Tionne Solusar

title: Tionne Solusar

Tionne Solusar, a Jedi Master, hailed from the planet Rindao and was a female of Near-Human descent. As a dedicated scholar of Jedi history, Tionne holds the distinction of being among the initial students of Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order, bearing almost sole responsibility for the recovery of the Old Jedi Order's forgotten knowledge. She played a role in numerous critical events that confronted the order, notably the Yuuzhan Vong War, and often served as a guardian for the younger generation of Jedi Knights.

In time, Tionne discovered love with Kam Solusar, another student under Luke Skywalker's tutelage, eventually leading to their marriage. Upon achieving the rank of Jedi Master, Tionne held positions on both the Masters' Council and its successor, the more structured Jedi High Council. Furthermore, Master Solusar, alongside her husband, took on the role of head of the Ossus Jedi Academy.


Early life

Tionne's upbringing was steeped in the Jedi lore shared by her grandmother. Tragically, Imperial stormtroopers later executed Tionne's grandmother for disseminating these Jedi tales. Tionne then fled Rindao, carrying her grandmother's double viol with her. To earn a living, she performed music in cantinas, where she would solicit patrons for any information they possessed about the Jedi Order.

Jedi Knight

While present at a spaceport located on Ord Mantell, Tionne received information concerning the whereabouts of the ancient Jedi city known as Exis Station. Unable to compensate her informant, she instructed him to share the information with Luke Skywalker, who was in the process of re-establishing the Jedi Order and would be willing to provide payment for the knowledge.

Subsequently, Skywalker encountered Tionne at Exis Station, and together they escaped the collapsing station. Luke recognized that Tionne's connection to the Force was not particularly strong, yet she still possessed some potential. Consequently, he extended an invitation for her to join his nascent Jedi academy on Yavin 4.

Despite her limited powers, Tionne dedicated herself to her training and ultimately achieved the rank of Jedi Knight. She invested nearly a year in the search for the spiral mist-horn and crystal-pearl that she used to construct her lightsaber.

Within the Jedi Praxeum, Tionne's designated role was that of Jedi historian, frequently imparting stories of ancient Jedi to the trainees through song, accompanying herself on her grandmother's viol. She composed several original ballads, including the Ballad of Master Vodo-Siosk Baas, the Ballad of the Jedi Mechanic, and the Ballad of Nomi Sunrider.

Tionne gathered many Force-artifacts on her travels.

Beyond her teaching responsibilities at the academy, Tionne embarked on research expeditions every few months, seeking any knowledge she could uncover regarding the history of the Jedi. She often returned with stories, songs, Twi'lek story-chains, tapestries, and various other artifacts. Tionne's approach differed from that of other Jedi, some of whom resorted to stealing artifacts, asserting the Order's rightful claim to any discoveries. This behavior tarnished the Order's reputation within archaeological circles, as evidenced by the skepticism exhibited by Dr. Anki Pace and her team on Bimmiel. Tionne, however, never embraced this arrogant stance. Indeed, one of her most prized acquisitions was Arca Jeth's holocron, a gift presented by archaeologists on Arkania.

Tionne's expertise extended to Sith artifacts as well. She conducted research on the Leviathan located on Corbos to assist the Jedi mission there, and subsequently investigated the Hssiss on Vjun.

During Captain Gilad Pellaeon's assault on the Yavin Academy, Tionne provided crucial support in the fighting by informing the other Jedi about the number and class of enemy capital ships. Additionally, she monitored the Academy's communication stations and was the first to detect the Imperial jamming. Tionne also aided Luke by using the Force to propel a tree into an Imperial Flying Fortress, resulting in its destruction.

During the New Jedi Order's conflict with the Cult of Ragnos, Tionne contributed her knowledge of Sith lore to the research efforts concerning the Scepter of Ragnos. She later assisted her fellow Jedi in tracking the movements of Tavion Axmis.

In 14 ABY, during the Disciples of Ragnos crisis, Tionne, along with Streen, was dispatched to investigate locations from which the Disciples may have been drawing Force energy.

Tionne discovered, through a holocron, the existence of a hidden planet named Yalara. She learned that the ancient Jedi Master Broden Kel Verdox had installed a cloaking device to conceal the planet from civilization, due to the indigenous population's lack of preparedness for contact with the wider galaxy. Jaden Korr, an apprentice of Kyle Katarn, utilized this information to sabotage Imperial activities on Yalara.

As the intensity of the Galactic Civil War diminished in its later stages, Tionne also oversaw the newly restored Jedi Archives on Coruscant. There, she compiled a historical account of the Rebel Alliance for the records and researched the relatively obscure history of the Renegade Squadron.

Jedi teacher

In 22 ABY, Tionne acquired a Jemlaat-class yacht from a Randoni trader during one of her frequent research trips to Borgo Prime, essentially in exchange for a song about the first Randoni merchants and the locations where they concealed their treasures. She named the yacht Lore Seeker and designated it as her personal transport. She frequently brought young Jedi trainees along on these trips, using the opportunity to provide them with practical experience.

Tionne plays a ballad to some of the early Jedi students

Later that year, Tionne discovered that Darth Vader had retrieved Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber following their duel on the First Death Star in 0 BBY and had kept the captured artifact at Bast Castle on Vjun. Since an information broker had sold her this information, she rightly feared that treasure hunters would try to snatch the lightsaber first and quickly alerted Luke. Thinking it was just a simple trip and time for training, Tionne allowed Human Jedi trainees Anakin Solo, Tahiri Veila, Uldir Lochett and the ancient Kushiban Jedi Master Ikrit to accompany her to Vjun on the Lore Seeker.

