Torra Doza, a human female pilot, resided on the Colossus, a starship refueling station situated on the Mid Rim Territories planet of Castilon during the New Republic era. As the daughter of Venisa Doza, a former pilot in the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Torra was inspired to pursue her own passion for flying by her mother's heroic actions. Given her father, Captain Imanuel Doza, served as the station's operator, she lived in the upper echelons of the facility.
During the Cold War time, Doza piloted the Blue Ace, a cutting-edge vessel customized to reflect her unique personality and racing prowess. Being a member of Ace Squadron—a starfighter squadron employed by the station to provide defense—she had the privilege of flying alongside some of the most accomplished pilots in the galaxy. A dedicated racer, she frequently participated in the station's racing events. Following his arrival in 34 ABY, Torra met Kazuda Xiono, a fellow racer who was secretly a Resistance spy, and she eventually began to suspect that he was concealing something about himself.

Born in 18 ABY, Torra Doza was the offspring of Captain Imanuel Doza, a former officer who defected from the Galactic Empire, and Commander Venisa Doza, a pilot serving the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Her upbringing took place on the Colossus Supertanker fuel depot located on the ocean planet of Castilon, where she was raised by her exceedingly protective father.
Despite the close bond between Torra's parents, Venisa departed six years prior to the Hosnian Cataclysm to join the Resistance, a paramilitary organization established by Alliance hero Princess and General Leia Organa. The New Republic declined to act against the Empire’s remaining remnant the First Order like they did to stop the Chiss warlord Grand Admiral Thrawn when he returned nineteen years ago, so Organa created the Resistance to counter the First Order. For the subsequent six years, Torra and her father would meet with Venisa annually on Torra's birthday, allowing them to spend time together as a family.
During her teenage years, Doza became a member of Ace Squadron—a team of highly skilled and competitive starship pilots hired to safeguard the Colossus. Serving as the youngest of the Aces, Doza piloted the Blue Ace, an advanced starfighter that was modified in design and coloration to reflect her unique personality and flying capabilities.

Doza's involvement with the Aces provided her with opportunities to participate in the station's racing competitions. As the First Order rose, Doza encountered Kazuda Xiono, a New Republic pilot who raced for Team Fireball, a group led by Jarek Yeager who was another pilot of the Rebellion and an old friend of her parents, while also working as a spy for the Resistance. Their first meeting occurred when he selected her as his opponent in a one-on-one sky race that he had been unwillingly entered into, and she visited Team Fireball's repair shop to wish Xiono well. During the race, it became evident that she and Xiono were closely matched in skill, if not equally skilled, with the deciding factor being the quality of their respective ships. The Fireball's engines, being in a dilapidated state, gave out when Xiono pushed them too hard, leading to a crash and securing Doza's victory. After Xiono lost consciousness and was subsequently rescued, Doza ensured she was present when he awoke, congratulating him on surviving a race against her, something she had previously claimed had never happened before.

Shortly thereafter, when Kragan Gorr and his gang of pirates attacked the Colossus during a severe storm, Doza, along with fellow Aces Freya Fenris, Hype Fazon, and Bo Keevil, defended the platform using their starships. Despite fighting valiantly, they were outnumbered until the pirates abruptly withdrew. While Fenris believed the Aces' skills were sufficient to claim victory, Doza suspected an unknown factor was at play. Her suspicion was correct, as Xiono had assisted by broadcasting a disruptive feedback loop over the pirates' communications channel.

Torra's subsequent encounter with Xiono occurred when he managed to gain entry into Doza Tower through an invitation from Hype Fazon, in an attempt to uncover the purpose of visiting First Order personnel on the platform. After being discovered outside Captain Doza's office, Xiono fled. Upon hearing the commotion, Torra dispatched a droid, 4D-M1N, to investigate, and Xiono inadvertently slipped into the open door of her bedroom. Assuming Xiono had come because he was attracted to her, Torra rejected him.
Her primary concern was the potential repercussions from her father, Captain Doza, should he discover Xiono's presence. Consequently, she assisted him in exiting through her window onto the narrow ledge below, just before stormtroopers in pursuit forced their way in. Torra attempted to mislead the troopers by claiming Xiono had gone in a different direction, but her efforts were unsuccessful, and the troopers departed. After Xiono successfully evaded his pursuers, Major Elrik Vonreg confronted Captain Doza about the spy on the platform. Torra asserted that the intruder, Xiono, was merely a friend who had become lost while attempting to leave the tower. Doza supported her claim, and eventually Vonreg and his troops left.
