Arca Jeth

Once a male Arkanian Jedi Master with Sephi blood, Arca Jeth served the Galactic Republic as the Jedi Order's Watchman for the Onderon worlds. Widely respected due to his skill with a lightsaber and command of the Force, Jeth was considered among the most powerful and wise Jedi of his time, and his Arkanian race hailed him as a champion. Primarily based on his homeworld of Arkania, Jeth instructed many notable Jedi of the era in the Force's ways.

In the year 4030 BBY, Jeth joined a Jedi and Republic task force dispatched to the Hapes Cluster with the goal to eliminate the Lorell Raiders, a pirate group that had been attacking Republic shipping for decades. Following this, Jeth was selected to lead two dozen Jedi Knights against the Nelori Marauders, whose acts of terror and piracy stretched across the Hyabb-Twith Corridor. Jeth employed Jedi battle meditation, a rare Force ability that boosted his allies while demoralizing his foes, to defeat the Marauders. He once again demonstrated his abilities by ending the Great Droid Revolution on Coruscant using "mechu macture," a Force-based technique to incapacitate droids. Soon after, Jeth disrupted the slavery operations in the space-city of Ereesus, freeing the Twi'lek Doneeta family, whose young son Tott was discovered to have a strong connection to the Force and became Jeth's apprentice. The Jedi Master then went back to his praxeum on Arkania, where he trained Doneeta along with others, including the brothers Cay and Ulic Qel-Droma, the latter of whom Jeth considered his most talented student.

In 4000 BBY, the Arkanian Jedi dispatched Doneeta and the Qel-Droma brothers to resolve a dispute on the planet Onderon between the citizens of Iziz, the capital city, and the exiled Beast Riders living in the planet's wilderness. When his students failed and the final battle of the Beast Wars broke out, Jeth arrived on Onderon to defeat the Sith armies of Queen Amanoa, also banishing the power of the dark side from Iziz. For the next two years, he and his students stayed on the Inner Rim world, during which time Amanoa's widower, the sorcerer-King Ommin, launched an uprising in the name of his Sith forefather, Freedon Nadd. Jeth was captured and tortured by Ommin and the spirit of Nadd, but a team of Jedi Knights, led by Ulic Qel-Droma and the gifted young Nomi Sunrider, ultimately rescued him.

Despite the Jedi's success in permanently removing the dark side from Onderon, the Sith's influence persisted through the Krath cult in the Empress Teta system. Taking responsibility for the besieged Tetan worlds, Master Jeth dispatched Qel-Droma and Sunrider to join the Republic Navy in the battle against the Sith. However, their forces suffered a significant defeat due to the sorcery of the Krath, prompting the Jedi Assembly to convene a mass-gathering on Deneba to address the growing threat of the dark side. Jeth attended the Jedi conclave, advocating for swift action against the new Sith, but strongly opposed Ulic Qel-Droma's proposed infiltration mission. During a break in the convocation, an army of Krath war droids attacked the Jedi, and Master Jeth joined the battle. He was struck by a fatal blaster wound and passed away in the arms of his most promising student, fueling Ulic's desire for vengeance and ultimately leading him to the dark side.


Knight of the Republic

Jedi Knight Arca Jeth

As an Arkanian male with Sephi [blood](/article/blood-legends] hailing from Arkania, his homeworld, Arca Jeth served the Jedi Order with distinction. His talent with the Force and dedication to the Galactic Republic led to a quick rise within the Jedi's ranks. Jeth was among the Knights of the Republic dispatched to defend the Hapes Cluster from the Lorell Raiders, pirates who had discovered safe routes through the Transitory Mists to attack Republic shipping lanes. In 4030 BBY, a Republic task force under Jeth's command, positioned outside the Mists, destroyed a significant Raider force, crippling them beyond recovery. Seizing their newfound freedom, the women of the Hapes Cluster, previously enslaved by the male Raiders, established a new matriarchal society, ruled by an all-powerful Queen Mother.