Upon arriving on Vjun, they noticed another vessel and worried that another group had arrived first. After surviving Bast Castle's automated defenses, they located the lightsaber within a protected alcove. Unfortunately, a group of mercenaries and pirates, led by a cloaked figure named Orloc, arrived. Orloc claimed to be a mage with great powers, and his henchmen managed to steal Kenobi's lightsaber.

In response, the Jedi pursued Orloc and his henchmen in a chase through Bast Castle. During a confrontation, Orloc easily defeated Ikrit in lightsaber combat, as the Kushiban lacked a lightsaber. He also deceived Uldir by promising to train him in all the Force skills he desired. However, the other Jedi managed to rescue Uldir and escape Bast Castle, taking with them Kenobi's lightsaber and the holocron of the ancient Jedi Master Asli Krimsan.

Tionne playing one of her musical instruments.

Upon returning to the Academy, Tionne began researching the holocron. Unfortunately for Uldir, he became obsessed with Orloc's words during their encounter. Since no one at the Academy had been able to awaken his powers, Uldir stole the two Jedi artifacts, along with Ikrit's personal transport Sunrider, and set out to find Orloc, believing he could help him. He located Orloc at Exis Station, who then recruited the young man and promised to train him as a Jedi. In reality, Orloc possessed no Force powers and used technology to create illusions of Force abilities. However, Uldir remained unaware of this deception.

Later, Tionne, Anakin, Tahiri, and Ikrit discovered Exis Station and confronted Orloc. During the battle, Tionne sustained injuries inflicted by Orloc. However, Ikrit, wielding Kenobi's lightsaber, joined the fight. To Orloc's detriment, Uldir realized he had been deceived and assisted his Jedi comrades in defeating Orloc. Following this, the Jedi departed Exis Station with the two Jedi artifacts, having eliminated a threat to the New Jedi Order.

During her time on Yavin 4, Tionne found love with another of Luke Skywalker's students, Kam Solusar. The two were married in 18 ABY.

Yuuzhan Vong War

Tionne during the Yuuzhan Vong War.

During the invasion by the Yuuzhan Vong, Tionne and Kam were responsible for the safety of the younglings when the Academy on Yavin 4 was attacked by the Peace Brigade in 26 ABY, initially placing the younglings aboard the Errant Venture, and subsequently relocating them to the Maw Installation. Tionne and Kam also explored the Deep Core in search of locations for a Jedi base, eventually discovering what would become Eclipse.

Tionne lived through the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, attained the rank of Jedi Master, and became a member of the New Jedi Order Masters' Council.

Second Galactic Civil War

During the Second Galactic Civil War, Kam and Tionne served as caretakers of the Academy on Ossus. Following the murder of Mara Jade Skywalker, Tionne authored and published a comprehensive tome about the history of the Force and the Jedi Order, hoping that her students would study and benefit from the information it contained. It was eventually recovered by Ellu Viss 90 years later. Jacen Solo, who had by this time assumed the Sith title of Darth Caedus and seized control of the Galactic Alliance, dispatched members of the Galactic Alliance Guard ostensibly to protect the Academy from terrorists but in reality to keep the Jedi in check by threatening the Padawan learners.

Jaina Solo, Zekk, and Jagged Fel were pursuing the insane Twi'lek Jedi, Alema Rar, who had journeyed to Ossus when they discovered that the Academy was under the control of the GAG. Zekk was instructed to remain with the ships while Jaina and Jag attempted to understand the situation, but they were captured and imprisoned.

The GAG received orders to eliminate all the Jedi, which they attempted to carry out first by using coma gas on the sleeping Jedi and then shooting them as they slept. Fortunately, Jaina's danger sense alerted her to the attempted massacre, and she managed to escape, warning her fellow Jedi of the trap. A battle erupted between the GAG and the unarmed Jedi, resulting in the deaths of nearly all the Padawans in combat, reminiscent of the raid on the Jedi Temple during Darth Vader's assault nearly sixty years prior.

While the Jedi attempted to clear out the Academy, Tionne confronted a GAG major named Salle Serpa in an effort to protect captured Jedi students. However, he surprised her and proceeded to shoot off her limbs with his blaster in order to provoke the Jedi into emerging from hiding. Many Jedi, including Kam, emerged from hiding in an attempt to save Tionne, but their attempts were futile as they were shot by snipers before they could reach her. By the time Jaina Solo managed to eliminate all the snipers and arrive, the major had already blasted away Tionne's arm and leg. To further incite Jaina, the major shortened the remainder of Tionne's arm. The Jedi managed to retake the Academy, and she and her husband survived their injuries and later had prosthetic limbs replace those they had lost. Their injuries healed so well that it was nearly impossible to tell that they had suffered serious wounds, and they continued to serve as Masters on the Jedi Council.

Behind the scenes

Tionne's precise species remains unclear, as conflicting information exists across various sources. Initially described as humanoid rather than Human in the Junior Jedi Knights series, she was later referred to as alien in the novel Young Jedi Knights: Jedi Under Siege. In Young Jedi Knights: Jedi Bounty, Tionne undertakes a mission to gather information about the activities of the anti-Human Diversity Alliance because she is "not entirely human." Furthermore, her entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia identifies her as near-Human. Despite these suggestions that Tionne is at least partially non-Human, several other sources and appearances simply list her species as Human.

