B1 (Colossus)

"B1" was the designation given to a B1-series battle droid. Sidon Ithano sold this droid to Kragan Gorr and his Warbird gang. As Gorr plotted a mutiny against Captain Imanuel Doza, Neeku Vozo grew suspicious. Secretly, Neeku reprogrammed B1, ensuring its loyalty to him and assigning it the role of commander for the B2-series super battle droids. B1 was instrumental in the defeat of Kragan and the suppression of the Warbirds' mutiny against Captain Doza. Tragically, his existence was cut short when he was destroyed by an Aeosian warrior's attack.


Foiling the mutiny

Originally, B1 was a B1-series battle droid in the possession of Sidon Ithano, a pirate from Delphidian. Ithano then sold the droid to Kragan Gorr, another pirate who led the Warbird gang. Gorr intended to utilize these droids to overthrow Captain Imanuel Doza, who was in charge of the Colossus refueling station. B1 was concealed within transport containers filled with B2-series super battle droids that were in need of repair work. B1 expressed relief at escaping the confined container, mentioning the need for a "deep core adjustment."

When the pirate Skreek struck B1 on the head, Neeku Vozo, a Nikto mechanic responsible for repairing the battle droids, cautioned Skreek to be careful. Kragan mentioned that B1 must have been included with the other droids as a free addition. As Neeku repaired the B2 battle droids, he developed a friendship with B1 and recruited him to assist in the repair efforts.

Thanks to Vozo's upgrades, B1 became the leader of the B2 droids.

Vozo, instructed by Captain Doza and Jarek Yeager to monitor Gorr, sensed something amiss and secretly reprogrammed B1 to command the B2 battle droids. Although Vozo couldn't fully repair B1's circuits and servomotors, B1 later succeeded in freeing Neeku and his companions, Synara San and Kazuda Xiono, from their confinement.

Meanwhile, Gorr and his Warbirds initiated a mutiny aboard the Colossus, deploying the B2 battle droids. While the pirates and their droids managed to seize control of the station and capture Captain Doza, Yeager, and his security droid 4D-M1N, Xiono, San, Vozo, and B1 reached the location of Gorr and his fellow mutineers. There, B1 assumed command of the B2 super battle droids, ordering them to stand down and apprehend the remaining pirates. Consequently, the Warbirds, with the exception of Synara, were banished from the Colossus under threat of death.

Initial Encounter

Following the arrival of the Colossus on the planet Aeos Prime, three Aeosian warriors landed on the upper deck of the refueling platform. Mistaking the Colossus for the same First Order Star Destroyer that had attacked their village, the Aeosians launched an assault on Vozo, Hype Fazon, Yeager, and Torra Doza. B1, accompanied by four of his super battle droids, confronted the intruders.

Before Vozo could issue a warning to stand down, B1 was impaled by the leading Aeosian, which sparked a skirmish. The conflict concluded after Xiono successfully convinced the Aeosian Queen of their non-hostile intentions. The Queen permitted the offworlders to reside on her planet, but they were compelled to flee after the First Order caught up with the Colossus.


B1, a B1 battle droid, underwent modifications by Neeku Vozo to serve as the commander of the B2 battle droids. These modifications resulted in B1 becoming a more devoted and commanding droid than typical battle droids. Despite being a military droid, Neeku taught him how to use tools and repair droids. He also possessed the ability to speak Galactic Basic Standard. B1 was loyal to his master Neeku, addressing him as "Commander," and was committed to safeguarding the Colossus.

Behind the scenes

B1 made his debut in the Star Wars Resistance Season Two episode "The Mutiny," which premiered on January 5, 2020. Matthew Wood, the supervising sound editor at Lucasfilm, provided the voice for B1, having also voiced the B1 battle droids in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels.