Torra, alongside the other Aces, was tasked with escorting an important shipment, which led to a pirate attack on the platform due to the pirates' spy, Synara San. Later, Torra competed in the annual Platform Classic with the other Aces, securing third place after Jarek Yeager made a last-second decision to allow his brother, Marcus Speedstar, to win due to his need for the prize money.

Torra was often restricted from going out due to her father's overprotectiveness, and she grew weary of spending her days alone, playing flight simulator games. Sometime after the Platform Classic of 34 ABY, she attempted to ask her father if they could go on a hover cruise on the same day he was awaiting the arrival of Commander Pyre of the First Order. Doza promised Torra they could go on the cruise in three and a half hours, and had 4D-M1N lock her in her room for her own safety. Torra first had the droid take out her pet Voorpak, Buggles, on the premise that the animal might have an accident indoors, and then snuck out, having deduced the passcode.
Buggles betrayed Torra's presence in the hallway to the droid, but then urinated on the floor, allowing Torra to escape as 4D had to clean up the mess. Exiting Doza Tower via the delivery door, Torra ran into Xiono, who was attempting to sneak in with BB-8, headfirst, and persuaded him to come along with her to the Colossus marketplace. There, Torra took an interest in the wares of one antiques vendor's stall, but decided not to buy anything after the vendor attempted to raise the price of the object she'd been looking at fourfold, from five to twenty credits. She was then recognized and swarmed by a crowd of upset Colossus residents demanding to know what Captain Doza was doing about recent events, including cancelled races, so Xiono helped her escape from the questions.
Alone in a quieter section of the marketplace, Torra talked with Xiono about her loneliness, and, upon some questions from him, told him about her father possibly making a deal with the First Order to protect the station from pirates. When Xiono heard that Torra owned Flight Simulator Squadron, the latest flight simulator game, he suggested they go and play it, seeing it as a ticket into the tower. Torra thought she should get back before the First Order arrived, but the arrival of Pyre's shuttle overhead made that impossible. She snuck herself, Xiono and BB-8 back into the tower, and the three avoided various security droids.

Upon entering one of the chambers within the Aces' Lounge, where the remaining Aces were unwinding, Torra faced inquiries from Fenris and Griff Halloran. Their primary concern revolved around the reasons behind her father's race cancellations. Following an encounter between Xiono and Jace Rucklin, fueled by Rucklin's unreasonable animosity stemming from the loss of his racer (an incident of his own making), Torra escorted Xiono to her private quarters. En route, they observed a conversation between Pyre and Doza in the hallway, during which Pyre handed Doza a datapad. Despite Xiono's intention to proceed towards Doza's office, Torra intervened, redirecting him by pointing out that he was headed in the wrong direction. Once inside her quarters, Torra and Xiono engaged in a brief session of Flight Simulator Squadron, after which Xiono and BB-8 were compelled to conceal themselves upon 4D-M1N's arrival. When 4D detected the astromech droid, Torra diffused the situation by calming her family's droid, preventing it from entering attack mode. This allowed Xiono to discreetly slip away unnoticed by 4D. Subsequently, BB-8 also made its departure.
Later, Torra became aware of Xiono's apparent surreptitious entry into her father's office. She arrived just in time to prevent Doza from opening the closet where Xiono was concealed. Explaining that the Aces deserved an explanation for the race cancellations, she persuaded her father to address their concerns. As they departed, Torra's discomfort allowed Xiono to exit the closet undetected. His motive for sneaking in was to copy the datapad's contents onto a memory stick. Later, Torra located Xiono and BB-8 in the corridor, offering assistance in escaping the tower if he disclosed the purpose of his visit to Doza's office. Xiono proposed discussing the matter at Aunt Z's Tavern, leading Torra to guide him towards a secret exit devoid of security droids: the entrance to the trash incinerator.
Xiono expressed disbelief at their chosen route, but Torra reassured him of its safety, citing the incinerator's activation schedule of once every three days. However, her calculation proved incorrect, as the incinerator was indeed active. Consequently, she and Xiono were forced to evade laser bolts emanating from the incinerator while BB-8 worked to open the door. Upon their escape, Torra questioned Kaz about his potential involvement as a spy. Despite Kaz's attempt to dismiss the inquiry with laughter, Torra revealed that her father had discovered Xiono's past as a New Republic pilot. His explanation that he had left that role to become a racer failed to convince her, and they parted ways. Shortly after returning to her room, Torra was informed by her father that they would soon embark on the promised hover cruise. Torra pondered Xiono's true identity.
At Aunt Z's Tavern, Torra Doza participated in a holodarts game alongside Xiono and his Team Fireball companions. During his turn, Xiono missed all three of his attempts. Bucket successfully hit the target on his first two attempts, but his third holodart accidentally struck Xiono in the rear.
