Hunt for Eila and Kel

In 34 ABY, the First Order was pursuing two sibling children, Eila and Kel. These children were the only ones to survive the massacre that occurred in their village on Tehar, their homeworld. The First Order's intention was to eliminate them to prevent any disclosure of the atrocity. To aid in their search, a substantial reward was offered for the capture of the children. Kazuda Xiono, a spy working for the Resistance, was on a mission to the Colossus platform on Castilon. He became aware of the bounty while in need of credits. Without knowing the source of the bounty, he resolved to search for the children, motivated by both the reward and a sense of moral obligation. Ultimately, with the help of his friend Neeku Vozo and the Colossus' Chelidae engineering crew, Xiono successfully saved the children by staging their deaths in front of Commander Pyre of the First Order. Pyre, believing his mission was accomplished, reported their demise.


Kylo Ren, the butcher of Tehar

The First Order's army, commanded by Kylo Ren, launched an attack on the planet Tehar located within the Unknown Regions of the galaxy in the year 34 ABY. This attack resulted in a massacre within a village. Two siblings, Kel and Eila, were the only ones who managed to survive, escaping by secretly boarding a starship. However, their escape was detected, and the First Order soon learned that there were survivors of the genocide.

During the same year, the Resistance became conscious of the First Order's interest in the Colossus, a refueling platform positioned on the ocean planet Castilon, situated in the Outer Rim Territories bordering Wild Space. Suspecting the presence of a spy from the First Order on the platform, they dispatched Kazuda Xiono, a recent recruit, on a mission to identify the enemy agent and the First Order's objective. BB-8, Commander Poe Dameron's astromech droid, assisted Xiono. Unbeknownst to the Resistance, the First Order aimed to seize control of the platform and utilize it as a staging ground. To achieve this, they orchestrated pirate attacks on the platform and exerted pressure on Captain Imanuel Doza, the Colossus' owner. Doza, desiring to maintain control of his platform, had a vested interest in maintaining amicable relations with the First Order. He had recently grown suspicious of Xiono following an incident at Doza Tower, which involved Xiono descending the tower while being fired upon by stormtroopers who were accompanying Major Elrik Vonreg of the First Order, who had previously spoken with Doza while delivering a fuel shipment.

The hunt

Refugees from Tehar

The two fugitive siblings attempted to remain inconspicuous, repeatedly stowing away on various vessels during their escape. The First Order utilized its resources in its pursuit, and since they were maintaining a low profile during this period of the Cold War, they offered a bounty of 20,000 credits for the capture of Eila and Kel. Eventually, the children arrived at the Colossus platform.

Kaz's predicament

Besides his role as a spy, Xiono posed as a mechanic with Team Fireball at Jarek Yeager's repair shop, a task made difficult by his limited mechanical abilities. When Tam Ryvora requested his assistance, along with Neeku Vozo, in installing a rare and costly acceleration compensator on the Fireball, he inadvertently damaged the part by turning a bolt in the incorrect direction, causing Ryvora's anger.

Eila, the younger sister of Kel

Xiono pledged to acquire a replacement compensator, but he was completely penniless, placing him in a difficult situation. At Aunt Z's Tavern, he overheard two patrons discussing the bounty placed on Eila and Kel. Not knowing who was offering the reward, Xiono viewed it as a solution to his financial problem and decided to search for the children, driven by both the potential reward and his sense of duty. Vozo, whom Xiono recruited to assist him, was doubtful, pointing out that Xiono was not a bounty hunter. Xiono noticed a carved wooden charm worn by Kel on his wrist in the hologram.

Hunt for the children

Xiono's path intersected with the fugitive siblings in the Colossus marketplace. Driven by hunger, Kel had stolen a bowl of food for himself and Eila from an Ugnaught vendor while the vendor was arguing with a customer. Upon discovering the theft, the vendor pursued the children, leading to a chase through the market. Xiono, Vozo, and BB-8 had also arrived at the market, as Xiono believed it was the best place to begin their search. After Kel and Eila's pursuer was diverted due to a collision with gorg vendor Bolza Grool, the children accidentally collided with Xiono, Vozo, and BB-8. During the pursuit, Eila suffered a broken leg. Initially surprised, Xiono recognized the children upon seeing Kel's charm, but Kel, perceiving Xiono as hostile, angrily refused assistance before fleeing with his sister. He lost his charm in the process, which Xiono then pocketed.

Xiono wanted more people searching for the children, so Vozo took him to the Colossus' engineering room and introduced him to his friends, the Chelidae engineering staff. Xiono was initially unimpressed, noting the shellfolk's slowness and their tendency to become dormant. Vozo left a comlink with the head engineer to contact him if they found the children. While the two young men were engaged in this, Captain Doza became aware of Xiono's encounter with the children in his office.

