
Kushibans were sentient lagomorphs, beings with rabbit-like features, distinguished by their large ears and bodies covered in mood fur, as well as being sentient. When at peace, their mood fur presented a white color, but it had the unique ability to shift to various colors depending on the Kushiban's emotional state.

Biology and appearance

Kushibans, recognized as members of a sentient alien species, possessed four limbs and a lagomorphic form. Their typical body length ranged from half a meter to a full meter, as seen in the case of the Kushiban Jedi Master Ikrit. While physically weaker compared to many humanoid species, their diminutive size made them challenging targets. Furthermore, they exhibited agility, speed, and stealth when necessary.

A Kushiban's head was prominently featured by two large, soft ears, which they could consciously raise or lower to express their emotions. When disappointed or fatigued, the ears would droop, but they would perk up again if the Kushiban regained interest or focused their attention. The ears would sway when a Kushiban nodded and fall flat when they were asleep.

The Kushiban face, with its somewhat ape-like features, included a small, sharp snout. However, the most striking feature was their large, innocent-looking, round eyes, with eyelids that protruded several centimeters. Kushibans were known to wink and observe others intently while silently awaiting their turn to speak. Jedi Master Ikrit's eye color could even change to mirror the eye color of the person he was observing or transform into a swirling pattern when he wasn't focused on anyone. Ikrit's eyes were typically bright, except towards the end of his life, and Human Jedi Tionne Solusar perceived curiosity and intelligence within them.

A Kushiban's body, including its soft tail, was covered in surprisingly soft, yet straight and fluffy, fur. In a state of rest, the fur was a pristine white. However, this wasn't a fixed characteristic; Kushibans could consciously alter their fur color to mimic their surroundings, such as the golden-brown of rocks for camouflage, or to reflect their mood, turning pitch black when mourning or desperate, or gray when upset. Consequently, their fur was known as "mood fur." Those familiar with this color-changing ability could gain insight into a Kushiban's true feelings.

Kushiban fur could be styled into curls, and individual Kushibans typically groomed their fur daily. If their fur became soiled, they could shake off dust or mud; otherwise, it would become matted and unclean.

Although Kushibans were quadrupeds, they could use their forepaws as manipulative hands, enabling them to open doors, hold objects, or beat their chests while standing on their hind legs. While capable of walking on two legs, they were faster on all fours, which was their preferred mode of locomotion. Kushibans could also leap to considerable heights, reaching the shoulder of an eleven-year-old human, the top of an R2 unit, or a window frame. They were also adept at climbing steep walls or even the bodies of friendly humanoids.

Kushibans possessed the ability to speak both Galactic Basic Standard and other languages. When speaking Basic, Kushiban Jedi Master Ikrit's voice was raspy, deep, and scratchy, with a familiar quality. At other times, his vocalizations ranged from purrs to growls to roars, and he had a distinctive wheezing laugh.

Kushibans reached adolescence at the age of six and were considered adults at thirteen. Around sixty years old, they began to experience the initial effects of aging, which became more pronounced at eighty-five. Their life expectancy typically reached one hundred and ten years, although some lived longer.

Kushibans were herbivores who consumed their food raw, but they were also known to bite when attacking.

Some Kushibans were Force-sensitive and joined the Jedi Order, as exemplified by Ikrit. Ikrit was an exceptional Kushiban, a telepath capable of hibernating for centuries and communicating with R2 units without nearby humans overhearing.

Due to their furry appearance and certain behavioral traits, many species considered Kushibans to be cute. Tahiri Veila, an eleven-year-old Human, initially found Ikrit cute before realizing he was sentient. Many people described the Kushiban K'Mi as cute, a label that K'Mi found irritating.

Society and culture

Jedi Master Ikrit was a Kushiban.

The Kushiban civilization saw themselves as simple, having cultivated a sophisticated and tranquil society that existed in harmony with their environment on Kushibah, a non-industrialized, verdant planet located in the Gordian Reach of the Outer Rim.

The Kushibans shared their world with non-sentient predators known as Xinkras or Xinkra-beasts, creatures with claws, fangs, and a size of three meters. These Xinkras preyed on the Kushibans, who had learned to defend themselves with fire. The pyrophobic Xinkras were also vulnerable to sharp weapons and Jedi mind tricks.