Later, Torra asked her friend Xiono to watch her pet voorpak, Buggles, at Yeager's garage. However, the creature led Xiono on a chase throughout the garage. Upon Torra's return, she and Xiono discovered that Buggles had entered the cockpit of the racer Fireball and activated the ship's engines, causing alarm to both of them.
Torra engaged in a race with Xiono, who was piloting the Fireball during a test flight. Torra and Xiono circled the Colossus in their respective ships. While Torra's Blue Ace experienced no issues, Xiono lost control of the Fireball when the ship's throttle malfunctioned. Although he managed to regain control, the Fireball soon disintegrated upon landing.
During the "Bibo incident," Torra and her fellow Ace pilots defended the Colossus but were unable to penetrate the thick hide of the mother rokkna. Fortunately, Neeku resolved the situation by reuniting the mother rokkna with her offspring, Bibo.
In an attempt to coerce Captain Doza into accepting First Order protection, Commander Pyre orchestrated Torra Doza's abduction by the Warbird gang. The pirate leader Kragan Gorr assigned the undercover pirate Synara San to assist the pirates Valik and Drell in infiltrating the Colossus. Torra was socializing with her friends Kaz and Tam when Synara arrived. Sensing Synara's fatigue, Torra invited Synara, Kaz, and Tam to her room in Doza Tower for a game of Drone-Blaster. Synara used this opportunity to study the layout and structure of Doza Tower.
Later that evening, Torra overheard a conversation between her father and Commander Pyre, who was attempting to persuade him to accept a First Order security detail. Captain Doza declined, citing his existing security droids. Torra felt uneasy around Commander Pyre, who wore gold armor and a helmet. After Torra left, Pyre continued to pressure her father to accept First Order protection, but Doza refused.
With Synara's assistance, Drell and Valik infiltrated Doza Tower and disabled the security droids. Torra was playing Drone-Blaster in her room when Drell seized her. Drell and Valik escaped with Torra on speeder bikes. A conflicted Synara informed Kaz about Torra's kidnapping, and he alerted Captain Doza, who dispatched Ace Squadron to pursue the pirates. Torra's captors transported her to a skiff, which then traveled to the pirates' sail barge Galleon. Torra remained defiant and informed her captors that her father was sending Ace Squadron after her.
Kaz pursued the pirates' skiff in the Fireball, but the pirates managed to reach the Galleon with Torra. Shortly thereafter, Major Vonreg arrived aboard the Galleon in an Upsilon-class command shuttle. Instead of paying the pirates, Vonreg eliminated two of them and rescued Torra. Major Vonreg informed Captain Doza and the Aces about Torra's "rescue" and returned her to her father, reiterating the First Order's "protection offer."
Following Torra Doza's kidnapping, Captain Doza permitted the First Order to occupy the Colossus and establish a military garrison. Torra was playing with Buggles in her room when several stormtroopers, including a disguised Kaz, passed by. Torra was puzzled to see Kaz, disguised as CS-515, walk past her.
Later, her father instructed Torra to stay in her room while he met with the garrison Commander Pyre, who pressured Doza to cancel all races on the Colossus. Torra and the other Aces were present when Captain Doza announced the news. Hype, enraged, confronted stormtroopers who were impounding his racer, the Green Ace, with a gravity lock.
Unaware of Hype's location, Torra sought Kaz's assistance in finding him. Torra was with Kaz and his friends at Aunt Z's Tavern when a stormtrooper patrol claimed Hype had left the Colossus. Torra did not believe her friend would leave without saying goodbye. With the help of Kaz and his new astromech droid CB-23, Torra infiltrated Hype's hangar and discovered that his racer was still there, exposing the First Order's lie.
Returning to Aunt Z's Tavern, Torra and Kaz discovered that Aunt Z had also "disappeared" after speaking out against the First Order. The two friends and CB-23 then returned to Yeager's garage, where they found Yeager meeting with Captain Doza, who revealed that the First Order was detaining dissidents in the West Docks. Working together, Kaz, Torra, and CB-23 managed to free Hype, Aunt Z, Nod, and Grevel, who escaped offworld in a transport.
After Commander Pyre and his stormtroopers raided Yeager's repair station to arrest Kaz and their friends since Major Vonreg got footage of him flying the Fireball through their forbidden territory in the Dassal system of Sector Epsilon 51-3 of the Unknown Regions, Torra told her father they could not keep on pretend to comply with the First Order. Doza agreed and said they needed to contact the New Republic. Torra was present when Commander Pyre informed her father about the raid on Yeager's garage, the escape of most of Team Fireball, and the arrest of. Later, Torra was present when her father received a message from CB-23, telling them to submerge the Colossus as part of their plan to contact the Resistance. Captain Doza complied and sealed the depot's hatches. This allowed Kaz to send a message to General Organa, but Yeager got captured and she had no ships to spare since they were looking for BB-8 because their friend and the former’s mentor Commander gave his droid important intel for her.
