B2-series super battle droids, alternatively referred to as B2 super battle droids, represented an enhanced form of battle droid utilized by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. While certain B2-series models exclusively featured wrist blasters on their right forearm, others were equipped with wrist blasters on both forearms. Furthermore, super battle droids possessed wrist rockets and a rapid-fire capability for their wrist blasters.
These super battle droids exhibited significantly greater strength compared to their predecessors. Similar to the upgraded B1 units employed by the Confederacy, they operated without the necessity of a command system, granting them a degree of autonomy. Another advancement was the robust armor encasing, which safeguarded their delicate sensors. However, the B2's processors were intentionally simplified, restricting their strategic planning abilities. Consequently, they depended on organic commanders or tactical droids for effective deployment. The B2's superior strength over the B1s allowed it to lift a clone trooper from the ground.

Developed in advance of the Clone Wars, the initial deployment of B2 super battle droids occurred on Geonosis, during the battle that marked the war's beginning. These droids demonstrated enhanced resilience and combat effectiveness compared to the B1-series battle droid, leading to increased production post-Geonosis. Nonetheless, the super battle droid's higher production cost resulted in a typical battlefield ratio of one B2 for every hundred B1 battle droids.
As the Clone Wars expanded across the galaxy, Separatist officers sought to integrate B2 units into their armies, recognizing their performance on Geonosis. Early in the prolonged defense of Dantooine, B2s engaged a Republic defense force. Jedi General Mace Windu once decimated a large group of B2s and countered seismic tanks on Dantooine.
During the Battle of Christophsis, B2s routinely reduced targets to scrap, demonstrating a common role for these super droids. Despite this, B2s were unable to secure a Separatist victory on Christophsis, ultimately falling alongside the rest of the invasion army. Simultaneously, B2s were among the battle droids positioned on the Wild Space planet Teth, where they ensured the continued captivity of Rotta the Huttlet until a Republic counterattack took place.
In 21 BBY, Geonosis, reclaimed by the Separatists, became the site of the largest droid foundry ever established, producing B2 super battle droids and other droid types. In order to retake the planet and shut down Poggle the Lesser's factories, the Republic initiated an invasion. During their advance toward Point Rain, Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and his 501st Legion encountered super droids and B1 battle droids stationed at the eastern barrier. Upon reaching the wall's summit, Skywalker and his Padawan, Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano, received orders from Clone Captain Rex to focus blaster fire on the droids.

Ultimately, Skywalker and Tano, joined by Rex, successfully neutralized a pair of droidekas and breached the barrier. After the Republic forces were reinforced by the 41st Elite Corps, they launched an assault on Poggle's primary droid factory, engaging its B1, B2, and Geonosian defenders. This entire attack, however, served as a diversion, enabling Jedi Commanders Tano and Barriss Offee to infiltrate and destroy the factory. Utilizing a Separatist super tank, the two Padawans successfully demolished the foundry.

One super battle droid, designated G21, once reported to a superior that the planet under its control was secured and its population subdued. The shattered remains of B2s were scattered among the wreckage surrounding the ancient temple utilized by the Death Wind as a base.
B2 super battle droids continued to participate in combat operations until the Clone Wars concluded. They were deployed in the Outer Rim Sieges, including engagements like the Battle of Anaxes and the Battle of Yerbana. Numerous units also served aboard Grievous' flagship Invisible Hand during the Battle of Coruscant. All B2 units were deactivated following the execution of the Separatist Council, which ended the Clone War with a victory for the newly established Galactic Empire.
Following the Clone Wars, at least one B2 fell into the possession of scavengers on a planetoid. C1-10P rescued this particular B2, which later joined a droid group dedicated to assisting other droids. A modified B2 known as Sallowpink was scheduled to compete in a Pit Fight Night against Rheen the Powderizer sometime between 10 BBY and 3 ABY. While stationed on the planet Aloxor, Major Dayja Collerand of the Imperial Security Bureau, operating under the alias "Mole," revealed to Sisay's gang and several undercover operatives—Lieutenant Eli Vanto of the Chiss Ascendancy, Imperial Assistant Director Brierly Ronan, and death troopers Waffle and Pik—the existence of a concealed and unauthorized access point to an Imperial docking area. He mentioned that he had heard someone attempt to move a super droid through it, but that no large droids could fit.
On the planet Koboh, B2-HA super battle droids, along with other former Separatist forces, were reprogrammed and used as soldiers by the Bedlam Raiders.

Furthermore, following the war, some B2s ended up on Quarantine World III. These units were reprogrammed and used to provide security for the location. Several of these droids confronted Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra, an Archaeologist, during her mission to steal the Triple-Zero protocol personality matrix from the planet. Darth Vader, who arrived to recruit the archaeologist, subsequently destroyed the droids that encountered Aphra. One droid bounty hunter operating during the Imperial Era was constructed using the body of a B2 and the head of a BX-series droid commando, but it was destroyed during a skirmish on Arbiflux. Several B2s were part of the Second Revelation.

The Plazir-15's government acquired a substantial quantity of B2 battle droids and repurposed them for civilian tasks, with many being employed as loader droids at the loading docks. One such droid became infected with spiked Nepenthé, causing it to malfunction. Kryze and Djarin, hired by the government to investigate these droid malfunctions, later destroyed the rogue droid. A Mandalorian scout who survived in the ruins of Mandalore following the Great Purge utilized a B2 faceplate as a pauldron.
During the Cold War, a number of B2 units served as security on Cato Neimoidia.
Shortly before the Battle of Exegol in 35 ABY, the pirate Sidon Ithano completed a significant sale of a vintage cache of super battle droids to Kragan Gorr and his Warbird pirates, who bought the droids in an attempt to seize control of the supertanker fuel depot Colossus. Given the droids' age, Gorr enlisted the help of Neeku Vozo, a resident of the Colossus, to upgrade them. Vozo upgraded the droids, but, concerned about Kragen's intentions, reprogrammed a single B1 battle droid to command the B2s and seize control of them.

- B2 grapple droid — Despite the B2's considerable firepower, this variant was designed for close-quarters combat. [51]
- B2-HA super battle droid — This B2 variant was equipped with a cannon arm capable of launching homing rockets. [27] The B2-HA was also observed commanding small units. [52]
- ' B2-RP super battle droid' — This was one of two models engineered with flight capabilities. [1]
- ' B2 super rocket trooper' — This was an enhanced version of the B2-RP. [1]
- B2-ACM Trooper — These droids were deployed in situations where the standard B2's firepower proved insufficient. [53]
- Cortosis B2 super battle droid — This variant was reinforced with cortosis, a rare metal that provided resistance against blaster bolts and lightsabers. [54]
The B2 super battle droids made their debut in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. Early animatics for the film depicted the super battle droids wielding dual E-5 blaster rifles instead of having integrated wrist blasters.
The B2 super battle droids later appeared in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Resistance, maintaining a similar stylized design in both series. In the novel The Legends of Luke Skywalker, an image depicting the rescue of R2-D2 features a droid resembling a B2. The manga adaption of this story later confirmed that a B2 was present during these events.
An unfinished Clone Wars episode showcased Rex and R2-D2 encountering a B2 super battle droid, with whom they eventually developed an attachment.