thrawn's return to the galaxy. To that end, she hired the former Jedi turned mercenary, Baylan Skoll, his apprentice, Shin Hati, and Marrok, a former Inquisitor, to help her in her search. She coordinated her team as they searched the Galaxy for the map. On Arcana she expressed pride in her ancestors. She used her resources to construct a giant hyperspace ring capable of traversing the vast distances between galaxies and controlled it. When Skoll hesitated at the thought of killing Tano, Morgan scolded him and questioned if it was sentimentality. She later proved overconfident when dealing with the Jedi's ship, only temporarily disabling it rather than destroying it. When a squadron of New Republic fighters, including the Ghost, arrived to confront the Eye, Morgan ignored them, allowing her ship to jump to lightspeed, causing a massive power surge that destroyed two X-Wings and left a tear in subspace visible in the Denab system.

During the escape from Peridea, Elsbeth was formally inducted into the Nightsister order by the Great Mothers. To ensure the escape of her religion and Thrawn, she remained behind at the Great Mothers' Fortress to delay Ahsoka Tano, Sabine Wren, and Ezra Bridger, allowing her master to escape. Thrawn declared that her potential sacrifice would be for the Empire, but Elsbeth quietly stated it was for Dathomir. In the end, she was killed by Tano, preventing her return to the galaxy despite her efforts in bringing about Thrawn and the Great Mothers' return.

Elsbeth could access Nightsister magicks, a manifestation of the Force indicated by its green hue. She used it to activate the map to Thrawn. She was also a skilled melee combatant with weapons like the beskar spear, though she was ultimately no match for Ahsoka Tano. With this spear, she fended off Rukh and several New Republic attackers. After receiving the Gift of Shadow and the Blade of Talzin from the Great Mothers, Morgan's power and skill increased significantly, allowing her to match Ahsoka more evenly, though Tano still defeated her, albeit barely.
She was also an expert shipbuilder, with Tano noting she helped create the Imperial Starfleet. The TIE/d "Defender" Multi-Role Starfighter was one of her designs, along with her personal starship. Elsbeth also owned a shipyard on Corellia that salvaged old Imperial Technology. With Imperial sympathizers' help, she acquired the necessary components to construct a gigantic hyperspace ring called the Eye of Sion. The Eye of Sion was a testament to Morgan's industrial and technological prowess, capable of traveling through hyperspace past the intergalactic void to and from a distant galaxy, a remarkable feat given that most considered extragalactic travel nearly impossible.

She wore red and black Nightsister robes, a brown tool belt with a concealed rope, brown pants, and black boots. She wielded a pure beskar spear for some time and became proficient with it before Din Djarin took it. After Baylan Skoll freed her from New Republic custody, she used her Scion shuttle for travel. After pledging herself to the Great Mothers, they rewarded her with the "gift of shadows," which transformed her face and turned her eyes black, and gifted her the Blade of Talzin.
Morgan Elsbeth debuted in "Chapter 13: The Jedi," the fifth episode of season two of the television series The Mandalorian, written and directed by Dave Filoni and released on Disney+ on November 27, 2020. She was played by Diana Lee Inosanto in both The Mandalorian and the 2023 Ahsoka television series.
Inosanto voiced Elsbeth in the 2024 animated anthology series Star Wars: Tales of the Empire, which explored her story before her appearance in The Mandalorian. Cathy Ang voiced a young Elsbeth in "The Path of Fear," with Inosanto voicing the character's mother, Selena, in that episode.
For The Mandalorian, Lauren Kim was Inosanto's stunt double, while Maria Sandoval and Alexei Dmitriew handled her hair and makeup, respectively. Filoni knew the actress playing the Magistrate had to be someone who could immediately challenge Ahsoka Tano. Inosanto brought her martial arts experience into her portrayal, with Filoni finding her skill and choreography experience a great asset. Filoni liked Chapter 13's match-up of Tano and the Mandalorian against the Magistrate and Lang. Tano's duel with Elsbeth was the first live-action Star Wars fight between two female combatants.
On November 28, 2020, Sandoval stated in a now-deleted Instagram post that Morgan Elsbeth was "one of the last survivors of Dathomir." This information remained unconfirmed until Elsbeth was established as a Nightsister in "Part One: Master and Apprentice," the first episode of Ahsoka, released on August 22, 2023.
The character shares her name with the sorceress Morgan Le Fay from Arthurian legends. Coincidentally, Marrok, one of Elsbeth's forces, shares his name with a knight from the same legend who was turned into a werewolf by his wife, who had learned these skills from Morgan Le Fay.