When Commander Pyre arrested Captain Doza for insubordination and ordered the arrests of the Aces, Torra went back to her room and sent Buggles to find Kaz, who became a leader of Team Colossus. Buggles found Kaz and CB-23 and led them to the trapdoor where Torra was hiding. Torra enlisted Kaz and CB-23's help in freeing her father and Yeager from their cells in Doza Tower.
While navigating through the Colossus, the trio encountered MB-13A, who tried to report them to the First Order. Following a struggle, CB-23 pushed MB-13A down an elevator shaft. Reaching Doza Tower, the trio encountered a stormtrooper whom Kaz managed to stun. Before they could continue further into the cells, the three watched as a group of stormtroopers gathered to watch a broadcast of General Armitage Hux announcing the Hosnian Cataclysm.
Kaz was distraught by the destruction of his homeworld and the potential loss of his family and friends but Torra gave him her deepest apology and urged him to carry on. Together, they freed Captain Doza and Yeager from their cells. After telling them what happened and Captain Doza and Yeager giving Kaz their deepest apologies too, Torra, Kaz, and CB-23 worked with Neeku to flush stormtroopers out of the Colossus' corridors by flushing them into the sea. These losses convinced Commander Pyre and First Order Security Bureau Agent Tierny to abandon the Colossus.
After flushing out the First Order, Torra accompanied Kaz and CB-23 to the top of Doza Tower. Kaz and Yeager attempted to convince Tam not to join the First Order. However, Tam was still angry with Kaz and Yeager for lying about the former and the Resistance from her and left with Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny. Torra, Kaz and CB-23 were surrounded by four stormtroopers but CB-23 released oil, causing the stormtroopers to fall onto the deck.
As Neeku and his team fired up the Colossus' engines and took the station into space, Torra joined Kaz and Yeager in unlocking the hangar bays so that the Aces could launch their fighters against Major Vonreg's squadron. Ace Squadron, Kaz, and Yeager engaged the First Order in a dogfight as the Colossus rose into Castilon's upper atmosphere. Having reached space, Ace Squadron returned to the Colossus as Neeku took the ship into hyperspace. Following the escape from Castilon, Torra joined the rest of Team Colossus in gazing into the hyperspace tunnel when Kaz revealed they were going to some place safe, D'Qar which was home of the Resistance.
Following the Battle of Castilon and the skirmish over D'Qar, Torra undertook a mission to Celsor 3 along with Kaz, assigned to them by her father and Aunt Z after the Warbird gang's attempt failed. The two were tasked with hunting a Jakoosk in order to feed the residents of the Colossus, who were running low on food and supplies and planning to leave.
In order to secure fuel for the Colossus, Torra, alongside Orka, Flix, Kaz, and CB-23, traveled to Flix's homeworld Drahgor III. Located on the planet was a fuel refinery owned by Flix's cousins, one of which, Flanx, was the head of the refinery. Torra landed roughly on the planet after being unable to navigate through a heavy storm in the atmosphere. After a small argument in which the cousins deny them fuel, Flix claims that he is entitled to a portion of the fuel as he is a member of the family.
As the Gozzo's mining drill was broken, Kaz offered to help fix it in exchange for fuel. Flanx agreed on the condition that Kaz must bring all of his friends down there as well, including Torra. The group descended down below into the mine, seeing shadows in the fog underneath the surface along the way. On the way down, a loose piece of debris landed on their lift, causing it slide deeper into the mine. Torra and Orka managed to climb onto the tracks, however the others remained in the lift.
Torra and Orka painstakingly made their way up the railway until reaching the top, exhausted. Orka notified the other Gozzos that Flix and Flanx were in trouble, and that the pair needed to take the shuttle to go rescue them. The Gozzos were reluctant to hand over the shuttle, however Orka persisted, causing the Gozzos to give in and lend them the shuttle. Torra was impressed by Orka's courage during the situation, and told him so once entering the shuttle.
Upon reentering the mine, the two shined a light from the shuttle onto the rest of the group, revealing the family of Karnex Dragons attacking them. The light scared the dragons back into the hole where they came from, and Torra flew the ship down to the others to pick them up. On the surface, Flanx announced to his workers that they would no longer practice deep-core drilling as it would further agitate the dragons.
