Korriban, known in ancient times as Moraband, existed as an Outer Rim planet and served as the original homeworld for the ancient Sith Order. Following numerous old conflicts, this mountainous and desolate world was left uninhabited. On the planet's surface, the Valley of the Dark Lords became the ultimate resting place for Darth Bane, the Sith Lord responsible for establishing the Rule of Two. During the time of the Clone Wars, Yoda embarked on a journey to this deserted planet as a component of his quest to uncover the secrets of achieving eternal consciousness.

Moraband, marked by red sands and towering mountains, was left empty after widespread destruction during countless wars. The Valley of the Dark Lords was located on the surface; a wasteland containing the tombs of ancient Dark Lords of the Sith, including Darth Bane, among others.

Around the year 5000 BBY, a member of the Jedi Order who had gone rogue established the Sith, a group of practitioners of the dark side, taking their name from a species with red skin. Following their defeat and subsequent exile from known space, the Sith embarked on a lengthy and challenging search across the galaxy to locate a new homeworld, eventually discovering a star system populated by dark side worshippers who hailed them as gods and appointed them as their leaders. While they also established settlements on other planets within the system, such as Ziost, the Sith chose the planet formerly called Korriban, later renamed Moraband, as the site for their mausoleums, designating it as their primary spiritual haven and the center of their dark powers. As noted by the Jedi author Kli the Elder in the Rammahgon, the planet once featured a flourishing habitat, similar to Ixigul (or Exegol), Ziost, and Asog; however, these worlds fell under the Sith's control, and Korriban became a deserted wasteland following their numerous wars. Despite this decline, the Sith never forgot its existence.
The planet became a revered location for Sith ceremonial practices. The burial ceremony for a Dark Lord of the Sith involved hundreds of Sith warriors carrying the deceased master's body. The corpse, along with valuable artifacts, was placed within the tomb, accompanied by an escort of slaves to assist the deceased in their journey to the spirit realm. The Sith then departed from the planet until the next burial. Darth Bane, the originator of the Rule of Two a millennium before the rise of the Galactic Empire, was the last Dark Lord to be interred in Moraband's Valley of the Dark Lords. Meanwhile, the world faded into legend for the broader galaxy, much like Dromund Kaas.

During the Clone Wars, the Force Priestesses dispatched Yoda to Moraband as part of his journey to unveil the secrets of eternal consciousness. Upon arrival, he encountered several Sith spirits, including Darth Bane's. As he proceeded into the Valley of the Dark Lords, he experienced visions generated by Darth Sidious, the current Dark Lord of the Sith, who attempted to corrupt Yoda in order to secure victory in the Clone Wars. This scheme failed, and Yoda departed Moraband.
Before and after the Proclamation of the New Order, Sidious visited the planet to gain knowledge from the spirits of the Dark Lords of the Sith. During one of his initial trips to Moraband, Sidious discovered and absconded with a massive Sith holocron, which he subsequently concealed in his secret base within the Grand Republic Medical Facility. During subsequent visits to Moraband, Sidious witnessed visions of Sith Masters battling Sith apprentices. After the end of the Galactic Civil War, Luke Skywalker journeyed to Moraband to investigate aspects of the Force.

During the First Order-Resistance War, Sidious referenced Moraband while documenting Sith history in his book, The Secrets of the Sith. He claimed to have heard his predecessors summoning him from Moraband while on Exegol in the Unknown Regions, offering him their dark secrets. Once the Sith Eternal's fleet, the Final Order, had reclaimed Moraband, Sidious intended to respond. However, Sidious was soon killed along with the Sith fleet during the Battle of Exegol. Historian Beaumont Kin discovered references to Moraband during the Exegol Excavation Project, verifying the world's existence and dispelling its status as a mere myth.
The Valley of the Dark Lords on Moraband housed numerous monuments that served as crypts for deceased Dark Lords of the Sith. The largest monument in the valley contained the tomb of Darth Bane, the founder of the Rule of Two.

The Sith temple was the largest monument within the Valley of the Dark Lords, a corridor of ancient monuments that served as crypts for the Dark Lords of the Sith. It housed the tomb of Darth Bane, the Sith Lord who established the Rule of Two, and a massive execution chamber used by the ancient Sith to sacrifice Jedi prisoners. Another Sith temple on Moraband housed the Sword of Khashyun. This temple was heavily guarded with booby traps, giant sentries, and Sith hounds that protected the temple and the sword.

Moraband's origins are found within the Star Wars Legends continuity, where it received its initial mention, albeit indirectly, in the first edition of the comic miniseries Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - Dark Lords of the Sith, authored by Tom Veitch and Kevin J. Anderson, and released by Dark Horse Comics on October 1, 1994. Its formal debut occurred in the subsequent issue, penned by Veitch and Anderson, illustrated by Chris Gossett, and published by Dark Horse on November 1 of the same year. Anderson is credited with coining the planet's original name, "Korriban."
Within the current Star Wars canon continuity, Moraband was first referenced in "Destiny," an episode from the sixth season of the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and made its inaugural appearance in the following episode, "Sacrifice." During the episode's development, the established name "Korriban" was initially used. However, Star Wars creator George Lucas favored the name "Moraband," leading to the planet's renaming to align with his preference. The name "Korriban" was later reintroduced into canon as Moraband's ancient name in "Gaze of Stone," a short story by George Mann, featured in the 2019 short story collection Myths & Fables.