The Palace of the Woolamander, also known as Woolamander Palace, was an age-old Massassi temple situated in the Val'Arnos Jungle of Yavin 4, specifically to the southeast of the Great Temple.
The Dark Lord Exar Kun commanded Massassi slaves to construct the Palace of the Woolamander in 3997 BBY. Kun sought additional Sith structures to amplify his power. Within a secured chamber, he also housed the Golden Globe, a spherical device containing the souls of Massassi children.
During the final centuries of the Galactic Republic, the Kushiban Jedi Master named Ikrit journeyed to the Palace, where he came across the Golden Globe. Realizing his inability to liberate the imprisoned souls, he entered a Force trance, awaiting the arrival of individuals capable of breaking the curse.

By the time the Galactic Civil War erupted, it had deteriorated into a crumbling ruin. The Sullustan naturalist, Dr'uun Unnh, stumbled upon it. He decided to name the temple after a pack of woolamanders he discovered within its confines during his exploration. These creatures greeted his arrival with a piercing, howling alarm, driving him away by bombarding him. Consequently, D'ruun Unnh concluded that the palace held minimal significance, especially considering its dilapidated state.
In 1 ABY, a year following the Battle of Yavin, reports surfaced indicating that members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, or at least individuals associated with the group, were occasionally operating from the palace's ruins. It served as one of the few Rebel bases on the moon, given that the Rebels had been driven out by the Empire. This is why it was singled out as one of three possible locations of a prisoner transfer log that Colonel Darkstone dispatched an Imperial unit to retrieve in an attempt to rescue Doctor Bledsoe, the others being the Mokk Stronghold on Dantooine and the Droid Engineer cave on Lok.
In 5 ABY, Yavin IV briefly became the headquarters of the New Republic, and the palace temporarily housed the Senate Planetary Intelligence Network, a clandestine New Republic organization under the leadership of Mon Mothma.
In 22 ABY, Jedi trainees Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila stumbled upon the Palace of the Woolamander while exploring the jungle surrounding the Jedi Praxeum. They found the Golden Globe and Ikrit, though they were initially unable to break the curse. Later, during a visit to nearby Yavin 8, the two Jedi discovered ancient carvings within a deep cave revealing its origins. However, before they could do this, the pair had to undergo a test in the deserts of Tatooine. Having survived, Anakin and Tahiri returned to the Palace of the Woolamander and broke the curse, freeing countless trapped Massassi.
During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Jedi students sought refuge in a cave beneath the Palace of the Woolamander during the Peace Brigade attack on the Jedi Praxeum.