This Ugnaught male operated as a seller of victuals within the Colossus platform's marketplace located on Castilon, dealing in food. Known for his disagreeable demeanor, he typically restricted patrons to a single serving of his offerings. Distinguishing features of the vendor included a thick, grey beard and a wooden leg.
He was briefly bothered by speagulls as he went indoors prior to curfew during a power failure on the platform, before he alerted Kazuda Xiono about the curfew. Subsequently, while engaged in a dispute with a buyer, Kel and Eila, two young runaways, seized the chance to pilfer a portion of food for consumption. Upon noticing its absence, the vendor pursued the youngsters through the marketplace. The chase culminated near Bolza Grool's booth, where the vendor, in an attempt to intercept them by jumping from a pile of boxes, crashed into Grool, causing both to fall. A gorg belonging to Grool landed on the vendor's face, hindering his attempts to remove it as the children made their escape.
The Ugnaught vendor is a character featured in Star Wars Resistance, with his voice provided by Dee Bradley Baker, a recurring voice actor in the franchise.