Ugnaughts were a sentient species of humanoids that possessed porcine characteristics. Their origins trace back to the planet of Gentes, making them native to that world. In the vast expanse of the galaxy, many regarded them as some of the most diligent and hardworking beings. Despite Gentes being their homeworld, many Ugnaughts came to consider Bespin's Cloud City as their adopted home. This shift occurred when the Corellian Lord Ecclesias Figg initiated the construction of the airborne civilization. He employed numerous Ugnaughts, drawn to their meticulous, dedicated, and steadfast approach to work. As a token of appreciation for their efforts and loyalty, Figg gifted the Ugnaught workers with several of the expansive lower levels of Cloud City. This act allowed them to establish a community and settle down, a gesture for which they held lasting gratitude. Beyond simply inhabiting the new floating settlement, these original Ugnaughts of Bespin (who were primarily responsible for the construction of Cloud City) disseminated their collective knowledge among themselves and passed it down to future generations. Their innate diligence, coupled with their ability to quickly resolve problems, proved invaluable in maintaining Cloud City's daily operations. They were also essential in addressing the myriad mechanical, electrical, and structural challenges inherent in a floating metropolis.
Ugnaughts were small humanoids with porcine features, including pink skin, upturned snouts, white hair, and prominent jowls. Some individuals possessed tusks, which they used in ritualistic blood duels. They exhibited remarkable strength and resilience, with lifespans that could extend beyond 200 standard years. Ugnaught children were referred to as "Ugletts." Those members of this species who resided on Cloud City maintained a diet that primarily consisted of genteslugs and various species of molds and fungi cultivated within the dimly lit, humid tunnels adjacent to their primary living spaces. The natural environment for Ugnaughts was typically desert or wasteland terrain.
Ugnaught society was organized around a tribal hierarchy. They exhibited a preference for the color red, as its presence was observed to enhance their productivity in the workplace. To accuse their work of being faulty was considered a grave insult among Ugnaughts. It was customary for Ugnaughts to conclude a statement with the phrase "I have spoken" when delivering a declaration or indicating that their decision was final.

The Ugnaughts' evolutionary journey began on Gentes, a planet situated within the Anoat sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Throughout their history, however, many Ugnaughts were subjected to the horrors of slavery, being sold and transported to various worlds to serve as indentured laborers.
As the Galactic Empire imposed its blockade upon the Anoat sector, the Ugnaught clans remaining on Gentes dwindled in number, and slavers continued to raid their communities. Driven to desperation, these porcine beings were compelled to seek refuge in the swamps and dispatch a distress signal, offering supplies to anyone willing to come to their rescue.
Many Ugnaughts who remained on Gentes were sold into slavery and were spread throughout the galaxy.
Ugnaughts secured employment in diverse locations across the galaxy, from Coruscant to Lothal. Fitan, an Ugnaught, held the esteemed rank of Jedi Master during the High Republic Era. He trained the human Oliviah Zeveron, who later became a Jedi Knight. Zeveron fondly remembered Fitan as the smallest Ugnaught she had ever encountered, yet also as the individual with the most expansive heart in the galaxy. During the Clone Wars, Erk Zallis served the Galactic Republic, operating a carbon-freezing chamber within the Jedi Temple. Korin Pers, a distinguished Ugnaught scholar and expert in antiquities, achieved the esteemed position of sava at the University of Bar'leth in the Core Worlds.
When the Corellian eccentric Lord Ecclessis Figg made the decision to construct Cloud City, a floating tibanna gas mine colony situated high within the atmosphere of Bespin, he enlisted the assistance of three Ugnaught clans. In return for their contributions, these pig-like beings were granted their freedom and autonomy within the city. The emancipated slaves then established their own floating settlement, known as the Ugnaught Surface, with the city of Ugnorgrad serving as its capital. During the Galactic Civil War, a significant number of Ugnaughts continued to work on Cloud City. Some of them attempted to melt down the dismembered remains of the protocol droid C-3PO, but their efforts were thwarted by the Wookiee Chewbacca. Other Ugnaughts were employed in the carbon-freezing chamber, where Darth Vader instructed that Han Solo be frozen in carbonite. Kuiil, an elderly Ugnaught hermit, became an ally of the bounty hunter Din Djarin in 9 ABY, assisting him in repairing his ship, the Razor Crest, and modifying Djarin's former droid adversary, IG-11, into a protector for Djarin's Foundling, Din Grogu. Tragically, Kuiil was later killed by a Scout trooper.