The University of Bar'leth was a higher learning institution, specifically a university, situated on the planet of Bar'leth which itself was located in the Core Worlds region. This university was constructed upon the remains of the Ascendant's primary main temple, where the Ascendant developed technologies intended to replicate the effects of the dark side of the Force. Korin Pers, an Ugnaught expert in antiquities, served as the Sava at this university and authored numerous scholarly works that were distributed throughout the Galactic Republic; however, she was later removed from her post when Toob-Nix succeeded her as Sava during the Age of the Empire. Both Chelli Aphra, who was a(n) archaeologist, and Sana Starros, who later became a smuggler, were students at the university during the years preceding the Galactic Civil War. Aphra and Eustacia Okka were also classmates and friends. The university possessed an ancient map pointing to the resting place of the Sword of Khashyun, which Aphra subsequently pilfered from the university archives.
The University of Bar'leth was initially referenced in the comic book titled Lando 1. This comic was penned by Charles Soule, with illustrations by Alex Maleev, and it was released in the year 2015.