Mokk Stronghold

The Mokk Stronghold was a protected settlement of the Dantari people. It was situated in the Mosa Rishin region of Dantooine, a planet during the time of the Galactic Civil War. The Mokk tribe's chieftain, along with numerous other tribal members, made their home within its walls.


Two Mokk warriors at the stronghold

During the Galactic Civil War period, the Rebel Alliance had several interactions with the Mokk people, which likely included access to their stronghold. In the year 1 ABY, the Galactic Empire suspected the Mokk Stronghold as the place where the Rebels were plotting to kidnap Doctor Bledsoe, an Imperial scientist. Because of this, it was considered one of three possible places where a prison transfer log could be located. Colonel Darkstone sent an Imperial unit to find the log in order to rescue the doctor. The other two locations were the Palace of the Woolamander on Yavin 4 and the Droid Engineer cave on Lok.

In that same year, Daiv Dekven, a Rebel scout, charged a spacer with the task of investigating the stronghold. Later on, a spacer journeyed to the stronghold and acquired an eventide smasher.

Behind the scenes

The Mokk Stronghold appeared as a location in Star Wars Galaxies, a 2003 video game that was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. It was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its shutdown on December 15, 2011.