Jeth then took part in a series of intense battles between Jedi Knights and the Nelori Marauders of Dachat. After several defeats, the enemy retreated from their home to the Hyabb-Twith Corridor, due to the local government's reluctance to provoke each other by patrolling disputed shipping lanes. The Marauders launched numerous attacks from the Corridor, growing bolder with each raid and penetrating deeper into the Core. The rising number of Republic citizen deaths concerned the Jedi, leading to a meeting on Ossus, the library world, where the decision was made to confront the Marauders. Jeth was among two dozen Knights immediately sent from Ossus to pursue the pirates, encountering and chasing several of their starships through the Hyabb-Twith Corridor to their headquarters on Voon. The Nelori stronghold sustained severe damage, and most of its occupants were killed. However, the besieged Nelori managed to call for reinforcements from nearby Marauder bases. The Jedi suffered heavy losses upon their arrival, with only Jeth and four others surviving from the initial twenty-four. Forced to request assistance themselves, the remaining Jedi endured for forty-eight hours before thirty Knights arrived to support them.

Since the initial attack, the Marauders had gathered from across the Corridor, establishing a final stronghold on Voon. The Jedi converged on the Nelori stronghold, only to find it seemingly deserted. Suspicious of the enemy's absence, the Jedi wondered how they had escaped unnoticed. Jeth used the Force and sensed a mass of tangled life beneath the Nelori stronghold, unlike anything he had ever felt. Jeth cautioned his fellow Jedi, and together they descended into the subterranean caverns beneath Voon's surface. They cautiously entered a crudely cut corridor leading to a cavernous antechamber, which opened into an adjacent chamber where Jeth once again felt a dark coldness. Suddenly, the antechamber erupted with blaster fire as over two hundred Nelori Marauders attacked the enclosed Jedi, killing four immediately. With the other Knights following, Jeth tried to halt the Marauder's advance, forming a defensive perimeter around their fallen comrades. The Jedi defense was no match for the Marauder's ferocity, and their numbers dwindled. Meanwhile, Jeth realized that his own attacks were becoming fiercer, fueled by uncontrolled emotions, used to counter the enemy's assault. Adjusting his focus, Jeth began to concentrate on an image of victory, surrendering to the will of the Force. Unexpectedly, the tide of battle turned in favor of the invigorated Jedi, while the demoralized Marauders were thrown into disarray. Jeth's sudden use of battle meditation resulted in a swift Nelori rout and defeat, eliminating their threat from the Hyabb-Twith Corridor and the Core.

Jedi Master

New responsibilities

In 4015 BBY, the prototype HK-series assassin droid, HK-01, led a violent insurrection on Coruscant, the Republic capital, in which thousands of automatons revolted against their sentient owners. In the following weeks, countless citizens fell victim to rogue droid models, from sanitation to security and even protocol droids. However, the reckless abandon of the assassin and especially lethal Juggernaut war droids required the intervention of the Jedi Order's greatest Masters, including Jeth. He disabled HK-01's entire droid army using the Force during the capital's defense, and the destruction of the lead hunter-killer ended the Great Droid Revolution.

Arca Jeth defends his decision not to knight Haazen.

Jeth continued his service to the Jedi Order and the Republic in the years following the droid revolt on Coruscant. As the Masters of the Order began to foresee the return of the Dark Lords of the legendary Sith Empire, Jedi were dispatched to various sites throughout the galaxy that were once concentrated places of dark side power. Jeth returned to Arkania, his homeworld, a planet with a long history as a repository of ancient Sith knowledge. He established a Jedi praxeum in the wilderness, far from the remote diamond mines scattered across the planet, and trained up to twenty students at a time. Jeth's students learned meditation, Force powers, and lightsaber combat drills mimicking the lightning-fast strikes of the Arkanian dragon. While his students trained, Jeth continued to survey the planet, searching for any trace of the dark side.

