The episode entitled "The Mutiny" marks the fourteenth installment of the second season of the animated series Star Wars Resistance. This episode was initially broadcast on Disney Channel on January 5, 2020.
The pirate chief, Kragan Gorr, devises a scheme to seize control of the Colossus, utilizing super battle droids resurrected from the Clone Wars era!
The episode commences with the sail barge known as the Galleon touching down on a space asteroid. Drell inquires of his Captain, Kragan Gorr, about the identity of their recurring rendezvous. Gorr responds that their contact is the most proficient arms dealer in this sector of the galaxy, emphasizing that their elaborate plans necessitate acquiring every available resource. Valik discerns an approaching vessel, identified as the CSS-1 Corellian Star Shuttle named Meson Martinet.
Sidon Ithano extends a greeting to them. Kragan inquires about the Crimson Corsair's recent activities, but Sidon prefers to proceed directly to the transaction. Kragan expresses admiration for Sidon's merchandise, noting its antiquated design. Sidon seeks confirmation of their agreement. Kragan scrutinizes the goods, suggesting a price reduction due to their apparent wear. However, Sidon brandishes his blaster rifle, compelling Kragan to concede.
Kragan instructs Drell to remit payment to the Corsair. Drell presents a briefcase brimming with credits as Kragan marvels at the B2-series super battle droids, asserting their suitability for commandeering the Colossus.
As the Colossus traverses through space, Captain Imanuel Doza informs Synara San that he must maintain vigilance over the Warbird gang due to their history. Synara contends that he is treating the pirates as prisoners, cautioning that excessive control may incite rebellion. Doza defends his stance, asserting the need to prevent their unsupervised activities and demanding their compliance before entering his office. Synara sighs and departs.
Within his office, Captain Doza contacts 4D-M1N, requesting a security detail. Simultaneously, the Galleon nears the Colossus. Kragan, accompanied by Valik carrying a substantial crate, disembarks. He directs the other pirates, including Snarl, Leoz, and Skreek, to assist in unloading the cargo. Synara observes the unloading process and questions Kragan's whereabouts. He dismisses her concerns, attributing it to routine business.
She cautions Kragan about Captain Doza's disapproval of his unauthorized departure and the introduction of illicit goods. Kragan retorts that the Captain's authority is no longer relevant. At that juncture, Captain Doza arrives with 4D and several security droids, demanding an explanation. Kragan feigns surprise at the unexpected visit. Doza asserts his awareness of the Colossus's lockdown status and the illegality of Kragan's actions. He commands the security droids to inspect the Galleon for any stolen items.
Kragan asserts that they have returned with food and supplies as a gesture of gratitude for their accommodation. Drell supports this claim, emphasizing their intent to contribute. Doza remains skeptical, citing the lockdown and prohibiting unauthorized departures from the hangar. Kragan insists on their benevolent intentions. Doza acknowledges their past defense of the station but warns that their alliance will dissolve upon any violation of his laws, branding Kragan as a pirate. As Doza and the security droids exit the hangar, 4D cautions that they will be under surveillance.
Kragan instructs his Warbirds to unload their cargo, revealing multiple crates of B2 super battle droids tethered to the Colossus. Kragan cautions against damaging the goods, emphasizing the need for full functionality. Synara observes with disapproval, arms crossed.
Later, Kazuda Xiono attends a meeting in Doza's office with Neeku Vozo and Jarek Yeager. Doza expresses satisfaction with Neeku's willingness to undertake the task. Kaz inquires about the situation, and Yeager assigns him to work on the Fireball's thrusters. Kaz accepts but questions Neeku's role. Captain Doza states that Neeku will address more critical issues, including resolving problems around the station. Neeku anticipates a potentially lengthy endeavor, contingent on his perception of time.
Kaz complies and departs. In private, Captain Doza confides in Yeager about his confidence that their strategy will validate his suspicions. Yeager concurs but emphasizes the need for comprehensive preparation. Yeager bids farewell to Kaz before proceeding down the corridor. Kaz resolves to follow him.
Returning to the Warbirds' hangar, Kragan dispatches Synara to the Colossus marketplace to ensure Captain Doza's distribution of their "generous" food donation. When Synara questions his newfound altruism, he promises to explain upon her return. Kragan orders Gork to accompany Synara to the marketplace. Synara reluctantly complies but declares her dissociation from his plans.
After her departure, Kragan approaches Valik, who has activated three B2 super battle droids. However, the droids promptly collapse. Kragan demands an explanation. Valik attributes the malfunction to faulty merchandise. Kragan laments being defrauded by the Corsair.
Concurrently, Kaz pursues Neeku but is soon detected by the Nikto, who questions his friend's presence. Kaz reciprocates the inquiry. Neeku is subsequently spotted by Skreek and another pirate, who challenge the Nikto's activities. Neeku asserts his intention to conduct a diagnostic check, but Skreek demands specification of the system.
