The comic book, Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith 2: The Quest for the Sith, represents the second installment in the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi – Dark Lords of the Sith comic series. Dark Horse Comics released it to the public on November 1, 1994.
Cay Qel-Droma and Tott Doneeta are awaiting the arrival of a Jedi archaeologist on Onderon; this occurs one month following the commencement of the Krath uprising within the Empress Teta system. The purpose of his visit is to examine and gather Sith relics discovered amongst the ruins of King Ommin's Lair. Exar Kun is revealed to be the archaeologist, and upon arrival, he immediately requests access to the artifacts. When he encounters opposition, he voices his grievances to Master Arca, who discerns his deception. Kun then promptly departs for Iziz.
In the meantime, within the Empress Teta system, the Krath, under the leadership of Satal and Aleema, are swiftly taking control of all seven planets of the system. Aleema employs her dark side abilities to manipulate the perceptions of their adversaries, facilitating the conquest of six of the system's planets. Koros Major stands as the sole planet resisting the Krath's advances. From an orbital command station, the cousins are directing the assault on Koros Major.
A joint Galactic Republic and Jedi peacekeeping force, headed by Ulic Qel-Droma and Nomi Sunrider, arrives to provide assistance to Koros Major's resistance against the Krath. Aleema employs Sith magic to summon mythical space entities referred to as space grazers. However, Nomi is able to penetrate the illusions using the Force, and she employs battle meditation to effectively guide the Republic and Jedi fleet.
On Onderon, two Naddists, named Nebo and Rask, deliver a speech in which they extol Freedon Nadd, King Ommin, and Queen Amanoa, while simultaneously denouncing the Jedi Order. This incites anger within the crowd, leading them to pelt the two men with stones. However, Exar Kun, brandishing a lightsaber, intervenes and escorts the two men away. The two Naddists then consent to guide Kun to the tomb of Freedon Nadd, located on the moon of Dxun.
After slaying a beast native to Onderon, Exar Kun proceeds to enter the tomb, which is constructed from Mandalorian iron. After using his lightsaber to breach the tomb's defenses, he discovers the sarcophagi containing the remains of King Ommin, Queen Amanoa, and Freedon Nadd. The spectral form of Nadd materializes and directs Kun to a collection of scrolls penned by the Dark Lord who was his Master. He is instructed to journey to the world detailed within the scrolls.
Upon exiting the tomb, Kun is confronted by Nebo and Rask, who demand that he relinquish the scrolls to them. Succumbing to the influence of the dark side, Kun uses Force lightning to strike them down. Despite being disturbed by the dark side, Kun is determined to uncover the secrets contained within the Sith scroll.
Returning to the Empress Teta system, the combined Republic and Jedi fleet launches a bombardment on the Krath command shuttle, having deduced that the space grazers were illusions created by the dark side. As a countermeasure, Satal unleashes a squadron of Chaos fighters to engage the Republic and Jedi forces. Nomi Sunrider employs the Force to probe Aleema's mind, assailing her with mental attacks.
Despite the dissipation of the illusions, Satal had strategically integrated several Chaos fighters amongst Aleema's illusions, which then initiated suicide attacks on the Republic vessels. Ulic sustains injuries from flying shrapnel when a Chaos fighter collides with the bridge of the Republic flagship, the Reliance. While Captain Vanicus issues an order for retreat, Nomi provides care to the injured Ulic.
Concurrently, Exar Kun is in the process of translating the Sith scrolls with the aid of an electronic translator aboard his ship, Starstorm One. The scrolls reveal that following the Dark Jedi's domination over the Sith, they threatened to subvert the existence of the Republic. Facing extermination, the Sith dispersed from one system to another until they eventually arrived at Korriban. Armed with this knowledge, Kun sets a course for Korriban.
Hugh Fleming, the artist responsible for the cover, drew inspiration from a battle scene featured in the film Henry V to establish the overall atmosphere of the cover.