During that time, the public often viewed the Jedi Order as an elitist fraternity, an opinion frowned upon by Noab Hulis, a Miraluka Jedi Master and acquaintance of Jeth. In an experiment, Hulis arranged for Jeth to train Barrison Draay, a wealthy financier, and his lowly retainer, Haazen. Jeth also agreed to train Hulis's daughter, Krynda, the third of Hulis's daughters to become a Jedi. After some time, the Jedi Council deemed Draay and Krynda Hulis ready to complete their training, but Haazen was considered deficient. A Knighting ceremony was held at the Arkanian praxeum, where Jeth, Noab Hulis, and other Jedi bestowed rank upon the successful apprentices. They openly rejected Haazen's promotion, with Jeth rebuking him for failing to embrace the Jedi way and denying him any chance of reconsideration. While Draay and Hulis married and became great Jedi, Haazen's rejection eventually led him to fall to the dark side of the Force.

On one offworld mission, Jeth intercepted a vessel bound for the slave markets on the space city of Ereesus. He defeated the slavers and freed the captives, including the Twi'lek Doneeta family. Impressed by Jeth's power, their Force-sensitive son Tott wished to train as a Jedi, and Jeth agreed. He returned to Arkania with the boy and trained him alongside other students, including Ulic and Cay Qel-Droma, two brothers sent from Alderaan by their mother, Lien-Tsai Qel-Droma, a friend of Jeth's and a renowned Master. The Twi'lek became close friends with her sons: the brave yet headstrong Ulic, and the mechanically-minded Cay. Not long after, Master Jeth was severely burned in a fire. Arkanian doctors healed many of his injuries and repaired deformities, but Jeth's pointed ears—a prominent Sephi trait—were not restored. Because he was seen as a Jedi champion among the Arkanian people, surgeons did not reconstruct his ears, instead shaping them to resemble those of pure-blood Arkanians. The prominent Adasca family of Arkania also altered all known holos of Jeth to reflect his current appearance. Around this time, he loaned his holocron to Thon of Ambria, a fellow Jedi Master, to assist in the training of his latest apprentice, a young Human woman named Nomi Sunrider.

Galactic turmoil

Arca Jeth at the time of the Beast Wars

In 4000 BBY, Republic explorers discovered Onderon, an underdeveloped Inner Rim world previously unknown to galactic astrographers. Following the Jedi Order's mandate to connect with new civilizations for the Republic, Jeth was assigned as Watchman of the Onderon worlds and agreed to assist Queen Amanoa in ending centuries of civil war. At the end of a training session where Ulic Qel-Droma demonstrated his lightsaber skills against a training droid, Jeth summoned him, his brother, and Tott Doneeta, to explain Onderon's history through a realistic Force illusion. He explained that the planet was inhabited by two distinct societies: the established society within the walled city of Iziz, ruled by Amanoa, and the Beast Riders, descendants of exiles who refused to accept her sovereignty and rode the planet's ferocious creatures. Although Jeth was given Watchman duties, he instead sent his three apprentices in what would be a test of their Knighthood to bring the conflict on Onderon to a peaceful resolution.

Doneeta and the Qel-Droma brothers arrived at Iziz and discovered that its citizens were influenced by the dark side spirit of the ancient Sith Lord Freedon Nadd. The Jedi found themselves in the middle of a conflict when Amanoa declared war on the Beast Riders. The Queen used Sith magic learned from Nadd's ghost to wreak havoc on her enemies, nearing victory. However, Jeth, sensing his charges' failure from afar, arrived on Onderon in his personal ship, the SunGem, and demoralized Amanoa's forces with his Jedi battle meditation, strengthening the Beast Riders' resolve. In the aftermath, Ulic Qel-Droma was sternly rebuked for hasty decisions that caused unnecessary bloodshed, and Cay was criticized for carelessly losing his arm to a Royal Protector of the queen. Jeth was determined to break Freedon Nadd's influence over Iziz, which had oppressed the Onderonian monarchy for centuries. With the help of Amanoa's daughter, Princess Galia, Jeth located the queen in the tomb of Freedon Nadd and cast the Dark Lord's power from the city, resulting in Amanoa's death. He later oversaw the consecration under Republic law of the union of Queen Galia and Oron Kira, the Beast Riders' leader, and their official assumption of planetary sovereignty.