Kushibans lived in family groups, similar to human families, in communal areas of weavers and farmers. Kushiban farmers cultivated silkweed, which, when combined with their own brushed fur, was woven into clothing and tapestries. Kushiban fabric was renowned throughout the galaxy, fostering a local textile industry and various traditions. The silkweed harvest was a significant event on Kushibah. Due to their involvement in textile production, Kushibans used tools like rakes, scythes, spindles, and torches, but otherwise had little interest in galactic technology. They had minimal need for tools, as they didn't hunt or cook their food and used caves and hollow trees for shelter. Kushibah's lack of technology made it economically insignificant to the galactic community.

Kushibans were generally kind and generous, with a playful sense of humor and a fondness for practical jokes. They had traditional proverbs, such as the saying that the path to success is often long. However, when betrayed or angered, they could be cruel or vindictive, and they had little tolerance for bullies, simpletons, and misanthropes.

It was uncommon for a Kushiban to leave Kushibah; those who did were typically scholars, scouts, or members of the Jedi Order. While some joined the Jedi, the Kushiban community generally found the idea of a Kushiban Jedi, or its necessity, to be humorous. Kushibans rarely spoke Galactic Basic Standard, preferring their own Kushiban language. Those who ventured off-world accumulated credits, and the planet itself maintained a "pool of credits" for the species' use.

Due to their fur, short stature, and long ears, other species often mistook Kushibans for pets or vermin. By appearing helpless and cute, a Kushiban could even deceive the Jedi community into believing they were someone's pet rather than an intelligent being.

Kushibans had one-word names, such as Asani, Cerlyk, Etyk, Mabbik, Pritsi, Sibble, Tieko, Widdimur, and Mirax, the last of which was also a common name for female Humans, as in the case of Mirax Terrik Horn from Corellia.


The planet Kushibah became integrated into the broader galactic society sometime between 3000 and 1000 BBY, during the era of the Galactic Republic. Kushibah was identified as the Kushiban homeworld. It was rare for a Jedi Master to visit Kushiban villages in search of potential students, but it happened at least once in the last millennium of the Republic when Master Yoda visited, an event that Ikrit considered an honor. Yoda took Ikrit as his apprentice, despite the Kushibans' amusement and jokes. Ikrit later returned to Kushibah as a Jedi student and protected his community from the Xinkras.

In the years leading up to the Clone Wars, the Kushiban species was known in the outer galaxy. During an interview hosted by Yara Grugara, the Jedi called Rune insulted his colleague Nute by calling him a "Kushiban-loving freak." However, in 22 BBY, the species was so rarely seen that the Kushiban K'Mi was displayed in an illegal zoo alongside other exotic species. Before the First Battle of Geonosis, Ikrit was featured among the Jedi promoted by Biscuit Baron, showcasing several Jedi Masters and other Republic heroes.

During the Clone Wars, Kushibah was located in territory controlled by the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Much later, during the conflict with the Diversity Alliance (23-24 ABY), several Kushibans were killed alongside Bith, Ithorians, Rodians, Sullustans, and Ugnaughts. Raabakyysh, the Wookiee, believed that Kushibans were people just like Humans and deserved the right to live.

Kushibans in the galaxy

Ikrit was a Kushiban Jedi Master who became famous during the time of the Galactic Republic. He spent four centuries hibernating in the Palace of the Woolamander on Yavin 4, guarding the Golden Globe while awaiting more prepared Jedi who could shatter the Globe and liberate the trapped souls within. His hibernation allowed him to avoid the Great Jedi Purge. During the era of the New Republic, Ikrit awoke and collaborated with Junior Jedi Knights Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila to complete the Golden Globe quest. Ikrit later mentored Solo and Veila as their Master and worked alongside them and other Jedi against threats like Orloc, until he heroically sacrificed his life during the war against the Yuuzhan Vong.

The Kushiban K'Mi was captured, enslaved, and regularly abused by the Chevin criminal Phylus Mon. Mon surgically implanted a bomb near K'Mi's heart to prevent escape and displayed K'Mi in an illegal zoo aboard his starship, Animiasma. K'Mi, dissatisfied with his situation, was willing to cooperate with anyone to escape.

Behind the scenes

The Kushibans were first introduced in the novel Junior Jedi Knights: The Golden Globe by Nancy Richardson. The Golden Globe was the first of six novels in the Star Wars: Junior Jedi Knights series, all of which featured Ikrit the Kushiban as a prominent character.

In the "Dramatis Personae" section of The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory I: Conquest, Kushibans are incorrectly identified as an unidentified species.

