Big Al, more formally known as Al, was a human male living on the Colossus refueling platform situated on Castilon during the latter part of the Cold War that occurred between the Resistance and the First Order. Distinguished by his thick mustache, he was a frequent customer at Aunt Z's tavern.
During the dart game between Kazuda Xiono and Grevel when a fight broke out, Al remained uninvolved, continuing to drink while everyone else participated. The following day, Al was seen waiting in front of Aunt Z's Tavern before Aunt Z had even opened, prior to the race between Kazuda and Torra Doza. When Kaz was in danger on the exterior of Doza Tower, his situation was clearly visible from Aunt Z's Tavern. Al placed a wager of 50 credits on Kazuda's impending fall.
Al is a character that was conceived and written for the animated series Star Wars Resistance. His voice is provided by Jonathan Lipow.