Galia was granted official dominion over Onderon with her husband, King and Beast-Lord Oron Kira, and enjoyed two years of relative peace as their societies attempted to integrate and rebuild. Jeth remained on Onderon with his apprentices during this time, but occasional acts of terrorism led him to believe that Freedon Nadd's residual power still overshadowed Iziz, and that wielders of Sith magic continued to practice in secret. To lift the dark side's influence, Jeth ordered the relocation of both Amanoa and Nadd's sarcophagi to the far side of Dxun, Onderon's primary moon, in a tomb-fortress made of nearly indestructible Mandalorian iron. Beast Rider patrols were also tasked with monitoring the catacombs beneath Iziz. Jeth then sent Doneeta to Ambria to request reinforcements from Jedi Master Thon. After completing his mission, Doneeta returned with the Vultan Jedi Oss Wilum, just as the funeral procession of Amanoa and her Sith forefather began, led by Jeth. The solemnity was interrupted by Beast Rider Commander Gobee, who alerted Jeth to a fast-approaching legion of darksiders discovered during his subterranean reconnaissance. An enormous tunneling war machine burst forth to assail the procession, from which emerged a massive ironclad Dark Jedi at the head of a host of Naddist soldiers.

Arca Jeth recovers from an unexpected Force attack.

Jeth was immediately struck by a potent Force attack originating from a concealed and unidentified enemy, and Doneeta and Ulic Qel-Droma felt obliged to defend him while the other Jedi joined Oron Kira and the Beast Riders present in combat against the Naddist military. As Jeth started to recuperate, he discerned that the Dark Jedi's strategies, particularly those of one named Warb Null, were a feint; as Null occupied Cay and Wilum, and with Ulic and Doneeta focused on Jeth's protection, the dark side soldiers seized both sarcophagi and loaded them onto their subterranean vehicle. With their objective achieved, Null broke off from the confrontation to rejoin the Naddists in their underground retreat. The attack on Jeth affirmed his belief that Sith magic still exerted a detrimental influence over the city, which needed to be eradicated without delay.

Subsequently, Queen Galia proposed that the Jedi seek out her presumed deceased father, King Ommin, whom Galia disclosed was an even more formidable Sith sorcerer than her deceased mother. Wilum, Doneeta, and Cay Qel-Droma remained above ground with Oron Kira to safeguard the palace, while Jeth and Ulic accompanied Galia into the tunnel constructed by the Naddist war machine. They soon gained entry to Ommin's subterranean hideout, where he was confined to an essential mechanical life-sustaining device. Jeth instantly detected the overwhelming dark-side presence surrounding the king and demanded that he relinquish control of the stolen sarcophagi. Initially, Ommin feigned ignorance, but he soon revealed that the very essence of Freedon Nadd had been summoned from the depths of Chaos for his advantage. At that instant, the specter of the Dark Lord materialized, and Jeth inferred that Nadd was the source of the sorcery that persisted in plaguing the planet. Ommin, no longer the invalid he had pretended to be, confirmed the Jedi Master's suspicion, rising to overwhelm Jeth with dark side energies provided by Nadd's ghost. Warb Null and the Naddist army were also present, tasked with confronting Qel-Droma and Galia while Ommin and Nadd took the unconscious Arkanian deeper into the king's lair, intending to subject him to such intense suffering as to compel him into their service. Qel-Droma engaged Null in a duel, killing him in an attempt to rescue his Master, but was ultimately forced to flee with the queen rather than confront the multitude of Naddist warriors separating him from the departed king.