The cover-up

Kazuda Xiono, who searched for Eila and Kel

Consequently, when Xiono and Vozo exited engineering, they were met by Doza's droid 4D-M1N, who escorted them to the tower because Doza wanted to speak with Xiono. In Doza's office, Xiono was questioned about his search for the children and responded truthfully: he needed the money and believed it was the right course of action. Doza posed a pointed question about who he thought would offer such a substantial reward for two missing children, but Xiono did not grasp the implication.

Xiono handed Doza the charm he had recovered from Kel, and he, Vozo, and BB-8 were escorted out of the tower. Doza decided to contact Captain Phasma of the First Order, stating that he was doing so to maintain cordial relations. He inquired about the missing children, and she falsely claimed that they were members of a high-ranking non-military First Order family, a claim that Doza doubted. Doza informed Phasma that the children had been sighted on the Colossus within the past hour, but emphasized that any First Order personnel searching for them must adhere to his laws while on the platform.

Finding refuge and friends

Kel and Eila found refuge among the Chelidae

After fleeing, Eila and Kel sought refuge in the maintenance ducts, where they discussed the loss of their homeworld, and Eila revealed that she believed her leg was broken. The Chelidae quickly discovered them and brought them back to engineering. After departing Doza Tower, Xiono and Vozo returned to the repair shop, where Ryvora expressed her displeasure at Xiono's return empty-handed, without the promised part. The Chelidae contacted Vozo, informing him that they had found the children. Before Xiono could leave again, Ryvora instructed him to take the broken compensator to match the specifications for a new one.

Upon arriving at engineering, Xiono left the compensator on the floor before going to see the children. Kel and Eila still suspected that he intended them harm, but this time, Xiono was able to communicate with them. They explained that, contrary to reports, they were runaways with no home to return to and recounted the attack on Tehar by a lightsaber-wielding man in black, Kylo Ren, and his army. Xiono deduced that the First Order was responsible and pledged to protect the siblings. However, Eila's broken leg required medical supplies, so Xiono, Vozo, and BB-8 accompanied Kel to the market.

Escaping the First Order

Commander Pyre of the First Order and at least two stormtroopers arrived at the Colossus to search for their targets. After purchasing some medicinal herbs in the market, Vozo, Xiono, and Kel observed Pyre and his troopers interrogating a vendor. They attempted to flee the market without being detected by the stormtroopers, but they were spotted. Xiono, Vozo, and Kel, acting on BB-8's suggestion, escaped down a level through a chute, while Pyre and his troopers pursued them via a more conventional route. Upon returning to engineering, they sealed the room with the heavy blast door, but they knew it would not hold for long.

At this point, Xiono finally discovered that the First Order had placed the bounty on the siblings. They were unaware of the Order's motives for pursuing them, and Kel suspected that it would not cease as long as they remained alive. As the engineering room was a dead end, escape seemed impossible, but Xiono, with an idea, had a grate in the floor lifted, exposing the ocean below. Vozo was skeptical, wondering if Xiono intended for them all to fall to their deaths.

By the time Pyre and his stormtroopers gained entry to the engineering room, Xiono's plan was in motion. He, Vozo, BB-8, and some of the Chelidae concealed themselves in the maintenance space beneath the floor, around the opening to the ocean below. Kel and Eila remained in the room above, directly by the hole. Upon entering, Pyre demanded to know the children's whereabouts, and the Chelidae present in the room moved to reveal Kel and Eila standing by the open grate. Pyre approached them and demanded they submit to him and his troopers, and Kel proclaimed that the siblings would never comply, before they jumped through the hole.

The children were caught and pulled out of sight into the area below the floor, while two waiting Chelidae jumped into the ocean. When Pyre and his troopers arrived at the hole, all they saw was the splash below. The two shellfolk slowed their vital signs, so when the First Order personnel scanned the water for lifesigns, they detected what appeared to be the signatures of two people drowning. Thus, it seemed as though the First Order's ultimate goal of the children's deaths had been achieved.


Kaz delivering his report to Ello Asty

Before departing the Colossus, Pyre received instructions to report to Phasma and informed her via hologram that the children were "no more." Pleased, Phasma ordered him to return to base, and he and his troopers left the platform. The Chelidae provided Kel and Eila with safe haven, offering them the opportunity to stay with them for as long as they wished.

One of the Chelidae had repaired the broken compensator, so Xiono returned it to Ryvora, who was pleasantly surprised. When he told her that his friends had completed the repair, she jokingly asked if he had any other secrets he was keeping from her, prompting an unconvincing denial before Xiono excused himself.

Reporting to the Resistance, Xiono spoke with Ello Asty, who was taking calls because Dameron was on a mission. Xiono reported both the massacre on Tehar and that Ren had led it, and he was informed that General Leia Organa would be very interested in the intel about Kylo Ren because what Xiono didn't know was that Kylo Ren was General Organa's son.