Torra accompanied two other ace pilots, Kaz and Freya, to the near-uninhabited planet of Ashas Ree in order to gather supplies at a trading outpost. Upon arrival, the group noticed that the outpost was completely deserted. The trio split up, and Kaz follows Kel and Eila, who he had previously sneaked on board the ship, into a Jedi temple. Torra and Freya continue to load supplies onto the shuttle as Kaz, CB-23, Kel, and Eila descend further into the temple.
As the pair were loading supplies onto the shuttle, they attempted to call Kaz on his comlink, getting no response in return. An alert sounded inside of the shuttle, notifying the two pilots of incoming ships. Freya asked Torra if her father ordered for additional ships to assist them, but quickly realized that he did not.
Torra and Freya, along with their droids, were captured shortly after by elite stormtroopers known as First Order Raiders who were in search of a Sith artifact located in a Sith temple beneath the Jedi temple on the planet for General Organa’s rogue son Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. In possession of the relic was Mika Grey, a Force-sensitive archeologist trapped inside the Sith temple prior to Kaz and the children rescuing her. Once exiting the Sith temple, the group was captured by the stormtroopers as well, except for Mika. She stood atop of a building, getting the troopers attention before detonating the Sith artifact and throwing it at them, ordering the members of the Colossus to run. The blast from the Sith artifact electrocuted the stormtroopers, allowing for their escape.
Doza later took part in the Battle of Exegol when General Lando Calrissian assembled the allies of the Resistance and ordinary citizens from across the galaxy with Kaz, Yeager, and her father. Doza flew her racer during the Battle.

Torra Doza was a human female in her adolescence, characterized by brown hair, dark gray [eyes](/article/eye], and tan skin. She was fifteen years old during the latter months of the New Republic era.
A significant portion of Torra Doza's time was dedicated to piloting starships, fostering a sense of competitiveness and flair as a racer. She was known as a daring and thrill-seeking pilot, committed to both defending the Colossus station and participating in its racing events. Her energetic nature reflected her teenage years, yet she was also remarkably capable. As a pilot, she prioritized speed, ensuring that her starfighter, the Blue Ace, was a cutting-edge vessel renowned for its aerodynamic design. Compassionate by nature, she made sure to be among the first to greet Xiono after his crash during their race. She also possessed keen perception, recognizing that Xiono was withholding information from her.
Despite her privileged lifestyle, Torra yearned for the freedom to experience life as a typical teenager, rather than solely as an Ace pilot tasked with protecting the Colossus. Beyond her passion for flying and racing starships, Doza desired companionship, having grown up in a secluded household with a devoted but somewhat overprotective father. Consequently, she developed a friendship with Kazuda Xiono, a fellow pilot who shared similar interests. She also had a strong desire to earn her father's approval.
Torra shared a close and affectionate relationship with her father, Captain Imanuel Doza. Imanuel sometimes exhibited protectiveness, occasionally preventing her from joining her fellow Aces on patrol missions. They enjoyed quality time together, such as when Imanuel took his daughter on a hover cruise. Torra, her father, and mother made it a tradition to meet once a year on Torra's birthday to spend time as a family.
Torra maintained a close connection with her mother, Commander Venisa Doza, who had left her and her father six years prior to the Hosnian Cataclysm to join the Resistance after General Organa established it. Torra missed her mother, and the family arranged to reunite annually on Torra's birthday. Torra was saddened when her mother was unable to attend her sixteenth birthday due to First Order interference. However, Kaz and the Aces rallied to cheer her up, providing her with a surrogate family. Fortunately, Torra was able to see her mother again when she returned with her squadron to ask her father for help with a mission to rebuild the Resistance and got to stay at her father’s invitation since was done running from the fight and vowed to use the Colossus to help the cause.
Despite being the youngest member of Ace Squadron, Torra Doza was a highly accomplished starship pilot, capable of flying and competing with some of the most renowned pilots in the galaxy. Her skills made her both a daring pilot and a competitive racer.
Torra Doza made her debut in "The Recruit," the inaugural episode of the first season of Star Wars Resistance. The episode was directed by Steward Lee and Saul Ruiz, written by Brandon Auman, and first broadcast on October 7, 2018. Her voice is provided by Myrna Velasco. Her character design was created by Lucasfilm Animation senior concept designer Amy Beth Christenson.
Torra's parka in the episode "Hunt on Celsor 3" was also designed by Christenson, as a tribute to the crew jackets worn behind the scenes during the filming of Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. The parka was inspired by the jacket Princess Leia Organa wore in Echo Base towards the beginning of the aforementioned film. The fur on the parka's hood was made to resemble Buggles' fur.