Jeth was suspended on a wall and endured weeks of torture inflicted by King Ommin and the spirit of Freedon Nadd, overwhelmed by the crushing power of the dark side. Meanwhile, Ulic Qel-Droma and Galia discovered that Iziz had been retaken by the Naddists, and the Jedi sent a request for reinforcements to the Galactic Senate. Accompanying the full force of the Republic Navy that arrived were five Jedi Knights: Qrrrl Toq, Shoaneb Culu, Kith Kark, and Humans Dace Diath and Nomi Sunrider, the latter of whom utilized her innate skill with battle meditation to rapidly shift the momentum of battle in their favor. Two unexpected visitors named Aleema and Satal Keto had also journeyed to Onderon, originating indirectly from the Empress Teta system and seeking King Ommin's Sith knowledge. Their initiation involved a visit with the humbled Jeth, whom Ommin described as delusional and undergoing transformation into an agent of the Sith. However, Jeth remained resolute, alerting King Ommin to prepare for the arrival of Jedi rescuers; a team of Knights soon stormed Ommin's stronghold, where all the king's present Dark Jedi and war droids were slain, and Jeth was liberated. Nadd's spirit then appeared, condemning his failed servant Ommin to the Jedi's mercy. Jeth, the newly restored leader, confronted and banished the Dark Lord's ghost from Onderon forever. Following the battle, the planet was placed under martial law, and Jeth, accompanied by his Jedi Knights, the king, and the queen, traveled to Dxun for the entombment ceremony of the final remnants of a long-standing Sith dynasty, which commenced on the grounds of the new mausoleum. Furthermore, Jeth documented the events of and surrounding the Freedon Nadd Uprising within the depths of the Great Jedi holocron.

Arca Jeth and his tame drexl

The Jedi and Republic forces went back to Onderon and continued to help the natives in rebuilding a working society under new, fair leadership. Jeth and his students had a short break on Onderon, during which they learned how to fly the drexl mounts of the Beast Riders, gathered and listed all the Sith items taken from the Naddists, and set up a permanent Jedi base to fight any new dark side threats on the planet. The Jedi didn't know it at first, but the spirit of Freedon Nadd spoke to Aleema and Satal Keto when they visited the planet and offered to teach them about Sith magic. After getting power from months of Sith lessons, the Ketos made the Krath cult of sorcerers and put themselves in charge of the Empress Teta system. From there, they planned to scare the galaxy once they had control of their own system.

News of the Krath's evil deeds got to Jeth. As the Jedi Assembly's chosen warrior because he knew a lot about dark side dangers, he took on the job of watching over the Tetan worlds that were under attack. He called all the Knights to him and gave them new jobs. Dace Diath, Qrrrl Toq, Oss Wilum, and Shoaneb Culu had to hurry to Ossus to tell them what happened on Onderon. Tott Doneeta and Cay Qel-Droma had to stay on the Inner Rim world and keep the peace while they watched the Jedi outpost being finished. After learning about Jedi battle meditation, Nomi Sunrider had to go with Ulic Qel-Droma right away as the Jedi representatives of the Republic's war effort against the Krath.

A month went by after Sunrider and Qel-Droma left. During that time, Arca Jeth and the other Knights kept working on Onderon. The Jedi Master learned through the Force that someone named Exar Kun would be coming soon. This person had a dangerous wish to learn things that were not allowed and would lie to get them. Before he left to do something, Jeth told Tott Doneeta and Cay Qel-Droma very clearly not to help Kun or give him any information at all. He came back later on a huge drexl that he had tamed using the Force. Kun greeted him, but Jeth would not let him see any of Nadd's Sith items, even though Kun said he was from the Academy of Jedi Archaeology. Even though he would not help Kun, Jeth did not stop him from trying, which led the Jedi Knight to Iziz. Jeth was worried about other things. The Republic was going to be in the Tetan system soon, and Jeth was worried about the people he had sent to join them. The Jedi were actually beaten in battle for the main world of Empress Teta because of the Sith magic that the Krath used against them. The Jedi Assembly was worried about how fast the dark side was spreading across the galaxy. Because they had been beaten, they called all the Jedi to a war meeting on the planet Deneba.

