In the year 34 ABY, both the Resistance intelligence operative Kazuda Xiono and First Order official Major Elrik Vonreg found themselves on parallel endeavors, each targeting Doza Tower. This occurred on the Colossus, a refueling station orbiting the planet Castilon. Vonreg, leading a unit of stormtroopers, had orders to pressure Captain Imanuel Doza, the chief officer of the Colossus, into accepting the First Order's "protection". Simultaneously, Xiono was investigating whether Doza was secretly collaborating with the First Order.
In the era of 34 ABY, Kazuda Xiono, a new recruit to the Resistance, received orders to infiltrate the Colossus platform above Castilon. His assignment was to uncover a First Order mole suspected of operating within the station. Upon arrival, he adopted the guise of a mechanic and racer, joining Team Fireball, managed by Jarek Yeager, a former Rebel aviator. He was accompanied by BB-8, the astromech belonging to Commander Poe Dameron.
Soon after Xiono's arrival, a group of pirates, secretly in league with the First Order, assaulted the Colossus. This was part of a scheme orchestrated by Commander Pyre and Major Elrik Vonreg aimed at compelling Captain [Imanuel Doza](/article/imanuel_doza], the station's proprietor, to consent to First Order protection. Xiono secretly aided in repelling the attack by transmitting disruptive feedback over the pirates' communication channels.
To maintain operations, Doza depended on fuel from various sources, including the First Order. Consequently, following the attack, he significantly reduced the station's power consumption while awaiting a fuel delivery. This led Xiono and his colleagues, Tam Ryvora and Neeku Vozo, to temporarily halt their work on the Fireball and seek refreshments at Aunt Z's Tavern. There, Xiono overheard Aunt Z, the tavern owner, express her belief that Doza was already in the First Order's employ, citing the power outage and the clandestine visits of mysterious vessels during the night. Spurred by this, Xiono resolved to infiltrate Doza Tower to uncover the truth. Ryvora informed him that access to the tower for non-residents required an invitation from an Ace, such as her former acquaintance Hype Fazon.
On the same night, Major Vonreg was escorting a fuel freighter to the Colossus, intending to engage in discussions with Captain Doza. Xiono, accompanied by BB-8, surreptitiously left the tavern under the pretense that the droid needed recharging to observe from the vantage point of the marketplace, initially doubting the freighter's First Order affiliation. Vozo and Ryvora soon discovered him there, and upon witnessing the freighter's Ace Squadron escort depart, Ryvora surmised that Xiono had been studying the Aces to gain an advantage in racing. Xiono played along with her assumption. After observing Vonreg and four stormtroopers disembark, both Ryvora and Xiono questioned the First Order's motives.
The very literal Vozo, upon hearing Xiono express a desire to simply ask the First Order their intentions, decided to do just that, prompting a concerned Xiono, Ryvora, and BB-8 to pursue him. They were unable to prevent him from addressing a stormtrooper, but Vozo was dismissed with a remark that he lacked authorization to be in the area. As Vonreg and his troopers proceeded towards the tower, Xiono confiscated Vozo's comlink and departed with Ryvora and BB-8.
Still determined to enter Doza Tower, Xiono expressed to BB-8 his wish that Ryvora would persuade Fazon to invite them. Ryvora overheard his remark and began to explain the impossibility of such a request, as well as her past relationship with Fazon. While Ryvora was detailing her reasons for disliking Fazon, the Rodian pilot happened to pass by and notice her and Xiono. Having seen Ryvora earlier at Aunt Z's, Fazon approached them and extended an invitation to the Aces' Lounge, which Xiono promptly accepted.
Shortly after their arrival at the lounge, Xiono observed Vonreg and his stormtroopers entering a doorway and inquired about their presence with Fazon. Fazon responded that he felt uneasy about it, having previously informed Xiono of his refusal to participate in supply missions involving the First Order. Ryvora and Fazon became embroiled in an argument regarding the antiquated Fireball, which Xiono capitalized on to discreetly engage in espionage. When Ryvora decided to leave, she noticed Xiono's absence and was forced to depart alone.
Xiono trailed Vonreg and his entourage to the door they had entered but was unable to pass through until a serving droid approached. Still carrying both his and Vozo's comlinks, Xiono concealed one on the droid's tray before it entered the room, Doza's office, and activated the other one to listen in. Inside the office, Vonreg informed Doza that without the First Order's assistance, the Colossus was susceptible to pirate attacks, and that the Aces would eventually be overwhelmed by the pirates' increasing armament. Doza remained unconvinced, noting the obvious coercion and remarking that he could report this to the New Republic. Vonreg countered that the First Order could inform the Republic of Doza's illicit dealings with criminal organizations. The meeting concluded without Doza agreeing to the First Order's terms, but with his acceptance of the fuel delivery.
Xiono concealed himself behind the doorframe as Vonreg and his troopers exited, but his presence was soon revealed when his two active comlinks began emitting feedback due to their proximity. He was forced to flee as Vonreg ordered his troopers to apprehend the spy. After nearly being cornered, Xiono eventually slipped through an open door as a droid, 4D-M1N, exited demanding to know the cause of the commotion, only to find himself in Torra Doza's bedroom. Torra was surprised to see him and assumed Xiono had come because he was attracted to her, which hadn't even occurred to him. More concerned that her father would "kill" Xiono if he found him there, and as the stormtroopers banged on her door, she ushered Xiono out of the room onto the narrow ledge below her window before closing it.
When the stormtroopers entered Torra's room despite the droid's protests and looked out, they saw nothing, as Torra attempted to convince them that Xiono had gone in a different direction. As Xiono precariously traversed the ledge, he was spotted by the patrons of Aunt Z's, including Vozo and Ryvora. Aunt Z began accepting wagers on whether or not Xiono would fall. Xiono successfully crossed one gap between ledges, narrowly avoiding a fall, before continuing onward. Upon reaching a larger gap, he paused to gather his courage, only to be discovered by the stormtroopers, who began firing at him from a balcony. From there, Xiono managed to descend reasonably quickly down several ledges to a level with doors inside, while evading the stormtroopers' shots. BB-8 had located him while still inside Doza Tower and opened a door for him to enter. All of this unfolded before the patrons of Aunt Z's, who cheered him on.
Major Vonreg confronted Captain Doza about the spy on the Colossus, which Doza denied any knowledge of. Torra claimed that Xiono was merely a friend who had become lost while leaving the tower, and Doza concurred, asserting to Vonreg that he was confident none of the Colossus' citizens were responsible, as he claimed to be aware of everything that transpired on the station. However, following Vonreg's departure, a suspicious Doza reviewed security-camera footage of Xiono from the incident, wondering about his identity.
Back at Yeager's repairs, Xiono claimed to Ryvora and Vozo, without technically lying, that the stormtroopers had been pursuing him because he had inadvertently entered a restricted area. He also claimed to have lost his enthusiasm for the Aces Lounge, which pleased Ryvora, and returned Vozo's comlink. Shortly thereafter, full power was restored due to the fuel delivery.
Doza's suspicions of Xiono, when he discovered Xiono was searching for two missing children the First Order had placed a bounty on, led him to send 4D-M1N to escort him, Vozo and BB-8 to his office. When Xiono made it clear he had no idea who had placed the bounty, and that he was looking for the children because he needed the credits and it was the right thing, Doza didn't believe him. However, Xiono remained unaware of Doza's suspicions toward him.