Royal Protector

Royal Protectors, sometimes referred to as Royal Guards, were members of the Naddist dark side army with the specific task of safeguarding the monarchy and their kin on the planet of Onderon. These Royal Protectors were actually dark side adepts who enhanced their power by channeling the strength of the deceased Sith Lord Freedon Nadd.

In 4000 BBY, Queen Amanoa of Iziz utilized the Protectors to defend herself and her daughter against the Beast Riders, who had launched an assault against the Royal Palace in Iziz. While they tried to fulfill their duty, they were overcome by the Beast Warrior Commandos, who then kidnapped Amanoa's daughter, Princess Galia.

Following the Battle of Iziz, after Amanoa's death, the Royal Protectors were once more put into service. This time, her husband, King Ommin, employed them as sentinels for his clandestine underground fortress beneath Iziz Palace. These guards were also defeated by the Jedi when they invaded Ommin's secret base to free the captured Jedi Master Arca Jeth.