Arca Jeth becomes one with the Force.

The Jedi from Onderon met up again with their tired friends on Deneba. As they went to the amphitheater in a mountain called Meru, Jeth and Thon said they were worried about their good friend and fellow Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas because of his troublemaking student, Exar Kun. Baas had not arrived yet, so they started without him. Odan-Urr, the president of the Jedi Assembly, began the meeting. Jeth was one of the people who wanted to take military action against the Krath quickly. Instead of keeping the darkness in one place like Thon had done on Ambria, Jeth thought that a united force of light-side power would beat the Krath.

Ulic Qel-Droma, who had led the failed attack on Empress Teta, suggested a plan to sneak into the Krath and learn about the dark side so they could use it against them. Jeth and almost everyone else there did not like Qel-Droma's idea. The Arkanian Jedi Master was getting ready to talk to everyone, but at that moment, he felt the sadness of Exar Kun through the Force because Kun had started to use the dark side of the Force. They also saw the Krath's plans when life pods suddenly fell on Deneba. From these pods came an army of war droids that attacked the Jedi who were gathered there. The servant droids that were already on the planet were reprogrammed by the Krath and joined in the attack on the Jedi. Jeth was surrounded by the enemy, but he destroyed many of the robots using the power of the Force alone. He also saved Ulic Qel-Droma from one of them. However, he was distracted for a moment and was fatally shot from behind by one of the droids, which his former student then destroyed. Arca Jeth died in Qel-Droma's arms and became one with the Force, leaving behind only his Jedi robes and lightsaber.


Ulic Qel-Droma felt very sad and guilty after his Master died. He collected Jeth's Jedi clothes to keep with him forever as something special. The death of such a great Jedi Master shocked many of his friends. This tragedy made Qel-Droma decide to do the secret mission that he had been talking about, even though his late mentor had advised against it. His actions did not go well. Qel-Droma fell to the dark side and became the warlord of the Krath. Soon after, he became the student of Exar Kun, who had gained great power as the Dark Lord of the Sith because he had gone into the darkness. Together, they fought the Great Sith War against the Jedi and Republic. During this war, another of Jeth's students, Cay Qel-Droma, died at the hands of his own brother. However, the older Qel-Droma eventually gave up his loyalty to the Sith and helped his former allies in the final defeat of Exar Kun. Kun was forever trapped in his temple using the wall of light technique that Jeth had suggested during the Conclave on Deneba. Qel-Droma eventually started his own journey to make up for his mistakes ten years later. He honored his dead Master with an ice sculpture on the frozen world of Rhen Var, which he made using his lightsaber. He then promised to get his life back on track after Jeth's spirit visited him and encouraged him to do so.

Arca Jeth in spirit form

Not long after the Great Sith War, Antos Wyrick, a Zeltron scientist who had gotten a sample of Arca Jeth's DNA, started doing experiments on unborn babies. He wanted to use their cells and the cells of the dead Jedi Master to genetically create Force sensitivity. Wyrick was not successful because none of the babies showed any ability with the Force. This ruined his plan to create an army of Mandalorian Knights that his people were going to use to get revenge for their loss against the Jedi Order during the Great Sith War. Some of the "descendants" of Arca Jeth were the Arkanian Offshoot Jarael and Wyrick's white-haired daughter, Chantique.

Another of Jeth's students, the seer Krynda Draay, was always sad after Barrison was killed in the Exar Kun War. She decided to watch out for the dark side through a secret group of Jedi that was supposed to look for any sign of the Sith coming back. Jeth's failed student Haazen, who was one of the founders of the Covenant, made the group's mission flawed. Haazen was also a Sith in disguise and had planned the near destruction of the Jedi Order from the inside.