Kragan intervenes, ordering his comrades to withdraw. Kragan recognizes Neeku as the Nikto from the "Dreadnaught raid." Neeku confirms his identity and introduces himself. Kragan enlists Neeku's expertise as the chief engineer. Neeku jokes about his species' inability to blush due to their green pigmentation. Kragan asserts that Neeku's skills could rectify a situation that would significantly benefit the station. Neeku affirms his purpose. As Kragan leads him into the hangar, Neeku nearly reveals his aspiration to become a pirate. Kaz observes as the hangar doors close.
The pirates offer Neeku a foul-tasting beverage from a blue milk container. Neeku questions the concoction, but Kragan assures him of its harmlessness and inquires about his droid expertise. Neeku claims proficiency with various droids, including astromech, security, and protocol droids. Kragan introduces him to his recently acquired B2 super battle droids, which he recognizes as exceptionally rare. When Neeku inquires about their intended use, Kragan alleges that they are a gift for the Colossus to reassure Doza of their allegiance. Kragan suggests that the super battle droids could augment security.
Kragan explains that the droids are antiquated and require modernization. A B1-series battle droid joins them, expressing elation at his liberation from confinement. He requests a deep core adjustment, but Skreek strikes him on the head. Neeku cautions against damaging the "B1", emphasizing its delicate nature. The droid affirms the sensitivity of his circuits. Kragan infers that "B1" was included as a complimentary addition to the purchase.
Kragan tasks Neeku with restoring the droids to full functionality, asserting that they can safeguard the Colossus from the First Order. Unaware of Kragan's true intentions, Neeku expresses gratitude for the opportunity to work on this rare technology. Kragan celebrates their acquisition of a mechanic. The other pirates join in the celebration, and Neeku participates. Kragan assigns Drell and Valik to assist Neeku and cautions against interference from Captain Doza. Even the B1 volunteers to assist. Valik assures Kragan of their understanding.
In the meantime, Kaz encounters Synara at Aunt Z's Tavern. Synara inquires about Kaz's presence. Kaz observes that Neeku, Doza, and Yeager have been behaving "strangely" recently. Synara confides that Kragan has also been acting oddly and that everyone seems to be withholding information from her. Kaz reveals that Neeku is with the pirates, repairing something for them.
Synara realizes that Neeku is in the hangar with Kragan, while Kaz recalls Kragan's need for a mechanic. Kaz also mentions the hangar's heightened security. Synara assures him that she can facilitate their entry.
Back at the pirates' hangar, the B1 asks Neeku if this is a designated repair facility. He dismisses most of the equipment as useless. Neeku disagrees, highlighting the presence of tools, space, and a table. Drell brings a B2 super battle droid, which Neeku proceeds to repair. When Neeku asks Drell about the origin of the droids, the pirate feigns ignorance, instructing Neeku to repair them without further inquiry. Neeku is intrigued, but Drell reiterates his order and prohibits questions.
Neeku complies with Drell's instructions and educates B1 about the function of a hydrospanner. B1 clarifies that he is a battle droid, not an engineering droid. Neeku assures B1 that he will evolve beyond his current role.
In the corridor, Synara expresses hope that the situation is not dire. Kaz believes that Neeku will prevent any mishaps. However, Synara reminds him of the "Bibo incident," in which Neeku played a role.
Meanwhile, Neeku completes the repairs to B1, having also repaired the B2 battle droids. He informs B1 that he has repaired his processing core. When Kragan demands an update, Neeku reports that the super battle droids are operational. When he insists on repairing B1's circuits, the pirate leader dismisses his concerns and escorts Neeku away. B1 informs "Captain" Neeku that his servomotors still require repair while clutching his datapad.
Kragan expresses gratitude for Neeku's services but hands him over to Skreek, who confines him to a makeshift cell. Kragan apologizes for the necessity of preventing Neeku from informing Captain Doza. Kragan intends to appoint Neeku as his chief engineer once he has seized control of the Colossus.
Kaz and Synara infiltrate the hangar and conceal themselves behind crates. Kragan addresses his exuberant pirates, announcing that the droids are ready and that it is time for a little fight. He assigns them the task of capturing Doza Tower and securing the corridors and turbolifts. Kragan instructs them to leave Captain Doza to him. Kaz and Synara hide as the super battle droids march out. Kaz resolves to contact Captain Doza, but they are cornered by a super battle droid and two pirates. Kaz and Synara are imprisoned in the makeshift cell with Neeku.
In the corridors of the Colossus, the residents scatter as Captain Kragan and his pirates advance with B2 battle droids. The super battle droids destroy one of Doza's security droids. Garma and some residents barricade themselves in their apartment as the pirates and droids pass by. Skreek and Snarl gun down two more security droids at Aunt Z's Tavern while an oblivious Al enjoys a drink.
Other pirates and droids storm the engineering deck, surprising the Chelidae. The Aces are ambushed by two super battle droids, with Freya Fenris lamenting the disruption of her evening. Kragan, accompanied by Snarl and Leoz, charges through the corridors.