After Ossus was destroyed by the explosion of the Cron Cluster, the Jedi Temple on Coruscant started to become the headquarters of the Order. Along its Processional Way as of 3956 BBY, a huge bronzium statue of Arca Jeth was built next to statues of fellow Masters Ooroo and Odan-Urr. The Jedi told stories about Arca Jeth's bravery and how he died, but people with other beliefs did not pay much attention. A university on Arkania was also renamed to honor him. The Arkanian people saw him as a hero of their race, and the university was still around during the Cold War between the Republic and the Sith Empire that had come back. Jeth's holocron was eventually buried on Arkania and lost until Jedi Master, historian, and archaeologist Tionne found it thousands of years later for the New Jedi Order.

The gatekeepers of the Noetikon of Science

Arca Jeth created the Noetikon of Science, which was one of three devices that almost listed all of the Jedi Archives. Tharis Orne, another Jedi Master, designed it. A part of Jeth's personality was included in holographic form along with Masters Vandar Tokare and Orne. The three of them showed the "Jedi spirit of scientific inquiry." During the Cold War, people asked for the wisdom of the Masters of all three Noetikons, including Jeth, to save the life of Jedi Master Yuon Par.

Personality and traits

Jeth with "Sephi" ears

Arca Jeth was an old man from Arkania. He had white hair, white eyes with no pupils, four-fingered hands with claws, and pale skin that was wrinkled from age. Before he was hurt by fire, Jeth had the pointed ears of the Sephi, but they were later changed to look like the ears of pure Arkanians. He wore a special version of the traditional Jedi clothes: a long, loose robe that was mustard-colored with brown shoulder pads and a chain connecting them. Underneath, he wore a full-length tunic that was a darker color and held in place with a large belt. He also wore a hooded blouse with a thick neck that was almost the same color as his robe.

Jeth tried to be peaceful and believed that everything was in the Force. He was a very wise and insightful man who seemed calm, even when things were difficult. People thought of him as a perfect Jedi of the Old Republic. He was very good at diplomacy and solved many problems, but he would also fight when he needed to. However, he preferred not to be aggressive and often told his students how important that was. Jeth believed that anyone who was talented enough could become a Jedi, but he was not sure about teaching Barrison Draay because he thought he was too old and weak to handle the tough training. However, when Draay finished his training, Jeth said that he was happy to have been proven wrong.

Haazen, whom he had accepted to show that he was fair, did not prove to be good enough in Jeth's opinion. This was not because of Haazen's social status, as the student believed, but because he did not have enough talent or character. Jeth often told Ulic Qel-Droma that he was too confident, which could be dangerous even for experienced warriors. He reminded all of his students that their strength came from the Force. He was friends with many of his fellow Jedi Masters, including Noab Hulis, Ood Bnar, Thon, Lien-Tsai Qel-Droma, and Vodo-Siosk Baas. However, his essence in the Noetikon of Science often argued with Master Vandar Tokare, which annoyed their partner, Tharis Orne. Jeth's service to the galaxy and the Jedi Order was honored in many ways, from monuments to universities being renamed after him. His teachings were also passed down through generations using holocrons.

Powers and abilities

Arca Jeth dispels the darkness of Freedon Nadd's sarcophagus.

Jeth was a Jedi Guardian and a great swordsman. He became famous for the first time during the Hyabb-Twith Campaign, where he used his green lightsaber. Even though he always had his weapon with him, Jeth did not use it much in his later years. It was during the Hyabb-Twith affair that Jeth first showed how good he was at battle meditation. He was not the first to have this ability, but he was one of the few Jedi who truly mastered it. Jeth could inspire entire armies to win, even when they were about to lose. He was also known for being able to disable droids using the Force. Because he was strong in the light side, he also had many other abilities: focused resolve augmentation; realistic Force illusions; telekinetic skills; the transference of Force power; Force sight, stealth and healing; farsight, telepathy, and the ability to control beasts; the ability to remove or contain dark side power, and to even cut off someone's connection to the Force.