Meanwhile, Kaz urges his fellow prisoners to thwart Kragan's takeover of the Colossus. Neeku assures them that he has a plan and instructs them to move away from the door. The lock melts as B1 shoots it open. Neeku thanks B1 for his assistance. B1 thanks "Commander" Neeku for his plan. Kaz is bewildered by Neeku's friendship with a battle droid.
Neeku explains to Kaz and Synara that he suspected Kragan's malicious intent upon acquiring the battle droids and therefore programmed B1 to assist them. Synara provides Kaz with a blaster before equipping herself. Neeku informs B1 that his programming is complete. Synara asserts the need to reach Doza before Kragan.
Meanwhile, the Warbirds besiege Captain Doza's office. Captain Doza and his security droids exchange fire. Kragan has captured Doza's test and declares his impending victory. Doza is cornered with 4D-M1N. Yeager manages to eliminate a battle droid and a pirate, but 4D is struck by two bullets. As Doza is surrounded by pirates, he vows vengeance. Kragan laughs and refutes his threat, claiming ownership of the Colossus.
In the meantime, Kaz and Synara ambush Skreek and a super battle droid. After multiple attempts, Kaz manages to stun Skreek. Kaz expresses improvement, but Synara observes the large size of the stun rings. Neeku and B1 are held at gunpoint by Drell and Valik, who order Kaz and Synara to drop their weapons and turn around slowly.
Kaz and Synara comply, relinquishing their weapons. Synara confronts Valik, questioning her betrayal. Valik orders her to maintain distance and aims her blaster at her. Synara reminds her of their lifelong friendship. Valik reiterates her warning, but Synara seizes her blaster, initiating a fight.
Kaz strikes Drell in the head but fails to incapacitate him. However, Drell is rendered unconscious by Neeku with a wrench. Kaz commends Neeku, who remarks on the Weequay's thick skull and the exertion required. Synara leads them to the tower, only to discover that the lifts are inoperable. Kaz suggests climbing to the top. B1 complains about his lack of programming for this task. Kaz reaches a manhole and enters a lift with Synara and Neeku. They storm the lounge, finding it littered with fallen security droids. Kaz declares his knowledge of their destination.
Later, Kragan, the B2 battle droids, and several pirates, including Skreek, Gork, Snarl, Leoz, Valik, and Drell, surround Doza, 4D-M1N, and Yeager in the hangar bay at gunpoint. Kragan declares their imminent demise and orders them to take the "long walk" into space. Kragan offers to spare Doza's life if he addresses him as Captain. Doza refuses, while Yeager reprimands them for their ingratitude and questions the fate of the remaining residents of the Colossus.
Kragan promises to allow the residents to remain as long as they remain compliant. However, he deems the three of them too problematic and orders his super battle droids to execute them. Synara arrives with Neeku, B1, and Kaz, instructing him to stand down. Kragan accuses Synara of "mutinying his mutiny" and orders his battle droids to surround them.
Neeku disagrees. Kragan orders his super battle droids to attack them, but Neeku instructs B1 to issue a stand down order to the super battle droids. The super battle droids comply, ceasing hostilities. They withdraw from their occupied positions on the Colossus. When Kragan demands an explanation, Neeku reveals that he upgraded B1 to become the commander of the battle droids. B1 confirms this and orders the B2s to imprison all pirates except Synara. The super battle droids comply and disarm Kragan and his followers.
Kragan grumbles that Captain Doza and Neeku orchestrated this from the beginning. Doza orders the battle droids to escort the pirates to the brig while he determines their punishment. Synara advises Captain Doza against confining them on the Colossus, arguing that they would consume manpower, space, and resources. She suggests allowing them to leave, confiscating their weapons, disabling the Galleon's hyperdrive, and offering a deal: their freedom in exchange for never returning to the Colossus. Doza accepts Synara's proposal.
The Warbirds are marched aboard the Galleon's ramp. Before departing, Kragan reminds Synara that he rescued her from the streets of Vanqor and raised her as a daughter. He expresses anger at her perceived ingratitude. Synara retorts that the Colossus could inflict far worse and declares her debt to him repaid. Captain Doza warns Kragan that any return to the Colossus to seek revenge on him or the station will result in his demise and that of his pirates. B1 complies, saying "Roger, Roger."
Kragan turns away and joins his pirates aboard the Galleon, which departs from the Colossus. Back in the hangar, Captain Doza acknowledges Synara's difficult decision to oppose family. Synara replies that she has found a better one.
Yeager commends Neeku's performance, declaring him one of the best spies he has ever encountered. Neeku thanks Yeager. Kaz is shocked that Yeager enlisted Neeku to spy on Kragan and questions why he was not chosen. Yeager explains that the pirates favored Neeku and that the plan required delicacy.
Neeku attempts to console Kaz by asserting that he acquired his spy skills from him. Kaz thanks Neeku, who explains that appearing naive and clumsy prevents others from discerning one's true intentions. Kaz requests that he cease the compliments. Neeku adds that appearing inept and uncertain is crucial, but Kaz tells him to be quiet.