Jeth knew a lot about galactic lore, alien species, and languages. He spoke Arkanian, Basic, and the old High Galactic language. He also knew a lot about the history and ways of the Sith and was proud of being able to recognize the dark side more clearly as he got older. Once he realized that Freedon Nadd's spirit was causing evil in Iziz, he tried to remove the Dark Lord's remains and cleanse the city. However, he only managed to drive the darkness away from Amanoa at first. Even with help from other Jedi, Jeth could not reverse the planet's dark-side infusion. He admitted that he was no match for King Ommin, who had been revitalized by Nadd's spirit and had incredible power that Jeth had never seen before. He also could not drive the darkness away from his homeworld, even though he tried many times.

Behind the scenes

Arca Jeth with his apprentice, Ulic Qel-Droma

The character "Master Arca" was created by Tom Veitch for the 1993 release of Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi – Ulic Qel-Droma and the Beast Wars of Onderon. This was the first story arc of the Tales of the Jedi comic book series. In the following year, Jeth was an important character in Veitch's Freedon Nadd Uprising. In this story, Jeth was drawn by Tony Akins instead of Chris Gossett, who first drew the character in Ulic Qel-Droma and the Beast Wars of Onderon. Jeth then appeared in the first, second and third issues of the Dark Lords of the Sith, which were written by Veitch and another Star Wars writer, Kevin J. Anderson, and drawn by Chris Gossett again. Jeth was a main character in both Tales of the Jedi audio dramas, where he was voiced by Larry Keith in the first and Jim Ward in the second. Before that, the character did not have a last name. It was revealed as "Jeth" in the 1996 release of the Tales of the Jedi Companion, which was a sourcebook for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game published by West End Games. He was the first Tales of the Jedi character created by Tom Veitch, who worked closely with Chris Gossett to draw a good death scene for the character in Descent to the Dark Side.

Jeth as depicted in Star Wars: The Old Republic

Jeth's presence was felt throughout Kevin J. Anderson's subsequent comic book series, The Sith War. In the concluding issue, Dark Lord, the author mistakenly identifies Thon as Jeth, the Master of Ulic Qel-Droma. Within the last story arc of Tales of the Jedi, Redemption, Jeth made an appearance as a Force ghost in the second issue, and also as an ice sculpture in both the fourth and fifth issues. Acknowledgment of him also occurs in various comic issues of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic meta-series; specifically, in Vindication, Part 2, a caption erroneously spells his first name as "Arka." This same misspelling is also found in the Vindication trade paper back. In addition, Jeth is briefly mentioned in Paul S. Kemp's Deceived novel, Michael Reaves's Coruscant Nights I: Jedi Twilight, and both the comic and audio drama versions of Star Wars: Empire's End.

The Tales of the Jedi Companion states on page nineteen that "two dozen Jedi warriors" were initially sent to confront the Nelori threat. However, in the same paragraph's conclusion, it incorrectly claims "Only five of the twelve Jedi survived the encounter". Furthermore, the Jedi Academy Training Manual incorrectly credits Arca Jeth as the originator of large-scale battle meditation. In The Freedon Nadd Uprising (illustrated by Tony Akins and Denis Rodier) and Redemption 2: The Search for Peace (illustrated by Chris Gossett), Jeth is depicted with a five-fingered hand, which is inconsistent with his other comic appearances and the established characteristics of baseline Arkanians in The Essential Guide to Alien Species, which accurately portrays the Jedi Master with two four-fingered hands. Beyond his inclusion in numerous source and reference books, Jeth is briefly acknowledged in multiple editions of The Official Star Wars Fact File, and he is also mentioned in the Databank entries for both the Jedi Order and Ulic Qel-Droma. He also has entries in both the original Star Wars Encyclopedia and its updated version. For the 2011 video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, Arca Jeth is portrayed with a human appearance, including five-fingered hands and pupils. His hair is short, his eyes are blue, and his accent differs significantly from his original voice acting in the Tales of the Jedi audio dramas.

